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QuantumMAN™: World’s First Downloadable Medicine


Important! Read all instructions thoroughly before proceeding to upload product Print
biodata to your brain via your Portal Access Keys™.


Dosing Guidelines (each dose has 10 days duration of action):

To calculate the number of doses you require, use the follow subjective guidelines:

1. If you believe the severity of your problem is a level 4 or less on a 10 scale of severity, upload 1 dose
(or more) every 10 days as needed.
2. If you believe the severity of your problem is a level 5-7 or less on a 10 scale of severity, order 2 doses
(or more) every 10 days as needed.
3. If you believe the severity of your problem is a level 8 or higher on a 10 scale of severity, order 3 doses
(or more) every 10 days as needed.
4. For every two factors listed above that may be compromising your immune system, then increase your
dose of Supercillin by a minimum of 1 dose over the dose chosen by the severity level guidelines
above. Example: if you have 6 factors listed above that adversely affect your immune system, increase
your dose calculated based on severity by 3 doses.


If during treatment with Supercillin™ (ex, treating a parasite infection of your G.I. tract) you acquire a
different infection (ex, a sore throat) you will require ordering additional doses of Supercillin™ to
treat the newly acquired infection simultaneously.

If you have an urgent and/or serious situation or simply want faster results, you may download as many
doses as money allows. Multiple doses of Supercillin™ provide an exponential increase in potency
with no possibility of any adverse side effects, regardless of the dose.

Due to interference factors and/or extenuating circumstances such as non-compliance, prescription

medications, inappropriate lifestyle, incompetent immune system, etc., you may require a second
course of treatment to achieve the desired results. Moreover, many parasite infections require a second
treatment due to the fact that parasite eggs are often immune to treatment. A person has to wait for
them to hatch (incubation period) in order to treat them once again. Length of incubation periods vary
among the different parasites.

Important! While using Supercillin™, discontinue any drugs that you are taking that:

modulate the immune system.

has one or more side-effects that match the symptom(s) you are suffering from.
has a side-effect name that ends in "itis".
has a side-effect of causing an infection.
has a side-effect of causing swelling, fluid retention or edema

These drugs may be contributing to your condition and/or may hinder your recovery. Consult your
pharmacist or drug insert.

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QuantumMAN™: World’s First Downloadable Medicine

INSTRUCTIONS: Calculate your dose per Supercillin's™ Dosing Guidlines. Then upload the
product's biodata via one (1) or more Portal Access Keys™ (PAKs™) every 10 days continuously and
uninterrupted until your infection has resolved according to the "Dosing Guidelines" above by
following these steps:

1. Upload your PAK™ doses per the procedure outlined in "How to Upload Products."

2. As soon as you click the "Unlock and Launch Portal" button, remember to immediately remain quiet
and undisturbed for 1 minute while your body quantumly receives the product's programmed

3. Infants or toddlers can be uploaded by touching the youngster before you click and confirm the upload
via a PAK™. When you click the "Unlock and Launch Portal" button the biodata will then travel to the
youngster through you during the portal access process. Remain in contact with the youngster until the
portal has closed again. No harm will come to an inadvertent recipient of the biodata.

4. Each PAK™ is good for one use only.

5. All biodata uploaded automatically run their programs multiple times a day for 10 days due to repeater
programs embedded in their biodata. Therefore, you need only dose one PAK every 10 day period.

6. For optimal results, it is important that you are well-hydrated ( eight 8 oz glasses of water per day)
and rested during the entire vaccination period. Avoid alcoholic beverages during treatment.

7. Because most persons with an infection may unknowingly have a compromised immune system with
an opportunistic fungal overgrowth in their intestinal tract, this fungal overgrowth requires treatment to
lessen its burden on their immune system. This is imperative for optimal treatment results. Therefore,
during the entire treatment process, it is important to download the ST. GALLEN DIET™ and
carefully follow its food and beverage allowances. The ST. GALLEN DIET restricts foods and
beverages that promote fungal growth in the body. Failure to follow the diet may result in therapeutic
failure of this treatment regime. Following this diet optimizes the treatment process. Use the free St.
Gallen Diet™ Assistant daily wherein you check a list of foods and beverages you have consumed for
the day. The Diet Assistant will then inform you of your dietary mistakes and level of compliance.
Dietary mistakes can be promptly corrected metabolically with DietFix™. For those individuals who
are unable to follow the ST. GALLEN DIET™ , they are strongly encouraged to otherwise avoid
coffee, tea, alcohol containing beverages, sugar, sugar containing foods and beverages, processed
meats, breads containing yeast, sauces, cheese and vinegar as best possible.

8. Caution: Avoid physical contact with a pet or another person at the time of uploading biodata accessed
by the product's PAK™ unless you desire that person or pet to be the recipient of the biodata rather
than yourself. No harm will come to an inadvertent recipient of the biodata.

9. Your product's PAKs™ will be stored in your account on the QuantumMANsite until you are ready to
upload biodata via them.

10. If further information is desired please see the FAQ and the Portal Access Key sections of the

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