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(i) referred to LV side and
(ii) referred to HV side inserting all the
01. Transformers
parameter values. And also calculate the
01. The equivalent circuit referred to the LV side a) The efficiency of the transformer at
of a 250/2500V single phase transformer is 75% loading with load power factor =
shown in fig. 0.7
b) At what load or kVA the transformer is
0.2  0.7 
to be operated for maximum
N1 efficiency? Also calculate the value of
V1 500 250 V2 
N2 maximum efficiency.
c) The regulation of the transformer at full
load 0.8 power factor lag.
d) What should be the applied voltage
The load impedance connected to the HV to the LV side when the transformer
terminals is (380+j230) . For a primary voltage
delivers rated current at 0.7 power
of 250 V, compute factor lagging, at a terminal voltage
(a) the secondary terminal voltage, of 400 V?
(b) primary current and power factor and Ans: (a) 91.35% , (b) 92.58%, 91.51%
(c) power output and efficiency. (c) 4.94% (d) 210 V
Ans: (a) V2 = 2220 V,
(b) 51 A, cos1 = 0.794 lag, 04. A 5kVA, 200 V/ 100 V, 50 Hz, single phase ideal
(c) 93.83% two winding transformer is to used to step up
a voltage of 200 V to 300 V by connecting it
02. The O.C and S.C test data are given below like an auto transformer. Show the
for a single phase, 5 kVA, 200V/400V, 50Hz connection diagram to achieve this.
transformer. Calculate the maximum kVA that can be
O.C test from LV side: 200V 1.25A 150W handled by the autotransformer (without over
S.C test from HV side: 20V 12.5A 175W loading any of the HV and LV coil). How
Draw the equivalent circuit of the transformer much of this kVA is transferred magnetically
and how much is transferred by electrical
conduction. Ans: 15 kVA, 5 kVA, 10 kVA

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
2 Electrical Machines

05. Two 1-phase furnaces I and II are supplied at from the L.V side at rated voltage, determine
80 V by means of a Scott connected the no load current, power factor and power
transformer combination from a 3-phase, input.
6600 V system. The voltage of furnace I is Ans: 7.5A, 0.5 lag and 1500 W
leading. Calculate the line currents on the 3-
phase side when the furnaces take 500 kW 09. Two single phase transformers T1 and T2 rated
and 800 kW respectively (a) at unity power
at 300 kVA and 400 kVA respectively, when
factor; (b) furnace I at unity p.f., furnace II at
operated in parallel share a 500 kVA, 0.8
0.7 p.f lagging. Draw the corresponding
lagging power factor load as follows:
vector diagrams.
T1 : 192 + j117 kVA
Ans: (a) 121.21 A, 128.85 A, 165 A,
T2 : 210 + j184 kVA
(b) 87.48 A, 206.67 A, 145.19 A
Find the regulation of T2 for rated kVA output
06. A 4 kVA, 200/400 V, 50 Hz, single phase at 0.8 lagging power factor when the
transformer gave the following test figures: No percentage impedance of T1 is (1.5 + j6).
load : low voltage data, 200 V, 0.7 A, 60W. Also find the total load that the two
Short circuit: high voltage data, 9V, 6A, 21.6 transformers can share without any of these
W. Calculate (a) the magnetizing current getting overloaded at 0.9 lagging pf.
and the component corresponding to iron (ICS-96-20M)
loss at normal voltage and frequency; (b) the Ans: 4.35% and 605.1 kW
efficiency on full load at unity power factor;
(c) the secondary terminal voltage on full
10. A 200/400 V, 25 kVA, 50 Hz transformer is
load at power factors of unity, 0.8 lagging,
connected as an auto transformer to
and 0.8 leading
transform 600 V to 200 V. With a load of 25
Ans: (a) 0.63 A, 0.3 A,
kVA at 0.8 lag P.F. connected at 200 V
(b) 97.1 %
terminals, determine current in the load and
(c) 394 V, 387 V, 403.4 V
the two transformer windings. Also calculate
the rating of the transformer. (ICS-08-8M)
07. A 100 kVA, 2400/240 V, 50 Hz single phase
Ans: 12536.87 A, (125/3)36.87 A,
transformer has an exciting current of 0.64 A
(250/3)36.87 A, 16.67 kVA
and a core loss of 700 watts, when its high
voltage side is energized at rated voltage
11. The parameters of the equivalent circuit of a
and frequency. Calculate the two
150-kVA, 2400-V/240-V transformer are R1 =
components of the exciting current.
Ans: 0.292 A, 0.596 A 0.2 , R2 = 2 m, X1 = 0.45 , X2 = 4.5 m, Rc =
10k, and Xm = 1.55 k. Using the circuit
08. A 100 kVA, 1000/400 volts, single phase referred to the primary, determine the (a)
transformer, when excited at rated voltage voltage regulation and (b) efficiency of the
on H.V side, draws a no load current of 3.0 A transformer operating at rated load with 0.8
at 0.5 lagging power factor. If it is excited
lagging power factor. Ans: (a) 2.3 % (b)98.2 %
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
3 Conventional Questions

12. Two transformers, operating in parallel, deliver 15. A 3-phase transformer rated at 1000 kVA,
a 230V, 400-kVA load at 0.8 power factor 11/3.3 kV has its primary windings star-
lagging. One transformer is rated at 2300 connected and its secondary windings delta-
V/230 V and has an impedance of 1.84 connected. The actual resistances per phase
84.2 , referred to the primary. The of these windings are: Primary 0.375 ,
corresponding data for the second secondary 0.095 ; and the leakage
transformer are 2300 V/225 V and 0.77 82.5 reactances per phase are; primary 9.5 ,
. Calculate (a) the current and (b) the secondary 2 . Calculate the voltage at
power delivered by each transformer. normal frequency which must be applied to
Ans: (a) 526 A, 1212 A; the primary terminals in order to obtain full-
(b) 93.35 kW, 226.65 kW load current in the windings when the
secondary terminals are short-circuited.
13. Give a diagram of connections for the back- Calculate also the power input under these
to-back load test of two 300-kVA, 6600/420- conditions.
volt, mesh-star, 3-phase transformers and Ans: 1.53 kV, 6000 W
explain the theory of the test. A 200 kVA
transformer on full-load at unity power factor 16. A 3-phase load of 1500 kW, power factor 0.8
has an efficiency of 98%. The full-load lagging is supplied from a tap-changer
temperature-rise measured in the oil is 45C transformer, 11/33 kV, delta on L.V and star
and the copper loss is three times the core on H.V side. Resistance (R) per phase is 0.5 
loss. Estimate the efficiency at unity power on L.V. and 1.5  on H.V side. Reactances (X)
factor and the final steady oil temperature- per phase are 6.5 and 20  respectively. Each
rise for 20% overload. line conductor has R = 10 and X = 6 . If the
Ans: 97.74%, 59.8% L.V. side is supplied at 11 kV, find setting of
tap-changer to give 33 kV at full load.
14. Two electric furnaces are supplied with single- Ans: Tap up 6.85 %.
phase current at 80 volts from a 3-phase,
11000 V system by means of two single-phase 17. A 110-kVA, 1-phase transformer has a ratio of
Scott connected transformers, with similar 11000/440V. The iron loss measured on open-
secondary windings. When the load on one circuit is 1100 W. With the secondary winding
transformer is 500 kW and on the other is 800 short-circuited, a voltage of 500 V at normal
kW, what current will flow in each of the 3- frequency applied to the primary produces
phase lines at unity power factor? full load current, the wattmeter reading 1000
Ans: I1 = 52.5 A, I2 = I3 =77.2A W. Calculate (a) the secondary terminal
voltage, (b) the efficiency, when a current of
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
4 Electrical Machines

250 A at a lagging power factor of 0.8 is

taken by a load connected to the low- 02. DC Machines
voltage terminals, the primary voltage being
11000 V.
01. A 5 kW, 230 V, shunt motor has an armature
Ans: (a) 425 V;
resistance of 0.5  and a field resistance of
(b) 97.6% 230. At no load the motor runs at a speed of
1000 rpm and draws a current of 3 A. At full
18. A star/star/mesh transformer, with primary, load and rated voltage, the current drawn in
secondary and tertiary voltages of 11000 V, 23 A and the armature reaction causes a
drop of 2% in the flux. Determine:
1000 V and 400 V, has a magnetizing current
(i) full load speed (ii) full load torque
of 3 A. There is a balanced load of 600 kVA at
Ans: 975.84 rpm, T = 65.238 N-m
0.8 power factor lagging on the secondary
winding and a balanced load of 150 kW on 02. Two identical D.C. machines when tested by
the tertiary winding. Neglecting losses, find Hopkinson method gave following test results:
the primary and tertiary phase currents if the Field currents are 2.5 A and 2 A. Line voltage
is 220 V. Line current including both the field
primary power factor is 0.82 lagging.
currents is 10 A. Motor armature current is 73
Ans: 40.3A; 126 A
A. The armature resistance of each machine
is 0.05 .
19. A 50-H.P, 440-V, 3-phase induction motor with Calculate the efficiency of both the
an efficiency of 0.9 and a power factor of machines.
0.85 on full load is supplied from a 6600/440-V, Ans: g = 92.89% and m = 93.37%

mesh/star-connected transformer. Ignoring

03. A 250V, 4-pole, dc series motor have lap
the magnetizing current, calculate the
connected 180 conductors. Flux/ pole = 3.75
currents in the high and low-voltage
mWb/ field Amp and total armature circuit
transformer phases when the motor is running resistance is 1. The motor coupled to a
at full load. centrifugal pump whose load torque is TL = 10–
Ans: 2.46 A; 64 A 4 N2 N-m, where N= speed in rpm. Caluclate
the current drawn by the motor and speed at
which it will run.
Ans: N = 810 rpm, I = 24.72 A.

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
5 Conventional Questions

04. A separately excited d.c. generator has the

03. Synchronous Machines
following data: armature resistance, 0.04 Ω;
field resistance, 110 Ω; total core and
mechanical losses, 960 W; voltage across the 01. Calculate the RMS value of induced emf per
field, 230 V. The generator supplies a load at phase of a 6 pole, 3-, 50 Hz alternator with 3
a terminal voltage of 230 V. slots per pole per phase and 4 conductors
Calculate per slot with double layer winding. The coil
(a) the armature current at which the span is 150 and the fundamental flux per
generator has maximum efficiency, and pole is 0.2 Wb. The third harmonic flux is 20%
(b) the maximum value of generator and 5th harmonic flux is 10% that of
efficiency. fundamental.
Ans: 189.8 A, 93.8% Ans: 1486 V

05. A d.c. shunt machine is connected across a 02. A 3-, Y-connected alternator is rated at
240 V line. It rotates at 1200 r.p.m. and is 3 MVA, 11kV. The armature of effective
generating 230 volts. The armature current is resistance and synchronous reactances are
40 amperes. 2  and 10  per phase respectively.
(i) Is the machine functioning as a generator Calculate the percentage voltage regulation
or as a motor? for a load 2 MVA at
(ii) Find the resistance of the (i) 0.8 pf lag (ii) 0.8 pf lead
armature circuit. (iii) UPF
(iii) Determine the electromagnetic torque. (iv) the power factor at which voltage
(iv) If the load is thrown off, what will be the regulation becomes zero.
generated voltage and the speed of the (v) The maximum possible regulation at rated
machine, assuming that there is negligible conduction.
effect of armature reaction? Ans: (i) 13.12% (ii) –6% (iii) 4.62%
Ans: (i) Motor (ii) 0.25 (iii) 73.21Nm (iv) 0.96 lead (v) 25.27%
(iv) 240V & 1252.17rpm
03. A 400 V, 10 kVA, 3-phase, star connected
salient pole synchronous motor has Xd = 8
and Xq = 6. It is running on infinite Bus bar
operating at rated condition with 0.8 lag pf.
(i) the electromagnetic power developed
and reluctance power developed.
(ii) the maximum power developed at rated
(iii) when excitation fails, the max load the
synchronous motor can carry.

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
6 Electrical Machines

Determine also the corresponding 06. Two alternators running in parallel, supply the
armature current and power factor. following loads:
Ans: (i) 6456 W, 1539 W (ii) 9310 W (i) 500 kW at p.f. 0.9 lagging
(iii) 3335 W, 34 A, 0.14 lead (ii) 1000 kW at p.f 0.8 lagging
(iii) 800 kW at p.f. unity
04. A 20 MVA, 3-phase, star connected 11 kV, 12- (iv) 600 kW at p.f. 0.8 leading
pole, 50 Hz salient pole, synchronous motor, The load on one machine is adjusted to
with negligible armature resistance, has 2000kW at p.f. 0.95 lagging. Find the load and
reactances of Xd = 5 and Xq = 3. At full p.f. of the other machine.
load UPF and rated voltage, calculate Ans: 900 kW, 0.99 lead
(a) The excitation voltage
07. A power system is represented by Thevenin’s
(b) Power
equivalent circuit with Thevenin’s voltage,
(c) Synchronizing power per electrical
Vth = 0.80 p.u, the Thevenin’s impedance
degree and the corresponding torque
Zth = 0.390 p.u. A synchronous generator is
(d) Synchronizing power per mechanical
with generated voltage Eg = 1.2 45 p.u,
degree and the corresponding torque.
synchronous reactance, Xs = 1.090 p.u is
(e) The power angle corresponding to
connected to the power system at a bus.
maximum power and the maximum
(a) Bus voltage, real power and reactive
Ans: (a) 8020.75 V
power transferred to the system at the bus
(b) 20 MW
(b) The value of generated emf of
(c) 648 kW, 12.376 k N-m
synchronous generator required to raise
(d) 3.88 MW, 74.255 k N-m
the bus voltage to 1.0 p.u for the same
(e) 67.827, 11.312 MW
active power transfer.
(c) Also the reactive power transferred to the
05. Two generators rated at 300 MW and 500 MW
system at the same bus.
are operating in parallel. Their governor
Ans: (a) 0.521 pu, 0.158 pu
droop characteristic are respectively 4% and
(b) 1.794 pu (c) 0.7178 pu
5% from no-load to full-load. At no-load, the
system frequency is 50 Hz. When supplying a 08. A 415 V, 6-pole, 3-, 50 Hz, star connected
load of 700 MW. Find synchronous motor has a resistance and
(a) The system frequency will be synchronous independence of 0.5  and 4 
(b) The load shared by machine 1 and per phase respectively. It takes a current of
machine 2 20 A at UPF when operating with a certain
Ans: (a) 48 Hz field current. If the load is increased till the line
(b) 300 MW & 400 MW current is increased to 50 A with the same
excitation, determine
(a) Gross torque developed
(b) The new power factor
Ans: (a) 293 N-m (b) 0.958 lag
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
7 Conventional Questions

09. A 500 V, 6 pole , 3-phase, 50 Hz, Yconnected 12. A 6 MW, 3-phase, 11-kV, Y-connected, 6-pole,
synchronous motor has a resistance and 50 Hz, 0.9 leading power factor synchronous
synchronous reactance of 0.3  and 3  per motor has Xs = 9  and Rs = 0. Rated field
phase respectively. The induced back emf is current is 50 A. Machine is controlled by
600 V. The friction and core losses total 1 kW. variable frequency control at constant V/f
The motor is supplying a mechanical load of ratio upto the base speed and at constant V
100 HP (1HP= 735.5W). above base speed. Determine the torque
Calculate line current and power factor. and field current for the rated armature
Ans: 60.36 A, 0.866 lead current, 750 rpm and 0.8 leading power
10. An industrial load of 5000 kW is supplied at Ans: 50.93 k N-m, 52.36 A
11 kV at 0.8 pf lagging. A synchronous motor
is required to improve the resultant pf to 0.9 13. A 3-phase, 11kV, 10 MW, star-connected
lag in addition to supply a load of 1200 kW. synchronous generator has a synchronous
Determine the rating of the synchronous impedance of (0.8+j8.0)  per phase. If the
motor and its power factor. The efficiency of excitation is such that the open circuit
the synchronous motor is 75%. voltage is 14 kV determine:
Ans: 1692.6 kVA, 0.95 lead (i) Maximum output of the generator
(ii) Current and p.f. at the maximum output.
11. A 3-, 7 MVA, 11 kV, star connected Ans: 17.65 MW, 1215.18 A, 0.76 (lead)
alternator is synchronized with infinite bus bar
with rated voltage. Now the steam input ot 14. A 3 -  star – connected 400 V synchronous
the machine set is increased till the motor takes a power input of 10 kW at rated
synchronous machine begins to operate with voltage its synchronous reactance is 10
a load angle of 40. The synchronous /phase resistance is negligible. If it’s
machine has Zs = 0+j12. Calculate the excitation voltage adjusted equal to the
power factor, armature current, active power rated voltage of 480 V. Determine
and reactive power delivered to the infinite (i) The load angle is
bus under the condition. without any change (ii) Power factor
in steam input, how can this alternator be (iii) The armature current
made to deliver zero reactive power to the Ans: 2.21, 0.99 lead, 14.44 A
bus. Calculate the armature current,
excitation voltage and load angle under 15. A 400 V, 6-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz, star-
these conditions. connected synchronous motor has a
Draw the phasor diagram at the time of resistance and synchronous impedance of
synchronizing when 0.5  and 4  per phase respectively. It takes
i). Load angle 40 a current of 15 A at unity p.f. when operating
ii). No-reactive power flows. with a certain field current. If the load torque
Ans: 340.2 A, 32.73, 7550 V is increased until the line current is increased
to 60 A, the field current remaining

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
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8 Electrical Machines

unchanged, calculate the gross torque 03. A 3 phase wound induction machine is
developed and the new power factor. mechanically coupled to a 3 phase
Ans: 310 N-m, 0.911 (lag). synchronous machine as shown in the figure

04. Induction Machines PSM PIM


01. A 3-phase 460 V, 100 hp, 50 Hz, 4 pole, star Pout

connected induction machine delivers rated LOAD
The synchronous machine has 4 poles and
output power at a slip of 0.05. Determine the
the induction machine has 6 poles. The stator
(a) Synchronous speed and motor speed
of the two machines are connected to a 3
(b) Speed of the rotating air gap field
phase 60 Hz power supply. The rotor of the
(c) Frequency of the rotor circuit
induction machine is connected to a 3
(d) Slip rpm
phase resistive load. Neglect rotational losses
(e) Speed of the rotor field relative to the
and stator resistance losses. The load power is
(i) Rotor Structure
1 pu. The synchronous machine rotates at
(ii) Stator Structure
synchronous speed.
(iii) Stator Rotating field
(a) The rotor rotates in the direction of the
(f) Rotor induced voltage at the operating
stator rotating field of the induction
speed, if the stator to rotor turns ratio is
machine. Determine the speed,
frequency of the current in the resistive
Ans: 425 rpm, 1500 rpm, 2.5 Hz, 75 rpm,
load, and power taken by the
75 rpm, 1500 rpm, 0, 6.63 V
synchronous machine and by the
02. A 3-phase induction motor draws 25 A from induction machine from the source
460 V (phase) at a power factor of 0.85 (b) Repeat (a) if the phase sequence of the
lagging. The stator copper loss is 1 kW and the stator of the induction machine is
rotor copper loss is 500 W. The rotational losses reversed
due to windage and friction are 250 W , core Ans: (a) 1800 rpm, 30 Hz, 3 pu and –2 pu
loss is 800 W , and stray load loss is 200 W. (b) 1800 rpm, 150 Hz, 0.6 pu and 0.4 pu
(i) Air gap power (Pag) 04. A 460 V,25-hp ,60 Hz 4 pole star connected
(ii) The developed mechanical power wound rotor induction motor has the
(iii) The output horse power following impedance in ohms referred to
(iv) The efficiency referred to stator side
Ans: 27.325kW, 26.825kW, 35.63Hp & 90.62% R1 = 0.641; R2 = 0.332 X1 = 1.106
X 2 = 0.464 and Xm=26.3
(a) What is the maximum torque of this
motor? At what speed and slip does it
(b) What is the starting torque of this motor?
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
9 Conventional Questions

Ans: (a) Tmax: 229 Nm, sTmax= 0.19 06. A 110 V, 3-phase, star connected induction
NrTmax = 1444 rpm, (b) Tst:104 Nm motor takes 25 A at a line voltage of 30V with
rotor locked. With this voltage, power input to
05. A 3 phase induction machine is mechanically the motor is 440W and core loss is 40 W. The
coupled to a dc shunt machine. The rating dc resistance between pair of stator terminals
and parameters of the machines are as is 0.1 ohms. If the ratio of a.c to d,c resistance
follows: is 1.6. Find the equivalent leakage
reactance/phase of the motor and the stator
Induction machine: and rotor resistance per phase
3 phase, 5 KVA, 208 V, Y-connected, 60 Hz, 4- Ans: 0.665 , 0.1375 , 0.08 
pole, 1746 rpm, R1=0.25 ohms, X1=0.55 ohms,
R 2 =0.35 ohms, X 2 =1.1 ohms Xm=38 ohms 07. A 3-phase 400V, 50 Hz, 4 pole slip ring
induction motor has a voltage of 100 volts
DC machine:
between any slips at stand still. What will be
220 V, 5 kW, 1750 rpm Ra=0.4ohms, Rsh=100
the steady state speed of the motor, if an emf
of 20 volts is injected in phase and in phase
The induction machine is connected to a
3-phase, 208 V, 60 Hz supply and the dc
Ans: 1800 rpm and 1200 rpm
machine is connected to 220 V supply. The
rotational loss of each machine of the M-G
set may be considered constant at 225 W.
The system rotates at 1710 rpm in the
direction of the rotating field of the induction
(a)Determine the mode of operation of the
induction machine
(b) Determine the current taken by the
induction machine
(c) Determine the real and reactive power at
the terminals of the induction machine
(d) Determine the copper loss in the rotor
(e) Determine the armature current (and its
direction) of the dc machine

Ans: Motoring, 16.6–22.5, 5544.36 kW, 2298.8VAR

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Bhopal  Pune  Bubaneswar  Lucknow  Patna  Bengaluru  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad

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