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Basani Riccardo

Address: 125 East 54th Street, 92404 San Bernardino, California

Phone: (909) 553-4066 (mobile)

Formal University Degrees

2016-May 2017 University of Redlands, California – Single Subject Teaching Credential, Geoscience.

2003-2005 Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavik, Iceland - Bachelor of Science in Geology.

Final Thesis: “Computer Modelling of Deep Water Sedimentary Basins”

1995- 2002 Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy - Bachelor and Master of Science in Environmental Engineering.
Final Thesis: “Geothermal Energy: Exploitation and Gas Discharge in the Environment.”

Other Training and Education

2005-2007 Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

Selected and awarded with full scholarship for a PhD Student-position in environmental engineering. Co-tuition with Trento
University (Italy). Program sponsored by private Norwegian energy companies and research institutes for four years. Topic:
Dams stability and safety, C.F.D. development and validation. Was unable to finish PhD program due to personal reasons.

2005 Norges Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim, Norway

Selected and awarded with full scholarship for the European Union Erasmus Program. Department of Petroleum Engineering

2003 Trento, Italy

Passed the national exam which is required for the practice of engineering in Italy. (esame di stato)

2000-2001 Danmark Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Denmark

Selected and awarded with full scholarship for the European Union Erasmus Program. Department of Energy (M.E.K.) and
Department of Environmental Sciences (I.M.T.).

1990 Music Conservatorium of Trento, Italy Primary

diploma in violin

1985-1988 Music Conservatorium of Trento, Italy

Secondary school, instrument violin. Diploma in music theory (1988)

Professional Experience

2017-California Virtual Academies

Physics and Earth Science Teacher. Teaching virtual classes and one of the in-person physics laboratory.

2017 Sept-Nov Riverside Unified School District Physics

and Earth Science Substitute Teacher.

2005-2015 Complex Flow Design AS, Trondheim, Norway (

Employed as consultant environmental engineer and, from 2009, 19% share holder in the company.

• Simulate submarine gravity flows in order to have a better understanding of the formation of gas and oil reservoirs
and reproduce the stratigraphy/geometry/structure of the reservoirs. Several projects with various major Norwegian
Oil companies, such as Statoil, Shell, Det Norske, BayernGas,Wintershall, Dong, Noreco, Lotos, GazDeFrance,
studying the Norwegian deep marine environment.
• Conduct C.F.D. (computational fluid dynamics) simulations of gas-oil separators for the oil industry in Norway.
• Optimize and design vessel for submarine oil industry such as oil-gas-water separator, mixers, nozzles.
• Study and simulate flow through porous media and on erodible bed with particular attention on dam safety.
• Study and simulate mud mixer for petroleum industry.
• Study and simulate high water pressure trenching machine for shallow water environments.
• Study and simulate flood situation in presence of floating objects, in particular ice blocks.
• Evaluate hydraulic structures and river restorations

2002-2004 Verkfræðistofa Guðmundar og Kristjáns Hf, Reykjavik, Iceland Employed

as consultant environmental engineer.
• Design and develop geothermal power plants using the software E.E.S. for thermodynamics properties and FEMAP
for stress and strain analysis in pipes and structures.
• Design and improve performances of Icelandic geothermal power plants such as Nesjavellir, Krapla, Husavik.
• Study, develop, test and optimize new organic thermodynamic cycles (i.e. Kalina, ORC) to produce electricity from
the geothermal power plants at lower temperature.
• Analyze possible exploitation areas and the optimum geothermal scheme for geothermal fields.
• Study and analyze heat transfer and temperature loss in pipes for geothermal heated districts in cold environments.

2000 University of Trento

Collaboration with the archaeological department in Trento University. (150 hour project).

1999 University of Trento

Collaboration with the language centre in Trento University. (150 hour project).

Scientific Publications on peer reviewed journals

Basani, R., Janocko, M., Cartigny, M. J., Hansen E. W., & Egeenhuisen, J. T. (2014). MassFLOW‐3DTM as a simulation
tool for turbidity currents. From Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Successions on the Norwegian Continental Margin, 587-
Aas, T. E., Basani, R., Howell, J., & Hansen, E. (2014). Forward modelling as a method for predicting the distribution of
deep-marine sands: an example from the Peïra Cava Sub-basin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 387(1),
Courses, workshops attended, presentations

Attended several international workshops and seminars at the University of Trento, Italy, University of Trondheim. Presenter
at the 2nd International Conference about “Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences”, Oslo, Norway.
Presentations at the Flow-3D World Users Conference. Presentations at international meetings as IAS-Mendoza-September
2010, NPF-Norway (2008 e 2010), AAPG Long Beach (California, 2012), AAPG Milan (2011), AAPG Herdberg (Nice,
2012), IAS Schladming (2012), EAGE London (2013), EGU Vienna (2013). AAPG Houston (2014)

Language Skills
Italian native language
English excellent, both written and spoken
Icelandic basic
Norwegian basic
Software/Computer Skills
• Proficient in various engineering and science-related software including: Flow 3D, Surfer, E.E.S, Microsoft Office,
GLView, FieldView, Google Docs, Blackboard Collaborate (beginner level), Power Point Mix
• Good understanding and basic knowledge of AutoCad, Rhyno3D, Fortran, FeMap
Personal Skills

• Very creative and innovative as a result of an artistic background and diverse educational studies.
• Highly productive under pressure. Work very well with deadlines and very self-motivated.
• Able to motivate and lead teams of students.
• Vast intercultural experience from working with companies and students from various nationalities. Highly flexible
and adapt well to various cultural needs and customs.

Professional References

Ginger Early:

Seth Freehling :
Ernst W. M. Hansen :
Andrea Brunello :
Fabrizio Zanotti :
Snorre Heimsund:

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