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Hall–Héroult process

Main articles: Hall–Héroult process and Aluminium smelting

The conversion of alumina to aluminium metal is achieved by the Hall–Héroult process. In this
energy-intensive process, a solution of alumina in a molten (950 and 980 °C (1,740 and
1,800 °F)) mixture of cryolite (Na3AlF6) with calcium fluoride is electrolyzed to produce metallic
aluminium. The liquid aluminium metal sinks to the bottom of the solution and is tapped off, and
usually cast into large blocks called aluminium billets for further processing.[10]

Extrusion billets of aluminium

Anodes of the electrolysis cell are made of carbon—the most resistant material against fluoride
corrosion—and either bake at the process or are prebaked. The former, also called Söderberg
anodes, are less power-efficient and fumes released during baking are costly to collect, which is
why they are being replaced by prebaked anodes even though they save the power, energy, and
labor to prebake the cathodes. Carbon for anodes should be preferably pure so that neither
aluminium nor the electrolyte is contaminated with ash. Despite carbon's resistivity against
corrosion, it is still consumed at a rate of 0.4–0.5 kg per each kilogram of produced aluminium.
Cathodes are made of anthracite; high purity for them is not required because impurities leach
only very slowly. Cathode is consumed at a rate of 0.02–0.04 kg per each kilogram of produced
aluminium. A cell is usually a terminated after 2–6 years following a failure of the cathode.[10]

The Hall–Heroult process produces aluminium with a purity of above 99%. Further purification
can be done by the Hoopes process. This process involves the electrolysis of molten aluminium
with a sodium, barium, and aluminium fluoride electrolyte. The resulting aluminium has a purity
of 99.99%.[10][117]

Electric power represents about 20 to 40% of the cost of producing aluminium, depending on the
location of the smelter. Aluminium production consumes roughly 5% of electricity generated in
the United States.[109] Because of this, alternatives to the Hall–Héroult process have been
researched, but none has turned out to be economically feasible.[10]

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