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By Lucila Caballero

It was Thursday afternoon and the superintendent Jack Conway was buying some food in
a market with his Police officers. They were talking to each other about some problems
they had some days ago. One of them was saying a joke to his partner when the
superintendent said “Silence” to them.
The superintendent took a coke from the fridge. When he was buying, three masked
people came into the market and took Jack and his two workmates as a hostage. They put
in a van with blindfolded on them and cut all the communication that they had with the
police station. The thieves started the car and then, the drove away from the city.
Suddenly, the car stopped. The thieves went out from the van, took the cops off and
brought on their knees. One of them took they blindfolded out and Conway saw the area.
They were in the north of the city, where they had not have a Police Station. After that,
more thieves appeared with long weapons. They asked to the polices about why they
should continue to live but the superintendent said to release them and kill him.
After a few minutes later, the thieves lined up and aimed at the police officers. They
counted to three and killed the officers. Jack was crying because nobody wanted to kill
him. Immediately, a guy with suit and a skull mask, appeared at the crime scene and asked
about how Jack felt but the superintendent was so shocked because his officers were dead
next to him. He seemed to be the leader of the band.
Not longer after, the leader took Jack and brought him to told why he did that horrible
scene. Then, forced him to took a pill so he would not remember that. Finally, when he
woke up, his best friend and workmate, Police Commissioner Viktor Volkov appeared
with the police detachment and all those officers saw the crime scene, where Volkov
began to cry desperately for his officers. A few hours later, they did the wake and buried
their bodies with respect because they were serving to keep citizens safe.

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