Design of LNG Storage and Feeding System For An Open Type Ferry

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Design of LNG storage and feeding system for an open type ferry

Chapter · September 2015

DOI: 10.1201/b18855-63


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9 authors, including:

Gerasimos Theotokatos Sotiria Dimitrellou

University of Strathclyde University of West Attica


Eleni Strantzali D. N. Pagonis

National Technical University of Athens University of West Attica


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Design of LNG storage and feeding system for an open type ferry
G. Theotokatos*, G.A. Livanos, S. Dimitrellou, E. Strantzali, D.-N. Pagonis, K. Politis,
A. Theodoulides
Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Egaleo, Athens, Greece
*Currently at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

D. Peirounakis, P. Mizithras
Hellenic Register of Shipping, Piraeus, Greece

ABSTRACT: The paper focuses on the conversion and in specific on the design of the LNG system of a dou-
ble-ended open type ferry operating at short distance routes in the area of east Mediterranean Sea to accommo-
date the LNG fuel operation. The design of the LNG storage and feeding system was carried out based on a
compilation of relevant regulations from various resources. The selection of main system components along
with their characteristics and basic functionality are presented and discussed. In addition the coupled heat
transfer and structural analysis of the LNG piping operating at cryogenic temperature levels was performed
and its results are analysed, providing insight to the involved processes. Finally, the CFD analysis of the re-
quired evaporator unit was carried out and the results are presented for delineating the physical phenomena
occurring in this component.

1 INTRODUCTION liquid fuels. In particular, the NOx and CO2 emis-

sions are reduced by about 85% and 25%-30% re-
Recent years the maritime legislation has become spectively; the former due to the lean burn concept
more stringent regarding the nitrogen oxides, sul- employed and the latter due to the natural gas low
phur oxides and carbon dioxide emissions from carbon to hydrogen ratio (Livanos et al. 2012). After
ships. Special areas designated as Emission Control liquefaction, natural gas is separated from sulphur
Areas, have been already defined and planned to be concentrations which reduce SOx emissions to zero.
further expanded. Traditional marine propulsion Additionally gas engines exhibit very low particulate
plants based on Diesel engines running on Heavy emissions, no visible smoke and no sludge deposits.
Fuel Oil cannot meet the environmental require- Furthermore the advanced extraction processes and
ments in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) (Livanos the discovery of new deposits worldwide has made
et al. 2012), whilst running with lighter low sulphur natural gas an attractive source of energy.
fuels (either Marine Diesel Oil or Gas Oil) with Liquefying natural gas by cooling it down to
0.1% sulphur content can comply with the SOx -163oC results to a considerable reduction of its vol-
regulations within ECAs (IMO 2015a). However, ume, which makes it ideal for transportation (greater
for complying with NOX Tier III levels, which is re- fuel density, lower storage weight). Liquefied Natu-
quired for operation within ECAs (IMO 2015b), ral Gas (LNG) has been transported for many years
techniques like Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) by using LNG carriers. In recent years, LNG infra-
or Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) as well as natu- structure has developed to use LNG as a fuel for
ral gas usage need to be employed. propulsion and auxiliary power generation also for
The demand for low emission ships has lead ship- other ship types, like Ro-Ro and smaller RO-PAX
ping community to exploit natural gas as an alterna- ferries.
tive fuel supply. Natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas In Greek territory, there is a number of 45 double-
mixture, consisting primarily of methane (CH4) and ended open type ferries that operate daily on short
is considered to be the cleanest fossil fuel. It produc- distance routes connecting the inland to islands.
es less carbon dioxide and fewer other pollutants per Considering the fact that they use four stroke diesel
mass of burnt fuel than the commonly used marine engines for propulsion and electrical energy genera-
tion, LNG is considered as an attractive fuel alterna- ther on open deck or in enclosed spaces. For a LNG
tive. piping system employing at a maximum pressure
Furthermore, the significant infrastructure in level of 10 bar, it is acceptable to install the storage
terms of pipeline projects and LNG terminals that tanks in enclosed spaces. In this case, the tanks must
have been developed, are under development or be placed as close to the centreline as possible, so as
have been proposed in the region of east Mediterra- to restrain stability issues that might appear. The
nean, makes LNG also a viable solution for Greek minimum distance that the storage tank can be
ships. In specific, four gas transport and trading pro- placed should be the lesser of B/5 (B is the ship
jects (Gurbanov 2014, Article 2011, Article 2013), breath) or 11.5m from the ship side, the lesser of
namely Nabucco, the Interconnector Turkey-Greece-
B/15 and 2m from the bottom plating and not less
Italy (ITGI), the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and
than 760 mm from the shell plating. Furthermore, if
the South East Europe Pipeline (SEEP) are ongoing.
Moreover, the existing Greek import terminal with the tank space is adjacent to machinery space, a cof-
current LNG storage capacity of 130,000 m3 and two ferdam of at least 900 mm should be used between
proposed Greek import terminals with LNG storage these spaces.
capacities of 285,000 m3 can provide adequate ca- In the case of LNG tanks installation on an open
pacity to suffice the required LNG amount for the deck, a distance of at least B/5 from the ship side
Greek coastal shipping. and open decks should be used for assuring suffi-
cient natural ventilation and preventing the accumu-
lation of escaped gas in case of a leakage. The tanks
2 RETROFITING OF LNG SYSTEM IN AN must also be fitted with drip trays, which need to be
OPEN TYPE FERRY installed underneath the tank and should be of suffi-
cient capacity to contain the volume that could es-
In this work, the retrofitting of an open type double- cape in the event of a pipe connection failure.
ended Ro-Ro ferry is investigated to render the us- Considering the safety regulations and the investi-
age of LNG instead of the typical MGO fuel. The gated ferry available spaces shown in Figure 1, the
typical operating scenario of this ship includes the installation of the tanks within an enclosed space in-
following: distance per leg of 20 nm, operation 6 side the lower deck and underneath the vehicle side
days per week, 5 voyages per day, total daily voyage ramps on the main deck was rejected, as the mini-
duration of 540 min. The ship is equipped with four mum required distances cannot be obtained. The on-
high speed marine diesel engines; two engines are ly available space to install the LNG tanks that satis-
used at each voyage leg. Each engine has the follow- fy the safety requirements is on the vessel open
ing characteristics at the Maximus Continuous Rat- deck. Therefore, the design of specially constructed
ing (MCR) point: brake power of 1050 kW; rota- metallic platform next to the after castle of the ship,
tional speed of 1200 rpm; and brake specific fuel as shown in Figure 2, was proposed. In this way the
consumption of 207 g/kWh. distance from the LNG tanks to the ship side is
The proposed LNG fuel system consists of the 6.36 m and satisfies the restriction of the minimum
following main units: required safety distance of B/5 (i.e. 19.4/5=3.88 m).
 Two LNG storage tanks, comprising of IMO type Provided the vessel dimensions, the length and
C pressure vessels with two shells of stainless breadth of the metallic platform are estimated to
steel A304L and vacuum insulation. 16.5 m and 9 m, respectively whereas the vertical
 Piping system for the LNG and the evaporated distance from the main deck was found to be 5.43 m.
natural gas feeding the ship dual fuel engines.
 Evaporator unit and heating system that converts
LNG to natural gas at appropriate, so that it can
be used by the engines.
 Gas valve units that control and ensures the re-
quired gas pressure level.
 The connection to the converted dual fuel en-

2.1 Machinery location due to safety regulations

For the location of the LNG storage tanks and ma- Figure 1. Alternative spaces for installing the LNG storage
chinery, the International Maritime Organization tanks.
safety rules, (IMO 2009), have been employed. Ac-
cording to them, gas storage tanks can be located ei-
as 20,940 kg; the weight of the tank cassette was es-
timated to 1000 kg; and the weight of stored LNG
per tank was taken as 14,400 kg.
The ship will also use MGO; this is the used fuel
when the engines operate at the diesel mode, where-
as MGO is used as pilot fuel when the engines oper-
ate at the DF mode. However, for the ship stability
calculations, only the fore and after daily diesel oil
fuel tanks were considered full. The weight of fuel
contained in each daily tank was considered
19,600 kg. The results of the intact-stability analysis
are summarised in Table 1.
The pay load of the ship includes a weight of
Figure 2. Proposed LNG tanks installation on a metallic plat- 45.12 t for 602 passenger evenly distributed on the
form at the vessel aft.
sun and upper deck and cars’ weight of 648.5 t,
The proposed solution including the LNG tanks 586.0 t and 505.0 t respectively for each case dis-
and platform are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The plat- tributed on platform, main and lower garage.
form plating will have thickness equal to 10 mm; the The required stability criteria are met for all the
weight of the required stiffeners for the platform has investigated cases. However, in order to comply
been estimated to increase the weight of the platform with the necessary intact-stability criteria, ballasted
by 50%. The structural design of this platform is out (liquid & solid) conditions have been also calculat-
of the scope of the present paper. The docking sta- ed. For the case with one installed LNG tank, the
tion and the evaporator unit that are required for the ship payload was the greatest. However, only one
maintenance and preparation of evaporated natural tank seems to be inadequate to provide the required
gas will also be installed on the platform. The dock- fuel capacity. As a result, the case with two installed
ing station, is a modularised unit where the LNG LNG tanks was preferred as a compromise between
tanks are connected simultaneously to the on board the maximum pay load, voyage range and bunkering
gas system. It will be placed permanently and rigidly period.
fastened on the metallic platform. Drip trays will be The two installed LNG storage tanks provide ship
installed under the hose connections between the autonomy of 5.5 days and additionally an amount of
LNG tanks and the docking station, in order to pre- 10% LNG needed for keeping the tank internal sur-
vent possible LNG leaks from damaging the deck. face temperature low, which is required for avoiding
excessive boil off during bunkering .

2.2 Alternative LNG tank arrangements

2.3 Portable LNG tank containers
Considering the available space on the platform, the
specific LNG tank design (fixed dimensions and Due to the fact that there is no available space in the
ferry to install a bunkering station, the portable LNG
volume), which was estimated in (Theotokatos et al.
containers solution has been chosen instead of per-
2014), and the ship operating profile, three alterna- manent LNG tanks, as shown in Figure 3. These
tive arrangements with one, two or three LNG stor- containers can be transported by truck or by ship to
age tanks were investigated. For selecting the most the nearest LNG terminal for refilling and loaded
preferred solution, the ship stability and range were back on the docking station of the vessel by the port
used as criteria. The additional loads of the LNG derrick (Byggmästar & Karlsson 2013).
tanks and required machinery were accounted result-
ing in a different lightship and weight distribution Table 1: Intact stability analysis results
for each case. In all three cases the displacement of No of LNG Lightship Deadweight Pay load
the vessel, as well as, the maximum draft are re- storage tanks (t) (t) (t)
tained fixed (Δ=2635.67 t, T=2.65 m) and intact sta- 1 1683.58 951.85 801.42
bility calculations were conducted in order to verify 2 1704.37 930.85 753.32
the deadweight and pay load for each case. 3 1726.37 909.30 686.72
The weight of the required components were es-
timated based on the size, material and previous ex-
perience as follows; the docking station and evapo-
rator unit weights were assumed to be 3000 kg,
each; the weight of storage tank (empty) was taken
Most of the LNG-fuelled vessels built recently are
designed according to the ESD design (Bond 2011).
The structure surrounding the hazardous components
(engines) is designed focused to minimize damage to
the vessel/structures in the event of an explosion,
thus each hazardous component is built within a
closed chamber continuously ventilated with gas de-
tection alarm systems (Esoy et al. 2011).
In most retrofit cases, including the investigated
Figure 3. 3D image of the investigated ferry and LNG tank ferry herein, the inherent gas safe machine type is
containers. chosen. In this case the engine rooms are not re-
quired to be explosion-proof, and the engines do not
need to be individually located in a closed chamber
2.4 General arrangement of machinery spaces for gas leak containment. Fuel piping inside the en-
IMO defines two alternative system configurations gine room should be completely enclosed by using a
for the machinery spaces of gas fuelled ships, (IMO tunnel pipe from the engine till the boundaries of the
2009). The first one is the gas-safe machinery space engine room. Mechanically ventilated air in the an-
in which the spaces are considered gas safe under nular space needs to be provided and a gas leak de-
normal and abnormal conditions, as shown in Figure tection and removal system, which that leads the
4. The second is the emergency shutdown (ESD) – leak gas in the atmosphere, should be installed. The
protected machinery space that requires that in the gas safe machine space approach reduces the con-
struction cost, system complexity and weight.
event of a gas hazard, all non-safe equipment (igni-
According to the Interim Guidelines on Safety for
tion sources) and machinery is to be automatically
natural gas fuelled engine installations on ships
shut-down, shown in Figure 5.
(IMO 2009), every gas utilization unit must be
equipped with a Gas Valve Unit (GVU), so as to en-
sure a fast and reliable shutdown in normal condi-
tions or in case of an emergency. Each GVU con-
sists of two quick closing valves and a ventilation
valve in-between (Block and Bleed Valves), that
provide full redundancy as they are installed in se-
ries and in case of the loss of either power or air
supply, the pneumatically actuated blocking valves
will close whilst the ventilation valve (bleed valve)
will open.
The traditional concept usually adopted is to in-
stall the GVU into a separate room that will be gas
tight and considered as a zone 1 hazardous area
(Karlsson et al. 2013). This concept requires that all
Figure 4. Gas safe machinery room concept (Bond 2011). electrical equipment has to be hazardous zone 1
compatible. In addition, airlock is required between
the GVU room and the surrounding space and the
recommended maximum distance from GVU to en-
gine is 10 m.
As these requirements are difficult to be fulfilled
for the ferry small engine room, the solution of GVU
in a containerised compact unit was selected, as pre-
sented in Figure 6. The unit has a gas tight enclosure
of stainless steel around the gas related equipment,
such as the valves, actuators and sensors, and will be
installed next to each engine, resulting to an easy
and cost-effective installation, which is optimal for
retrofitting cases.
Figure 5. ESD machinery room concept (Bond 2011).
vertically to the fore engine room, as shown in Fig-
ure 7.
Inside each engine room (gas-safe machinery
space), the natural gas piping has to be completely
enclosed by a double walled pipe thorough the entire
route from the boundaries of the room till the
boundaries of each GVU and from the GVU outlets
to the inlets of the DF engines. Dual walled piping
with ventilated air will also be used for all the piped
installed between the platform deck evaporator unit
and the engine room for ensuring increased safety.
Figure 6. Typical GVU in enclosure, (Karlsson et al. 2013). The proposed piping system is shown in Figures 8a
and 8b.

3 DESIGN OF THE PIPING DISTRIBUTION The gas pipe calculations were carried out accord-
and additionally assuming that the maximum flow
The study and design of the LNG system were based rate required to feed one engine operating at its
on regulations released from various organisations MCR load (1050 kW) was equal to 200 kg/h. The
selected material was stainless steel A304L 40S. The
including national legislation concerning RO-RO
pipe nominal diameter and wall thickness were cal-
passenger ships, European Union Directive (EC culated at 65 mm and 5.16 mm, respectively.
98/18 EuroSolas), IMO Interim Guidelines and The pressure drop (Δp) due to friction and fittings
standards for gas-fuelled ships published by classifi- resistance is taken into account by considering the
cation societies. The above were used in order to following equation that applies for compressible
provide the appropriate design options for the piping fluid when the pressure drop is lower than 30% of
(LNG and NG) and the machinery (materials, di- the initial pressure:
mensions, insulation, supports, etc).
3.1 Natural gas feeding system where 1 denotes the evaporator unit outlet.
For the natural gas feeding system, there are some
safety requirements that must be fulfilled:
 The gas pipes should not be located less than 760
mm from the ship side.
 Gas fuel piping should not be installed through
accommodation or services spaces and control
 Where gas pipes pass through enclosed spaces, Figure 7. Pipelines at platform deck.
they should be enclosed in air ducts or double
wall piping should be employed. The gas density required in the above equation
 For the purpose of isolating damaged sections, was estimated by using the pressure and temperature
stop valves should be fitted at least every 40 m or of the gas at the evaporator unit outlet. Σk depends
the system may be divided into two or more sec- on the installed components of the pipeline (valves,
tions with control valves, located in a safe and fittings and elbows, etc) and their resistance coeffi-
readily accessible position not likely to be cut-off cients were taken from international standards and
in case of fire. handbooks (ANSI/ASME 2003, Perry & Green
The natural gas piping consists of four individual 1997). The friction coefficient was calculated by us-
pipes from the evaporator unit on the platform to the ing the Colebrook equation as a function of Reyn-
four dual fuel engines (two at each engine room). olds number and the relative roughness.
The location of the evaporator unit just above the af- The calculated total pressure drop for each pipe-
ter engine room results to two vertical NG pipelines line was lower than 100 mbar, satisfying the mini-
of small length. The other two NG pipes are in- mum pressure drop requirement of 0.4 bar for NG
stalled horizontally through the platform deck, right piping system category 4 (1-4 bar according to
over the vehicle side ramp and underneath the ac- Parikos 2009), ensuring that the LNG tank operating
commodation deck and then are directed downwards pressure of 6 bars will be enough to provide the in-
jection pressure of 3.5 bar required for the installed
DF engines and the pressure loss in piping system 3.2 LNG piping
downstream of tank.
The material selected for the LNG pipes was the
stainless steel A304L 40S, which is appropriate for
cryogenic applications. ANSI/ASME guidelines
(ANSI/ASME 2002) were also considered for the
performed calculations. The piping system design
mass flow rate was estimated to 400 kg/h that corre-
sponds to the simultaneous operation of two engines
at 100% load. The pipes nominal diameter and wall
thickness were calculated at 20 mm and 2.77 mm,
At nominal conditions, it is assumed that saturated
LNG flows from the LNG tank containers to the
evaporator unit at -135oC. The LNG pipe is of dou-
ble walled type pipe with vacuum insulation in the
annulus space and interstitial vanes to support and
centralize the inner pipe placed internally of the out-
er pipe. Vacuum insulation is quite efficient effec-
tive for cryogenic applications. The associated heat
(a) transfer coefficient depends on the properties of the
medium occupying the vacuum space (temperature
and density). Fixed supports (saddles) that fasten the
pipe onto the ship structure are also used installed in
a distance of 1.5 m between them.
As the LNG pipe is located onto the platform,
which is an exposed part of the ship, it will be sub-
jected to thermal radiation from/to the environment
and natural convection by the surrounded air. In ad-
dition, heat is transferred through conduction via the
supporting saddles of the pipe. The thermal loads,
applied to the outer pipe, will be transmitted to the
internal pipe through the insulation of the annulus
space and the interstitial supports.
Besides the thermal loads, the construction is un-
der structural loads as well. These include the pres-
sure loads due to the external ambient pressure, the
annulus pressure, the internal pressure of the inner
pipe, the self weight of the pipe and the fixed sad-
(b) dles. The study performed herein was based on the
following conditions: ambient pressure of 1 bar,
vacuum pressure of 0.1 bar and internal pressure of
Figure 8 (a) Pipelines at lower deck (after engine room); (b) 6 bar. The pipe weight was also added as a structural
Pipelines at lower deck (fore engine room). load.
For each pipeline, the space between the inner and A finite element method was used to perform the
outer pipe of the double-walled gas pipe will ac- steady-state thermal and static structural analysis by
commodate ventilated air under pressure, having a employing the ANSYS software. The mesh model of
capacity of at least 30 air changes per hour. This air the LNG pipe was mainly constructed by using a tri-
will be discarded to the open air by a ventilation fan, angular surface mesher. The derived simulation re-
located at the beginning of each pipeline after the sults including the LNG pipe temperature and stress
evaporator unit. The ventilation fan comprises of a distribution are presented in Figures 9 and 10. The
filter and a demister unit, and should include a wa- maximum stress of 400 MPa occurs at the contact
terproof protection cover ensuring protection over points of the 6 interstitial vanes to the outer pipe and
ingression of water and solid particles. it is much lower than the permitted tensile strength
of St A304L (1506.8 MPa at -173.15oC).
ti-freezer. Because of its high safety level and the
relatively low associated operational risks and costs,
it is the most used heat transfer fluid in marine ap-
In order for the EGW to increase its temperature
back to 55oC, the engine fresh cooling water is used.
Under nominal conditions, the fresh water enters the
GW unit at a temperature of 91oC, which corre-
sponds to the conditions at the engine outlet, and ex-
its the GW unit (returning to the engine) at the lower
permitted temperature of 83oC. The GW unit will be
installed at the after engine room as shown in Figure
Figure 9. Calculated temperature distribution for the LNG pipe.
The pressure built-up unit (PBU) controls the
pressure inside the tank and compensates for pres-
sure losses as fuel is fed to the engines. It is a heat
exchanger that vaporizes LNG and redirects it back
into the storage tank. PBU is switched on whenever
the pressure in the tank drops below a predetermined
level and it is integrated within the LNG tank con-
For this work, the following nominal values were
considered: LNG entering the evaporator at -135°C,
gas exiting the evaporator at 20°C, LNG mass flow
rate of 400 kg/h, evaporator heat transfer rate of
60 kW, EGW enters the evaporator at 50oC and ex-
Figure 10. Calculated stress distribution for the LNG pipe. its at -15°C at a mass flow rate of 0.32 kg/s.

3.3 Evaporator and heating system

The purpose of the LNG evaporator is to vaporise
the LNG stored in the tank liquefied natural gas, so
that it can be employed by the Gas utilization unit.
Usually the temperature of the supplied gas into the
engines must be between 5oC and 40oC with most
typical values around 20oC. For operation under
Figure 11. A typical diagram showing the nominal conditions
transient conditions, the solution of boil off gas re- at LNG evaporation/heating system components.
ceived from the top of the tank is additionally con-
sidered. The nominal conditions that were employed A shell and tube heat exchanger type was selected
for this study are provided in Figure 11: saturated for the evaporator unit design. The following equa-
LNG at 6 bar and -135oC enters the evaporator, tions were employed for calculating the evaporator
whereas the gas provided to the engine feeding sys- unit main particulars:
tem should be at a temperature of 20 oC. The evapo- (2)
rator is considered to operate whenever the engine is
running on DF mode. Automatic valves are installed
on the inlet and outlet sides of the evaporator and (4)
T  Tc ,o   Th ,o  Tc ,i 
control the fuel feed to the engines.
The machinery that transfers the required heat to lm  h ,i
LNG by circulating an appropriate heating medium  Th ,i  Tc ,o 
is the glycol-water (GW) unit. The heating medium ln  

 Th , o  Tc ,i 
that is used is a mixture of 50% ethylene-glycol and
water (EGW), which is assumed entering the evapo- where L is the required total tube length; di,do,dm are
rator at 50oC. It flow is controlled appropriately, so the inner, outer and mean tube diameters, respective-
that EGW exits the evaporator unit at -15oC. This ly; N is the number of tubes; U is the overall heat
fluid has excellent properties at both high and low transfer coefficient for combined convection and
temperatures, which means it can be also used as an- conduction; h1 and h2 are the average convection co-
efficients of saturated EGW and LNG, respectively; choice of 10 tubes and 7 passes results to an outer
k is the pipe material thermal conductivity; ΔΤ is the shell of small dimensions, in specific 1.7 m in
mean logarithmic temperature difference; and Th,i, length, 1.22 m in width and 1.04 m in height, which
Th,o, Tc,i, Tc,o are the temperatures of EGW and LNG is an appropriate size for installation on the platform.
at the inlet and outlet.
Based on the above equations, the following par-
ticulars were calculated for the nominal operating 4 CONCLUSIONS
case. Saturated LNG enters the heat exchanger
through a pipe of 20 mm internal diameter and then In this paper, the design of the LNG storage,
it distributed to tubes of 0.04 m internal diameter. evaporation and feeding system was studied for the
The unit consists of banks of 10 tubes arranged hori- case of an open type ferry to convert her to a LNG
zontally and 7 passages arranged vertically with 10 fuelled vessel. Regulations from various sources
cm horizontal and vertical distance between the were reviewed and the best design practices were
tubes and the passes. The total tube length is 7.5 m. applied to select and size the components of the in-
The EGW inlet and outlet pipes are located on the vestigated system. In addition, a coupled heat trans-
upper and lower side of the shell, having a diameter fer-structural study was performed for the selected
of 10 cm. The whole unit will be constructed of LNG piping and the design followed by a CFD anal-
stainless steel 304L. Based on the above characteris- ysis was carried out for the system evaporator unit.
tics, a shell and tube heat exchanger model in The main finding of this work can be summarised as
ANSYS was developed as it is presented in Figure follows
12. Two portable containerised LNG storage tanks in-
To investigate the evaporator unit steady state be- stalled on an metallic platform at the ship aft is the
haviour, a computational analysis was performed us- preferred solution as it facilitated the compliance to
ing the CFD commercial code ANSYS Fluent. At in- the class rules, allows for the required ship stability
let conditions a stable temperature and mass flow with no reduction at the ship payload and compro-
rate were set for the LNG. The LNG flow was simu- mises between the voyage range and bunkering time.
lated using the K-epsilon turbulence model. For the The emergency shutdown (ESD) protected ma-
outlet connections, the pressure boundary and mass chinery concept modular GVUs was used for ensur-
flow rate conditions were specified. The pressure at ing a gas safe engine room as t offers a low conver-
the LNG inlet is assumed to be the same as the pres- sion cost and reduced installation complexity.
sure maintained inside the LNG storage tank (i.e.
6 bar), whilst the pressure at the gas outlet was con-
sidered to be at a pressure level that ensures the gas
entrance to the engine at 4.5 bar taking into account
the gas feeding system pressure drop. The tube wall
was set as a nonslip and coupled. The average con-
vection coefficient for the tube outer surface was
calculated by assuming EGW properties at the mean
calculated temperature. The average convection co-
efficient for the tube inner surface was calculated by
assuming LNG properties and a boiling off process.
For the nonlinear solution, the least-squares cell
based method, presto analysis for pressure and first- Figure 12. The developed shell and tube heat exchanger
order upwind analysis for momentum and turbulent
energy were selected.
The mesh model of the LNG fluid, constructed by
tetrahedral elements, and the calculated temperature
distribution are shown in Figures 13 and 14, respec-
tively. The calculated velocities inside the evapora-
tor unit tubes were lower than 15 m/s that is the
maximum allowed velocity for the examined case.
Using EGW as the heating medium, that has excel-
lent properties at low temperatures, the required
mass flow rate and the specified LNG inlet tempera- Figure 13: Mesh of the evaporator model.
ture and NG outlet temperature are fulfilled. The
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Gurbanov, I., 2014. Implications of the demise of South Stream
for southern gas corridor, Posted in Strategic Outlook, De-
cember 2014.
IMO 2009. Resolution MSC.285 (86), Interim guidelines on
safety for natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ships,
International Maritime Organization.
IMO 2015(a). Sulphur oxides (SOx) – Regulation 14, Availa-
ble at:
IMO 2015(b). Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) – Regulation 13, Avail-
able at:
Figure 14: Calculated temperature distribution of the evapo- %E2%80%93-Regulation-13.aspx
rator. Karlsson, S., Hoegnabba, T., Kuusisaari, M. 2013. The
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This work is conducted in the framework of the pro-

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Research and Technology Code: 12CHN400), which
is funded by the European Regional Development
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