Complex Transitive: 3. Is A Man Still A Child When He's 30?

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1. a. [My dislike of the man] S [returned]. VP

b. [Just] A [give] VP [them] IO [hot chocolate] DO.
c. [The gallery] S [became] VP [a reality] SP [in June] A.
d. [He] S [considered] VP [it] IO [a dumb question] DO.
e. [During her short life] A, [her two sisters] S [bought] VP [her] IO
[a small teddy bear] DO.

2. 2. a. [The cheetah] S [is] VP [the fastest animal] DO [in the world] OA.
Complex transitive

b. [We] S [were] VP [in a meeting] OA [all morning] OA [with Barbara]

SP. Copular patterns

c. [The boy] S [lives] VP [in Washington] A [now] OA. Copular patterns

d. [I] S [would have called] VP [him] IO [a liar for sure] OD. Ditransitive

e. [Here] OA [I] S [found] VP [you] IO [in some dark plot] DO [against

me] SP. Ditransitive pattern

f. [He] S [told] VP [his father] IO [the truth] DO. Ditransitive pattern

g. [That] S [made] VP [her] IO [popular] OP. Complex transitive

3. Is a man still a child when he’s 30?

Children usually live with their parents –but until what age? 20? 25?

Stephen Richardson, a social psychologist, studies the lifestyles of young

people [in Britain and the US]. He says that [today] many young people
live at home when they are 25 or older. They are happy to live with their
parents, go out at night, and spend their money [on cell phones] and
designer clothes. It’s not only university students, but also young people
who have jobs and earn money.
In many other European countries, children leave home [later]. [In Italy],
for example, 30% of men and 18% of women between 30 and 34 live
with their parents. [This week], [in Naples], a judge decided that
Giuseppe Andreoli, aged 70, must pay €950 a month to his ex-wife for
their son Marco. Marco lives with her mother –but he’s not a child, he’s
a 30-year-old lawyer!

a- It is stative verb because they describe state, conditions and situations.

In this case, it shows a possession.

4. Produce sentences that contain these elements:

a. S + VP + SP (a NP)
The dog is my favourite animal in the whole world.
b. S + VP + A (a PP)
We have classes in the morning.
c. S + VP+ DO
He became a doctor
d. S + VP + DO + OP (an AdjP with a past participle as the head)
Very carefully the man closed the door behind him.
e. S + VP + IO + DO
Susan must give him her notebook.
f. S + VP + DO + IO (introduced by the preposition “to”)
The teacher tells them to do the homework
g. S + VP
The president said that we need to continue in quarantine.

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