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siano1e cos 53 Tsin 53° rte 12,000 ibs Tension on cable CD EM, =0 (Tsin 53°)(8 + 10.44) = 8000(13.86) + 12000(4) T = 10788.47 Ib answer Reaction at A EMp =0 ‘A,(8 + 10.44) = 8000(13.86) + 12000(4) Ay = 8616.05 Ib DF =0 A, + T.cos53° = 8000 + 12.000 A, + 10 788.47 cos 53° = 8000 + 12000 A, y = 13507.34 Ib Ra = 16021.38 Ib Ay _ 13507.34 tand4, — an bas — FT “3616.08 hps:iww mathatin.comeviewer/engineering-mechanicsiproblem-001-m-method-members, 216 ai2018 Problem 001-mm | Method of Members | Engineering Mechanics Review O az = STAT? ‘Thus, Ra = 16 021.38 Ib at Oy = 57.47° with the horizontal. answer Force on member CD ; 8 tn b= Tag =8 B= 53.78" a= 1386 m ¢ EM, =0 (Fac sin 8)(8) — 12000(4) (Fac sin 53.78°)(8) = 12000(4) Fyc = 7437.21 Ib tension answer ‘Tags: cable compression member tension member support reaction three-force member «Method of Members | Frames Containing up Three-Force Members Problem 002-mm | Method of Members » Log in or register to post comments hps:hwew mathatin.comeviewer/engineering-mechanicsiproblem-001-n-method-members, 316 sano1e Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Engineering Machanics Review Manage Yo Cropin Business Eff arm to Fork Vis Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members Problem 442 Each member of the frame shown in Figure P-348 weighs 50 Ib per ft. Compute the horizontal and vertical components of the pin pressure at C, D, and F an oat TELTTD Figure P-348 Solution 442 Click here to show or hide th Total Weight of Each Member ethod- members htps:shwiw mathatino.comieviewer/enginearing-mechanics/problem-442-analysis-fam siano1e Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Enginaering Mechanics Review teil, an c oft Wag = 50(12) = 600 Ib Weer = 50(12) = 600 Ib Wor = 50/8? + 6? = 500 1b From the FBD for Member CE EMc =0 S8Dy = 6(600) + 12(2000) Dy = 3450 Ib FBD for Member CE DFy =0 Du = Cy EMp =0 8Cy + 2(600) = 4(2000) hps:hww an siano1e Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Enginaering Machanics Review Cy = 850 Ib From the FBD for Member DF EMr =0 6Dy = 4(500) + 8(3450) Dy = 4933.33 Ib Cu = 4933.33 Ib 3h 3450 Ib FBD for Member DF DF y = Fy = Dy Fiz = 4933.33 Ib DFy =0 Fy = 500 +3450 Fy = 3950 Ib Checking: From the FBD of the whole system EMp =0 12R4 = 4(500) + 6(600) + 12(2000) Rg = 2466.67 Ib hps:hww a siano1e Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Engineering Machanics Review DFy By =Ry By = 2466.67 Ib EFy =0 By = 600 + 500 + 600 + 2000 By = 3700 Ib From the FBD of Member AB DFy =0 2466.67 + 4933.33 — 2466.67 — 4933.33 =0 (okay!) = 2466.67 |b aft 850 z Cy = 4933.33 Ib aft hoo aft FH = 4933.33 b FBD for Member AB hps:hww ar sano1e Problem 443 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Engineering Mechanics Review Aly A Global Sourcing Marketplace Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 443 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members Problem 443 The frame shown in Figure P-443 is hinged to rigid supports at A and B, Find the components of the hinge forces A and E and the forces in members BC and BD. 12 kN Solution 443 Click here to show or hide the solution From FBD for Support Reactions EMp =0 2Ay = 2(12) Ay —12KN — answer htps:shwiw mathatino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanicsiproblom-443-analysis-frame-method- members siano1e Problem 443 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Enginaering Mechanics Review 12 KN FBD for Support Reactions DF =O Ey = Ay Ey =12KN answer Dy =0 By + Ay=12 + From the FBD of Member AB DF, -0 By Symmetry Ay = By = 1(12) Ay = By =6kN answer 12 kN FBD for Member AB hps:ihwirw 216 siano1e Problem 443 - Analysis of Frame by Method of Members | Engineering Machanics Review Substitute AV = 6 KN to + Ey +6=12 Ey =6KN answer From FBD for Section Below M-M EMp = 0 1.5Fbe = 2.5(6) Fyc = 10 kN tension answer Ey = 12 kN # i Ev = 6 KN FBD for Section Below M-M DFy =0 $Fpp = 12 Fgp = 20KN compression answer ‘Tags: frame method of members Method of Sections three-force member «Problem 442 - Analysis of Frame by Method w of Members Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members » Log in or register to post comments htps:shwiew mathatin.comieviewerlengineering-mechanics/problem-443-analysis-frame-method-members 316 sian018 Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review ox Convert From Doc to PDF vmacer PDF to Doc Simply With The ree Online Ap Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members Problem 444 The frame shown in Figure P-444 is supported by a hinge at A and a roller at E, Compute the horizontal and vertical components of the hinge forces at B and C as they act upon member AC. Solution 444 Click here to show or hide the solution From the FBD of the whole system EM, = 5Rg = 5.5(24) Rp = 264 KN htps:shwew mathatin.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-444-analysis-frame-method- members we siano1e Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review © EMg =0 Ay = 0.5(24) Ay =24kN DFy Ay =0 From the FBD of the horizontal member hips:ihwrw an siano1e Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review 24 KN Py B 3m p ism Da EMp = 0 3By = 1.5(24) By =12kN From the FBD of member BC DR =0 Oy +24 = 12 Cy =9.6KN hips:ihwrw a siano1e Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review Go EMz =0 3Cy + 1(2.4) = 15Cy 3Cy +24 = 1.5(9.6) Cy =4kN DFy =0 Bu = Cy By =4kN Answer By =4KN to the right By = 12 KN upward Cy = 4 KN to the left Cy = 9.6 KN downward ‘Tags: frame A-Frame method of members three-force member «Problem 443 - Analysis of Frame by Method up of Members hips:ihww ar sano1e Problem 445 - Analysis of an X-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members 5 - Analysis of an X-Frame by Method of Members Problem 4 Problem 445 The frame shown in Figure P-445 is supported by a hinge at E and a roller at D, Compute the horizontal and vertical components of the hinge force at C as it acts upon BD. 4m—————> Figure P-445 Solution 445 Click here to show or hide the solution From the FBD of the whole system htps:shwiw mathatino.comiteviewer/enginearing-mechanics/problem-445-analysis-x-(rame-method-members siano1e Problem 445 - Analysis of an X-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review 24 KN EMp = 0 ARp 5(24) Ry =9kN From the FBD of Member AB hps:ihww mathatino.comi/eviewer/enginearing-mechanics/problem-445-analysis-x(rame-methad-members 216 siano1e Problem 445 - Analysis of an X-Frame by Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review DM, =0 3By = 2(24) By =16kN From the FBD of Member BD BFy =0 Cy +9=16 Cy =TkN upward answer Ro = 9 kN DMz =0 1.5Cy = 1.5Cy + 3.5Rp 1.50 = 1.5(7) +3.5(9) Cry = 28KN tothe right — answer ‘Tags: frame X-Frame method of members three-force member «< Problem 444 - Analysis of an A-Frame by up Method of Members Problem 446 - Compound Truss Formed Into ‘Three-Hinged Arch > hps:ihwww 316 sano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed nto Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review View Resume Templates ResumeCoach Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Arch Problem 447 The truss are joined as shown in Figure P-447 to form a three-hinged arch, Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the hinge force at B and then determine the type and magnitude of force in bars BD and BE. 24kN 72. kN 2m—>-— 2m 8 Figure P-447 Solution 447 Click here to show or hide the solution, From the FBD of the whole system EMc =0 2Ay + 8Ay = 6(24) + 2(72) 2Ay + 8Ay = 288 Ag +4Ay = 144 — Equation (1) -447-compound-russ-formed-hree-hingad-arch um htlps:shwew mathalin.comieviewerfengineering-mechanicsiprobler siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review 24 kN TZN G DM, =0 2Cy + 2(24) + 6(72) = 8Cy 2Cy + 480 = 8Cy 2Cq — 8Cy = —480 Cy —4Cy = —240 — Equation 2) From the FBD of the section to the left of B EMp = 0 4Ay + 2(24) = 44y 4Ay ~4Ay = —48 Ay — Ay = 12 © Equation 3) htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch amt siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review 24 kN DM, =0 4By = 4By + 2(24) 4By ~ 4By = 48 By ~ By =12 — Equation (4) From the FBD of the section to the right of B DM; = 0 6Cy + 2(72) = 40y 6Cy — 4Cy ~144 3Cq — 2Cy = —72 — Equation (5) htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch ant siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review TZN Mc = 0 6By + 4By = 2(72) 6By + 4By 144 3By + 2By = 72 — Equation (6) From Equation (1) and Equation (3) Ay =19.2kN Ay = 31.2kN From Equation (2) and Equation (5) Cy = 19.2 KN Cy = 64.8KN From Equation (4) and Equation (6) By =19.2kN By =7.2kN Checking for Reactions: Fy = htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch amt siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed nto Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review 19.2-19.2=0 (okay) Ay= 31.2 kN DF =0 31.2 + 64.8 — 24-72 (okay) From the FBD of the Section to the Left of MM EM, =0 AF yp = 2(24) Fgp = 12 kN compression htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch sit siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review 24 kN Ay = 31.2 KN BFy =0 Fog sin 45° + 24 = 31.2 Fpp = 7.2V2kN Fg = 10.182 KN compression Checking: From the FBD of the Section to the Right of N-N EMe = 0 6F, = 2(72) F, =24kN htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch ant siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review 72kN Cy = 64.8 KN Fy = 24VT3 kN F, = 8.653 KN tension From the FBD of Joint B BF =0 Fog sin 45° = in 45° = © (2.4/7 T.2yIsin 45° = F;(24V13) T2=7.2 (okay! htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-frmed-hree-hingad-arch am siano1e Protlem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into Three-Hinged Ach | Engineering Mechanics Review EFy =0 Fa + Fox cos 45° + 5 F: = 12 4 7.2y2cos 45° + 4. (2.473) = 24 24 = 24 (okay!) Answer Summary By =19.2kN By =7.2kN Fp = 12 KN compression Fog = 10.182 KN compression ‘Tags: Three-Hinged Arch Compound Truss_method of members Method of Joints Method of Sections «Problem 446 - Compound Truss Formed Into up Three-Hinged Arch Problem 448 - Beam of Three Segments Joined by Internal Hinges > Log in or register to post comments htps:shwww mathalio.comieviewer/engineering-mechanics/problem-447-compound:-russ-formed-hree-hingad-arch ant sano1e Problem 448 - Beam of Three Segments Joined by Internal Hinges | Engineering Mechanics Review Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 448 - Beam of Three Segments Joined by Internal Hinges Problem 448 A beam carrying the loads shown in Figure P-448 is composed of three segments, It is supported by four vertical reactions and joined by two frictionless hinges. Determine the values of the reactions, 40 kN | 20 kN/m 10 kN/m Hinge Hinge Ry Ro R Figure P-448 Solution 448 Click here to show or hide the solution and third segments From the FBD of the Ry =H, =20kN 40 kN 10 kN/m 3m 3m 6m Ri Hs He Re Ry 2(6 x 10) = 30 kN From the FBD of the second segment M4 hps:thww.mathalin.comireviewerlengineering-machanicslprablem-448-beam-three-segments-oined-inlernal-hinges auroore Problem 448 - Beam of Three Segments Joined by Intemal Hinges | Engineering Mecharics Review DMp3 = 0 OR, + 4(30) = 14(20) + 14(20)(7) Ry = 212 kN 20 kN/m. 4m 10m 4m Hi=20KN Ri He=30kN EMp = 0 10Ry + 4(20) = 14(30) + 14(20)(3) R; = 118kN ‘Tags: continuous beam internal hinge «Problem 447 - Compound Truss Formed Into up Three-Hinged Arch Problem 449 - Reactions at the Supports of a Bridge > Log in or register to post comments ox Start Download - efamboceror View PDF FromDoeToPDF Convert From Doc to PDF, PDF to Doc Simply With The Free Online App! Subscribe to on = 319 Mabuhay! Please join our community. Login or Register or Login With Facebook hps:hwrw. mathalin.comireviewer/engineering-mechanicsiproblem-448-beamthree-segments-joined-inlernal-hinges 216 ‘Suppor ofa Bridge | Enginearing Mechanics Review on x) Log BOL Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 449 - Reactions at the Supports of a Bridge Problem 449 The bridge shown in Figure P-449 consists of two end sections, each weighing 20 tons with center of gravity at G, hinged to a uniform center span weighing 12 tons. Compute the reactions at A, B, E, and F 6 tons 40m. fm Figure P-449 Solution 449 Click here to show or hide the solution. From Member CD EMp = 0 60Cy = 30(12) + 20(6) Cy =8t 18 htps:shwiw mathalin.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-443-reactons-supports-bridge siano1e Problem 449 - Reactions al the Supports of a Bridge | Engineering Mechanics Review 6t [— 4om- = 20m») ie D 30m) 30m) a 12 Dy EMc =0 60Dy = 30(12) + 40(6) Dy = 10t From the Section to the Left of C EMz =0 50R, + 20(8) = 20(20) Ra=48t answer EM, =0 5ORy = 30(20) + 70(8) Ry =23.2t answer 20t ction to the Right of D DMp = 0 50Re = 30(20) + 70(10) htps:shwiw mathalino.comiteviewer/enginearing-mechanics/problem-443-reactions-supports-bridge 216 siano1e Problem 449 - Reactions al the Supports of a Bridge | Engineering Mechanics Reviow Rp =26t answer 5ORp + 20(10) 20(20) Rp =4t answer ‘Tags: stone bridge support reaction internal hinge «Problem 448 - Beam of Three Segments Joined up by Intemal Hinges Problem 450 - Reactions at Hinge Support of the Frame Holding > Log in or register to post comments > Subscribe to on "318 Mabuhay! Please join our community. Login or Register or Login With Facebook htps:hwi mathalino.comieviewer/enginearing-mechanics/problem-443-reactions-supports-bridge ais sano1e Problem 450 - Reactions al Hinge Suppot ofthe Frame Holding | Engineering Mechanics Review pax a RTS Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 450 - Reactions at Hinge Support of the Frame Holding Problem 450 The billboard BC weighing 1000 Ib is subjected to a wind pressure of 300 Ib/ft as shown in Figure P-450, Neglecting the weights of the support-members, determine the component of the hinge forces at A and F 300 Ib/ft Figure P-450 Solution 450 Click here to show or hide the solution From the FBD of the whole system EMp = 0 4Ay + 12Ay + 5(300 x 10) = 6(1000) hps:hwww.mathalin.comireviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-450-reactions-hinge-suppertframe-halding 8 ai2018 Problem 450 - Reactions at Hinge Suppor ofthe Fr 4Ay +12Ay = —9000 1¢ Holding | Engineering Mechanics Review Ay + 3Ay = —2250 — Equation (1) EM, =0 12Fy = 4Fyy + 6(1000) + 9(300 x 10) 12Fy ~ Fy = 33.000 3Ky — Fy = 8250 — Equation (2) DPFy =0 Ay = Fy + 300(10) Au = Fiz +3000 — Equation (3) From FBD of member BC hps:thwww. mathalin.comireviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-460-reactions-hinge-supportframe-halding 218 siano1e Problem 450 - Reactions at Hinge Suppor of the t—-lllc, 10ft 300 Ibyft |——Hflw = 1000 ib By EMz = 0 10Cy = 5(300 x 10) Cry = 1500 Ib From the FBD of member CD hps:thwww. mathalin.comireviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-460-reactions-hinge-supportframe-halding 318 siano1e Problem 450 - Reactions al Hinge Suppot ofthe Frame Holding | Engineering Mechanics Review ¢_ C= 1500 Ib ——— ate GW De Git Dy DPy = 0 Dy = 1500 Ib SFrom the FBD of member DF hps:hwww mathalin.comi/reviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-450-reactions-hinge-supportframe-halding 48 siano1e Problem 450 - Reactions al Hinge Suppot ofthe Frame Holding | Engineering Mechanics Review Dy Dy = 1500 Ib EMp = 0 Fy = 4(1500) Fy = 1500 1b Substitute Fjy = 1500 Ib to Equation (2) 3Fy — 1500 = 8250 Fy = 3250 Ib Substitute Fyy = 1500 Ib to Equation (3) Ay = 1500 + 3000 Ay = 4500 1b ‘Substitute AH = 4500 Ib to Equation (1) 4500 + 3Ay = ~2250 2250 Ib Answer Summary hps:hwww mathalin.comi/reviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-450-reactions-hinge-supportframe-halding 58 ai2018 ‘Ay = 4500 Ib to the left Ay =2250 Ib downward F y= 1500 Ib to the right Fy = 3250 Ib upward ‘Tags: Billboard Wind Pressure support reaction frame Problem 450 - Reactions al Hinge Suppot ofthe Frame Holding | Engineering Mechanics Review « Problem 449 - Reactions at the Supports of a Bridge up Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces of a Frame > ‘Comments Submitted by Nooh Alubrak on January 17, 2017 - 6:33pm the website is very good and more benefit, Start Download - ‘efamooceror View PDF FromDoeToPDF Convert From Doc to PDF, PDF to Doc ‘Simply With The Free Online App! Subscribe to on Mabuhay! Please join our community Login or Register or Login With Facebook Log in or register to post comments Log in or register to post comments hps:thwww. mathalin.comireviewer/engineering-mechanicslprablem-460-reactions-hinge-supportframe-halding ae sano1e Problem 002-mm | Method of Members| Engineering Mechanics Review ox Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 002-mm | Method of Members Problem 002-mm. Members AB and BC shown in Fig, F-002(MM) ate pinned together at point The structure supports pulley at point B with which, a person is hoisting a 2.0 kN load, Member BC has a weight of 1.6 id are pinned to the floor at points A and c KN, which may be considered to act at its center, while AB is made of strong-light material and has negligible weight Determine the value of the external support reactions at A and C. Figure F-002(MM) Solution 002-mm, Click here to show or hide the solution AB isan axial member while BC is a three-force member. Thus, A, = Ra cos37 Ay = Rysin37° 18 hps:iww mathatin.comieviewer/engineering-mechanicsiproblem-002-n-method-members siano1e BMc =0 A, (1) + A,(8) = 4.0(4) + 1.6(2) Ry cos 37° + (Ry sin37°)(8) = 19.2 5.6132R4 = 19.2 Ry =342 KN answer C,=273 KN answer Sry 0 G+ Ay = 40416 O, + Rasin37° = 5.6 Cy + 3.42sin37° = 5.6 C,=3.54 KN answer ‘Tags: three hinged are three-force member _non-axial member « Problem 001-mm | Method of Members Problem 003-mm | Method of Members » hps:hwww mathatin.comieviewer/engineering-mechanicsiproblem-002-n-method-members Log in or register to post comments 26 sano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review OX lerge & Convert Files into syPDFCombine Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces of a Frame Problem 451 The frame shown in Figure P-451 is hinged at E and roller supported at A, Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the hinge forces at B, C, and D. Neglect the weights of the members. 24 kN Figure P-451 Solution 451 Click here to show or hide the solution From the FBD of the whole frame EMp =0 6Rx + 3(30) = 5(24) Ra =5KN 481-componenis-hinge-forces-rame 8 htlps:shww mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanicsiproblr siano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review 24 kN EM, =0 6Ey + 5(24) = 9(30) By =25kN DPFy =0 Ey =24kN From the FBD of member CE EMp =0 2Cq = 2(24) Cy = 24 kN htps:shwww mathalino.comireviewer/engineering-mechanics/problem-451-components-hinge-forces-rame 218 siano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review 2m | 4% Ey = 24 kN Ev = 25 kN EMe =0 2Dy = 4(24) Dy = 48kN From the FBD of member BF EMz =0 3Cy = 3(24) + 4(24) 56 kN Cy hps:thwww mathalin.comieviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-461-componenis-hinge-forces-rame: 318 siano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review 24kN F im 3m 3m: EFy =0 By = 24424 By = 48KN DF, =0 By =Cy By =56kN From the FBD of member AG hps:thwww mathalin.comieviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-461-componenis-hinge-forces-rame: 48 siano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review Dy =48KN 30 KN Ra = SKN DFy =0 Dy +5 =56 +30 Dy =81KN Check at member CE Gy) =50 KN $ Ga= 24KN Dy = 48 kN p Dy = 81 kN e Ey = 24 KN Ev = 25 KN EFy =0 hps:thwww mathalin.comieviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-461-componenis-hinge-forces-rame: 58 siano1e Problem 451 - Components of Hinge Forces ofa Frame | Engineering Mechanics Review Cut Ey = Du 244+24=48 (okay!) 0 Fy Cy + Ey = Dy 56+25=81 (okay!) ‘Answer Summary By ~ 48 kN By=56kN yp 24 kN Cy = 56 KN Dy =48 kN Dy-8I KN ‘Tags: frame method of members three-force member «< Problem 450 - Reactions at Hinge Support of up the Frame Holding Problem 452 - Weight Supported by a Cable Which Runs Over a Frictionless Pulley > Log in or register to post comments ox Start Download - ‘etamooceror View PDF FrombocToPOF Convert From Doc to PDF, PDF to Doc Simply With The Free Online App! Subscribe to on =" 318 Mabuhay! Please join our community Login or Register or Login With Facebook hps:thwww mathalin.comireviewerlengineering-mechanicslprablem-461-componenis-hinge-forces-rame: ae sano1e Prablem 482 - Weight Supported by a Cable Which Runs Ovar a Fritionlass Pulley | Engineering Mechanics Review PMS os Ble] Vigeiglel Marketplace Home » Engineering Mechanics » Analysis of Structures » Method of Members | Frames Containing Three-Force Members h Runs Over a Frictionless Problem 452 - Weight Supported by a Cable Whi Pulley Problem 452 For the frame shown in Figu components of the hinge force at B as it acts P-452, determine the horizontal and vertica upon member AC 4m: | —4m Figure P-452 Solution 452 Click here to show or hide the solution From the FBD of the palley DF, 0 An = 60kN htps:shwi mathalino.comieviewer/engineering-mechanics/problem-452-weight-supported-cable-which-runs-over-rictonless we siano1e Problem 452 - Weight Supported by a Cable Which Runs Over a Frictionless Pullay | Engineering Mechanics Raview 60 KN 60 KN DF, =0 Ay = 60kN From the FBD of the whole frame EMp =0 4Cy = 6(60) Cy = 90 KN htps:shwiw mathalino.comieviewerfengineering-mechanics/problem-452-weight-supported-cable-which-runs-over-itonless an siano1e Problem 452 - Weight Supported by a Cable Which Runs Over a Frictionless Pull | Engineering Mechanics Raview > 60 KN EMe =0 Ey = 10(60) By = 1504N From the FBD of member AC ER, =0 By = 60 +90 By =150KN upward — answer hps:shww. mathatin.comieviewer/engineering-mechanics/problem-452-weightsupported-cable-whict-runs-over-rictonless

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