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AVIATION ENGLISH 1 – 2019/2020

Aviation English 1 mid-term exam is written in two groups

PILOTS – 11th November 2019, 9:30 – 10:30 in D3
ATC – 14th November 2019, 10:00 – 11:00 in TCR,

Aviation English 1 mid-term exam will be covering the following topics:

1. History of Aviation (From Myths to The Powered Flight, A Brief History of Flight)
2. Classification Types of Aircraft
3. Principles of Flight (Newton’s Laws, Bernoulli Principle, Stability)
4. Aircraft Structure (structure of wings, empennage, fuselage, landing gear,
describing position on an aircraft - fore, rear, starboard, port, inboard,
5. Grammar: Present Simple and Continuous, Past Simple and Continuous, Present
Perfect Simple and Continuous
6. Translation from Croatian into English.
7. Rephrasing (using noun instead of verb etc.)

These are the possible questions:

1. What are aerodynes (how are they divided)?
2. What are aerostats (how are they divided)?
3. What is the difference between terms “aircraft” and “airplane”?
4. What is a glider?
5. Why is Leonardo da Vinci important to aviation?
6. Who were the Wright brothers?
7. Who was Otto Lilienthal?
8. What is Hindenburg?
9. What was the first successful flying machine?
10. Explain three basic aerodynamical movements.
11. The Bernoulli principle.
12. Newton’s laws of motion
13. Explain the interaction between the four forces that work on an aircraft in flight.

14. What is thrust?
15. What is drag?
16. What is lift?
17. What is weight?
18. What is a cord line?
19. What is camber?
20. What is an aerofoil?
21. What is angle of attack?
22. What is the centre of gravity?
23. Explain what the three axes of flight are (what do they go through?)
24. What is pitch?
25. What is roll?
26. What is yaw?
27. What is aircraft stability?
28. What is controllability?
29. What are 6 DOFs?
30. What is airframe?
31. Name parts of an aircraft (in a picture)
32. What is fuselage?
33. What does fuselage consist of (components)?
34. What is fuselage made of and why?
35. What is the purpose of fuselage?
36. What is bulkhead?
37. What is ULD?
38. Tail unit (types, construction: vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer…)
39. Wing construction (root, tip, leading edge...), types (anhedral and dihedral/
rectangular, swept etc.), position (low, mid, shoulder…)
40. Control surfaces of an airplane (primary, secondary)
41. Forces acting on the wing
42. Undercarriage, its construction and purpose?
43. Name types of aircraft lights.
44. Synonyms

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