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a) Who belongs to Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples?

Indigenous People refer to a group of people who have continuously lived as an

organized community on communally bounded and defined territory.
Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples as defined in RA 8371
refers to a group of homogenous societies continuously living as organized
community in a bounded and defined territory. They occupied, possessed and
utilized such territories since time immemorial under a claim of ownership. They
also share common bonds of language, customs, traditions, and other distinct
cultural traits or who have become historically differentiated from the majority of
the Filipinos

b) Summarize the rights of ICCs/IPs under IPRA.

The rights of ICCs/IPs under IPRA can be summarized in the four bundle of rights,
to wit:
1. Rights to Ancestral Domains- Ancestral domains/lands are beyond the
scope of the Regalian doctrine (Jura Regalia)
2. Right to Self-Governance and Empowerment – the State recognizes the
inherent right of ICCs/IPs to self-governance and self-determination and
respects the integrity of their values, practices and institutions.
Consequently, the State shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to freely
pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
3. Right to Social Justice and Human Rights - the State shall, with due
recognition of their distinct characteristics and identity, accord to the
members of the ICCs/IPs the rights, protections and privileges enjoyed by
the rest of the citizenry.
4. Right to Cultural Integrity - The state shall respect, recognize and protect
the right of the ICCs/IPs to preserve and protect their culture, traditions
and institutions.

c) What are the rights of the Bangsamoro people under the Bangsamoro Basic Law
with respect to the natural resources within its territorial jurisdiction?

Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and national laws, the Bangsamoro
Government and the National Government shall jointly exercise the power to grant
rights, privileges, and concessions over the exploration, development, and
utilization of uranium and fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal in the
territorial jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro.

In addition, the following sharing agreement were made with regard to Exploration,
Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources:
1. Mines and Minerals – 100% revenue goes to the Bangsamoro Government
2. Uranium and Fossil Fuels (i.e. petroleum, natural gas & Coal) – comanaged
by national and Bangsamoro government


Pursuant to the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and management Act of 2010, one
of the stated policies is to: (a) Uphold the people’s constitutional rights to life and
property by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthening the
country’s institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction and management and building
the resilience of local communities to disasters including climate change impacts.

1) What is a disaster?
a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts,
which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using
its own resources. Disasters are often described as a result of the
combination of: the exposure to a hazard; the conditions of vulnerability that
are present; and insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope with the
potential negative consequences.

2) What are the impacts of disaster?

Disaster impacts may include loss of life, injury, disease and other negative
effects on human, physical, mental and social well-being, together with
damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of services, Social and
economic disruption and environmental degradation.

3) What do you understand by “zero casualty”?

Zero casualty means that no person or animals were injured during a
happening of a disaster or similar circumstances.

4) Are LGUs’ authorized to declare a state of calamity within their territorial

Yes, the declaration and lifting of the state of calamity may also be issued by
the local sanggunian, upon the recommendation of the LDRRMC, based on
the results of the damage assessment and needs analysis.

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