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Blackbeard Reorganised Rules Summary – V1.

Steven McDougall – Latest developer rules in red

Setup Objectives
● Place Merchant Ships
○ Randomly draw 8 chits: ● Earn the most VPs. These come
● PirateDisplays to Players:
○ 5 Player Game: 2 each;
place face down at ports from:
○ 4 Player Game: 2 each;
using d66 procedure. ○ Net Worth of a retired Pirate:
○ 3 Player Game: 3 each; obtained by;
● Form draw pools for remaining ■ in-Port conversion of
○ 2 Player Game: 4 each.
chits: Booty (Doubloons) taken
○ the 9 King’s Commissioners after looting Merchant
● Determine Player Order
○ Roll 1d6: highest becomes
(KC) Ships or successfully
○ the 15 Hostages attacking Ports
Player A, then clockwise
○ the 16 Anti-Pirate Governors ○ Notoriety of retired,
around table. Take
○ the 15 Warships eliminated and surviving
corresponding Pirate ID
chits. Pirates: obtained by;
● Determine game length and ■ Looting Merchant Ships
●4 Event cards face down to each carry out Player Turns until ■ Torturing Hostages
player game end ■ Successful Port attack
○ Standard: until General ■ Successful Port sack
○ No “Play Immediately”
cards (reshuffle into pack if Pardon is played for the 3rd ■ Defeating a King’s
dealt) time Commissioner in battle
○ Long: go through Event ■ Defeating a Warship in
● Place8 Pro-Pirate Governors in Deck x2, adding General battle
ports by means of d66 rolls Pardon after 1st run ■ Surviving an Oust
Attempt by a King’s
● Players dealt or choose Pirate Commissioner
Cards: ○ Being eliminated by a King’s
○ 5 Player Game: 2 each; Commissioner (Pirate
○ 4 Player Game: 2 each; Player)
○ 3 Player Game: 3 each; ○ Using a King’s
○ 2 Player Game: 4 each. Commissioner to eliminate a
Pirate (Anti-Pirate Player)
● Players deploy Pirates into any ○ Being defeated by a Pirate
Sea Areas (even if already after attacking with a King’s
occupied) Commissioner
○ one Pirate deployment per ○ Using a Warship to damage
player mandatory a Pirate
○ additional Pirates may be
deployed if desired (up to ● Score VPs immediately after
total # of Pirate Cards in they occur
hand at start of game)
○ place ID marker on ● If a Pirate is eliminated (other
corresponding Pirate Card than by a King’s
and select a ship type (Sloop Commissioner) or is still alive
or Schooner) for each Pirate at game end:
deployed. Place Combat, ○ he receives 1VP per
Speed, and Loyalty chits on Notoriety Point
display at colour-coded ○ but receives 0VP for Net
levels (Loyalty on 7 in all Worth (better to Retire if
cases). possible)

The Player Turn ■ the AP Players can use
their KCs to React (i.e.
● Crew Loyalty reduced by 1 on attempt to Intercept and
each Pirate Player’s Ship that Attack) during some
has Scurvy Pirate Actions (only 1 KC
can React per Action but
● Pirate Player draws Event no restriction on # of
Cards until 4 are in hand different KCs that can
○ resolve any “Play React throughout a Pirate
Immediately” cards and Player’s Turn)
draw replacement
○ note that Pirate Cards are ● CUNNING
considered separate from the ○ note that, at any stage of the
player’s Event Card hand game, a Pirate may expend 1
of his Cunning Points to
● Iffewer than 5 Merchant Ships make a re-roll (the full # of
on board dice must be re-rolled)
○ increase number to 6 by
adding face-down to ports
using d66 procedure

● Pirate Player plays Event

○ at least 1 card per turn
○ all 4 in-hand cards may be
played but only 1 can be
used for Actions
○ Event must be carried out
first if an “Event AND
Actions” card is played.
■ this counts as the Pirate
Player’s Actions Card
■ the Pirate Player may use
the Event for his KC
○ Any Action may be repeated
in the same Player Turn
○ Actions may be split amongst
all Pirate Player’s Pirates
○ diamond icon allows
#Actions=Initiative Rating of
Pirate (cannot split)
○ Anti-Pirate (AP) Actions can
be played by other players
during Pirate Player’s
Action Phase
■ only 1 AP Action per non-
Pirate Player during
Pirate Player’s Turn
■ no AP Action can be
repeated during any
single Pirate Action
■ no AP Action allowed if
Pirate Player is drawing
or deploying a new Pirate

Pirate Actions ─ (PA) 1.Crew Loyalty still
PA #3 ─ Loot Merchant Ship increased by 1
PA #1 ─ Move 2.gain Notoriety
● Cannot be done by a Pirate Points (Hostage
● SeaArea to Sea Area undergoing D&R Value Rating)
○ a player’s Pirate may never
⧫ return Hostage to pool
● Iffound by a Pirate, a
enter (or stay in) a Sea Area
that contains that player’s Merchant Ship may be looted ● IfPirate refuses to take
own King’s Commissioner by that Pirate as his very next Doubloons:
Action (even if this is on the ○ Crew Loyalty reduced by 1

● Sea Area to Port next turn) (Mutiny if Loyalty falls to 0)

○ not into a port containing an
● Roll 1d6 + Merchant Ship ● Gain Notoriety Points
Anti-Pirate Governor unless
in possession of Letter of Cargo Rating (= Adjusted Roll) regardless of decision to take
○ cross reference on Merchant Doubloons (# Notoriety Points =
Marque for that nationality
○ not into destroyed Port
Cargo Table against Region Roll 1d6 + Merchant Ship
○ this gives # of Doubloons Cargo Rating)
○ instant recovery from
Scurvy that could be looted
● Remove Merchant Ship from
● IfPirate takes Doubloons: board and put into pool (or
● Portto Sea Area
○ put into 1 hold of Pirate ship temporarily place on Pirate
○ a player’s Pirate may never
leave a port if the adjoining (if all holds already full, then card if Pirate plans to Convert
Sea Area contains that Pirate must empty a hold as his next Action)
player’s own King’s before loading looted
Commissioner Doubloons) ● Voluntary D&R may be
○ Crew Loyalty reduced by 1 if declared (gain Crew Loyalty
● Sea Area to adjoining Transit the Adjusted Roll ≤ 3 Point(s) after a subsequent
Box (Mutiny if Loyalty falls to 0) D&R Recovery Action in port)
○ Crew Loyalty increased by 1

● Transit Box to adjoining Sea if the Adjusted Roll ≥ 8 PA #4 ─ Convert Merchant Ship
○ draw Hostage chit and
either: ● Cannot be done by a Pirate
■ Ransom (may bring undergoing D&R
● Any number of Pirates allowed
in any Sea Area, Transit Box, Doubloons later): put chit
or Port on Pirate Display together ● If a Pirate wishes to convert a
with attack token of Merchant Ship, this Action
●2Move Actions required to corresponding port must be done by that Pirate
move if Speed < 0 nationality, or immediately after the
■ Torture: Roll 1d6. corresponding Looting Action
⧫ Result > Cruelty (even if this is on the next turn)
PA #2 ─ Find Merchant Ship
rating: ○ only red, blue, and green

● Cannotbe done by a Pirate 1.add Information Merchants can be converted

undergoing D&R Value of Hostage (i.e. only sloops, schooners,
onto Port Grid and brigantines)
● Roll 1d6 + Pirate Ability Rating (makes attacks on
(+1 if Merchant Ship is face up) that port easier ● Pirate simply moves his ship-

○ success if result > 7

later) type marker on the Pirate
○ turn Merchant Ship face up
2.Crew Loyalty Display
if successful increased by 1 ○ Combat and Speed settings
3.gain Notoriety are set to maximum
● May go on to Loot the ship as Points (Hostage ○ all other markers remain in

next Action (even if this is on Value Rating) place

⧫ Result ≤ Cruelty
the next turn)

○ Doubloons in excess holds Marque is held. ○ Bribe Governor: costs (1d6 x
are lost (if converting to a Conversion ratio = 1:1 100) Net Worth
smaller ship) ○ Neutral ports. Conversion ○ Pirate need not proceed once
○ Crew Loyalty increased by 1 ratio = 2:1 (1:1 if appropriate cost has been calculated
if new ship is bigger (more Letter of Marque is held) ○ if bribe paid, note Safe
holds) ○ Safe Havens. Conversion Haven location on Port Grid
○ Crew Loyalty decreased by 1 ratio = 1:1 + 10% (round up) ○ add corresponding
if new ship is smaller (fewer ○ Pirate ports. Conversion “Governor Bribed” chit to
holds) ratio = 1:1 (invokes Pirate Display whether bribe
■ (Mutiny if Loyalty falls to involuntary D&R) paid or not. Pirate may not
0) attempt to bribe this
● Empty as many holds as Governor again for the rest
PA #5 ─ In-Port Activities ─ Note: desired of the game.
ALL of these can be done for only 1
Action TOTAL (iii) Refit ● SafeHaven status ends if:
○ Pirate attacks the port
● Cannot be done by a Pirate ● Possible in: ○ port becomes Neutral
undergoing D&R ○ Pro-Pirate ports. Remove ○ Anti-Pirate Governor takes
1d6/2 Damage (Speed and/or over port
● Any/all must be done in the Combat). Round up. ○ Pirate retires or dies
following order ○ Anti-Pirate ports if
appropriate Letter of (v) Enter Involuntary D&R
(i) Ransom Hostages Marque is held. Remove or Declare Voluntary D&R
1d6/2 Damage (Speed and/or
● Only possible in: Combat). ● Involuntary if:
○ Pro-Pirate ports ○ Neutral ports. Remove 1d6/2 ○ Pirate converted Doubloons
○ Anti-Pirate ports if Damage. (Speed and/or to Net Worth earlier in this
appropriate Letter of Combat) Action
Marque is held. ○ Safe Havens. Remove (1d6/2 ○ needs 2 D&R Recovery
○ Safe Havens + 2) Damage. (Speed and/or Actions to clear and gain
○ Neutral ports of same Combat) Crew Loyalty Point(s) in
nationality as Hostage ○ Pirate ports. Remove ALL port (see D&R Recovery)
Damage hits (Speed and
● Never possible in Arab (green), Combat) ● Voluntary if:
Portuguese (white), or Pirate ○ Pirate decides to take this
(black) ports ● Never possible in Arab (green) Action as part of the current
ports In-Port Activities Action
● Doubloons received = 2d6 x ○ needs 1 D&R Recovery
(Value Rating of Hostage) x 10 ● Multiple Actions may be used Action to clear and gain
to continue Refit Crew Loyalty Point(s) in
● ADD to any hold (no need to port (see D&R Recovery)
empty a hold first) (iv) Buy Safe Haven
PA #6 ─ Attack Port
● Return Hostage to pool
●A port can only be a Safe ● Cannotbe done by a Pirate
(ii) Convert Doubloons to Net Haven for 1 Pirate at any given undergoing D&R
Worth time
● Done to gain Doubloons (which
●A Pirate can have as many Safe may be converted to Net Worth
● Possible in: Havens as desired later) and Notoriety
○ Pro-Pirate ports. Conversion ○ cannot attack destroyed
ratio = 1:1 ● Safe Haven can be bought only ports or Pirate ports
○ Anti-Pirate ports if in Pro-Pirate port that is not a
appropriate Letter of Safe Haven for another Pirate. ● Pirate attacks as follows:

○ roll 1d6 + (Ship Combat ● Success if result > Port Defence ○ result = (grabbing player
Rating) + (Ability Rating) + Rating: total - target player total)
(Hostage Information) ○ gain Notoriety Points = 3 x ○ if result > 0: grab
○ opponent rolls 1d6 + (Port (Port Value Rating) 1d6 result ×target ' s Dobloons
Defence Rating) ○ Crew Loyalty increased by 1 10
grabber increases 1 hold, target
[2d6 + (Port Defence Rating) if ○ Pirate placed in Sea Area
decreases hold(s) by same total
port has Port Attacked chit on it] (and undergoes involuntary
○ Attack Total > Defence Total ■ if result < 0: grabber
D&R) loses 2 Crew Loyalty
■ Doubloons looted = 100 x ○ port destroyed and useless
sum of (Port Value) x d6 Points (Mutiny if Loyalty
(place “Port Destroyed” chit falls to 0)
(may put into 1 hold of on port and remove any ■ if result = 0: Duel:
Pirate ship - if all holds resident Governor from ⧫ each Pirate rolls (Duel
already full, then Pirate game)
must empty a hold before Rating) x d6
● Failed if result ≤ Port Defence
⧫ highest total wins
loading) Rating: ⧫ winner can take over
■ gain Notoriety = 2 x (Port ○ wasted Action
Value) any/all victim’s
○ Pirate stays in port and must
■ Crew Loyalty increased
possessions (except Net
leave and re-enter to sack Worth); even his ship
by 1 again ⧫ losing Pirate dies
■ ship suffers 1 Combat
⧫ tied Duel can be re-
Damage PA #8 ─ D&R Recovery
■ Pirate automatically
fought if both players
enters port agree. Otherwise action
● Must be in port
○ Attack Total ≤ Defence Total
■ ship suffers (Defence ● Decrease D&R status by 1
Total - Attack Total) PA #10 ─ Retire
○ remove chit if D&R was
Combat Damage voluntary ● Cannotbe done by a Pirate
■ Pirate stays in Sea Zone ○ flip chit if D&R was
○ either result: attacker places
undergoing D&R
involuntary and this is 1st
nationality chit on Pirate D&R Recovery Action ● Usedto maximize VPs from a
Display played on that Pirate
■ all ports of that
Pirate’s Net Worth
○ remove chit if D&R was
nationality are now Anti- involuntary and this is 2st ● Possible in:
Pirate to him(even Safe D&R Recovery Action ○ Pro-Pirate ports.
Havens) played on that Pirate ■ no cost if appropriate
■ any Letter of Marque of
that nationality is lost Letter of Marque is held,
● IfPirate completely recovered
○ either result: place Port
○ Crew Loyalty increased by 1 ■ requires a bribe of (d66 x
Attacked chit on port in non-Pirate port 100) of Pirate’s Net Worth.
○ Crew Loyalty increased by 3
■ if declined, Crew Loyalty
PA #7 ─ Sack Port in Pirate port reduced by 1 (Mutiny if
● Cannot be done by a Pirate Loyalty falls to 0)
PA #9 ─ Booty Grab ■ add corresponding
undergoing D&R
“Governor Bribed” chit to
● Cannot be done by a Pirate
● Ifa Pirate attacks a port it may Pirate Display whether
undergoing D&R bribe paid or not
be sacked by that Pirate as his
○ Anti-Pirate ports if
very next Action (even if this is ● Must be in same port as an
on the next turn) appropriate Letter of
opponent’s Pirate undergoing Marque is held
D&R ■ no cost
● Piraterolls 1d6 + (Cruelty ○ target player calculates (1d6
○ Safe Havens
Rating) + Ability Rating) ■ no cost
○ grabbing player calculates
(1d6 + Ability Rating + 1)

○ Neutral ports if appropriate ○ Alliance Speed Rating = Pirate eliminated

Letter of Marque is held lowest individual value ■ score 1VP/Notoriety Point
■ no cost ○ Alliance Loyalty Rating = ■ deploy new Pirate to take
lowest individual value over mutinied ship (reset
○ Alliance Pirate Rating = Crew Loyalty to 6)
● NOT possible in a Pirate port either individual value ○ Roll = Leadership Rating:
(player choice) ■ Crew Loyalty reduced by
● Gain 2VPs per Notoriety Point 1
● Split the following evenly ○ Roll < Leadership Rating:
● Gain1VP per 100 Net Worth between the two Allied Pirates ■ no effect
(ignore fractions) as they arise:
○ Doubloons (Pirate with Duel
PA #11 ─ Draw and/or Deploy higher Leadership gets any
New Pirate remainder) ● Each Pirate rolls (Duel Rating)
○ Net Worth (Pirate with x d6
● Cannotbe done by a Pirate higher Leadership gets any ○ highest total wins
undergoing D&R remainder) ○ winner can take over any/all
○ Combat Damage (player victim’s possessions (except
● May only have the following assigns any remainder) Net Worth); even his ship
maxima at any one time ○ losing Pirate dies (score 1VP/
○ 5/4 Player Game: 3 Pirate ● Both Allied Pirates Notoriety Point)
Cards in-hand and 2 Pirates ○ suffer any Speed Damage ○ tied Duel can be re-fought if
in play incurred both players agree.
○ 3 Player Game: 3 Pirate ○ have Crew Loyalty Otherwise action ends.
Cards in-hand and 3 Pirates increments added or
in play subtracted as they arise
○ 2 Player Game: 4 Pirate ○ suffer any Scurvy outbreak
Cards in-hand and 4 Pirates
in play ● Playerassigns Refit points
between Allied Pirates
● Notethat these cards are
considered separate from the ● No Letters of Marque can be
Event Card hand obtained or used by the
PA #12 ─ Form Pirate Alliance
● Alliance broken:
● Cannotbe done by a Pirate ○ voluntarily
undergoing D&R ○ if D&R card played against
it (each Pirate then suffers
● Possibleif player has several effects)
Pirates in same port ○ if Mutiny Conspiracy card is
played and a Mutiny occurs
● Only2 of a player’s Pirates can
form an Alliance at any one Mutiny
● Can occur due to an AP Event,
● They must stay together at all or
times if alliance is to be ● Whenever Crew Loyalty Rating
maintained falls to 0 or is 0 prior to an
○ movement and actions taken Action
together as one
○ Alliance Combat Rating = ● Rolld6 and compare with
highest individual value +1 Leadership Rating
○ Roll > Leadership Rating:

Anti-Pirate Actions ─ (APA) APA #2 ─ Move a King’s ● Pirate Player rolls 1d6 +
Commissioner (KC) (Combat Ratings of ALL
● An AP Action can only be Pirates in the port)
announced by an Anti-Pirate ● Anti-Pirate
Player moves his ○ -2 modifier to any Pirate
Player after the Pirate Player KC into Sea Area or in/out of undergoing D&R
has announced his latest Action Transit Box
● KC Score > Pirate Score
● The AP Action interrupts the ● KC may never enter a port ○ ALL Pirates in port move to
current Pirate Action Sea Area and discontinue
APA#3 Use a KC to Attack a Actions
● Ifa Pirate loses a battle during Pirate Port
an AP Action, that Pirate ● KC Score ≤ Pirate Score
Action ends ●A KC may attempt to destroy a ○ Oust fails and EACH Pirate
Pirate Port if in the adjoining gains 1 Notoriety Point
● Only 1 AP Action can be Sea Area
attempted by each Anti-Pirate ● Note that placement of an Anti-
Player per Pirate Player Turn ● May be used at any time during Pirate Governor automatically
○ Note, however, that Anti- a Pirate’s Action displaces all Pirates into the Sea
Pirate Players may also use Area
their KCs to React to some
Pirate Player Actions (see ● KC rolls 1d6 + (Combat APA #5 ─ Use Any On-Station
later) Rating) Warship or
─ Add New Warship and
APA #1 ─ Attempt to Deploy a ● EACH Pirate in the target port Use if Desired
King’s Commissioner (KC) does the same (1d6 + (Combat
Rating)) ● This AP Action can be done
● Roll 3d6 ○ -2 modifier to any Pirate during a Pirate Player’s:
○ result < Notoriety Points of undergoing D&R ○ Find Merchant Ship Action
active Pirate (not in port or ○ KC Score ≤ ANY Pirate ○ Loot Merchant Ship Action
Transit) Score ○ Convert Merchant Ship
■ place randomly drawn ■ Attack fails and AP Action
KC in same Sea Area as Action ends ○ Attack Port Action
Pirate ○ KC Score > EVERY Pirate
■ deploying player Score ● New Warships can only be
continues to control the ■ all Pirates forced into added via “Warship Sighting”
KC until it is eliminated adjoining Sea Area Event Cards
■ the KC is immediately ■ all Pirates suffer 1
available to React to Combat Damage ● Only 1 Warship can be placed
certain Pirate Actions ■ port destroyed and useless in each Sea Area
(add “Port Destroyed”
● Only 1 KC can be controlled by chit) ● Pirate may not be attacked if in
a player at any one time port or Transit Box
APA#4 Use a KC to Oust Pirate
● Only 1 KC in total can be used from Port ● Once this AP Action is
for an AP Action against a announced, the Pirate Player
Pirate during his Player-Turn ● Carriedout against a Pirate in must decide whether to try to
○ no restriction on the # of port who announces any Pirate Evade or move straight to
KCs that can React during Action associated with that port Battle-stations
the Turn, but: (includes Safe Haven but not
■ only 1 KC at a time can Pirate Port) ● IfPirate decides to Evade:
React to each Pirate ○ both players roll 1d6 +
Action ● Anti-Pirate
Player rolls 1d6 + (Speed Rating)
(Combat Rating of KC) ■ -2 modifier to Pirate if
undergoing D&R

○ Warship Score > Pirate Pirate intercepted and

Score ● Just do what the Event Card Battle follows immediately
■ Pirate intercepted and says unless he decides to hand
Battle follows immediately over a Letter of Marque
○ Warship Score ≤ Pirate KC Reaction (Attempt to (any nationality) and
Score Intercept and Attack a Pirate) ─ Retire
■ Pirate successfully Evades May be attempted when in the ■ if Pirate retires, he scores
but his Action is over same or an adjacent Sea Area for 2VPs/Notoriety Point and
■ Any Merchant Ship free 1VP/100 Net Worth
involved in the Pirate ○ KC Score ≤ Pirate Score
Action is removed from ● The AP Players can use their ■ Pirate successfully Evades
play (Pirate keeps any KCs to React (i.e. attempt to but his Action is over
Doubloons/Hostage Intercept and Attack) during (unless it was a Move
already looted) some Pirate Actions Action)
○ no restriction on the # of ■ Any Merchant Ship
● IfPirate decides to Battle (or KCs that can React during involved in the Pirate
was intercepted by the the Turn, but: Action is removed from
Warship): ○ only 1 KC at a time can play (Pirate keeps any
○ Pirate rolls 1d6 + (Combat React to each Pirate Action Doubloons/Hostage
Rating) + (Ability Rating) already looted)
■ -2 modifier to Pirate if ● KCs intercepting from an
undergoing D&R adjacent Sea Area modify their ● IfPirate decides to Battle (or
○ Warship rolls 1d6 + KC Speed Rating by -1 for the was intercepted by the KC):
(Combat Rating) rest of their Reaction ○ Pirate rolls 1d6 + (Combat
○ Warship Score ≥ Pirate Rating) + (Ability Rating)
Score ● Interceptions and Attacks can ■ -2 modifier if undergoing
■ Pirate Action ends be attempted during a Pirate D&R
immediately Player’s: ○ KC rolls 1d6 + (Combat
■ Pirate suffers Combat ○ Move Action Rating)
Damage = (Warship ○ Find Merchant Ship Action ○ KC Score > Pirate Score
Score) - (Pirate Score) ○ Loot Merchant Ship Action ■ Pirate eliminated
■ Pirate Crew Loyalty ○ Convert Merchant Ship ■ Pirate scores
decreased by 1 (Mutiny if Action 1VP/Notoriety Point
Loyalty falls to 0) ○ a failed Attack Port Action ■ KC scores half of this
■ AP Player gains VPs = total
(Warship Score) - (Pirate ● Pirate may not be intercepted ○ KC Score ≤ Pirate Score
Score) and attacked if in port or ■ KC eliminated (remove
○ Warship Score < Pirate Transit Box from game)
Score ■ Pirate gains Notoriety
■ Pirate suffers 1 Combat ● Once the attempted intercept is Points = 2 x (KC Combat
Damage announced, the Pirate Player Rating)
■ Pirate gets Notoriety must decide whether to try to ■ Pirate’s Crew Loyalty
Points = (Warship Evade or move straight to increased by 1
Combat Rating) Battle-stations ■ Pirate sustains 1 Combat
■ Anti-Pirate Player earns Damage
1VP (for the damage ● IfPirate decides to Evade: ■ KC gains 1VP (for
inflicted) ○ both players roll 1d6 + affecting the damage)
■ Warship returned to pool (Speed Rating) ■ Pirate may proceed with
■ Pirate must proceed with ○ -1 modifier to KC if it has his Action
his Action moved to intercept
○ -2 modifier to Pirate if
APA #6 ─ Play an Anti-Pirate undergoing D&R
Event Card ○ KC Score > Pirate Score

Blackbeard Actions (ii) Convert Doubloons to Net Anti-Pirate Actions ─ (APA) [NB
Worth AP Players may also React to certain
Summary – V1.0 (iii) Refit PAs for FREE]
(iv) Buy Safe Haven
Pirate Actions (v) Enter Involuntary D&R or APA #1 ─ Attempt to Deploy a King’s
Declare Voluntary D&R Commissioner (KC)
Note: only PA#1 and PA#8 available to a PA #6 ─ Attack Port
Pirate undergoing D&R APA #2 ─ Move a KC

PA #7 ─ Sack Port APA #3 ─ Use a KC to Attack a Pirate

PA #1 ─ Move
PA #8 ─ D&R Recovery
PA #2 ─ Find Merchant Ship
APA #4 ─ Use a KC to Oust Pirate from
PA #9 ─ Booty Grab Port
PA #3 ─ Loot Merchant Ship
PA #10 ─ Retire APA #5 ─ Use Any On-Station Warship
PA #4 ─ Convert Merchant Ship
PA #11 ─ Draw and/or Deploy New ─ Add New Warship and Use if
PA #5 ─ In-Port Activities ─ ALL for Pirate
one Action TOTAL Desired

PA #12 ─ Form Pirate Alliance APA #6 ─ Play an Anti-Pirate Event

(I) Ransom Hostages

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