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Septic tank is the underground, onsite, small scale sewage treatment setup,
which collects the sewage for the decomposition activity by bacterial action. Sewage is a
collection of waste water from domestic purposes or commercial purposes or industrial purposes.
When we mention the domestic purpose sewage it refers to the human body wastes such as urine,
faeces and wastes from bathroom/washroom/kitchen.


As septic tank is a basic sedimentation tank, it is in a rectangular or cylindrical shape with
minimum of two chambers. The first chamber should be at least half of the total length – in case
of more than two chambers and a length of 2/3 of the total length should be considered, when
there is only two chambers exist.

A pipe connected with a tank or cistern or a reservoir, that fills it, it is known as Inlet pipes.

​A pipe connected with a tank or a cistern or a reservoir, emptying it, is known as Outlet pipe.


Baffle is present in a septic tank to prevent the spread and flow of sewage within
the tank. Commonly a septic tank possesses two baffles attached with the inlet and outlets of the
septic tank. The inlet and outlet “T” or baffle of a septic tank helps to achieve a good sewage
treatment. The inlet baffle helps the incoming sewage to reach the septic tank without disturbing
the first layer or formed crust. The outlet baffle helps in the additional treatment of effluent or
grey water before reaching the soakage pit. The baffles can be made of reinforced concrete and
nowadays the PVC “T” sockets are widely used. When installing baffles, the outlet baffle should
be placed lower than inlet baffle as to stop passing of large particles with grey water or effluent
to the soakage pit.

The process within the septic tank is a chemical reaction. That

chemical reaction produces toxic and non toxic gases which result harmful effects as well as bad
odour. The bacteria and micro – organism helps to digest the collected sludge anaerobically will
produce heat and gasses like Hydrogen, Sulphide, Ammonia, Methane, Carbon mono oxide,
Sulphur-dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gasses should be removed from the septic tank as to
reduce damages caused by pressure in the tank. To solve these all a vent pipe is necessary on a
septic tank otherwise the odour will reach you back..! The vent pipe from septic tank is attached
to the vent pipe line of house which located at the roof top. Due to the low pressure within the
pipe line the odour will escape from septic tank to the roof top.


The top of the septic tank is covered with a RCC slab of thickness of 75-100mm depending upon
the size of the tank. Circular manholes of 500mm clear diameter are provided for inspection and

Purposes of design and construction of septic tank are as follows​:

➽ To receive waste water from home.

➽ To seperate solids from the liquid.

➽ To seperate solids from solids.

➽ To provide limited digestion of organic matter.

➽ To store solids.

➽ To keep our environment neat and clean.

➽ To allow the carified liquid to discharge for future treatment..

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