My Personal Presentation: When I Was 12 Years Old, I Worked As A Merchant in Gamarra

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My name is Christian Pusuari Moreno, I'm 18 years old, I'm from Lima. a single
person I am a pnp student with the ID number 75513819. I live in Jr,
bustamante and rivero 641 - La victoria.
When I was 12 years old, I worked as a merchant in gamarra.

At the moment I am in English class, paying attention to the class to have good
grades in the academic semester
My goal is to graduate from this school of professional police and work in a
good unit and the month of my payment to deliver it to my mother because she
always supports me.
All weekend return from my outing to my pnp school.
On Tuesday I have a guard service, guard post, shift temprano.
The of of the police technical investigation course was good.
Every day I go run in my school.
The lieutenant ordered at 00.30 a touch of general to the entire battalion
Every single day I pass a diana list in my school yard.
On Thursday I have to do calimnesia with the captain.
Tomorrow we have a ceremony in the courtyard of honor.
The teacher of physical culture did few exercises.+
The students of the eestp will graduate on March 25, 2019
¿When and where you born?

I was born on May 14, 1999. In the district of Lurin.

¿What school did you study your high school in?

My high school was I.EP “San Miguel de Viso” in the Agustino.

¿Why did you decide to become a police

I like this institution because the routines are good and

the academic study.
¿How are you days at the PNP school? Describe briefly
your routine
I get up early, I do calisthenics and then breakfast. At 8 in
the morning I go to the classroom, then I pass the list of
retreta and go back. In addition to cleaning.

¿What would you like to do when school ends?

When I finish school, I plan to study at the university.
¿What has been the best experience since you
become a PNP student?

The best experience was the admission process, the

dapatacion, wear the different uniforms of my school.

¿What are you plans after graduting?

I will support my mother and my brother in their studies

¿How do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

In 5 years with a good job, a big house where I will live with
my family

¿What will you do in order to improve the experience for

the netx students at the PNP school?
Give advice and tell my experiences in school so that the next postulant is a
great student and, in the future, a great policeman.

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