VNT - Step 1 - 9

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• The student analyzes the importance of intellectual property rights protection, as a

differentiating factor to stand out in the competitive markets.
• Identify intellectual property as an asset.
• Identify the causes and consequences of the digital transformation in Colombia.
Activity 5
Activity 6
Jose Fuentes
Activity 8

The lack of information, to promote it is necessary to provide advice on the

improvements that could be made and their benefits.

How to promote digital

transformation in
212032_9 Group number

Colombian enterprises?
Advise on process standardization, avoiding rework, making companies
competitive in the market.

Currently the company has manual processes that affect the performance of
Problem description its employees, such as numerical control charts in Excel that tend to
unintentional errors, so it is evident that the software is not updated and
On paragraph maximum 200 poorly parameterized, there are some changes that can be made and the
costs are not so high and the advantages are very valuable, allowing to have
words (only one per group) updated information and integrated with other areas, allowing decision

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