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Name ______________________________ Date ______________

Grade & Section ___________________

MODULE Grade 3 Competency 5 Quarter 3

Identify the elements of an informational/factual text heard.

I. Let Us Read
REMINDER: The learner may need the help or assistance of someone in the family
(parent/guardian or older siblings) who may read, explain, illustrate the instructions and
explain the discussions in each activity. If the instructions have been made clear, the
learner should work independently on the activities.

Activity 1 – Unlocking of Difficulties (Vocabulary Words)

 Informational/factual text a kind of text that offer data, definitions, descriptions of

phenomena or details about a fact.
 Chinchillas are medium-sized rodents native to the Andes mountain in South
 Echidnas are better known as spiny anteaters.
 The Saola is a specie of Antelope, natively found in the forests on the border of
north-central Vietnam and Laos.
 Earth is the third planet in the solar system. It’s the only planet known to support
an atmosphere with oxygen, oceans of liquid water on the surface and life.

Activity 2 – Directions: Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or

1. The fastest land-dwelling creature is the Cheetah.

Fact or Opinion

2. Michael Jordan has a career average of 30.4 points per game.

Fact or Opinion

3. George Washington was the first President of the United States under the

Fact or Opinion

4. The ugliest sea creature is the manatee.

Fact or Opinion
5. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.

Fact or Opinion

II. What You Need to Know

(Reminder: This should be done with the assistance of an able parent, guardian or

What are informational/factual texts?

We can define informational/factual text in a very simple way, it is the kind of

text that offer data, definitions, descriptions of phenomena or details about a fact.

Where to find informational texts?

Encyclopedia Entry. In the past, encyclopedias were bulky lines of books on a

bookshelf intended to cover all the sciences and knowledge of mankind.

Now, they have been supplied by digital platforms such as Wikipedia, where
ordered information is offered on almost any subject and is available to anyone with

In summary, informational texts are those that offer new knowledge about
something or additional knowledge that enrich what is already known.

The most common informational texts are found in encyclopedias, magazines,

newspapers, school books, cookbooks and so on.

The same in digital versions that in paper and also now in videos, thanks to
platforms like YouTube, that have allowed vloggers to offer us informative videos that
help the same as a written text.

What are the elements and characteristics of the informational texts?

Informational texts offer us facts about reality, physical and chemical phenomena,
history, sports, shows, and well, on almost any subject.

With the immense sources of information, we just don not know what to believe
anymore. Most of the time, they are true. But most of the time, they tend to go away
from the truth leading to confusion.

Here are the main elements of an informational text:

1. The informational text is a more or less extensive answer, as required, to basic
questions such as What is…? What does it mean? What happened? How does it
work? How is it done?
2. Its basic structure is the same as most of the texts: introduction, development and
conclusion. In the first part, what is offered on the information is presented and
defined in general terms.
Then its main characteristics are described, the fundamental elements of
what is defined or what is defined or prescribed, and finally, some uses of that
term are indicated, presentation of that recipe or places where additional
information can be found, as the case may be.
3. The type of language that should be used is objective and clear, as it is not a
literary text. Thus, the language is formal and strictly focused on the subject on
which it is reported without literary ramblings.
4. The structure must correspond to the typical forms of the types of informational
text in question. If it is news, it must correspond to the inverted pyramid shape
typical of these texts. If it is a recipe, to its classic structure and so on in all cases.

With these in mind, now you can decipher what is true and what is not whenever
you hear informational text on the real or digital world.

Happy reading!

Activity 1. Let your parents/guardian/older siblings read the selection and fill in the chart
below based on your understanding.

Weird Animal Names

The Animal Kingdom is full of animals with very weir

and wacky names. Have you ever heard of chinchillas?
They’re medium-sized rodents native to the Andes mountain
in South America. These tiny critters feed primarily on nuts,
seeds and berries. They spray urine and release their fur to
defend themselves when they are under attack.

How about echidnas?

Do you know what they are? Echidnas are better
known as spiny anteaters, although they are actually
not related to them, besides the fact that both
anteaters and echidnas eat ants and termites. The echidna is found in parts of New
Guinea and Australia.

Okay, now let’s try this one: Saola. Any idea? The Saola is a specie of Antelope,
natively found in the forests on the border of north-central Vietnam and Laos. Like all
other Antelope species and indeed cattle, the Saola is a herbivorous animal that lives on a
diet that is solely of plants and plant matter.

Animal Name Food Home

Activity 2. Have someone read the story below for you, then answer the questions.

The Planet Earth

Earth is the third planet in the solar system. It’s the

only planet known to support an atmosphere with
oxygen, oceans of liquid water on the surface and
life. The planet is 70% covered in water. Earth has a
molten core which creates a magnetic field. It is the
one planet not named after a Roman god or goddess.
Earth has one moon and it takes about 365 days for
Earth to orbit the sun.

Answer the questions.

1. How many moons does Earth have? __________

2. How long does it take to orbit the sun? ___________

3. The weather on this planet is _________________

 Write 1 interesting fact about the planet.


Activity 3. Multiple Choice. Let somebody ready the following news article for you.
Answer the questions that follow.
Texting While Walking is Dangerous

Writing text messages and walking is dangerous. It is more dangerous than

driving and texting. More people get injured while walking than driving. Walking in a
straight line is not easy. We can forget how to walk properly. Dangerous things can
happen. We run into people or cars. We fall over things in the street.

There are a few reasons why texting and walking is dangerous. People cannot see
when they look at their keyboard. Their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking
about walking safely. Thousands of people have accidents. Some have serious head

Too much jogging could be a problem!

Running is good for our health. A recent study says that running too much is bad
for us and it doesn’t always make our lives longer. A specialist said too much running
can damage your heart. Long-distance runners and people who never exercise can have
the same risk of having a heart

Experts looked at the health of 3,300 runners. Most of them ran over 30 kilometers a
week. Marathon runners had hard parts in their heart. A doctor who started running in
1967 is sad. He ran 60 kilometers every week. He thought his heart was strong. Now he
has heart problems. He said we should exercise, but not too much.

1. Texting while walking is

a. safer than driving and texting.
b. worse than driving and texting.
c. as dangerous as driving and texting.

2. Some people can be hurt in their

a. heads
b. backs
c. hands

3. Too much running could make our lives

a. safer
b. shorter
c. happier

4. How many runners did the researchers look at?

a. One thousand three hundred
b. Thirty-three thousand
c. Three thousand three hundred
5. A doctor who started running in nineteen sixty-seven
a. is very happy
b. said some exercise is good.
c. thought his heart wasn’t strong.


TELEVISION OR RADIO. Listen to an informational text (news, documentary or
feature) from the television or radio and write a short summary of the informational text
heard below.


Prepared by:

Teacher I
Sta. Monica Elementary School
Moncada North District
Answer Key:

Activity 1. Let your parents/guardian/older siblings read the selection and fill in the chart
below based on your understanding.

Weird Animal Names

The Animal Kingdom is full of animals with very weir and wacky names. Have
you ever heard of chinchillas? They’re medium-sized rodents native to the Andes
mountain in South America. These tiny critters feed primarily on nuts, seeds and berries.
They spray urine and release their fur to defend themselves when they are under attack.

How about echidnas? Do you know what they are? Echidnas are better known as
spiny anteaters, although they are actually not related to them, besides the fact that both
anteaters and echidnas eat ants and termites. The echidna is found in parts of New
Guinea and Australia.

Okay, now let’s try this one: Saola. Any idea? The Saola is a specie of Antelope,
natively found in the forests on the border of north-central Vietnam and Laos. Like all
other Antelope species and indeed cattle, the Saola is a herbivorous animal that lives on a
diet that is solely of plants and plant matter.

Animal Name Food Home

chinchillas nuts, seeds and berries Andes mountain

echidnas ants and termites New Guinea and Australia

saola plants and plant matter Vietnam and Laos

Activity 2. Have someone read the story below for you, then answer the questions.

The Planet Earth

Earth is the third planet in the solar system. It’s the only planet known to support
an atmosphere with oxygen, oceans of liquid water on the surface and life. The planet is
70% covered in water. Earth has a molten core which creates a magnetic field. It is the
one planet not named after a Roman god or goddess. Earth has one moon and it takes
about 365 days for Earth to orbit the sun.

Answer the questions.

4. How many moons does Earth have? __________

5. How long does it take to orbit the sun? ___________

365 days

6. The weather on this planet is _________________

good for living things

 Write 1 interesting fact about the planet.

It is named after a Roman god or goddess. / It is the only planet in the Solar System that can
support life.

Activity 3. Multiple choice. Let somebody ready the following news article for you.
Answer the questions that follow.

Texting While Walking is Dangerous

Writing text messages and walking is dangerous. It is more dangerous than

driving and texting. More people get injured while walking than driving. Walking in a
straight line is not easy. We can forget how to walk properly. Dangerous things can
happen. We run into people or cars. We fall over things in the street.

There are a few reasons why texting and walking is dangerous. People cannot see
when they look at their keyboard. Their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking
about walking safely. Thousands of people have accidents. Some have serious head

Too much jogging could be a problem!

Running is good for our health. A recent study says that running too much is bad
for us and it doesn’t always make our lives longer. A specialist said too much running
can damage your heart. Long-distance runners and people who never exercise can have
the same risk of having a heart

Experts looked at the health of 3,300 runners. Most of them ran over 30 kilometers a
week. Marathon runners had hard parts in their heart. A doctor who started running in
1967 is sad. He ran 60 kilometers every week. He thought his heart was strong. Now he
has heart problems. He said we should exercise, but not too much.

1. Texting while walking is

a. safer than driving and texting.
b. worse than driving and texting.
c. as dangerous as driving and texting.

2. Some people can be hurt in their

a. heads
b. backs
c. hands

3. Too much running could make our lives

d. safer
e. shorter
f. happier

4. How many runners did the researchers look at?

d. One thousand three hundred
e. Thirty-three thousand
f. Three thousand three hundred

5. A doctor who started running in nineteen sixty-seven

d. is very happy
e. said some exercise is good.
f. thought his heart was strong.

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