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The distinction between Government and Governance


Based on the audio clip, how a basic rule affects private governance?
1. Do you believe that government has inability to solve problems in society? Y/N. justifies
your answer and makes some recommendations.
As for what I’
Explain these: “Without government you cannot have a contract”, what do you think is the role
of the government on this matter?
Why is it people are mandated to follow the government?
For me, it’s helpful for the community and for the nation to follow the rules of
the government. It’s because the rules implemented by the government can help the
citizens of the nation to build a strong discipline foundation. It can also serve as the
rules and regulation to have a good unity among the diversification of the ethnics of the
The distinction between Government and Governance

1. Based on the audio clip, how a basic rule affects private governance?
There are tons of rules as we try to explore different situations. There are some
basic rules that are actually needed to comply once we are in that specific area. These
rules that they are enforcing to comply are subject to the safety of everyone inside one's
territory or place. Thus, people tend to act independently towards the government.

2. Do you believe that government has inability to solve problems in society? Y/N. Justify
your answer and make some recommendations.
As for what I’ve observed right now, government can’t be able to solve the problems of
the society. The government has inability to support or to solve a small problem. For
example is that the government can’t have a proper decision and allocation of the
resources among all the citizens of a locality. Also they do have the lack of the capacity
to have a good justification regarding in the criminal situation. There is this bias thing
when it comes from getting justice. It shows that money can do lot of things. If you don’t
have money then you can’t have your own justice even you are an innocent. So for us to
be able to solve this kind of arguments or issues, as a citizen, we should act right to
lessen the problems of the government

3. Explain these: “Without government you cannot have a contract”, what do you think is
the role of the government on this matter?
         A contract is a legally binding agreement that recognizes and governs the rights and
duties of the parties to the agreement. A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the
requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods,
services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law awards
the injured party access to remedies such as damages and cancellation. So therefore the
meaning of “Without government you cannot have a contract” is about having a security that
was mandated by the government given in the form of law. So having a law that was formed by
the government, the citizens and other things may will protect by the government. Without the
contract or law, all things will not be organized.

4. Why is it people are mandated to follow the government?

For me, it’s helpful for the community and for the nation to follow the rules of
the government. It’s because the rules implemented by the government can help the
citizens of the nation to build a strong discipline foundation. It can also serve as the
rules and regulation to have a good unity among the diversification of the ethnics of the

5. Does the government subjective in the enforcement of certain law? Explain.


There are the legislation and the councilor of the government to enforce a certain law.
So it means, that the government can be able to mandate or enforce any kind of law that
will secure and protect the citizens and real states and all assets that a person have with a
certain process of making law.

Does the government subjective in the enforcement of certain law? Explain.

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