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How are you doing today?

Once you have reviewed lesson 8. The assignment for this lesson is the following:

1. Think about the place you live. Your house or apartment.
2. Write as many objects as you can think of each material mentioned in the
3. Write complete sentences. Use there is and there are.
4. Write at least 2 objects per material.

Once you are ready with the sentences:

5. Choose 4 materials.
6. Record yourself mentioning the 4 materials and the objects you have for each
7. Upload the recording in Google Classroom.

What’s in your house?
a) Write the objects for each material.
Glitter Glass Wood Paper Water Plastic Metal
It was in _______ _______ _______ Spoon
the gear _______ _______ _______ It was in the Bottle of It was in
box that is _______ _______ _______ thermos. juice that the
in my kitchen.
my mom

*You may need to delete the lines before Writing

b) Choose 4 materials and record yourself mentioning the examples for

each material.

If you need help, have a look at the following ideas:

➔ Metal: There are my keys.
➔ Wool: There is gray blanket.
➔ Paper: There is my favorite book.

You did an excellent job!

Let me know if you need extra help
See you next class. HUGS!
Miss Lorena


The peace bottle is easy to make, it is used so that we can relax, especially children when
we are nervous.

The goal is for me to calm down when looking at the bottle when I'm nervous.


 A plastic bottle.

 Glitter of the color you want (best, blue and light tones).

 Glitter or transparent glue

 Warm water

 One tablespoon

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