Wireless Sensor Networks Batch 1 - Assignment 1: Sri Ramachandar K 17EUEC149 Ece-C

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Wireless Sensor Networks
Batch 1 – Assignment 1

1.An industry is transporting goods from TamilNadu to Jammu & Kashmir. As

known,the transportation of any goods from one place to another needs to
meet different climatic conditions.Here for transportation ,Sensor nodes are
being used to track the shipment.Since Sensor nodes may run out of energy
or may have physical destruction .Suggest the possible ways to increase the
energy and also to overcome the physical destruction.

1. Smaller feature sizes in chips have driven down the power

consumption of the basic components of a sensor node to a level
that the constructions of WSNs can be contemplated.
2. This is particularly relevant to microcontrollers and memory chips as
such, but also, the radio modems, responsible for wireless
communication, have become much more energy efficient.
3. Reduced chip size and improved energy efficiency is accompanied
by reduced cost, which is necessary to make redundant deployment
of nodes affordable.
4. Depending on application, high capacity batteries that last for long
times, that is, have only a negligible self-discharge rate, and that
can efficiently provide small amounts of current.
5. Ideally, a sensor node also has a device for energy scavenging,
recharging the battery with energy gathered from the environment
– solar cells or vibration-based power generation are conceivable
6. Transportation uses efficient method like RF technology inorder to
improvise the new technology being evolved.

These are all the possible ways to increase the energy and also to
overcome the physical destruction
2.Identify the sensor which shall be smart and intelligent that has the
capacity of good processing power, self-testing and self-diagnosis which
can be preferred by our soldiers for guarding the borders.

 The radar sensor enables us to measure the distance of objects over

wide distances.Aside from distance measurements, it is also possible
to measure the relative speed of the detected object. The sensor is
based on the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)
technology. Here the carrier frequency is constantly modulated within
a small range (the bandwidth). As soon as the signal is reflected back
from an object, it is possible to measure the distance and the speed of
the object through frequency comparison. The sensor utilizes a very
high carrier frequency, this allows to generate a very narrow beam
cone. This allows to detect even small objects, without interference
from neighbouring objects over large distances

 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image data provide information

different from that of optical sensors operating in the visible and
infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. SAR data consist of
high- resolution reflected returns of radar-frequency energy from
terrain that has been illuminated by a directed beam of pulses
generated by the sensor. The radar returns from the terrain are
mainly determined by the physical characteristics of the surface
features (such as surface roughness, geometric structure, and
orientation), the electrical characteristics (dielectric constant,
moisture content, and conductivity), and the radar frequency of
the sensor. By supplying its own source of illumination, the SAR
sensor can acquire data day or night without regard to cloud cover.

 A Biometric Sensor is a device (or a transducer, to be specific) that

converts the biometric trait of an individual into electrical signals.
Biometric Sensors are usually semiconductor devices that processes
images from an individual’s physical characteristics using complex
algorithms.Many physical characteristics of a person like face, iris,
fingerprints, etc. are scanned by a Biometric Sensor and are
converted to a digital image using an Analog – to – Digital
Converter.This digital information of the person is stored in a memory
and is used to verify or authenticate his/her identity.
 Passive InfraRed sensors (PIRs) are electronic devices which are
used in some security alarm systems to detect motion of an infrared
emitting source, usually a human body. An intruder entering the
protected area is detected when the infrared energy emitted from the
intruder's body is focused by a Fresnel lens or a mirror segment and
overlaps a section on the chip which had previously been looking at
some much cooler part of the protected area .That portion of the
chip is now much warmer than when the intruder wasn't there. As
the intruder moves, so does the hot spot on the surface of the
chip.This moving hot spot causes the electronics connected to the
chip to de-energize the relay, operating its contacts, thereby
activating the detection input on the alarm control panel.

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