"Rrelrod@sfsu - Edu", "Validzic, Ana (DPH) "

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From: "Wirth, Shannon(DPH)" <shannon.wirth@sfdph.

Date: July 14, 2020 at 3:56:13 PM PDT
To: "atrussell@ucdavis.edu" <atrussell@ucdavis.edu>,"awilliam§4@pacific.edu"
<awilliams4@pacific.edu>, "tbrouillard@usfca.edu" <tbrouillard@usfca.edu>,
"rrelrod@sfsu.edu" <rrelrod@sfsu.edu>, "Validzic, Ana(DPH)"
<ana.validzic@sfdph.org>, "klengle@usfca.edu" <klengle@usfca.edu>,
"boycek@sfsu.edu" <boycek@sfsu.edu>,"mhancock@cca.edu" <mhancock@cca.edu>,
"bailardrhiannon@uchastings.edu" <bailardrhiannon@uchastings.edu>,
"orioj@usfca.edu" <orioj@usfca.edu>,"Smith, Jason" <jsmith@sfcm.edu>
Cc: "melany.crews@cardinalgroup.com" <melany.crews@cardinalgroup.com>,
"harringtona@usfca.edu" <harringtona@usfca.edu>, Michelle Ziegmann
<mziegmann@cca.edu>,"mlazdins@cca.edu" <mlazdins@cca.edu>, Ruby Celestine
<rcelestine@PACIFIC.EDU>,"egiardini@usfca.edu" <egiardini@usfca.edu>, Rhonda
Bryant <rbryant@PACIFIC.EDU>, Suzanne Guevarra <sraffeld@cca.edu>,
"davisdj@usfca.edu" <davisdj@usfca.edu>, "lgray@cca.edu" <lgray@cca.edu>,"Feng,
Richard(DPH)" <richard.feng@sfdph.org>,"nwselix@usfca.edu"
<nwselix@usfca.edu>, "Clayton, Anna(DPH)" <anna.clayton@sfdph.org>
Subject: Higher Ed & DPH

Hi Higher Ed Folks,

Offering a supplemental Monday meeting for IHE and DPH in consideration ofthe
recently published memo (attached).

Many Thanks,
c: 510.552.7578
San Francisco Memo
Department of Public Health

July 1, 2020


To: SF institutions of Higher Education

From: SFDPH COVID-19 Information & Guidance Branch

Re: Reopening of Higher Education

We have been receiving questions from Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in San Francisco about the
possibility of reopening for in-person educational activities. With limited exceptions, such activities are
not yet permitted under San Francisco and California Health Orders. Please review California Health
Orders at https://covidl9.ca.ROv/stav-home-except-for-essential-needs/ (stating that "Higher education
(in person)" is closed statewide). In addition, IHEs are not currently allowed to operate under San
Francisco's Stay-Safe-at-Home Order. Accordingly, and given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in
California and in the Bay Area, IHEs should continue to plan for remote or virtual learning. In-person
educational activities will be allowed to reopen when the State of California permits local jurisdictions to
do so and local conditions indicate that it can be done safely. At such a point, the San Francisco
Department of Public Health (SFDPH) will provide support and guidance for IHE on safely opening in-
person educational activities.

To prepare for eventual reopening, IHEs should begin to consider how they will address the following
issues in their future plans:

IN-PERSON INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY: At the moment, in person instruction, training, labs, and
experiential learning that does not provide an essential service or direct patient care, is not yet allowed
in San Francisco and may only occur remotely or virtually.

Students of vocational schools, which includes students training in the "counseling and the healing
arts," are permitted to provide in person essential services, such as direct patient care, but in person
educational activities that do not also directly provide an essential service are not permitted. For
example, a nursing student can provide direct patient care in person at a hospital under appropriate
supervision, but an in person lecture that does not immediately involve patient care is not permitted.

Future planning for IHEs that are considering re-opening of in person instructional activities, should
account for smaller class sizes, social distancing, face coverings and stable cohorts wherever possible. In
addition, many institutions are making arrangements for novel teaching environments that take
advantage of the relative safety of outdoor settings. IHEs should consider whether in-person instruction
can occur outdoors in order to reduce risk to faculty and students.

TESTING: IHEs which are considering re-opening in person instructional activities are strongly
encouraged to consider arranging for private testing and contact tracing. They should also strongly
consider the use of broad-based and expanded testing to identify outbreaks and inform infection control

CONTACT TRACING: IHEs which are considering reopening in-person instructional activities should
develop a Communicable Disease Management Plan, which should include protocols to notify SFDPH of
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San Francisco Memo
Departmentof Public Health

any confirmed COVID-19 cases among students,faculty or staff and assist SFDPH as needed with contact
tracing. Such a plan should include a protocol to isolate or quarantine any ill or exposed persons. It is
anticipated that the SFDPH Education Hub will provide case consultation and guidance in cases of
individuals testing positive for COVID-IS.

CLEANING: IHEs should have plans for routine cleaning of all facilities, especially those that have high
use. It is strongly recommended that classrooms and other facilities used for in-person education are
cleaned between uses. In addition, the Communicable Disease Management Plan should include
protocols for thorough cleaning of campus areas upon any report of suspected or actual infection.

ARRIVING STUDENTS: A plan should be developed for addressing how incoming students from outside
the Bay Area region may need to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival when in-person instructional
activity resumes.

HOUSING: Anticipate that plans for campus housing will need to account for lower density of students,
and reduced occupancy per room. Institutions should also begin planning to reserve a supply of
available rooms in cases of quarantine and isolation, and provide a contingency plan, such as additional
off-campus housing, or hotel rooms. The plan will need to include a quick response for any time a
resident of housing is suspected or confirmed to have an infection.

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