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Nov 12, 2018

Full Throttle 
A person who has been physically harmed and mentally abused, witnessed abuse, controlled
and tortured by the hands of somebody and gaslighted and even murdered my mother. I've
witnessed Jihadist in Ohio
Murders Crimes in Ohio.
Contact me via My Email ​

I was Tortured and Even Molested in my Anus. Please read Full Throttle. 👇

My son's and I 

Since I spoke about Full Throttle additional crimes have occurred, here is important information:
Lawless America​ ​Going Postal   
U.S Takes Care of aging Terrorist better than Women 
Crimes told to Alexandria Ruden @LegalAidCLE on Video. She is an Excuse Monster and 
UnAmerican. My husband did try to kill me. Watch Video 👇 

THIS IS NOT FICTIONAL! Read all, every word is fact. 👇


October 9, 2018
I am a 54 years old female. The following events have occurred and are in fact and true on this
day October 9 2018 I am making a statement of events not all events but the horrific ones that
have truthfully and factually occurred to me and even my infants and family. I was tortured and
psychologically abused over 50 thousands hours. Every word I've written here is the truth.

April of 1995 a man by the name of Doctor Edwards harmed my infant at birth and mutilated my
vagina. At the time of delivery he full force pulled my son out of my vagina with a suction cup
and harmed his skull. Once he delivered my baby my vagina was ripped and he had sewn a ball
inside the lining of my vagina, he took the inner skin of my vagina and took the thread and
bunch together skin and wrapped the thread in such a way it formed a ball in the inner lining
part of my vagina. After the delivery and having a ball of skin inside the lining of my vagina, my
vagina was the size of a medium cantaloupe. It took six months for the swelling to go down and
I had to pack myself with ice for about a month. A nurse at the time stated to me that she had
never seen anything like that and was concerned at the size of my vagina and I was packed
with ice. 2 years prior I encountered the same doctor who was doing a pelvic exam and made
me bleed. Birth happened at the Lakewood Hospital in the city of Lakewood in the county of

June of 1997
At the time of going into labor I went to a hospital called Greensboro Women's hospital. It was
the night of the Mike Tyson fight. I was in labor for approximately 10 hours, during that time a
female nurse would periodically check the stats (monitor) the heartbeat of my baby and at one
point when she came into the room I asked her what was the substance that was coming out of
my vagina, she examined me it was a brownish blackish color and she said it was normal,
approximately 6 hours later a different nurse came in and she immediately notify a doctor, I
could see the concern on their faces, I was asking questions is my baby breathing? Does my
baby have brain damage? The doctor said to me, (WHAT ARE YOU A DOCTOR?) I was in
distress as that nurse who prior examined me knew that my baby was laying in feces inside my
womb for over 6 hours. My baby was delivered and indeed was harmed. He suffered a
punctured lung. He was in intensive care for a week.

Years since the following has/had happened and is fact and true. Started in 1999. In the year of
1999 I was gaslighted by my husband Steven. Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity,
in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you
may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers,


dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much
they've been brainwashed. For example, in the movie Gaslight (1944), a man manipulates his
wife to the point where she thinks she is losing her mind.

I in this statement will refer to myself as my person and the meaning will be as follows: a person
who has been physically harmed and mentally abused, witnessed abuse, controlled and
tortured by the hands of somebody and gaslighted

I witness the following to my person:

My husband in the last 2 years of our marriage did a tactic of coughing, I had estimated 365
days x 2 = 730 days @ 25 coughs per day for a total of coughs of 18,250 that is a low number.
Coughing is a tactic used to control the gastlighted victim, example would be when the victim
asked a question the response would be a verbal answer followed by the opposite of what the
gaslighter verbally says. How was your work day, fine, followed by one cough to having the
meaning no. or two coughs for the yes. This tactic is used to confuse the victim and keep them
in a state of guessing. Clearing the throat is also a tactic and leaves the victim in the state of

The gaslighter will have conversations with people and throw misinformation in the mix and
what you are taken in, is not what is actually what you are comprehending, you are left again
filling in the blanks, those blanks that you fill in is a guessing game and the conclusion you take
from this is all negative. It’s like the childhood game (when you sit in a circle and the teacher
whispers in the child's ear and then goes through the circle and by the time it gets back to the
teacher it is not what what said) Misinformation occurs, but at a sick level in the community.

Other tactic used verbal communication, but actions show the opposite, like a childhood game
in school “Opposite day” at this point the victim has been victimized for such a long time they do
not catch on, its exhausting for the victims and wears the victims down until they attempt
suicide, reinforcing that the victim is crazy.

The gaslighter is always using reinforcement and control, but making it look the total opposite
and that he is the victim. The gaslighter has the tactics, while the victim is left in a state of
hopelessness, despair and grief, there will be at one point that tactics used to boost the victim
up and then tear them down, a hideous cycle of abuse. He will say something or nonverbal
gesture to point out what somebody else is doing, he will place blame on children, family,
coworkers, neighbors and use these tactics against the victim, the victim becomes very verbal
and at this point what is being said from the victim is causing a high level of horrible verbiage on
everyone and anyone as the victim is now under the belief that everyone is against them and
her children. No outside source will be able to help as some outside sources have used
gaslighting and some aren't. At this point all the negative verbal words said are used on the
gaslighted victim to alienate the victims from any family, friends, or even to make new friends.
The victim is at this point alone. During the victimization that is taking place the victim will start


saying things like, I'm sorry, what did I do wrong? and turns to the gaslighter for answers and
even starts feeling sorry for the gaslighter and begins to defend his actions towards others who
the victim is now under control from the gaslighter and believes everyone you are in contact with
wants to harm you and your children. More control on the victim. The gaslighter is using full

Both my infants were harmed at birth 1995 & 1997 (1995 Autism) (1997 continued lung
problems throughout my sons life.

The following happened while I was dating/married to Steve while he continued to use the
gaslighting technique.

A doctor at Saint Michaels came into the room and injected my hand with some substance,
Steve Lee heard me screaming for help while he sat in the waiting area and did nothing. A
Nurse stated to him, does she also act like that, I told Steve tell her no Steve. He didn't say
anything. I was so traumatized, about a year later I started seeing spots appear in my body. I
was in fact poisoned.

My breasts were smashed on purpose and deliberate, mammograms done and reading of
mammograms by a doctor places the lump in a different location on the diagram. When a
mammogram is done and you sometimes have to redo it once or twice to get a good picture that
is a normal procedure, when it is done 7 more times where you place your breast with the lump
on the machine and is smashed like a pancake that is sadistic.

My anus was prodded by two doctors, an African American male and a Asian, 2 female
Muslims checked my vagina.

My vagina was mutilated at the time of birth of my second child. Encounter the same doctor 2
years prior that made me bleed from my vagina.

A doctor by the name of Joseph Baker a homosexual laid me on a table on my stomach and
gave me a rubbed down and told me I was tight, he put misinformation on my medical record at
Metro Health.

The bones in the upper right back area in my mouth were broken.

Removed out of my home against my will.

I was burned on my left inner arm where my religious tattoo is. 👇 Burned 👇



My person witnessed child exploitation on my children and other people's little girls and teenage
girls in a so -called professional setting in the mental health arena.

I was fed dog food by a man who said it was chilli at one of my places of employment.

I on a daily, monthly basis suffered crushing sensation in my skull, pain in my spine, ringing in
my ears during the years living with him. Shit blood and continuous stomach pain. All of which is
documented by EOB, Explanation of benefits, some of the EOB are fact and true while others
are not.

Gaslighting is done so the victim is not believed and made to look crazy. Causing over $500,00
dollars plus in medical cost on my person and her children, the children who were harmed since

The gaslighter never admits that he participates and manipulates everyone he encounters,
including law enforcement, teachers, friends, family, his family, or coworkers, his actions on my
person were malicious cold and calculating and makes the victim feel helpless. He used this
technique on everyone in our community, including children. A well known incident that
happened is an example of what could be the outcome of the gaslighting technique, as in the
case of a news reporter Alison Parker and her Cameraman. Gaslighting does occur in the
workforce, fact and true. During this time I was homeless and ended up living in an office with
the gaslighter (ex husband) again, he didn't stop the mental abuse, example, as I watched
Alison Parker's father on a national news station and the grief I had seen on his face and him
explaining all the wonderful accomplishments she had accomplished in her short life and such
overwhelming grief, I sat and cried. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and said out loud ‘I
could help that father Steve,’ all I have to do is read the letter left of why he shot her and the
cameraman, some of the details of that letter came out and I knew the tactics, I said out loud
again I could really help that father, I said openly I wish somebody would tell him. I received


one cough to reinforce NO! I sat there and grieved for Alison, the Cameraman and her father. At
this point all the parties involved created such sick victimization and left a loving father in such
despair. I promised that day I would never forget Alison Parker and made a promise to myself
that if I could, I would help her father anyway I could.

I had again in later years seen a video on YouTube of Alison's father and in reference to gun
control. I have my own opinions on that subject matter and as always that is a heated topic,
Gun Control. I have a different opinion on Gun Rights and will at this time refrain from
Expressing them, I will say one thing educating at a young age would stop workplace crimes or
changing the Laws to make Gaslighting a crime and the predators who participate go to jail. A
silent crime of horrific nature that goes unnoticed. Sick.

My mother was also a target and suffered, my mother's vagina was probe without any
medication or sedative, my mother stated: "they didn't give me any medication" she said she
moaned loudly and it was very painful. Another incident occurred while my mother was at Mary
Mount. I received a call and I thought my mother was being murdered, I heard blood curdling
screaming and my mother begging me to help her, my mother was in excruciating pain and she
was begging me, please help me. I got in my car and went to MaryMount Hospital and was told
by a nurse that they forgot to give my mother her medication and my mother had a stroke. I took
her out of there immediately and placed her with Cleveland Clinic for medical care, she was
placed into intensive care and suffered ever since. My mother has since passed away and I was
never told and I didn't even get to attend her funeral. My mothers attorney is a homosexual for
her estate. My mother was deceived due to the gaslighting technique, I became estranged from
my entire family. I lost all the people I cared about including my father who was also harmed do
to gaslighting.

My father served on the USS Roosevelt and was a sailor. Towards the end of his life, I watched
my father who was a veteran suffer with being doped and some much extra blood thinners, I
had seen my father bleed non stop through his nose.

After my father had passed away, I went to a law office where I spoke to a man who by the way
was a Homosexual.

My father's estate/will was at attorney office of Solomon, when I told this man the concerns I had
with my fathers estate he brushed me off and treated my person as subhuman, he said in a way
of a sexual nature, it’s not money that you want, at that point I knew he wasn't going to follow
the laws of probate.

Children Suffering do to Gaslighting Psychological Techniques used in hospitals even a

children's hospital, children do in fact suffer by the hands of the abuser who uses the technique
to gaslight the child. Several incidents that occurred in the 8 year span, the child is gaslighted
due to the lies that the abuser made up stories or even if a wonderful thing a child has


accomplished can be turned and used to make the child look like a predator when the adult
gaslighter is in fact the predator.

Several incidents I witnessed (MY PERSON)

School System is Gaslighted Psychological Techniques​, not all participate, but once the
gaslight technique is used full force on a child, its full throttle. Minor playing even on the
playground turns a child into a predator, rumors turn into fact when in fact it’s all lies, teachers
do bully a child and throughout the child's school years the child self esteem diminishes leaving
the child with no one to turn to, once the child is in the system of psychological care the
gaslighting doesn't stop, its again full throttle. The gaslighting technique has caused so much
misinformation that a child is not capable of handling and the child might even begin to lie (no
fault of their own) When the child is raised in a home and the parent is a huge part of the
gaslighting technique and the child isn't fully aware of the abuse that is being done, the child see
the abuser as loving, caring and will at some point use the child to help continue the gaslighting
and the child ends up sympathizing of the hand of the abuser (Gaslighter) The child has been
fully deceived.

Outside forces set up in the community under the radar and law enforcement at one point
are deceived because on the outside in the community everything looks hunky dory while
behind closed doors where the child might be going for after school fun is really a place where
the gaslighting is occurring. The reinforces are at work under the radar.

Fact & Truth, the adult opens his home to your child and now your child believes the adult wants
to help as he is seeing his own family unit falling apart, the child is lured into believing that this
adult man/women want to help. Good intentions you may call that. ITS NOT. It only separates
the family unit more. The abusers are already aware that the family has been gaslighted and at
one point help the abuser who is the gaslighter so they use a child anyway they see fit. At this
point the offender will say, I made your child obedient, or I want to study philosophy to entice the
child to think he is learning something new (Exciting) for the child and the gaslighted parent is
now disabled and the gaslighter parent the abuser lets them and doesn't interfere with the new
exciting so called philosophy, sounds to important to the child and the child gets enticed. There
are many more techniques used unfortunately and sadly to many to list that my person has
witnessed. The outcome as follows, the gaslighted parent is no longer in anyway shape or form
significant in the young child's life, development and doesn't have a say in any type of decision
making for their own child. The child is literally taken from the mother. The child, gaslighter
parent, gaslighted parent and child/children living in the home and at one point become so
dysfunctional the child doesn't want to be there. All the outside after school fun is fun after all.
The outside fun has now full control. A technique of brainwashing. The child ideology has been
totally change. The monster parent, the my person is now even seeing her children being
separated, siblings being separated, brother to brother no longer and 1 child will be in the hands
from an outside source while the other child falls into the hell of Psychological care.


A Child Thrown in the realm of Psychological Abuse, so called mental help for a child. At
this point the child will endure physical pain and mental abuse. The child is a victim. The child
will now try even to commit suicide, once in the care of the gaslighting techniques, all
misinformation is solely used. Who doesn't believe a medical record? Doctors take oaths and
you are in the belief of what the medical record states is in fact, fact. It isn't. No one is under the
belief on a daily basis that a Doctor who takes an oath becomes a doctor to harm any patient,
but it occurs. All the prior medical records of misinformation are used and the child doesn't
develop in anyway shape or form. The child has endured physical pain, such as stabbed with
needles, not giving the proper medication or even the wrong medication or the misinformation
will get someone who is not an abuser to commit an act of abuse against the child due to
misinformation on a child's medical records, this causes bodily harm on a once loving child who
has been thrown into continued non stop mental abuse and physical harm. The parent who is
the victim who is trying to save her child/children from the abuse and will be discredited due to
the years of the gaslighter who has made the mother look crazy. The mother is not believed and
the child in fact will continue to get abused.

Medications will be used that a child will not need, medications used that might even hurt or
kill a child. Psychopathic drugs used that a child doesn't need and to change the child into
believing they might hurt themselves or someone else. After abuse of gaslighting done on a
child since the age of 2 ½ years old the child outcome is not an outcome of a normal life, as now
everyone he/she encounters doesn't like him/her, alienation occurs. The child will grow up and
be stunted in the growth of an adult male or adult female. The cycle of abuse continues. This
affects people's lives, family and communities. Never ending cycle of abuse. The child has
learned unknowingly by the abuser to continue in adulthood. He has learned technique that
diminishes not only himself but the community. The damage is severely done deliberately by
the hands of a stepfather/and or the gaslighter.

Gaslighting the parent/Parenting Skills in Question.

When the technique is used it not only devastates you as my person, it devastates your
parenting skills or lack of, as you are under attack of what you are not doing as a parent or what
you should be doing as a parent.
The parent who is on constant attack (call it consuming) loses the ability to parent.

The question to you/anyone who may read my statement, how does gaslighting make you the
better parent? Who are you to think that if a parent isn't parenting the way you want them to or
you are under the belief the parent is not doing the right parenting? I would challenge the fact
that gaslighting is a monster parent and doesn't teach a child to grow into adulthood. Lies
deceit and harm causes more lies deceit, always an angle. Parents I tend to believe have only
great/good intentions on wanting their children to contribute to a community, society in general.
It was said and I quote “It takes a village” or a school is only as good as their community. It is
very frightening to see the village or the community on a continual basis commit such monster
parenting, wouldn't you agree? How is making a community of making a community a village of
idiots helping? Now the word used idiots is derogatory some would say I’ll put it better in a non


threatening way. How is dumbing down youth help any society helpful? How does gaslighting
on youth (abuse) that stops a person growing up to be a healthy contributor to any
village/community to be successful? In plain English it doesn't. My question to you reading this
statement is, How many school shootings contribute to a village/community?

Child Abuse Exploitation now takes place on other people's children. Misinformation leads to
adults who are now under the belief you have hurt a child, My person has witnesses
Counselors, Teachers, Psychiatrist, everyday fathers, mothers and several other entities use a
child. Even doing an reenactment of a child rape, led off into a park. How can that be? The my
person was at the age of 5, while the surrounding people walking their dog along a pathway or
the jogger running and children playing in a park, those people would never understand the
action that is being done by a male who is leading the child out into the bushes but the victim
has already been consumed/witnessed several to hundreds of other actions that have occurred
in those 19 years, at one point when a victim is gaslighted any trauma that the victim has
endured in the past will also be used against the victim who has been gaslighted. This is sick

My question to you as you read my personal statement, who are the victims now? the little girl
led off into a park? the male leading the child into the park? I would hope that you would be
under the belief that all was a victim at this point, I would challenge that any male/female who is
not a monster parent would look at the individual who might ask you to place a young child and
exploit them in a situation of any sorts of this type of action and would tell them no way in hell!
(But as the gaslighted victim, I now tend to believe that in fact, yes, some people are fully aware
of these types of actions and do exploit young children.) I cannot say for matter of fact if the
action that took place that day or know if the male knew of the action being done was
victimization. I have witnessed hundreds of sick victimization on children, mothers, fathers and
every part of our society.

Victimizing in an office setting with parent/child/children (Psychologist) (Counselor)

(Counseling) this time the child/parent/children have been placed in the mental health
community. Misinformation is used, such as targeting the parent/teen, here is another incident
that had occurred, child is now suppose to be getting help and has been thrown into a
Psychological care and the parent who has been gaslighted never once thinks that what might
be said in a private setting will be used at a later time to cause a riff between parent and child.
STOP, it does. Techniques are given to the child to make the child look at the parent in a
negative way and the parent sole intentions are to get the child help. Techniques used to tell a
parent to STOP when they are trying to discipline a child, and at this point nothing will be seen
in any constructive way of your parenting skills. There will be this inside connection between the
Psychologist, Counselor and child/teen. The abuser will continue the effects such as if the
Counselor or Psychologist believes that you might not be listening to your child and have
ignored them. The child seeks approval from the parent(s) and their needs. The now mental
health administrators will indeed use tactics, such as a factual incident that occurred that my
person witnessed. Exploitation will now again take place between female teens, male teens,


and parent and counselor. The not bright idea of a Male adult who uses teens to exploit the
entire parties as is follow:

He is now victimizing the parent and in a session and tells you he has made your child happy in
the private session between himself and my person/parent. He placed the teen girl in the waiting
area and led the male teen to believe he was getting attention from the young teen girl,
pre-planning to teach the gaslighted parent a lesson. Your child is seeking attention, approval
and he now made your child happy as stated in the alone session time with the gaslighted
disapproved parent. Several verbal and nonverbal psychological actions happened within 1 hour
to the gaslighted parent/teen and possibly to the female teen who might of been maybe a family
member to the Health Administrator or just another teen placed in the position unknowingly, at
this point I would ask the person reading this statement to make an educated guess on the non
verbal and verbal action taken place and would come to the only question. Why? Has verbal
communication stop in a counselling session? Isn't getting the correct help for the child with
open communication helpful any longer? Here’s why, control. There should never be such a
setting where a parent is put in a situation where a man with a psychological degree has such
control over my person's or my teen or anyone else teen for that matter, a form of psychological
abuse mastered. At this office 2 men were involved. Ed Becker and Doctor Tanveer Hussain. I
was married at this time.

While you are reading my personal statement, you might be questioning why I underlined his
name TAN, simple answer, colors. A gaslighted person is barraged by colors, full throttle of the
color spectrum, (RAINBOW) Now everyday people aren't just what the victim sees due to the
fact of what they are wearing. It’s repetitive now in my person's life, people who are all in unison
wearing the same colors no matter where my person goes, this also happens in the workforce.
A non stop physiological factor used to scare and to change the gaslighted victim thoughts. I
was married at the time.

Misinformation is detrimental in any society, example that is factual, the victim calls the police
and in any situation the police officer should be well informed or it like walking into the dark, he
is called to the scene and has misinformation due to misinformation. 911, may I help you, yes
someone stuck a screwdriver and a hair net in my tire, dispatcher takes all the information, the
victim at this point can't stay on the phone and tell them the crimes that have been committed
prior, the victim isn't believed, she is now crazy and it would take hours and hours to explain the
abuse. A police officer respond, he doesn't know that gaslighting has occurred and years of
abuse that has led up to the victim always being victimized. When you gaslight/misinformation
on one police officer he is walking into a situation making him look misinformed. My person had
a dog die at the age of 7, his name was Charlie. The victim only can go by what has happened
in their life and not the misinformation that everyone is led to believe, you go by what has
occurred in my person's life.

So getting back to my dog Charlie I loved, who happened to die on Halloween. The police
officer responds, I tell him what has happened and he is already under the assumption of what

he was led to believe. I told him I didn't want any trouble and to please make a police report and
I respect his job and police, he told me he would have to call his supervisor Charlie. The victim
is victimized and not of the police officers fault. The police officer is now a victim. The village
you say it takes a village is victimized to the very law that upholds the law to keep the
village/community from harm. The gaslighted victim is now under the impression that even law
enforcement has been victimized and the victim again is felt leaving helpless. Cycle of abuse,
can you imagine the outcome that would benefit any society living in that state of cycle?

The cycle has now hit you square in the face, who would believe you now? Who in the hell
would believe my person who had witnessed a foreign entity also affect the village/community?
My person is crazy. No I am not.

The following is true and factual to my best ability of my person remembering each encounter I
have witnessed. Not in order,

My grandmother died because a tube in her jugular was pulled out and she bled to death. My
son since birth who was harmed was in intensive care when he was 3 due to breathing
problems and a male who was a doctor of Asian descent stated they would have to put a tube in
my sons jugular. I have never seen him again after that statement, I told another doctor what
occurred, he said they don't do that. I wasn't married at this time.

A male of middle eastern descent in his early 30’s stated in a cold calculating tone, my family
believes I was evil. He had these eyes that had no emotion. This happened while I lived in a
Cold Garage. I wasn't married at this time.

English speaking man who is of middle eastern descent came up to me and told me the drug
problem that will occur. I was married at this time. This happened in a hospital.

I wasn't married at this time. I lived in a 3 room apartment, Muslims lived down stairs,
everywhere I walked in my small apartment whether it may be to use the bathroom or to get
undressed, they made me aware with the sounds on the floor of where I would be on a
continuum in my apartment. I no longer even look at my own body when I take a shower, I
would try to take showers in the dark or even keep my eyes closed while showering. IT WAS

They even had a birthday party on my 1st born grandchild birthday who I have never met and till
this day I haven't met. My grandson's name is Justice, and a Muslim male dressed up as my
oldest son that day walked out from the apartment to the bus stop and facing my direction
looking up at my apartment window wearing the sunglasses of the movie from Arnold
Schwarzenegger Terminator Judgment Day. I have a deaf cousin who looks similar to Arnold.
(Blasee) my mother's birth name. My deaf cousin his father worked at Ford.

The female Muslim would look out her window and smile at me when I would come home from
work and soon as I came around the corner she knew I would be there. After the continued
noise done on purpose to make me feel like your privacy was invaded non stop I started making
noises back, they then moved to the same apartment complex, in a different building. While
living there I endured more pain in my spine, skull, feet. I wasn't married at this time.

During this time a male I overheard say when I placed my American Flag in my window, they
had failed. I believe that occurred during the Muslims living downstairs and the noises
continued because the male who said that moved and the abuse continued.

After the Muslims moved, a male I believe to be homosexual moved in below my 3 room
apartment and did the same technique, made noises and made them in the rooms I had entered
in my small 3 room apartment, that includes the bathroom area. Continue abuse on my person.
He also had a huge looking gaslamp that hung on his wall, and at one point walked out in his
gray underwear in front of my 20 year old son. This male believed in the term coexisting. An
incident occurred when the same male walked out of the front door while my person and my 20
year old son sitting on the front porch looked at my child with such disdain and a dirty look, I
was shocked. An abuser looking at my son who has been hurt since birth and if the dirty look
could have harmed my son, it would have.

After the bridge incident that occurred in the UK, I walked into a local gas station and knew
something wasn't right, a middle eastern male was playing the lottery, he was celebrating the
actions from what took place in the UK, to celebrate killing made me feel sick and nervous.
Who would believe me? I believe an American couple were killed that day. I wasn't married at
this time.

During my separation of marriage and going through my divorce I stopped at my local gas
station and again a younger middle eastern male approximately in his early twenties, said it was
a carpenter cabinet maker, at this time with all the gaslighting that my person has witnessed it
took sometime for me to figure out what that might have meant. He could be an actual carpenter
cabinet maker or was he making a statement regarding the carpenter Jesus? or to any relations
with my friends? husbands? I do not have an answer, all of the questions are plausible because
Jesus was a carpenter, I have had friends whose husbands have been carpenters.

If you are reading this statement, is this how you become a sympathizer? If a foreign entity is
giving you the so called information that so many gave the my person so much misinformation
and at this point do you want to go back for more information? I believe that could possibly be
the case.

Another incident occurred in the same area of this gas station, I was going through a separation
from my husband, I went for public assistance and a male in his late 50’s holding his yellow
prayer beads just staring at me and moving his prayer beads through his finger tips. This was at
the county public building.


Another incident occurred where a little baby was almost smashed by a door I believe they are
from Palestine or from Pakistan. I ordered food at a restaurant and sat waiting for my food. I
see a door open and a little baby come crawling out and then the door almost closed on the
baby hurting the baby, the young boy picks up the baby and places the baby in a shopping cart.
The young kid starts pushing the shopping cart. You see to the average person who would
witness something like that wouldn't have realized an incident that happened in my family that
involved a shopping cart and a baby’s leg getting broken. The restaurant was a pizza shop not

At Rubens I was given outdated meat with disgusting gravy. I didn't eat. These incidents are not

Because of being homeless I ended up living in an office. While living in an office with the ex
husband gaslighter and across the street there was a Dunkin Donuts Shop, Imams showed up
all dressed in white approximately 5 or 6, when I would look outside the office male men
dressed with normal attire would bring their prayer rug and look towards the office of where I
was living at and placed in under a tree and do Salalah (Prayer time) I thought how in the hell
did they know where I was staying?

All my bill of rights were taken/stripped away from me and my children's. I was now a third class
citizen. As I watched the lady dressed in black up to her eyes get into an uber at night and head
to her mosque and for 2 years lived in a place where they had hung paper of some sort from
their ceilings to see the movement above me. I now fear that a foreign entity can set up
throughout our communities and go under the radar and they did.

In the same area, a male of middle eastern descent when I went into the store looking to buy an
alcoholic beverage led me to kinky blue in a condescending way and at one point bend over to
show me his behind.

And many more incidents.


My last statement will be as follows. I made 3 personal visits to the FBI OFFICE in Cleveland,
Ohio during the 8 years. Called Washington FBI office 1 time and made 1 online Report. I was
turned away at my last visit to the FBI. I reported to law enforcement 6 different times.

My x-husband lied to the FBI and Law Enforcement. I believe NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!





DATE 11/12/18


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