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Las Marías, a very Mexican doll.

Las Marías, are rag dolls that were considered toys in pre-Hispanic times,
nowadays due to their peculiar handicraft characteristic it is a very happy and
traditional Mexican memory.

In Mexico the rag doll reached its peak in the 19th century, of Otomi origin made by
Mexican hands and materials, this beautiful Mexican craft is made of fabric that is
later filled with "wadding" which is a compact non-woven material and elaborate
with cotton filaments, adorned with colorful ribbons and clothing that refers to the
typical costumes of each region.

They exist in different sizes and despite the fact that these dolls are very similar,
their clothing and details make the difference since they can change from the
headdress to the skin color depending on the region where they are.
Mexican rag dolls are highly valued by tourists due to the representation they have
outside the country, so with their outstanding traditional colors the rag doll or Maria
is part of Mexican traditions.

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