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Be AAS ema ely A HOUSING TREND FOR THE EIGHTIES SSN SUPERINSULATION A HOUSING TREND FOR THE 1980's Soaring prices for fuel oil, natural gas and electricity challenge us to build homes that use as little fuel as possible. Superinsulation is one promising response to that challenge. WHAT IS SUPERINSULATION? A superinsulated house is simply a house well-built for cold climates. It incorporates massive amounts of insulation, tight construction and other energy-conserving features to minimize heat loss Three heat sources keep the house warm: 1) Standard size south-facing windows collect solar energy. Minimizing the number of windows facing east, west, and especially north, limits heat loss. 2) More heat is contributed by the water heater, the stove, the clothes dryer, light bulbs, other appliances, and even the body heat of residents. In a conventional house these ‘‘internal gain" heat sources are usually insignificant. But with tight, heavily insulated construction, they make a substantial contribution 3) On the coldest days, when there is no sunshine and little activity in the house, a very small conventionally fueled heating system is used to keep the house comfortable. As a result, heat bills for a superinsulated house are quite low--less than $100 per year and a smaller, less expensive heating system can be installed. The savings more than pay for the extra insulation and tight construction ‘© 1980 by the National Center for Appropriate Technology. Principal funding for the National Center for Appropriate Technology is pro- vided by the US. Community Services Administration INTERNAL GAINS (Appliances, lights, ‘even Body heat.) A superinsulated house may still cost five to ten percent more than a comparable house insulated to conventional standards (see Figure 1). But the yearly fuel savings will increase steadily as fuel prices continue to rise, and eventually pay back the extra initial investment ae ‘SPENT SAVED “Those costs (in 1979 doliais) ate for siustraron purposes oniy ard are based con the came aseurrpions that were used | in the annual energy periormance | ccompanson'ot NCAT ® sapermsuted louse design and a “sate ofthe att residoniarsiucture (see Figure ©) FIGURE 1: The Extra Cost of Superinsulation @ SOLAR GAINS (A few well-placed (Much emalier windows) than normal) BACKUP HEATING SYSTEM coMFoRT (With total cost for space heat less than $100/yr') WHY SUPERINSULATION? The concept of superinsulation evolved in the 1970's as a foster child of solar energy development Engineers and architects realized early in the decade that solar energy could contribute significantly to residential heating. But they also recognized that | a solar healing system on a house | without thorough insulation was costly and inefficient-hence the advice, “weatherize before you solarize.” It became clear that a balanced combination of eneray-conserving and solar heating features is critical @ For example, certain passive-solar heating designs~like large south-facing windows that provide heat directly-can reduce fuel bills, But the size and cost of such a solar system depends greatly on the amount of insulation in the house. More insulation and tighter construction mean fewer south-facing windows (less solar energy) are needed to keep the house warm. Past, present and future insulation || levels for residential buildings in cold climates R38 P19 | Double or Triple | Quadruple Pane Pane |, 1960's 1980 1997 (NOTE: Rae iste term used ta cetne araten's | Soi fo atop heat trom passing thug the higher the imimBer, the gteter the Resistance 0.728033) A GOOD DESIGN AND CAREFUL CONSTRUCTION ARE ESSENTIAL Careful attention to details is crucial to the success of a superinsulated house. Its energy-conserving performance depends on exact construction. There are three key design elements that distinguish a superinsulated house: 1) high levels of insulation; 2) a continuous vapor barrier -- to ensure that the entire “envelope” is airtight; and 3) an air-to-air heat exchanger--lo keep indoor air fresh without losing heat. HOW MUCH INSULATION IS ENOUGH? A superinsulation system demands both quantity of insulation and quality of workmanship. insulation is increased to a point beyond conventional practice and careful installation is essential. To be effective, the entire “envelope” of the house--the ceiling, walls, windows, and foundation- must receive thorough attention to minimize heat loss. The local climate and cost of fuel dictate the specific level of insulation for each component. A. CEILINGS An attic normally provides enough room to install adequate insulation (R-40 to R-60) In some cases, special root framing details at the eaves may be required to permit the full thickness of insulation to exend over the outside wall. Also, proper attic ventilation must be provided. B. WALLS Walls that accommodate high levels of insulation (R-30 to A-50) depart trom standard design. There are two basic options: a double-stud wall (Figure 2A) or a single-stud wall with exterior insulation (Figure 2B) | INTERIOR, 28" EXTERIOR FRAMING, ve"pLywooD sone | | 3" BATT FIBERGLASS T= NSULATION <4" GYPSUM BOARD ‘VAPOR BARRIER | 514" earr FiBeRGLass; : INSULATION 1 | | exrenion EDGE OF FOUNDATION. ‘A. Double-stud Wall 08 | [| Interior “4” EXTERIOR INSULATION AND. TROWELED FINISH ve" WATERPROOF ‘G¥psum Boma 54" BATT FIBERGLASS INSULATION A" GYPSUM BOARD 2X6 FRAMING ‘VAPOR BARRIER | EXTERIOR EDGE OF FOUNDATION. B. Single-stud Wall with Exterior Insulation System FIGURE 2: Superinsulated Wall Options Both wall options cost nearly the same: in part, the builder's experience dictates which is preferable, Two-by-six stud framing is becoming standard on new a homes; although exterior insulation is a relatively new concept, it does not require special framing techniques (see resource list for suppliers), Double-stud wall consiruction, on the other hand, is not common and some builders may hesitate to do it until it is more widely practiced One disadvantage of the double-stud wall is that it reduces space in the house. The exterior insulation system, on the other hand, places the extra thickness outside the foundation. Both options reduce heat loss through the studs which have a lower insulating value than insulation materials (see Figure 3), One disadvantage of exterior insulation is that siding options are limited; double-stud framing does not restrict the choice of siding. cae { OUTSIDE | INSIDE | CONVENTIONAL (2x4) STUD WALL Continuous Heat Paths Through Studs DOUBLE-STUD WALL No Continuous Heat Paths Through Studs CONVENTIONAL, gx) sTuD WALL ITH RIGID EXTERIOR INSULATION No Continuous Heat Paths Through Studs EXTERIOR EDGE OF FOUNDATION. FIGURE &: Heal Loss through Studs C. WINDOWS As heat loss through the rest of the house is minimized with thick insulation, it becomes obvious that the windows need special attention. Thermally, windows behave like holes in walls. Double glazing (less than R-2) is an enormous heat loser when compared to adjacent walls. Even triple glazing (less than R-3) seems hardly adequate. Consequently, many designers are considering triple glazing with night shutters to bring window insulation levels more in line with the rest of the superinsulated house. In response, industry is developing an ever-increasing number of thermal treatments for windows. D. FOUNDATIONS. With the ceiling, walls, and even the windows given the superinsulation treatment, it is obvious that heat loss through the floor must be minimized to complete the building “envelope”, There are three basic ways in which any house typically “meets the ground’’: 1) slab-on- grade; 2) perimeter foundation with craw! space: and 3) a full basement. ‘A 1064 ft superinsulated house in Butte, Montana is similar to the NCAT design. Notice how the roof overhangs shade the south-facing windows in the summer to prevent overheating. Builder Brian Curran chose single-stud framing with exterior insulation to obtain R-40 in the walls. The modular house requires only 12 feet of electric baseboard Once again, the local climate is an important variable in determining the proper amount of insulation for each floor type. Both heating and cooling requirements of the house must be considered. Likewise, the cooling effect of direct house-to-earth contact enters into the decision. For example, in northern climates with very cold winters but only mitd summers, it may be unnecessary to couple the building with the earth for cooling. Thus, it may be appropriate to install 7-20 to A-30 insulation under the entire floor. On the other hand, in areas with cold winters and hot summers, cooling requirements can be substantial. In such cases, perimeter insulation of R-20 to R-30 with no floor insulation may be appropriate, thus reducing winter heat loss yet maintaining house-to-earth contact for summer cooling Heat loss through the floor of a superinsulated house is site-specific. Research is required to determine the proper insulation treatment for each particular case A VAPOR BARRIER TO STOP AIR LEAKS AND MOISTURE A tight vapor barrier is vital in a superinsulated house. Essentially, the entire living space is wrapped in a plastic bag to stop air leaks and keep valuable heat inside. The vapor barrier also controls condensation by keeping water vapor out of the walls. Six-mil (.006") thick polyehtylene is commonly used, it is placed on the warm side of ail exterior surfaces. Without a vapor barrier, warm moist house air seeps into the cooler parts of the walis. As this moisture (vapor) cools, it can condense to water which can cause rotting and degrade insulation. A properly constructed vapor barrier eliminates every spot where cold air leaks in and warm air leaks out. All seams of the barrier are overlapped and sealed with a non-hardening caulk or mastic. Any holes required for electrical wiring, pipes and fixtures also are sealed carefully. The use of recessed lighting fixtures that penetrate the barrier on the ceiling is eliminated. AN AIR-TO-AIR HEAT EXCHANGER TO KEEP AIR FRESH An airtight vapor barrier greatly reduces the flow of air in and out of the house, but in turn could present a new problem: stale air. In a conventional house with normal air leakage, all the air in the house is replaced by outside air every two hours. In a superinsulated house, the air is replaced only once every twenty hours by natural ventilation. Of course, an open window could provide fresh air -- but an open window wastes energy. Thus, an air-to-air heat exchanger with fans is used to ventilate the home when necessary. Air-to-air heat exchangers pull stale air from the house and replace it with fresh air from the outside, using the stale warm air to preheat the fresh cold air(see Figure 4), A number of manufacturers supply ready- built units and other groups offer plans for building one on-site (see resource list). ES S ‘COLD FRESH OUTSIDE AIR FIGURE 4: Air- to-air Heat Exchanger THE HEATING SYSTEM CAN BE SMALLER A conventionally fueled backup heating system is needed in a superinsulated house. But the house demands so little heat that this system can be sized much smaller than one for a conventional house. This down-sizing of the heating system helps offset the cost of extra insulation and tight construction In choosing a heating system there are several things to consider. The basic options are either a combustion furnace using gas, oil or wood: or an all-electric system. In choosing any combustion system, the airtight nature of a superinsulated house must be considered carefully. Ina conventional house with normal air leakage, air for furnace combustion is drawn from within the living space and replaced with outside air. Also, the high air exchange rate allows combustion by- products that sometimes leak from a faulty flue to escape But in a superinsulated house with few ir leaks, drawing air from the living space is unacceptable because it degrades the performance of the air-to-air heat exchanger. Furthermore, noxious fumes from a leaky flue can bulld up in the living space to a dangerous level. Therefore, if a combustion system is used, special precautions are necessary to prevent potentially hazardous conditions. The combustion and draft air systems must be totally isolated from the living space. Unheated outside air must be ducted directly to the furnace to prevent the depletion of oxygen in the house. Extra care must be used when installing the flue to prevent dangerous indoor pollution Also, in the case of gas furnaces, a spark ignition system should be installed to eliminate the gas-wasting pilot light ‘At the present time, the biggest difficulty facing builders who prefer oil or natural gas is sizing: Most manufacturers simply don’t offer furnaces that are small enough Experience indicates that a furnace rated at 10,000-20,000 Bu/hour is adequate for a typically-sized superinsulated house, even in the cold regions of the U.S. But the smallest furnaces available are rated at 40,000-60,000 Btu/hour. Hopefully, manufacturers will respond to the growing market for small, safe, efficient units To avoid these difficulties, many designers are installing electric heat. Electric baseboard units, electric radiant ceiling heat, and even small electric furnaces (with distribution ductwork) have been used successfully in superinsulated houses. On the other hand, electricity is expensive in many regions of the U.S. Thus, the choice between combustion and electric heat is a tradeoff between initial capital investment, local {uel costs and safety DEMONSTRATIONS SHOW HEATING BILLS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Demonstration projects in the United States and Canada show that superinsulated houses are one of the most practical ways to reduce heating fuel consumption in northern climates. In the cold prairies of western Canada, the Province of Saskatchewan monitored a superinsulated house and found /t cost fess than $100 per year to heat. Since then, 100 similar houses have been built in the region. Many other groups and individuals have designed, constructed and monitored superinsulated houses in the northern U.S., and have reported similar results: space heating bills less than $100 per year. ‘At NCAT, researchers designed a low: cost superinsulated nouse and used a computer simulation model, called SUNCAT, to analyze the structure's energy use over a full year. The data on the superinsulated house was compared with energy data for a house of similar size, insulated to conventional standards. AS expected, the superinsulation model is the most energy-efficient, (see Figure 5). The practice of superinsulation is spreading rapidly, nat because it's new and different, and certainly not because it's glamorouus and attractive, bul because it works -- saving homeowners both energy and money. ASSUMPTIONS USED FOR SUNCAT COMPUTER SIMULATIONS BASE HOUSE NcaT Floor Avea (ft) ingulation Wall insulation Foor insulation’ Glazing: Area (percent of wall area) infiltration Rate ANNUAL SPACE HEATING LOAD (Million Btu's) ESTIMATED ANNUAL SPACE HEATING COST Electric! Natural Gas* MAXIMUM HEATING RATE (Btu/Hour) FIGURE 5: Energy Performance Comparisons MILLION BTU ‘SUPERINSULATED MONTHLY SPACE HEATING LOAD from SUNCAT V2. 6 J oLA SON D MONTH NOTE. SUNCA oan be used as a dosan oo fo analyze Ine ffoct ot ceo | charges on ate Spy reese ‘space heen ana cooing) For the comperat ve ‘isan cf supernauatn teal weathar Goa ‘rom Gast Pats Mi as eu m SUNCAT computer ‘smuitions pede anv! eneray usage. "Gorrent rates t 100 pareant efficiency ard 8473 BIUW "Current rales at 70 percent eticiency and £00 Blue. RESOURCE LIST Reference to a company or product name does not imply approval of recommendation of the product by the National Center for Appropriate Technology to the exclusion of others that may be suitable A. Groups/individuals in the Field National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) P.O. Box 3838, Bulte, Montana 9701 Contact: Robert Corbett, Wally Hansen NCAT has designed a low-cost superinsulated house. Plans and specifications for thal design will be available in the Fall of 1980. Write to NCAT's Buliding Technology Section for more information ‘Small Homes Council Building Research Counoll University of illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL 61801 The first group to thoroughly research superinsulated houses, the Small Homes Council designed their 'Lo-Cal House” in 1976. Their report, Technical Note 14, Details and Engineering ‘Analysis of the iilinots Lo-Cal House, is an excellent source of information. ($7.50). William A. Shurclitt 19 Appleton Street Campridge, MASS 02138 Shurcliff recently published (March, 1980) 2 comprehensive Tanuseript on the subject entitled Superinsutated Houses and Double-Envelope Houses, A Proliminary Survey of Principles and Practice of Superinsulation. ($10.00). Mid-America Solar Energy ‘Complex (MASEC) 8140 26th Ave., South Bloomington, MIN 55420 MASEC has prepared an information packet on superinsulation that 's available at no charge. B. Exterior Insulation System Manufacturers DRYVIT Systems, Inc 420 Lincoln Ave Warwick, Fl 02688 INSULICRETE Company, inc. 4311 Triangle St McFarland, WI 53559 (608) 838-4541 C. Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers 1, Manufacturers of Commercial Units Berner International Corporation P.O, Box 5205, Now Castle, PA 16105 (412) 658.2551/TELEX 868238, ENERCON Industries Limited 2114 Robinson Si, Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA SéP 2k8 (306) 585-0022 ENRECO Energy Recovery Company P.O. Box 158, N'112 W18/00 Mequon Rd., Germantown, WI 53022 (414) 255-5210 Gaylard Industries, Ine. P.O. Box 558 9600 S.W. Seely Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 682-3801 itsubishi Electric Industrial Products Distributed by: Melco Sales, Inc. 3030 E. Victoria St. Compton, CA 90221 (B00) 421-1132 Q-DOT Corporation 728 Regal Row Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 630-1224" TELEX 730367 Eneray Research Development Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N owo This group probably has more experience than any other working in the field. As they are constantly updating their research and publications, contact them for a current listing (and prices) Compo Industries ('SETTEF") Chemical Specialities Group 425 Roberis Road. Waltham, MA 02184 (617) 899-3000 2, Design and Construction Piens A.W. Besant, F.S. Dumont, D. Van Ee Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N

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