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Kanishka V (XP21024)

What can we learn from IDEO-CinePlanet

Collaboration? What are your reflections? What open
questions remain? If you have to try Design Thinking in
your organization, what would you do differently?

Empathy and “Human-centeredness” were the focus of IDEO’s Design process.

Interaction with customers, industry experts and extreme customers by placing
ourselves in the end-user’s shoes help us understand the potential uses,
benefits, and pain points. Also, understanding the cultural experiences,
substitutes, and alternatives help us understand the bigger picture- social
trends, cultures and traits that helps us understand the motivations behind the
user’s decision making. The unconventional methods of thinking through
market research, field visits and interviews pushed the boundaries of possible
future design solutions.
We must try to learn about customer behaviour without any preconceived
thoughts in a relaxed environment enables the customer to open-up and
provide more valuable insights than traditional research methods. We should
not just aggregate customer inputs as a representative sample of consumers
but instead seek inspiration to derive insights about user’s desires and
A group environment with people from various disciples facilitates learning
from different and shared experiences provides a multidimensional view of the
problem and solutions. Concepts should be prototyped fast and visually so that
people can validate an idea quickly and iterate on workable solutions.
Discarded concepts can be iteratively recombined to form new testable ideas.
The Business and technical implications of an idea should be explored to
ensure efficacy from multiple angles. Consumer feedback about prototypes is
vital to test and redefine ideas with higher fidelity. Open communication of
feedback from employees and consumers helps understand the effectiveness
of an idea, scope for improvement and implementation.
For my organization to embrace design thinking, I would promote a spirit of
openness and accessibility to every person in the hierarchy. And encourage
employees to express themselves, collaborate and interact with different
disciples in a project-oriented environment rather than a functional one.

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