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Laundry wastewater treatment using coagulation and membrane filtration

S. Šostar Turk1, I. Petrinić1,*, M. Simonič2

Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Textile, University of Maribor, P.O. Box 224, Smetanova
ulica 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Faculty of chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, P.O. Box 219, Smetanova ulica 17, SI-
2000 Maribor, Slovenia


This paper presents the results obtained from laundry wastewater treatment using
conventional methods namely precipitation/coagulation and the flocculation process with
adsorption on granular-activated carbon (GAC) and an alternative method, membrane
filtrations, namely ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Chemical analyses showed
that parameter values of untreated wastewater like temperature, pH, sediment substances, total
nitrogen and phosphorous, COD, BOD5, and the amount of anion surfactants had being
exceeded in regard to Slovenian regulation. These regulations can be used as requirements for
wastewater reuse and make treated wastewater an available source for the existing water
The study of conventional treatment was based on a flocculation with Al2 (SO4)3x18 H2O and
adsorption on GAC. Membrane filtrations were studied on a pilot wastewater treatment plant:
ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) units. The membranes used in this experiment
were ceramic UF membrane and spiral wounded – polyethersulfone – RO membranes. The
quality of the wastewater was improved by both methods and the specifications of a
concentration limit for emission into water were confirmed. The disadvantage of GAC is that
there is no possibility of any kind of selection, which is essential for recycling and re-use,
while permeate coming from RO met the required regulation as well as requirements for
reusing in washing process. However, the economical analyses showed that the membrane
filtrations are more expensive compared to the GAC treatment process.
Keywords: laundry wastewater, chemical analyses, coagulation, membrane filtration, pilot
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +386-2-220-7906; fax: +386-2-220-7990.
E-mail address: (I.Petrinic).

1. Introduction

Laundering processes, including water-washing processes and dual-phase washing, use

significant amounts of water. The cleanliness obtained when laundering is the result of
synergistic actions between the so-called Sinner parameters, these being mechanical energy,
chemical energy, thermal energy and time. These factors have to perform a simple separation
process in which soil is removed from a textile substrate (Warmoeskerken et al., 2002).
Bleach, water softeners and surfactants are the most important ingredients of laundry
detergents (Jakobi and Löhr, 1987). The concentration, type, and amounts of chemicals added
during the water-washing process depend on the type of cleaned items, and the degree to
which the items are soiled. Surfactants have the unique ability to remove both water-soluble
and non-water-soluble soils. One end of the surfactant molecule (the lipophilic or oil-loving
end) penetrates oily soils, whilst the opposite end of the molecule (the hydrophilic or water-
loving end) solubilizes the oils. This action loosens soils and disperses them in the water.
As environmental regulations tighten, concern increases about reducing the surfactant
concentration in effluent streams. It has been reported that the wastewater from a laundry,
where very dirty items are being washed, contains mineral oils, heavy metals and dangerous
substances that have COD values of 1200 up to 20 000 mg O2/l. The wastewater from
hospitals contains fat, the remains of food, blood and urine that have COD values of 400 up to
1200 mg O2/l. Laundries washing items from households and hotels, pollute water with COD
values from 600 to 2500 mg O2/l (Gosolits et al., 1999).
The most widely used systems for laundry wastewater treatment are conventional methods;
such as precipitation/coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation and filtration or combination
of these. Coagulation and flocculation aids are usually added to facilitate the formation of
large agglomerated particles (EPA, 2000). These systems remove colour insufficiently and are
clearly ineffective in decolourising laundry effluents, even when mixed and treated together
with sewage. Adsorption on the granular activated carbon (GAC) after the process of
flocculation can improve the treatment due to the large surface area that allows carbon to
adsorb a wide range of compounds. However, the level of colour removal depends on the dye
type (Faria, 2004).
Membrane processes offer a number of advantages over conventional water and wastewater
treatment processes including fulfilment of higher standards, reducing environmental impact
of effluents, land requirements and the possibility to use mobile treatment units.
Bhattacharyya et al. (1987) showed that the recycled ultrafiltrate from laundry and shower

wastewater could be used as non-potable water. Ahn et al. (1999) reported that physically
filtered wastewater with various types of ceramic membranes from a resort complex can be
used effectively in creating recycled wastewater for such secondary purposes. Industrial
laundries have a variety of opportunities to recycle/reuse water at their facilities (EPA, 2000).
The main problems in practical applications of membrane filtrations are the reduction of
permeate flux with time, caused by the accumulation of feed components in the pores and on
the membrane surface (Mulder, 2000). Membrane fouling involves specific interaction
between the membrane or adsorbed solutes and other solutes in the feed stream and it is
characterized by an irreversible and time dependent decline in flux. Membrane needs proper
feed pre-treatment and a well-developed cleaning protocol because fouling can directly
influence on membrane lifecycle costs. In a wastewater treatment, polymer membranes have
wider usage due to their lower price. However, there are limitations in chemical, thermal and
mechanical stability. For this reason, when treating wastewater from industrial laundry, the
ceramic UF membrane was used as a pre-treatment stage for RO membrane.
The authors performed several experimental investigations concerning laundry wastewater
purification (Petrinic et al., 2002; Petrinic et al., 2003). This paper includes the results of
laboratory trials on wastewater using:
• conventional methods; precipitation/coagulation, flocculation and adsorption on active
carbon and
• membrane filtrations; UF and RO processes.
Based on recommendation and good results achieved when treating the wastewater from
metal, textile and electronic component industry, the membrane system described in the paper
was introduced to laundry industry in Slovenia. The investments and operating costs of
membrane filtrations were estimated and compared to those of GAC.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Laundry wastewater description

The composition of the laundry wastewater is shown in Table 1.
Table 1
The measured parameters for the laundry wastewater were chosen according to the Slovenian
regulation called ”Decree of substance emission during removal of wastewater from laundry
and dry cleaning” (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 2002) as well as their

concentration limits of emission into water. These regulations meet the requirements for
wastewater reclamation and reuse and make it an available source for the existing water
It can be seen that the values of some parameters exceeded the outflow limit value in the
water. The exceeded parameters were: temperature, pH, sediment substances, total nitrogen
and phosphorous, COD and BOD5, and the amount of anion surfactant. It is known, that the
presence of anionic surfactant, builder and other oil substances in the wastewater could
increase the COD concentration (Seo et al., 2001). The washing flow was 200 L/h, eight
hour’s per day from Monday to Friday. The wastewater was coloured (green). Thus, the
wastewater treatment was needed to fulfil the regulation standards.

2.2. The washing process

Wastewater was taken from the laundry that washes hospital clothes using a tunnel washer
(type Senking, Jensen Group, Denmark). Tunnel washer is shown in Fig. 1 and consists of 12
modules. The laundry items pass automatically from one module to the next. The effluent was
collected from the third cell and used as feed. Water consumption for the preach and main
wash was 5 l/kg (cells 1-9) and for rinsing process, 8 l/kg (cells 9-12).
Fig. 1

2.3. Description of conventional plant

Water was flocculated with 5 mg/l of Al3+ added as Al2 (SO4)3x18 H2O. After 20 min the
water was filtered through silicic sand (Puconci, Slovenia) in a column with a diameter of 3.2
cm, the height of the sand layer was 1 m, the velocity of filtration was 10 m/h, the granulation
of sand grains was 0.5 -2 mm and the contact time was 6 min. The filtrate was adsorbed on
GAC in a column, with a diameter of 3.2 cm, the height of the GAC layer was 1 m, the
velocity of filtration was 5 m/h, the granulation of GAC was 1 mm and the contact time was
12 min. The GAC (type “Chemviron F-400”, Belgium) made from selected grades of coal to
produce a high-density, durable granular carbon product with high internal surface area up to
1200 m2/g .

2.4. Description of the membrane pilot plant
UF and RO trials were carried out on a pilot scale. For UF a tubular module with ceramic
membrane was used. The membrane was 25.4 mm in diameter and 900 mm in length. This
membrane is a multi-channel membrane with an active surface layers made of Al2O3, TiO2
and ZrO2. It has a filtrating surface area of 0.13 m2. The nominal molecular cut-off size of the
membrane was from 20 – 400 kD (nominal pore diameter of 0.05 micron). Figures 2 and 3
show the test equipment.
The wastewater was poured into storage tank 1 from where it was pumped into the UF
module. The retentate circled back into the storage tank under pressure of 4 – 5 bar, while the
permeate was collected in the storage tank 2. The permeate flow velocity was 15 – 20 m/s.
Back-flushing was achieved by using pressurized air to push small amounts of permeate
through the membrane every 3 minutes. The pressure of the back-flushing air was 6 – 8 bar.
Fig. 2

The permeate from UF unit was introduced into the RO system from where it was pumped
under pressure of 1 – 2 bar through a prefiltration unit. The feed was then pumped under high-
pressure of 20 – 30 bar into the spiral-wound module from where the permeate was collected
into a storage vessel, while the retentate was recycled into the feed tank. The membrane used
for the tests was made from polyethersulfone material with filtering surface area of 1.5 m2.
The equipment and the membrane have been cleaned with 1% Ultrasil (Ecolab, USA) solution
after filtrations. After washing, the membrane was rinsed three times with the tap water and
once with the demineralised tap water.
Fig. 3

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Coagulation and adsorption

Table 2

Analyses (Table 2, 3rd column) show that coagulation alone could not remove anionic
surfactant from wastewater, COD removal was only 36 % and BOD only 51%. This is why
after coagulation, adsorption on GAC was also needed. The graphite structure gives the

carbon a very large surface area, which allows the carbon to adsorb a wide range of
compounds. Activated carbon has the strongest physical adsorption forces or the highest
volume of adsorbing porosity. The water after the GAC treatment was analysed. Table 2
shows the effects of GAC filtration. After GAC treatment, COD removal was 93 %, both
BOD5 and anionic surfactants removals were 95 %. Table 2 shows that all measured
parameters were below the concentration limit of emission into water after GAC wastewater

3.2. Pilot scale investigations of UF and RO processes

Correlation of flux decline with time was conducted to obtain preliminary information about
fouling tendency of the membrane. The behaviour of the permeate flux as a function of the
operation time was studied.
Fig. 4
From the Fig. 4, it can be seen that the UF permeate flux appears very stable with the
operating time. Flux versus time experiments for UF unit was performed at optimum
transmembrane pressure (3-5 bar). This indicates that fouling is not a problem on the UF
system during 150 min operation. During the UF, the temperature increased again (54±2°C)
due to the working conditions, and therefore, more favourable permeation rates can be
achieved due to the decrease in viscosity (Mallevialle et al., 1996). Permeate flux was
expressed as volume per unit membrane area per unit time, e.g. Lm-2h-1, (LMH).
Results of analyses of wastewater showed that the temperatures can be up to 80°C, the pH
value is between 9 and 11 as well as the presence of some oxidants like chlorine ions has been
determined. In that case, usage of ceramic membranes is recommended because polymer
membranes such as polyamide membranes can be chemically damaged. However, the
dechlorination of the feed before it enters the membrane system should still be used. The most
popular methods are carbon sorption or the addition of sodium bisulphite or gaseous sulphur
dioxide for removal of chlorine from the effluent (Wakeman, 2001).
From the Fig. 5, it can be seen that no fouling was presented at the RO unit, neither. The
performance was stable; the purity and the consistency of the cleaned wastewater were

Fig. 5

3.3. Membrane filtrations
Chemical analyses were carried out on samples of wastewater, ultrafiltration and reverse
osmosis permeate (Table 3). Concentrated water volume discharged is 20% of the treated one.
Table 3
All measurements were done in the laboratory at room temperature, 25ºC. Adequate total
phosphorous was obtained after ultrafiltration. The COD, BOD5, mineral oil, AOX and
anionic surfactant was not reduced enough, so the reverse osmosis step was necessary. The
ultrafiltration step, however, guaranteed a good performance and duration of reverse osmosis
membrane. The RO permeate had good analytical characteristics, almost all total anionic
surfactant (99.2%) and all organic content was removed. The COD value was reduced by up
to 98.9%, BOD5 up to 99.2 % and mineral oil up to 75%. Almost complete colour removals
were achieved with the RO membrane.
The quality of the permeate produced by the RO module fed on the UF permeate was
satisfactory and acceptable for water reuse in the laundry industry.

3.4. Economical analyses

Economic considerations can be drawn to foresee the economical feasibility of the
implementation of both mentioned methods for a large-scale plant of 200 m3/day. Data
needed for simulation was obtained from laboratory experiments using actual wastewater. The
costs for both techniques are based on operation costs quoted by suppliers for a full-scale
treatment plant and are reported in Table 4.
Table 4

When comparing investment costs between the two kinds of water purification, GAC seems
much more promising. In our case, membranes were economically poor compared to GAC,
when analyzing the total annual costs. However, due to the increasing requirements for
effluent quality and increasing fees for wastewater discharge, the need for water reuse is
increasing. Recycling of water using membrane filtrations is sustainable and environmentally
friendly, because only 25 % of effluent water ends in the environment and about 75 % is
recycled. That means 46 800 m3 of water per year is saved which saves around 50 000 Euros.
Furthermore, in the flocculation process followed by GAC, the wastewater is filtered through
a carbon column to remove residual colour, soluble salts and surfactants. Membrane filtration

uses no carbon and produces low quantities of waste unlike GAC with 17 tons of waste
production per year.
If 75 % of the water is recycled, the membrane filtration would still be around 50 % more
expensive then GAC method. The main reason for that is the usage of ceramic UF membrane.
Ceramic membranes are considerably more expensive then the standard UF membrane and
are approximately 10 times more expensive then polymer membranes. Ceramic UF
membranes have life expectancy of 10 years and the polymer membranes 3 years. There are
several reasons for use of ceramic UF including lower chemical requirements, superior quality
of the produced water and implementation of higher standards. Today, membrane ceramic
module with an area of 10.7 m2 costs 10 000 euros. It is expected that this price will drop to
5500 euros per module mainly due to two factors: the increase of membrane surface area per
module and the mass production of membrane modules.
Although the costs of membrane systems are higher than conventional treatment systems,
their application is suitable if the costs of land and water supply are very high.

3.5. Market analyses

The ecological and technological standards for modern laundry wastewater treatment were
enforced, within the two projects carried out (Šostar-Turk, 2000; Šostar-Turk, 2003). The
potential market within Slovenia was analysed for membrane water treatment applications. It
was discovered, that out of 140 Slovenian laundries most use conventional methods for
wastewater treatment such as flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. Only three laundries
with water flows between 35 000 to 45 000 m3 per year had ultrafiltration introduced in
addition to conventional treatment. For this reason, membrane treatment consisting of
ultrafiltration followed by reverse osmosis was performed in laboratory. This system allows
up to 75 % of the water to be recycled. In Slovenia there are ten potentional laundries where
such a system would be remunerative, five of them having water flow between 35 000 m3 up
and 100 000 m3 per year.
In addition, a bilateral research project is being carried out between Slovenia and Croatia
(Šostar-Turk, 2002). Presently, market analyses is taking place in Croatia, similar to that
carried out in Slovenia. This country is a very interesting turist destination because of the long
Adriatic coastline with lots of hotels, restaurants, hospitals, where among others, laundry
goods need to be washed. Croatian legislation does not demand any laundry wastewater
treatment at all.

4. Conclusions
A study of the possibility for wastewater reuse is essential because of its’ large quantities in
the laundering process of industrial laundries. Laundry wastewater possesses the potential for
reclamation and reuse. Such reclamation and reuse of laundry discharge is important to save
water supply and significantly improve urban environments.
Good results were achieved using the conventional methods. These methods are especially
effective in the case of minimizing the organic pollutants to the point where wastewater is
drained into communal sewage or directly into a water. The disadvantage is that there is no
possibility of any kind of selection, which is essential for recycling and re-use. The
consumption of chemicals can be reduced because of better separation characteristics of
membranes compared to the coagulation and adsorption methods. No coagulators and active
carbons are used for membrane filtration. Decreased sludge production has positive ecological
effects. However, membrane filtration is more expensive compared to the GAC treatment
process. Widespread use of membranes will depend on the availability of significantly
cheaper membranes, or the tightening of regulatory standards.

We are thankful to the European Commission for its financial support in preparing this paper,
through a grant from EU project EKV1-CT-2000-00049.

5. References

1. Ahn K-H and Song K-G. Treatment of domestic wastewater using microfiltration for reuse
of wastewater. Desalination 1990; 126 (1-3): 7-14.
2. Bhattacharyya D et al. Ultrafiltration of complex wastewaters: recycling for nonpotable
use. J.WPCF 1987; 50 (5): 846-861.
3. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Technical Development Document for the Final
Action Regarding Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category
No 821-R-00-006, Chapter 6, Washington DC, USA, March 2000.
4. Faria PCC et al. Adsorption of anionic and cationic dyes on activated carbons with different
surface chemistries. Water Research 2004; article in Press.

5. Gosolits J et al. Waschmittel und Wasserrecycling in Gewerblicher und
Krankenhauwaeschereien (Phase 1), project BMBF-FKZ:01 RK 9622, Bekleidungs-
physiologisches Institut Hohenstein, Hohenstein, Germany, 1999.
6. Jakobi G., Löhr A. Detergents and Textile Washing: principles and practise, VHC,
Weinheim, Germany; 1987.
7. Mallevialle J, Odendaal PE, Wiesner MR. Water treatment, membrane processes, McGraw-
Hill, New York, USA; 1996.
8. Mulder M. Basic Principles of Membrane Technology. Kluwer, second edition, Dordrecht.
The Netherlands, 2000.
9. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Decree of substance emission during the
removal of wastewater from laundry and dry cleaning 46/02. Slovene Government. Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 2002, p. 4579-4582 (in Slovenian).
10. Petrinić I, Šostar-Turk S, Simonič M. Pročiščavanje otpadnih voda u praonicama rublja
pomoću aktivnog ugljena. Tekstil 2002; 51 (10): 463-469.
11. Petrinić I, Šostar-Turk S, Simonič M. Upotreba naprednih tehnologija za pročišćavanja
otpadnih voda u praonicama rublja. Tekstil 2003; 52 (9): 455-462.
12. Seo GT et al. Ultrafiltration combined with ozone for domestic laundry wastewater
reclamation and reuse. Water Science and Technology, Water Supply 2001; 1 (5/6): 387-392.
13. Šostar-Turk S. Ecological-Technological Standards and Criterion for initiation of proper
technologies for wastewater emissions from laundries and dry cleaner's. Research Project No
2511-00-200011, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, 2000 (in Slovenian).
14. Šostar-Turk S. Programm Setting of Working Monitoring for systems, where washing and
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Research Project, No 2523-02-100146, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor,
Slovenia, 2002 (in Slovenian).
15. Šostar-Turk S. Ecology of textile care. Research Project No. SLO-HRV 3/03-04, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, 2003 (in Slovenian).
16. Wakeman RJ. Pretreatment methods for membrane filtration. 7th Nordic Filtration
Symposium, 27-28 August 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
17. Warmoeskerken MMCG et al. Laundry process intensification by ultrasound. Colloids
and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2002; 210 (2-3): 277-285.

Table 1
Parameters of wastewater, standard procedure, methods and concentration limit of emission in
Parameter Wastewater limit of emission Standard Method/Apparatus
into water
62 DIN 38404-
Temperature (°C) 30 / thermometer
electrochemical /
pH-value 6,5-9,0 pH-meter Iskra MA
gravimetrical /
Suspended substances (mg/L) 80 weighing machine
Mettler AE 100
2 DIN 38409-
Sediment substances (mL/L) 0,5 sedimentation
< 0,1 reagent DPD–
Cl2 (mg/L) 0,2 ISO 7393/2
2,75 SIST EN
Total nitrogen (mg/L) 10 titrimetric
spectrophotometer /
Nitrogen ammonia (mg/L) 5 Perkin Elmer Cary
spectrophotometer /
Total phosphorus (mg/L) 1,0 Perkin Elmer Cary
COD (mg O2/L) 200 titrimetric

195 SIST ISO electrochemical /

BOD5 (mg O2/L) 30
5815 oximeter WTW
gravimetrical /
4,8 DIN 38409-
Mineral oil (mg/L) 10 weighing machine
Mettler AE 100

0,12 SIST ISO colourmetric /

AOX (mg/L) 0,5
9562 DX-200 Dorhmann
spectrophotometer /
Anionic surfactant (mg/L) 1,0 Perkin Elmer Cary

Table 2
The determination of parameters in the wastewater before and after treatment with
Measured values in
Measured values Concentration limit
wastewater after
Parameter Wastewater in wastewater of emission into
coagulation and active
after coagulation water

Temperature (°C) 62 22 22 30

pH-value 9,6 7,9 6,8 6,5-9,0

Suspended substances 35 <5 <5 80

Sediment substances 2 < 0,5 < 0,5 0,5

Cl2 (mg/L) < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 0,2

Total nitrogen (mg/L) 2,75 2,60 2,60 10

Nitrogen ammonia 2,45 2,40 2,30 5


Total phosphorus (mg/L) 9,9 1,0 1,0 1,0

COD (mg O2/L) 280 180 20 200

BOD5 (mg O2/L) 195 100 10 30

Mineral oil (mg/L) 4,8 2,5 <1 10

AOX (mg/L) 0,12 0,12 <0,1 0,5

Anionic surfactant 10,1 10,0 <0,5 1,0


Table 3
The determination of parameters in the wastewater before and after treatment with membrane
Permeate Permeate Concentration limit of
Parameter Wastewater
UF RO emission into water
Temperature (°C) 62 53,8 27,8 30

pH-value 9,65 8,3 7,62 6,5 – 9,0

Suspended substances
35 18 8 80

Sediment substances (mL/L) 2 < 0,5 < 0,5 0,5

Cl2 (mg/L) < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 0,2

Total nitrogen (mg/L) 2,75 0,03 0,03 10

Nitrogen ammonia (mg/L) 2,45 0,03 0,03 10

Total phosphorus (mg/L) 9,92 0,46 0,14 2,0(1.0)

COD (mg O2/l) 280 130 3 120

BOD5 (mg O2/L) 195 86 1,5 25

Mineral oil (mg/L) 4,8 4,4 1,2 10

AOX (mg/L) 0,12 0,11 0,08 0,5

Anionic surfactant (mg/L) 10,06 7,20 0,91 1,0

Table 4
Investment and operating costs (evaluated in Euro) for UF/RO membrane treatment of 200
m3/day or 62 400 m3/year (full-scale plant)

total annual % of total cost per m3

Membrane Membrane Membrane Membrane

plant plant plant plant

Cost of plant
(investment in 69 600 390 000 6 960 39 000 31 46 0,11 0,63
10 years) :

Energy: - - 1 060 25 200 5 30 0,02 0,4

Chemicals: 28 800 - 2 880 10 000 13 12 0,05 0,16

(change every - 15 000 - 5 000 - 6 - 0,08
3 years for
RO plant)

Man work: - - 10 200 5000 46 6 0,16 0,08

Waste deposit 10 500 - 1 050 - 5 - 0,17 -

Total 108 900 405 000 22 150 84 200 100 100 0,51 1,35

Input of Fresh Water

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Fig. 1. Tunnel washer

Fig.2. The equipment for ultrafiltration.

Fig.3. The equipment for reverse osmosis.

160 60

Temperature (C)
Flux (LMH)

80 30
40 Flux
Temperature 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (min)

Fig.4. Flux versus time for UF.

40 30


Temperature (C)
Flux (LMH)


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (min)

Fig.5. Flux versus time for RO.


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