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Emissions Technology

Exhaust emissions reduction technology for Sulzer

marine diesel engines: General aspects

by Rudolf Holtbecker Markus Geist

Project Manager, Product Manager,
Emissions RTA-T Engines

Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd, Winterthur

July 1998

Contents Page

Introduction 3

Fundamentals of diesel exhaust components 5

Marine exhaust emissions legislation 9

Diesel engine developments towards low emissions 11

Primary measures (combustion control techniques) 13

Secondary measures (exhaust gas aftertreatment) 26

Conclusion 31

References 31

The paper reviews the various types of exhaust gas emissions of large diesel engines, particularly of low-
speed two-stroke types such as the Sulzer RTA-series engines, and the possible measures for controlling such
emissions in marine installations. It draws on the wealth of experience with exhaust gas emissions built up at
Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd with respect to both two-stroke and four-stroke diesel engines. The company
began studying exhaust gas emissions control techniques in the 1970s with research beginning in the early
1980s, and has since applied them in stationary applications. Emissions control is being extended to the
marine environment through the IMO limits to be introduced in the year 2000.
This paper is only intended as a general guide. Please consult the appropriate engine documentation re-
garding specific matters, such as engine adjustments for complying with emissions regulations, emissions
measurements, testing, emissions monitoring, etc., as they apply to specific Sulzer diesel engines.

Everyone is more aware these days of environmen- reduced by more than 99 per cent [1]. In January
tal issues. Gradually efforts are being made globally 2000, exhaust emissions control will be extended to
to curb pollution in all its forms. Even though the con- marine diesel engines world-wide through the regula-
tribution of large diesel engines to global pollution is tions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
relatively small, attention has been given to their ex- We accepted the challenge of controlling the ex-
haust emissions since the 1970s. At first, the focus haust emissions from Sulzer diesel engines in the
was on stationary applications, and there are now 1970s when the first exhaust emissions regulations
various countries which have environmental legisla- came into force in the USA (Fig. 1) through the EPA
tion requiring reductions of the exhaust emissions (Environmental Protection Agency). From that time
from diesel power plants of varying degrees up to 100 on, intense efforts have been made to ensure that
per cent. For example, most stringent emissions future engines can be developed to comply with
regulations apply for the city of Zurich, Switzerland, forthcoming regulations. Emissions control has thus
where the NOX emissions of diesel engines must be always been one of the major topics in the develop-

Fig. 1
The Hoffmann-La Roche power plant in Belvidere NJ, USA, with a Sulzer
10RNF90M two-stroke engine. This was the first Sulzer diesel engine adapted
to give low exhaust emissions in compliance with EPA regulations

ment of new Sulzer diesel engines. Through these ter of Shipping to investigate new selective catalytic
many years of experience, we have accumulated reduction (SCR) technologies and define the best
a thorough knowledge about emissions control, in- operating conditions for an SCR system.
cluding its influence on the engine, particularly with 1993
respect to reliability, fuel consumption and other key Fuel/water emulsion tests with marine diesel oil
operating factors. were carried out on a 7RTA84T engine.
Owing to the high efficiency of diesel engines, the 1993
emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and An intensive research programme was carried out
hydrocarbons are low in their exhaust gases but high on the 4RTX54 research engine in Winterthur to ana-
emissions of nitrogen oxides are also inherently char- lyse different primary measures.
acteristic of the diesel cycle. The same high combus- 1994
tion temperatures that give high thermal efficiency in At the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in
the diesel engine are also the most conducive to NOX Zürich, Switzerland, a Sulzer 9S20 was installed with
formation. By running on low-quality fuels with a low an SCR system. A five-year research programme was
fuel consumption, large diesel engines offer enor- initiated focusing on primary NOX reducing technolo-
mous savings in fuel costs compared with those of gies including a new concept for exhaust gas recircu-
alternative prime movers. Yet the heavy fuel oil leads lation, Miller supercharging and new fuel injection
to substantial emissions of oxides of sulphur and par- systems.
ticulates. They are formed in the combustion process 1994
out of the sulphur, ash and asphaltenes that are A research programme was started to investigate
always present in heavy fuel oil. However, as shown possibilities for removing dust from exhaust gas by
in this paper, there are ways of reducing such emis- the injection of different types of liquids in the exhaust
sions, either by combustion control techniques or gas. A wet scrubber was installed after the 4RTX54
by exhaust gas aftertreatment. research engine in Winterthur.
A direct water injection system was installed on the
Summary of research activities to 4RTX54 research engine and showed the high poten-
reduce emissions of Sulzer engines tial of this technology for the reduction of NOX emis-
Research and development of low-emission tech-
nologies for Sulzer diesel engines were intensified
The Diesel Technology Center was inaugurated.
from the beginning of the 1980s. Tests were carried
The 4RTA58T and 8ZA40S engines were installed for
out on many of the actual low-speed two-stroke
testing. Both engines are equipped with SCR units to
engines of that time starting with the Sulzer RND and
meet the local emission limits. On both engines ex-
RNF series, going to the RLA and RLB, and later with
tensive research programs were followed for the re-
the RTA engine series. There has also been a contin-
duction of emissions by means of primary measures
ual two-way interchange of test results and experi-
covering the variation of all tuning parameters avail-
ence between Sulzer four-stroke and two-stroke
able on the engines.
engines. Naturally this course of R&D activities
involved many steps. Some of the principal ones,
Dedicated exhaust gas recirculation tests were
however, may be summarised as follows:
carried out on the two-cylinder ZA40S high-pressure
1982–1986 gas engine.
The efficiency of fuel/water emulsions to reduce 1996
NOX emissions was investigated. This included tests The 6ZA50S four-stroke engine was installed in the
on eight- and ten-cylinder Sulzer RNF90M engines Diesel Technology Center and adjusted for low emis-
and 4RLB76 engines. As fuel, marine diesel oil as well sions and compliance with the IMO NOX regulation.
as heavy fuel oil were used. 1998
During this period, tests were also made with A new type of cyclone for the reduction of particles
other primary measures on various other Sulzer in the exhaust gas was tested in the Diesel Technol-
diesel engines. ogy Center with the 4RTA58T engine running on
1992–1995 heavy fuel oil.
On the Sulzer 6RTA38 research engine in Graven-
chon, an extensive test programme was carried out
jointly with Mobil Oil Corporation and Lloyd’s Regis-

Fundamentals of diesel engine exhaust components
The diesel engine process is well known and Carbon dioxide and water vapour
therefore does not require discussion here. On the
Carbon dioxide, CO2, and water vapour, H2O, are
other hand, it is appropriate to give a brief summary
formed in all combustion processes in which com-
of the various constituents of exhaust gases from
plete, or nearly complete, combustion of a hydrocar-
large diesel engines, particularly those that are re-
bon fuel takes place. Their relative proportions are
garded as pollutants, their effects on the environ-
determined primarily by the hydrocarbon composi-
ment in high concentrations, and their numerical
tion of the fuel. Thus the production of both carbon
dioxide and water vapour is a function of the quantity
Exhaust gases emitted from large diesel engines
of fuel burned, which to a large extent is determined
comprise nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and
by the plant efficiency and the elemental composition
water vapour with smaller quantities of carbon
of the fuel being burned.
monoxide, and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, to-
Although traditionally not regarded as a pollutant,
gether with even lesser quantities of partially reacted
carbon dioxide has become of increasing concern in
and unburned hydrocarbons and particulate mat-
recent times through its importance as a ‘greenhouse
erial (Figs. 2 and 3).
gas’ and the unknown consequences for the global
climate of the trend of rising carbon dioxide concen-
Molecular nitrogen and oxygen tration. Inputs of water vapour (also a principal green-
Free nitrogen, N2, and oxygen, O2, comprise the house gas) to the atmosphere are, as yet, of little con-
major constituents of both the air intake and the ex- cern as the average global concentration is not
haust emissions from a diesel engine. Nitrogen, form- believed to be changing [2].
ing 78 per cent by volume of the intake air, basically However, when applying conventional technol-
does not react in the combustion process, although a ogies to reduce NOX emissions, the fuel consumption
very small proportion will react chemically with oxy- – and as a consequence the emissions of carbon
gen to form various oxides of nitrogen, jointly design- dioxide – tends to increase. The environmental im-
ated NOX. Oxygen, originally forming 21 per cent by pact of such an increase in carbon dioxide is another
volume of the intake air, will only be partially convert- reason, apart from the financial consequences of the
ed by the combustion process. Consequently the free increased fuel consumption, why it is absolutely im-
oxygen component of the exhaust will be a function of portant that the development of NOX reduction meas-
the excess air ratio at which the engine is operated. ures should not increase the fuel consumption.

Air ➪ ➪ Exhaust gas

7.8 kg/kWh 8.0 kg/kWh

Fuel ➪ N2 6.2 kg/kWh

171 g/kWh O2 1.1 kg/kWh
CO2 0.5 kg/kWh
oil ➪ H2O 0.2 g/kWh
1.3 g/kWh NOX 17.0 g/kWh
SOX 13.6 g/kWh
CO 0.4 g/kWh
HC 0.4 g/kWh
Dust 0.6 g/kWh

➪ Power kW
Fig. 2
Typical analysis of the
exhaust gases from
modern two-stroke
marine diesel engines

Nitrogen oxides are one of the primary pollutants
which have been introduced in regulations, such as
O2 those adopted by the IMO.

H 2O
Sulphur oxides, SOX
The oxides of sulphur, SOX, derive directly from the
CO 2 sulphur content of the fuels used. In the combustion
chamber, the sulphur is oxidised thereby forming
principally sulphur dioxide SO2 and, to a much lesser
Pollutants extent, sulphur trioxide SO3. The alkaline lubricants
employed to protect the liner surface from acidic
HC NO X corrosion convert a small proportion of the SOX
produced by the combustion process to calcium
sulphate. However, this is a relatively insignificant
Fig. 3 proportion and the sulphur emissions from the engine
The pollutants in the exhaust gases (% vol) of large diesel will essentially be proportional to the sulphur content
engines are an extremely small proportion of the whole of the fuel and the fuel consumption.
Sulphur oxides are the major source of acid rain.
They thus have detrimental effects on plant life, veg-
Oxides of nitrogen, NOX etation, human respiration and buildings [2]. On the
other hand, it has to be stressed that the effect of acid
The formation of oxides of nitrogen, NOX, occurs
rain on the sea is in most cases negligible. This is be-
as a result of the oxidation of molecular nitrogen
cause sea water is slightly alkaline. One litre of sea
in the combustion air and of organic nitrogen in the
water can, on average, neutralise some 300 mg of
fuel. In the latter case, it would be expected that the
sulphur. It also seems that SOX is only transported
bulk of the organic nitrogen will be oxidised during
over a relatively short distance (some ten or at most
the combustion process. As heavy fuel oil has a
100 km). It is not surprising, therefore, even in coast-
greater content of organic nitrogen than marine diesel
al regions bordering on the most heavily used ship-
oil or other distillate fuels, the NOX emissions of an
ping waters in the world, such as the English Channel
engine running on heavy fuel are thus greater.
or the Strait of Malacca, that the contribution of ships
The oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen is influ-
to the total SO2 emission has been found to be
enced by local conditions in the combustion cham-
considerably less than five per cent of that from land-
ber, such as for example the maximum cylinder pres-
based sources [3].
sure, local peak temperatures and local air-to-fuel
Nevertheless, limitation of the emission of sulphur
ratios. Nitric oxide NO is a primary reaction product,
oxides has been introduced in the recent IMO regula-
but around five per cent of it is converted to nitrogen
dioxide NO2 later in the combustion cycle, during
expansion and during the flow through the exhaust
Carbon monoxide, CO
system. At the same time, a very limited proportion of
nitrous oxide N2O is also formed. Further oxidation of Carbon monoxide, CO, is the result of incomplete
NO to NO2 subsequently continues at ambient combustion of carbonaceous material. Its formation
temperatures after the exhaust gases have passed in the diesel engine is thus principally a function of the
out to the atmosphere. excess air ratio, the temperature of combustion and
The environmental effects of NOX are diverse. the uniformity of the air/fuel mixture in the combus-
Nitrogen oxide is of particular concern because of its tion chamber. In general, carbon monoxide emissions
detrimental effects on respiration and plant life, as from large two-stroke diesel engines are low owing to
well as its significant contribution to acid rain. In ad- the high oxygen concentrations and the efficient
dition, NOX, together with volatile organic com- combustion process.
pounds (VOC), is also involved in a series of photo- Broad environmental effects are not generally of
chemical reactions that lead to an increase in major concern from carbon monoxide, although the
troposphere ozone which, in turn, adversely affects gas may have some small influence on global climate
human health, crop yields and natural vegetation. It change [2]. Owing to the low level of carbon monox-
should be mentioned that these problems are only ide in diesel exhaust gases, it has not so far been
pronounced on land, and especially in urban areas. addressed in marine regulations.

Hydrocarbons, HC and the completeness of combustion with ‘smoke’
traditionally acting as a criterion of combustion qual-
The hydrocarbon fraction, HC, of the exhaust gas-
ity. Yet smoke is simply a visual criterion and does not
es will predominantly consist of unburned or partially-
necessarily imply that the engine is polluting. For
burned fuel and lubricating oils. In reality this fraction
example, white smoke is usually condensing water
comprises a myriad of individual organic compounds
vapour, and some real pollutants are in fact invisible.
with almost every chemically allowable configuration
Quantification of the particulate emissions is diffi-
of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur
cult on account of their complex nature. Thus, a
being represented, albeit at extremely low concentra-
variety of terms are employed to describe both the
nature and quantity of particulate matter. Many terms
Individual components may be present in either
are defined by sampling and quantification methods,
vapour or particulate phases, or may switch between
and include suspended particulate matter and total
the two phases through evaporation, condensation
suspended particulates.
and polymerisation reactions leading to a constantly
Owing to the fact that the different measuring tech-
changing distribution. Consequently, the diverse na-
niques yield quite different results, it might be helpful
ture of the hydrocarbon fraction components makes
to review the different ways of measuring the particu-
for difficulties in both quantifying the emissions and in
late emissions [4]:
identifying the specific health and environmental
• Smoke spot methods: A certain volume of exhaust
gas is drawn through a filter paper and the reduc-
In general, hydrocarbon emissions result from in-
tion in reflectance of the used filter paper caused
complete combustion. The nature and level of hydro-
by the soot captured on it is measured or evaluat-
carbons in the exhaust will thus be largely dependent
ed. Examples are Bosch Smoke Number, SAE
upon the combustion characteristics and thermal
Smoke Number, Bacharach (ASTM) Smoke Num-
efficiency of the engine which, in turn, are influenced
ber, etc.
by engine load, condition and maintenance. With
• Opacity methods: The percentage that light is re-
correctly-adjusted diesel engines, hydrocarbons are
duced when it is passed through the exhaust gas
emitted in very small quantities and thus present
is determined (for example Hartridge).
only a minor problem with respect to emissions in the
• Hot filter method: A sample is taken from the ex-
marine environment.
haust gas, and drawn through a filter maintained at
a temperature similar to that of the exhaust gas.
The mass of the collected material is then deter-
mined gravimetrically and referred to as ‘dust’. An
The particulate fraction of the exhaust emissions example of a loaded filter mat is shown in figure 4.
represents a complex mixture of inorganic and organic • Dilution tunnel: A sample is taken from the exhaust
substances largely comprising elemental carbon, ash gases, diluted with clean air (to emulate the situa-
minerals, heavy metals, condensed sulphur oxides, tion after the funnel), and then passed through a
water, wear debris and a variety of unburned or partial- filter maintained at a temperature of 52 °C maxi-
ly-burned hydrocarbon components of the fuel and mum. The mass of the collected material is then
lubricating oils. An intermittent discharge of accumu- determined gravimetrically and referred to as
lated deposits from the exhaust system may also be ‘particulates’.
encountered. With the exception of the latter, the ma-
jority of diesel particulates are likely to be less than one Other terms, such as ‘inhalable’ or ‘respirable’, re-
micron in diameter, readily transportable by air currents late to the site of deposition in the respiratory tract
and with a low settling velocity. Potentially detrimental whilst PM10 declares particulate matter with an aero-
effects may thus be encountered away from the imme- dynamic diameter of 10 microns, a dimension that
diate vicinity of the exhaust gas plume [2]. influences the site of deposition as well as the
Although the study of the particulate composition physiological effect. An inability, in general, to trans-
of marine diesel exhaust is limited, extrapolation of late the results of measurements using one method
results in various studies of road vehicle applications into those using another further complicates the
would suggest that particulates may potentially issue. Quite obviously, smoke spot, smoke opacity,
cause some respiratory problems, as well as more dust and particulates are not the same and therefore
serious health effects. should not be confused. It should also be noted that
To a large extent, the magnitude of particulate a high sulphur content makes measuring particulates
emissions will be dependent upon the fuel oil quality by using a dilution tunnel rather problematic. There-

Fig. 4
An example of a loaded
filter mat from the hot filter
method of determining
the particulates content
of exhaust gases

fore, in ISO 8178, [5], it is stated that for engines run- Units
ning on fuels having a sulphur content above 0.8 per
While nothing else but mass emissions in terms of
cent by weight, only hot filter methods, as described
kilograms per hour or tonnes per year plays an impor-
for example in ISO 9096 [6], should be employed.
tant role for the environment, it is widely accepted
Contrary to NOX, particulates are not an inherent
that for industrial applications the amount of emis-
product of the diesel process itself. There has never
sions should be related to a certain produced output
been a shortage of hypotheses on soot and particu-
such as the engine power, resulting in the unit g/kWh.
late formation in diesel engines. Virtually all of these
Owing to the various measuring principles it is also
models however, only refer to middle-distillate fuels
common to relate the amount of emissions to the ex-
and, moreover, are so complex that they are impos-
haust gas volume flow. However, it has to be consid-
sible to use in practice. The principal known influen-
ered that, when using parts per million by volume
ces on the particulate emissions are the fuel injection
(ppmV) or mass of emissions per volume of exhaust
and the fuel used. Concerning the latter, several em-
gas (mg/Nm3), the quantity of air throughput plays an
pirical equations have been established for residual
important role.
fuels, driven by the fact that dust levels are roughly
Consequently, exhaust emissions concentrations
five times higher on heavy fuel oil than on marine
have to be related to a certain reference oxygen con-
diesel oil. For example, Dexter [7] found a linear
centration (for example 15, 13 or five per cent by vol-
dependence of the particulates upon the amount of
ume, which are written as 15%vol, 13%vol or 5%vol),
Conradson carbon residue in the fuel.
which does not normally have any relation to the real
Independent of the existing confusion, it has to be
exhaust oxygen concentration but is adopted to
stated that reduction of the particulate emissions of
assist in the numerical treatment of varying exhaust
diesel engines may represent the greatest challenge
figures*. The conversion from measured exhaust gas
for the future development of the diesel engine.
concentrations in ppmV to g/kWh is described in the
standard ISO 8178 part 1 [5].

* A given exhaust-gas concentration xref can be converted

from the reference oxygen concentration O2ref to another
oxygen concentration O2corr by using the following equa-
20.95% – O2corr
xcorr = Xref 20.95% – O

Marine exhaust emissions legislation
The international nature of shipping, of the ship- nex VI. In Regulation 13 of this annex, limiting NOX
building industry and of the marine equipment supply levels are defined for engines of more than 130 kW
infrastructure commends the international harmon- output (Fig. 5). These NOX emissions limits will only
isation of equipment standards and regulations. A apply to engines installed in new ships built on or
proliferation of national or regional regulations based after 1 January 2000, or to engines in existing ships
on different standards would be highly disruptive and undergoing a major conversion. The basis of the reg-
costly to the marine industry and would create need- ulation is that the average NOX emissions of new
less barriers to international trade. The marine sector ships must be some 30 per cent less than the emis-
is unique in having the benefit of an international reg- sions from ships in 1990.
ulatory body in the form of the IMO, the International In Regulation 14 of Annex VI, the sulphur content
Maritime Organization. in fuels is limited to 4.5 per cent. To protect sensitive
In September 1997 the Conference of Parties to areas from sulphur oxides emissions, the concept
the MARPOL 73/78 Convention adopted the new An- of SOX special areas has also been introduced. The

Fig. 5
NOX emissions limit i) 17 g/kWh when n is less than 130
according to the IMO II) 45*n –0.2 g/kWh when n is 130 rpm or more, but less than 2000 rpm
regulation 13, Annex VI of iii) 9.84 g/kWh when n is 2000 rpm or more
MARPOL 73/78
where n = rated engine speed
NOx [g/kWh]




0 200 400 600 800 1000

Rated Engine Speed [rev/min]

The three test cycles D2, E2 and E3 apply to three different engine categories namely:
D2: Generating sets with intermittent load, including shipboard generating sets
E2: Constant-speed heavy-duty engines for ship propulsion, including engines with a
controllable-pitch propeller
E3: Variable-speed heavy-duty engines for ship propulsion equipped with a fixed-pitch
Table: Weighting factors (f) for the test cycles D2, E2 and E3 in the Technical Code of the
IMO regulation for NOX emissions

% rated speed 100 100 100 100 100 100 91 80 63

% rated load 100 75 50 25 10 100 75 50 25

cycle D2 0.05 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.10 – – – –

Weighting factor [f] cycle E2 0.20 0.50 0.15 0.15 – – – – –

cycle E3 – – – – – 0.20 0.50 0.15 0.15

NOxweighted = ∑f
i x NOxi
h ()
∑fi x Pi (kW)

Baltic Sea represents such an area and others may sented by their parent engines. The certification
follow in the future. In these areas, fuel with less than testing is only necessary for these parent engines.
1.5 per cent sulphur has to be burned or the exhaust Further engines can be certified by checking doc-
gas has to be treated to reduce the sulphur oxides uments, components, settings, etc. which have to
emissions to a level under 6 g/kWh. show correspondence with those of the parent en-
In addition to regulation 13 of Annex VI, a Techni- gine. The parent engine of an engine family has to
cal Code has been prepared which will be mandatory, incorporate those features which will most ad-
and describes the procedures and boundary condi- versely affect the NOX emissions level. During the
tions for diesel engine testing, surveying and certifi- testing of the parent engine of an engine group, the
cation for compliance with the NOX emissions limits. NOX influence of adjustments and modifications
The most important items are: which are usual for the group has to be demon-
• NOX emissions measurements and calculations strated.
have to be carried out in accordance with the Tech- • For confirmation after installation of a certified en-
nical Code which, in this respect, is almost identi- gine, and for later repeat surveys on board, differ-
cal with ISO 8178. In particular, the actual NOX ent methods can be chosen by the ship operator,
value which has to be less than the limit value has namely checking components and parameters,
to be calculated by an averaging formula which monitoring NOX, or making simplified measure-
takes into account the emission values at different ments. These methods are sufficient to deduce
load points of the engine operating range. the NOX performance by reference to the Technical
• Prior to installation on board, every engine shall be File.
adjusted to meet the applicable NOX emissions
limit and shall be provided with the requisite En-
gine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) US legislation from EPA and CARB
Certificate. In turn, the EIAPP Certificate qualifies
The EPA (Environment Protection Agency) of the
the ship for its requisite International Air Pollution
USA is also working on new regulations concerning
Prevention (IAPP) Certificate issued by the flag sta-
exhaust emissions. With a view to international har-
te. For those engines which, because of their size,
monisation, the EPA as well as CARB (Californian
construction and delivery schedule, cannot be cer-
Air Resources Board) have declared their intention to
tified at the manufacturer’s works, the complete
recognise and accept the limits established by the
NOX measurement procedure may be carried out
IMO for international shipping and not to introduce
on board ship.
lower limits. More stringent regulations are only
• Every engine should be provided with a technical
envisaged for smaller domestic vessels, such as for
file specified in the Technical Code which identifies
example pleasure craft operating only in domestic
those components and settings which influence
the NOX emissions and confirm the correct engine
specification to ensure compliance with the regu-
lations. The components and settings involved will
Marine legislation in Sweden
generally include parts of the fuel injection system,
valve cams, injection and valve timing, cylinder Swedish regulations, as complement to the IMO
cover, piston with piston rod and shims, connect- regulations, aim for the goal of a 75 per cent reduc-
ing rod and turbochargers. The file will need to tion of NOX and SOX emissions by the start of next de-
include adjustment settings, tolerances, and de- cade. The regulations are implemented from the year
tailed test measurements from the official shop 1998 and are based on a fee according to the actual
test, and will follow the engine throughout its life. NOX emissions and the ship type. The fee is applied
• For certification, the ‘engine family’ or the ‘engine to all ships, both new as well as existing, and all en-
group’ concept may be applied. The ‘engine fami- gines except emergency units. It has to be paid when
ly’ concept may be applied to series-produced en- entering Swedish waters. The full fee becomes due
gines which, through their design, are proven to for engines emitting more than 12 g/kWh NOX, for
have similar exhaust emissions characteristics, emissions between 12 and 2 g/kWh the fee is propor-
and which are used as produced. The ‘engine tional to the NOX emissions, and below 2 g/kWh the
group’ concept may be applied to any engine type fee reaches its minimum. The procedure for the cer-
having the same design features as specified but tification (to be renewed every two years) refers to 80
subject to individual engine adjustment or modifi- per cent load, and the measurements and conver-
cation. Engine families or engine groups are repre- sions are to be performed according to ISO 8178.

Diesel engine developments towards low emissions
As shown above, the most important gas compo- In low- and medium-speed diesel engines, by far
nent which has to be reduced in diesel exhaust emis- the most important part of NOX is generated in the
sions is NOX. The strongest motivation is given by the thermal NO process. However, fuel-derived NO be-
forthcoming IMO regulations. Accordingly, the follow- comes important when using heavy fuel oil because
ing sections will predominantly deal with NOX emis- such fuels contain more organic nitrogen than marine
sions and will give only basic indications of how other diesel oil and other distillate fuels. Heavy fuel oil can
emission components might be reduced in the future. contain up to 0.5 per cent nitrogen which increases
Analysis of the combustion process in the cylinder the total NOX emission by as much as ten per cent.
and the reactions which are involved to form NO has
identified three main sources of NO [9] of which, as
Theoretical considerations
mentioned above, some is converted to NO2 to give
the NOX mixture: In addition to thorough experimental work, theo-
• Thermal NO: During combustion, high tempera- retical investigations have been undertaken at Wärt-
tures are reached. Around 1500 K, and above, silä NSD Switzerland to determine the best solutions
enough thermal energy is available to dissociate for emission control.
oxygen and nitrogen and also other molecules A basic requirement for the calculation of NOX
formed during the combustion process itself. The is knowledge about the main reactions involved. It
recombination of the elements leads to the forma- was Zeldovich [10] who first described with sufficient
tion of NO. The reaction processes are quite slow accuracy the chemical reactions leading to thermal
so that most nitrogen oxides are formed during the nitric oxide:
mixing of the stoichiometric combustion gases
O2 + M ↔ 2O + M (1)
with excess air in the cylinder.
N2 + O ↔ N + NO (2)
• Fuel source: The main molecular components
N + O2 ↔ NO + O (3)
of fuel are carbon and hydrogen. But marginal
N + OH ↔ NO + H (4)
amounts of nitrogen are also contained. During
combustion, 50 to 100 per cent of the available To obtain a first understanding of the main para-
nitrogen in the fuel is oxidised to NO owing to very meters influencing nitric oxide production, the Zeldo-
fast reactions. vich mechanism may be further simplified [11] to a
• Prompt NO: Even if combustion occurs near stoi- single equation showing the main dependence of the
chiometric conditions, nitrogen originating from NOX production rate on the temperature and the
the air is available near the combustion front and nitrogen and oxygen concentrations.
can be combined to NO by the same reactions that Taking as an example combustion gas with three
lead to NO from the fuel. per cent oxygen, the NOX formation rate can be

Fig. 6
Relative NO production
rate calculated with respect
to gas temperature in ∆NO/time [–]
combustion gas with three -4
per cent oxygen 10



10 -8


1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
Temperature [K]

shown to depend on the temperature (Fig. 6). As a stoichiometric conditions with high temperatures
rule of thumb, it can be said that NOX formation at leading to high NOX production. The cold zone has
temperatures above 1500 K increases by a factor of only air. During injection of fuel in the cylinder and the
ten for every 100 K rise. ongoing combustion, the mass in the hot zone in-
In the cylinder, the molecular gas components are creases and NOX production increases. However,
not homogeneously distributed. In the axis of the fuel hot and cold zones mix together leading to a fall in
oil spray, there is mainly fuel oil. At greater distances the temperature and accordingly diminishing of NOX
from this axis, fuel is increasingly mixed with air until production in the hot zone (Fig. 7).
only air is found. The uneven distribution influences The two-zone model represents a raw simplification
both the temperature and the availability of nitrogen of the processes in the combustion chamber. A far
and oxygen. Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland has so far more detailed analysis is possible with CRFD pro-
followed two strategies for simulating this inhomo- grams which solve the three-dimensional conserva-
geneity: tion equations for mass, momentum and energy of the
• Process analysis with two-zone modelling; gas at each point in the combustion chamber. The
• Computational reactive fluid dynamics (CRFD). fuel spray is also calculated in detail with primary spray
In process analysis of the combustion process, the and droplet break-up, coalescence and evaporation.
combustion chamber is divided into two zones [9]. This latter form of analysis is still under develop-
The hot zone contains only fuel burned with air at ment and needs some further research before it is

Fig. 7
Temperatures calculated
for the hot zone (T1) where
Temperatures [K] ∆NO/time
there is only fuel burned
with air at stoichiometric
3000 140 conditions, and the cold
T1 zone (T2) where there is
2500 T2 120
only air, and the relative
Mean temperature NO production rate
∆NO/time 100
2000 [98#131]
500 20

0 0
-180 -90 0 90 180

Crank angle [degrees]

Fig. 8
Temperature field in the
combustion space of the
ZA40S medium-speed
four-stroke engine calculated
by three-dimensional
computational reactive fluid
dynamics. Vertical plane
through the fuel spray
at 20 degrees after start
of injection

able to replace experimental work. But it can already shows distinct areas in the combustion chamber with
give some detailed insights into the distribution of the highest temperatures being where high concen-
physical parameters describing the gas state in the trations of NOX will be formed.
cylinder. The graph in figure 8 shows the results for The above-mentioned simulation tools are con-
temperature distribution obtained from calculations tinuously being improved and will more and more
for the Sulzer ZA40S four-stroke engine with an replace experimental work and thereby lead to a
extended version of the CRFD computer program more efficient development process for Sulzer diesel
KIVA [12]. The original code has been extended with engines.
improved models to describe primary spray break-up
and combustion [13]. The temperature distribution

Primary measures (combustion control techniques)

To reduce the exhaust emissions of today’s diesel 10), which aim to reduce NOX production, focus on
engines, both primary and secondary measures may lowering the concentrations and peak temperatures.
be applied. Primary measures focus on decreasing On the other hand, methods for the reduction of
the production of emission components during com- particulates and exhaust gas components, such as
bustion whereas secondary measures deal with the hydrocarbons or carbon monoxide, deal with the
abatement of the emissions in the exhaust gas. optimum mixing of fuel and air in the combustion
The well-known drawbacks in employing catalytic chamber to achieve even more complete combustion
converters in ships, mainly the necessity of a reduc- of the injected fuel.
ing agent together with the additional space required To investigate the effects of different primary
for the catalytic reactor, make them barely acceptable measures, extensive tests have been performed over
to marine diesel engine users. Consequently, primary the past years on all types of Sulzer diesel engines.
reduction techniques are the first choice for to reduce Tests have involved four-stroke engines from the S20
the formation of pollutants on board ships. to the ZA40S and ZA50S, as well as the two-stroke
As shown above, the main factors influencing NOX engines available on the test beds in Winterthur, in
formation are the concentrations of oxygen and nitro- the Diesel Technology Center in Winterthur and in
gen and the local temperatures in the combustion production at the licensees, such as the most power-
process. Therefore all primary measures (Figs. 9 and ful engine available today, the Sulzer RTA96C.

Fig. 9
The various primary
measures for reducing NOX
emissions all focus on Scavenge air temperature
the lowering of oxygen
concentration and peak Miller supercharging
temperatures Temperature Turbo cooling
Scavenge air pressure
Valve timing
Compression ratio
Oxygen Delayed injection
concentration Nozzle design
Plunger size
Exhaust gas recirculation
Water addition

NOX reduction by scavenge air cooling as high as 32 °C in the tropics, so that further cooling
and Miller supercharging below the standard values becomes impossible.
Energy is required for further cooling. One solution
Both scavenge air cooling and Miller supercharg- is the turbo-cooling concept with an extra turbo-
ing aim to reduce the maximum temperatures in the charger after the main air cooler. The principal idea is
cylinder by lowering the temperature before com- to compress, cool down and re-expand the air in the
pression. The straightforward method is the reduc- extra turbocharger to obtain lower air temperatures.
tion of scavenge air temperature by improving the air The disadvantages of this system are high investment
cooler efficiency. Tests showed that for every 3 °C costs and loss of charging efficiency leading to a
reduction there may be emitted around one per cent higher fuel consumption. Therefore no tests have
less NOX. But the physical limit is given by the water been performed with this solution.
temperature entering the air cooler, which may be

Fig. 10
Expected mean achievable
NOX reductions for various
Compression ratio primary reduction measures
∆NOx max
Nozzle design and selective catalytic
reduction (SCR), and their
Delayed Injection corresponding fuel
consumption penalties
Water-fuel emulsion [98#134]
Valve timing

Plunger size

Scavenge air pressure

Scavenge air cooling

Water injection



-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

∆NOx max [%], ∆BSFC [g/kWh]

Fig. 11
Exhaust and inlet valve lifts
for a four-stroke diesel
Valve lift [–] engine with standard and
Miller supercharging, in
1.5 which the inlet valve is
Inlet valve standard closed before the piston
Inlet valve Miller reaches bottom dead centre
Exhaust valve


0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720

Crank angle [degrees]

Fig. 12
Cycle pressures for an
Pressure [–]
RTA two-stroke engine with
the standard compression
ratio, with delayed Standard
injection, and with raised Delayed injection
compression ratio High compression ratio
[98#136] and delayed injection

-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90

Crank angle [degrees]

A simpler system is the application of the Miller Combining higher excess air ratios by increasing
supercharging strategy developed for four-stroke the scavenge air pressure together with retarded fuel
engines. Using a high-pressure turbocharger and injection may increase or decrease NOX emissions,
closing the intake valves before the piston reaches depending on the engine design.
the bottom dead centre during the intake stroke
(Fig. 11), the same amount of air trapped in the cylin-
der can be guaranteed. But the expansion before NOX reduction by retardation of fuel
compression cools the air charge in the cylinder. injection
Tests on the Sulzer 9S20 engine in the ETH plant
An important factor in NOX production during com-
showed that NOX emissions could be reduced by
bustion is the after compression of burned gases.
15 to 20 per cent without any increase in fuel con-
When fuel and air have burned, high peak tempera-
sumption [14]. Miller supercharging is one of the very
tures are achieved. If this gas is further compressed,
few measures to reduce both NOX emissions and fuel
even higher temperatures and pressures will be
consumption. It was adopted in Sulzer ZA40S en-
reached leading to increased NOX emissions. The
gines more than ten years ago and is one reason for
problem may be overcome by later injection of the
their relative low NOX emissions.
fuel. This method may be the best known way to
reduce the NOX emissions. Basically the delayed
NOX reduction by turbocharging and injection leads to lower peak pressures and therefore
valve timing to less compression after combustion. Lower peak
pressures lead to less engine efficiency.
The excess air ratio in the combustion chamber In two-stroke engines, such as the 4RTA58T proto-
may be varied by changing the scavenge pressure or type, an injection delay of about two degrees crank
valve timing. Tests have been performed on the angle leads to around ten bar reduction of maximum
4RTX54 research engine and 4RTA58T prototype, as cylinder pressure, a ten per cent reduction in NOX
well as on a 8ZA40S engine, and showed that by emissions and a fuel consumption rise of about
decreasing excess air ratio NOX emissions can 3 g/kWh. The maximum achievable reduction in NOX
be reduced. In two-stroke engine tests, the reduction by this measure is around 25 per cent. In view of the
of the excess air from 2.2 to 1.9 was achieved by re- increased fuel consumption, the possible reduction
tarding the exhaust valve closing and increasing the may be limited because a higher exhaust gas energy
compression ratio to keep the firing ratio (Pmax/ may lead to excessive turbocharger speed.
Pcomp) constant. A reduction of the NOX emissions
of about 15 per cent and a decrease in fuel consump-
tion by about 2 g/kWh have been measured.

NOX reduction by increased be achieved by this measure is approximately 25 per
compression ratio cent with an increase in fuel consumption of about
one per cent.
The decrease of efficiency by delayed fuel injection
as described above can be countered by increasing NOX reduction by changing fuel injection
the compression ratio. This can be accomplished by nozzles
either increasing the geometric compression ratio or
adjusting the valve timing. As valve timing would also The design of nozzles strongly influences the com-
increase the excess air ratio, changing the geometric bustion process itself. Orientation and size of the
compression ratio is preferred. nozzle holes define the depth of penetration and
In figure 12, the pressure histories for an RTA two- location of the fuel spray, and as a consequence the
stroke engine with the standard compression ratio evaporation process, turbulence, mixing and com-
and one with a higher ratio are shown. Figure 13 bustion.
shows the corresponding production of NOX with a Tests have been made with many different nozzle
lower amount for the case with higher compression. configurations on the RTA58T, ZA40S and ZA50S en-
The maximum NOX reduction that can theoretically gines. Looking at the different geometries of two- and

Fig. 13
NOX production after top
dead centre for the same
NOx engine and conditions as
in figure 12
Delayed injection [98#137]
High compression ratio
and delayed injection

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Crank angle [degrees]

Fig. 14
Schematic spray patterns
in the combustion chambers
of a four-stroke engine
(far left) and a two-stroke
engine (left). The two-stroke
engine configuration is with
three nozzles

four-stroke engines, it becomes evident that the free- are shown in figure 15. It can be clearly seen that
dom in defining the parameters of the nozzles is there is a very close relation between these two
greater for two-stroke engines (Fig. 14). In four-stroke values. Whatever type of nozzle is used, the results
engines, the central injection together with the flat for fuel consumption and NOX emissions will lie close
combustion chamber given by the relatively low to the curve shown.
stroke-to-bore ratio demands an equal distribution of For two-stroke engines, it has been possible to
the holes. With the side injection used in two-stroke develop nozzles which lead to reduced NOX emis-
engines, the interference of the sprays coming from sions at the same fuel consumption (Fig. 16). Compa-
the two or three nozzles in the combustion chamber red with today’s nozzles which are optimised in terms
can be used to influence the combustion process. of fuel consumption and low combustion chamber
Results of changes in fuel consumption and NOX surface temperatures, such low-NOx nozzles tend to
reduction measured for nozzle variations on the lead to higher surface temperatures which might
ZA40S research engine and the 4RTA58T prototype have a detrimental effect on engine reliability.

Fig. 15
Measured trade-off between
NOX emissions and brake ∆NOx [%]
specific fuel consumption by
changing fuel injection 50
nozzle specification for two- 40 two-stroke
and four-stroke engines and four-stroke
by applying low-NOX nozzles two-stroke low NOx
for two-stroke engines. 20
These results were 10
measured on the 4RTA58T
and ZA40S research engines 0
[98#139] -10
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

∆ BSFC [g/kWh]

Fig. 16
Two fuel injection nozzles
for Sulzer RTA two-stroke
engines with different
spray angles and increased
number of spray holes.
Right:standard nozzle.
Far Right: For low-NOX

NOX reduction by changing injection NOX reduction by water addition
pressure and duration To achieve greater NOX reductions than those
By changing diameter of the fuel pump plunger or achievable by the engine tuning measures described
total fuel nozzle flow area, the maximum injection above, techniques such as exhaust gas recirculation
pressure and duration of injection can be modified. (EGR), direct injection of ammonia, and addition of
Both parameters influence the penetration of the water to the diesel process, may be applied. They can
spray, the break-up process of the liquid core exiting result in NOX reductions in the order of, or even grea-
the fuel nozzle and the turbulence induced in the ter, than 50 per cent. However, some of these mea-
combustion chamber. Experiments on the 8ZA40S sures are either not compatible with the use of heavy
research engine showed that injection pressure alone fuel oil, may lead to a significant increase in the capi-
has only a marginal influence on the NOX emissions. tal cost or operational costs, may involve other,
A positive effect could be detected by a longer injec- undesirable emissions, or may even combine these
tion period on the 8ZA40S, as well as on the 4RTX54 disadvantages.
research engine. Starting from the standard configu- It has long been well known that introduction of
ration, in the best case up to five per cent reduction water into the combustion chamber reduces NOX for-
in NOX could be achieved with every ten per cent pro- mation. However, as diesel engineers take every con-
longation of injection, which can be explained by a ceivable care to stop water being carried over
weaker combustion at the beginning. through the water separators after the scavenge air
cooler to the cylinders, “re-injecting” the water after
these separators is sometimes regarded as a dubious

Fig. 17
Direct injection The three ways to add water
to the diesel engine combu-
stion process, by direct
injection in parallel with fuel
injection, by fumigation with
the scavenge air, and by
emulsion with the fuel oil



measure. Principally, these suspicions are justified, Whatever system of injecting water is employed,
as impingement of liquid water on the cylinder liner consideration must be particularly given to the logis-
surface leads to immediate disintegration of the lubri- tics of providing sufficient fresh water on board ship.
cation oil film. However, in this context, a clear sepa- Fresh water generators can be heated using the
ration of two relevant aggregates of water is required. engine cooling water, or using steam from an exhaust
Only liquid water destroys the oil film. Once the water gas economiser. In addition there must be sufficient
has evaporated, it becomes completely harmless for tank capacity for the water, with the necessary hand-
affecting the oil film and for corrosion. Even at the ling system.
very high water/fuel ratio of 1:1, the dew point of sul-
phuric acid will rise by no more than 15° C [15]. In that
case, on one hand, evaporation of the injected water
is guaranteed and, on the other, condensation in the Fuel/water emulsion is a well-known technique for
combustion chamber is not possible at any time. reducing NOX emissions. It was first tested on Sulzer
Still, this does not mean that all methods of water engines about 20 years ago and soon after that was
addition are completely harmless (Fig. 17). Fumiga- commercially applied on a Sulzer 10RNF90M two-
tion, meaning the addition of water to the scavenge stroke engine in a power plant in the USA.
air, is the simplest way to apply water as an agent to Running an engine on fuel/water emulsion makes it
reduce NOX formation, and may reduce NOX emis- theoretically possible to reduce NOX emissions by up
sions by typically ten per cent for each 20 per cent to 50 per cent with the required water quantity being
water addition to the fuel. However, as the water does about one per cent for each percentage point reduc-
not completely evaporate in the cold scavenge air, it tion in NOX, as shown in figure 18 for 75 per cent
will inevitably impinge on the cylinder liner, leading to load. Those tests were carried out on a 7RTA84T
the above-described disintegration of the oil film. It is engine. The limiting factor for fuel/water emulsion is
therefore necessary to consider other ways to add the maximum delivery capacity of the fuel injection
water, namely fuel/water emulsion and direct water pumps so that, in practice, the engine has either to be
injection. To obtain the greatest NOX reduction, the derated or the maximum achievable reduction of NOX
water has to be injected at the right time at the right limited to about 10 or 20 per cent. To obtain the
place, that is in the area where NOX are formed. maximum NOX reduction also at full load, it may be
A simple approach may lead to the idea that only with necessary to redesign not only the injection system
fuel/water emulsion can the water reach the flame but also the camshaft with all the consequences in
area [16]. However, a more detailed investigation the camshaft drive, etc. Another aspect of fuel/water
shows that both methods are at least equal with emulsion is that the injection nozzle design (hole dia-
regard to NOX reduction efficiency. meter, etc.) has to be adapted to the increased quan-
tity of liquid injected. With this modified nozzle

Fig. 18
Influence of percentage
water content in fuel/water NOx [g/kWh]
emulsions and fuel injection
timing on NOX emissions for 19
0% Water
a Sulzer 7RTA84T two-stroke
engine at 75 per cent load 17
15% Water

13 1.5° retardation
30% Water

2.3° retardation
40% Water

165 167 169 171 173

BSFC [g/kWh]

design, both fuel consumption and component tem- Direct injection
peratures may be penalised when the engine is run-
Owing to the above-mentioned disadvantages of
ning without water. Additionally, it has to be consid-
fuel/water emulsion, Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland start-
ered that whereas heavy fuel oil and water can easily
ed in 1993 the development of direct water injection
be emulsified owing to the small difference in densi-
to achieve high NOX reduction rates. In this system,
ties, emulsifying gas oil is only possible with the use
the water is handled by a second, fully independent
of an emulsifying agent, entailing additional costs.
injection system, preferably under electronic control.
This offers the possibilities firstly of injecting very
large amounts of water without the requirement to
derate the engine and secondly to inject the water
and fuel injection with different timing. The water can
be injected in parallel with the fuel and/or during the
compression stroke, so that optimising injection
timing, with respect to fuel and water consumptions,
NOX emissions and other emissions, such as hydro-
Fuel nozzle
carbons and carbon monoxide, is possible without
Water nozzle
influencing engine reliability. Independent injection
systems also allow water injection to be switched on
Exhaust and off without influencing the fuel injection.
3 Valve
An early, detailed investigation, which included
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis, showed
that emphasis has to be given to the location of the
water injector in the combustion chamber. On the test
bed, two solutions were investigated (Fig. 19). One
solution was with a tandem nozzle (Fig. 21) in which
the fuel injector and water injector are combined in
one nozzle body but the system for controlling injec-
tion timing of the two injectors is completely separate
Fig. 19
Investigated water injector arrangements shown in a sche- (arrangement 1). The other solution was with a
matic plan view of an RTA engine combustion chamber. completely separate system for injecting water with
Locations 1 and 2 were tested on the 4RTX54 research separate fuel and water injectors (arrangement 2).
engine, while location 3 was investigated by computational Arrangement 2 where the water injector is far from
fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis
[98#143] the fuel injector (Fig. 19) clearly shows inferior beha-

Fig. 20
Measured NOX reductions
NOx [g/kWh] with respect to water
18 consumption, corresponding
to water injector arrange-
ments 1 and 2 in figure 19
Arrangement 2

Arrangement 1

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

Water consumption [g/kWh]

viour in terms of the ratio of water quantity required
for the NOX reduction obtained (Fig. 20).
Based on the NOX level of the 4RTX54 research
engine tuned for low NOX emissions, reductions of
more than 60 per cent of the NOX emissions were
achieved with arrangement 1 by the combination of
water injection and retarded fuel injection when
injecting approximately 140 g/kWh of water (Fig. 22).
Theoretical investigations indicate that the entire
quantity of injected water evaporates if it is injected
after 60 degrees crank angle before top dead centre.
During the test period with such timing, no corrosion
on the liner surface occurred, even when operating
the engine on high-sulphur heavy fuel oil. This early
injection gives the advantage that fuel consumption
is only insignificantly increased, and can even be
The best congruence of fuel and water sprays is
achieved when the water is injected in parallel with
the fuel. However, injecting the water in this way does
not optimally correspond with the recognition that
most of the NOX is formed during the first quarter of
combustion [17]. For this reason, it is necessary to
have injected part of the water already at the begin-
ning of the combustion period. Injecting water at the
end or even after combustion is useless. Indeed the
results in figure 23 show that the timing of water
injection influences the increase in fuel consumption.
The later that the water is injected, the greater is the
increase in fuel consumption [23].
Fig. 21 After having performed many hours on the engine
Tandem nozzle for injecting fuel and water separately into the test bed to optimise the efficiency of the water injec-
cylinder of a two-stroke engine
[98#154] tion system, the next stage is to apply water injection
to a shipboard engine to confirm its long-term reliab-

Fig. 22
Reduction in NOX emissions
measured on the 4RTX54 NOx, g/kWh ∆ BSFC [%]
research engine by tuning 24.1 105%
alone, adapted tuning with
water injection (arrangement BSFC 100%
1 in figure 19), and together
with reduced maximum
cylinder pressure, also 16.9 NOx 95%
showing in each case the
corresponding effect on fuel 13.3 90%
[98#145] 9.6 85%

6.0 80%

2.4 75%
Reference tuned to low NOx tuned to low NOx tuned to low NOx
+ 140 g/kWh water + 140 g/kWh water
Injection Injection
+ Pmax reduced

NOX reduction by exhaust gas The application of EGR to turbocharged two-
recirculation (EGR) stroke diesel engines is more complicated than in
automotive engines. In turbocharged two-stroke
Recirculating part of the exhaust gas is an efficient
engines, the exhaust gas pressure before turbine is
method for reducing NOX emissions. Yet currently it is
always lower than the scavenge air pressure after
only applied in some car and truck engines owing to
compressor. Thus it is not possible simply to recircul-
significant drawbacks associated with the cooling
ate exhaust gas on the high pressure side by a simple
and cleaning of the exhaust gas before it is circulated
pipe equipped with a control valve as normally done
back to the engine cylinders.
in automotive engines. Instead an additional exhaust
The tendency of exhaust gas recirculation to redu-
gas compressor has to be installed. Even if new
ce the formation of NOX is based on three factors:
research [18] shows that it is technically feasible to
• The reduced oxygen concentration obtained by
provide the additional compressor, we feel quite sure
EGR in the combustion air increases the quantity
that it will be rather impracticable when the engine is
of gas that has to be heated for combustion of the
run on heavy fuel oil.
fuel. The resulting lower adiabatic flame tempera-
On the other hand, other two-stroke engine de-
ture reduces the rate of NOX formation. As the
signers have, for test purposes, applied EGR on the
average temperature is not influenced when apply-
low-pressure side by recirculating exhaust gas from
ing cooled EGR, the efficiency of the engine does
after the turbine to before the compressor. However,
not deteriorate when the negative effects of the
when applying this method, the recirculated exhaust
lower oxygen concentration on the combustion
gas has to be led through the compressor and the
process are disregarded.
scavenge air cooler, both equipment being very sen-
• The reduced oxygen concentration also dimini-
sitive to fouling and acidic corrosion.
shes the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen to
The high concentration of sulphur oxides and par-
form NO, therefore reducing NOX emissions.
ticulates in the exhaust gas can cause corrosion and
• The inert compounds (such as H2O and CO2)
fouling problems with EGR unless taken fully into
recirculated to the engine cylinder have to be hea-
consideration from the beginning. Even with water
ted up during the combustion. At elevated tempe-
washing of the exhaust gas to be recirculated, the
ratures, the recirculated three-atomic compounds
deposition of particles, unburned hydrocarbons, sul-
H2O and CO2 have an approximately 25 per cent
phuric acid, etc., can never be avoided. In addition,
greater heat capacity than air which comprises
there is the problem of disposing of the acidic, dirty
two-atomic elements, mainly oxygen and nitrogen.
This leads to an increase of the overall heat capa-
In effect, conventional EGR can only be applied in
city of one to two per cent and therefore to a
combination with ‘clean’ fuels, for example natural
further reduction in local peak temperatures and
gas or gas oil. In this respect, some results of EGR
thus NOx emissions.

Fig. 23
Measured influence
Start of Water Injection [°CA] ∆ BSFC [g/kWh] of water injection timing
on the reduction of NOX
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 emissions and on the fuel

100% -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
∆ NOx [%]
Start of Water Injection [°CA]

Fig. 24
Influence of the rate of
exhaust gas recirculation [g/kWh] NOx CO HC ∆ BSFC
(EGR) on various exhaust 10
gas emissions
and fuel consumption,
as measured on the ZA40S 8
high-pressure gas engine

0 13 23 33 43 0 13 23 33 43 0 13 23 33 43 0 13 23 33 43

Recirculation [%] Recirculation [%] Recirculation [%] Recirculation [%]

tests made with the ZA40S high-pressure gas engine the combustion chamber, it is possible to gain half of
are shown in figure 24. The maximum NOX reduction the potential of this measure. Tests made on the
achieved was 85 per cent when recirculating 43 per 4RTX54 research engine have shown that this mea-
cent of the exhaust gas. sure has a considerable potential to reduce NOX
To avoid the above-mentioned fouling and corro- emissions. Lowering the purity by approximately six
sion problems, the most straightforward solution is per cent during the test period resulted in a reduction
not to recirculate the exhaust gas outside the engine of NOX emissions of 22 per cent (Fig. 25).
cylinder but instead to recirculate it internally by Owing to the increase in thermal load of the engine
modifying the engine scavenging process so that the with internal recirculation, we are working on a con-
purity of the gas inside the cylinder decreases. When cept to reduce NOX emissions by combining water
doing this in a simple way by reducing the size of the injection and internal exhaust gas recirculation [19].
turbocharger without any additional cooling inside By injecting certain quantities of water during the

Fig. 25
NOX reduction versus
deterioration in mass purity NOx [%]
as measured on the
4RTX54 research engine 100%





0% -1% -2% -3% -4% -5% -6%

∆purity [%]

Fig. 26
Three fuel injection nozzles with different sac-hole volumes. Left is the ‘standard’ nozzle of the 4RTX54, centre is a nozzle with
reduced sac-hole volume, and right is another in which the sac-hole volume is reduced to virtually zero

compression stroke, the temperature level inside the It has to be noted that it is not meaningful to com-
combustion chamber can be reduced down to the bine internal EGR with fuel/water emulsion because
original temperature level that would be reached that combination will not effect an additional cooling
without internal EGR, so that firstly the thermal load of the cylinder content during the compression stroke.
on the engine is diminished and secondly the NOX
emissions decrease [24].

Fig. 27
Influence of the sac-hole
volume in the fuel injection
Dust [g/kWh] 100% load 50% load
nozzle on the dust
1.0 emissions, as measured on
the 4RTX54 research engine
running on heavy fuel oil



Standard Reduced Zero Standard Reduced Zero
Injector Sac-Hole Sac-Hole Injector Sac-Hole Sac-Hole

Hydrocarbon and particulate reduction injector with a reduced sac-hole volume, and the third
technologies shows a fuel injector with the sac-hole volume redu-
ced virtually down to zero. The measured dust emis-
The optimisation of the diesel process for low fuel sions of each nozzle are shown in figure 27.
consumption in past years has led to low hydrocar- The influence of the fuel injection parameters on
bon emissions, with incomplete combustion being reducing exhaust emissions was investigated during
brought almost down to zero. In well-maintained mo- an extensive test programme with the 8ZA40S res-
dern diesel engines, a high proportion of the hydro- earch engine that focused on reduced exhaust emis-
carbon emissions are caused by losses of lubricating sions in general. By modifying fuel injection parame-
oil and evaporation of fuel out of the sac hole in the ters, such as injection duration, injection pressure,
fuel injection nozzles. While the lubrication oil con- etc., the dust and hydrocarbons emissions vary but it
sumption can hardly be further reduced, the sac-hole could be shown that the standard fuel spray pattern
volume can be minimised. For engines with off-centre of the ZA40S engine type represents an optimum. All
injectors, however, commercially-applicable nozzles variations showed increased hydrocarbon and parti-
with zero sac-hole volume are still under develop- culate emissions (Fig. 28). However, when reducing
ment. Several variants of nozzles with varying sac- the sac-hole volume down to zero (seat-hole nozzle),
hole volumes have been tested on the 4RTX54 re- similar to the tests on the 4RTX54, both hydrocarbon
search engine. Three examples are shown in figure 26 and particulate emissions could be significantly
in which the first fuel injector shows the ‘standard’ reduced.
fuel injector of the 4RTX54, the second shows a fuel

Fig. 28
Influence of fuel injection
parameters on hydrocarbon HC [g/kWh]
(HC) emissions as measured
on the ZA40S engine running
on marine diesel oil
[98#151] 100% load 50% load



Short injection

Short injection
Flat fuel spray

Flat fuel spray

High injection
High injection

High opening

High opening

Seat hole

Seat hole







Secondary measures (exhaust gas aftertreatment)
If primary countermeasures for exhaust emissions lubricants employed, type of operation, etc. Eventu-
are inadequate for reaching the limits set by the ally, that led to a joint research programme by Wärt-
legislation concerned, then it is necessary to apply silä NSD Switzerland Ltd together with Mobil Oil Cor-
external treatment of exhaust gases after they have poration and Lloyd’s Register of Shipping [20]. In this
left the engine cylinders. The devices available for this programme, SCR technology was tested on a Sulzer
purpose include catalytic converters (oxidising cata- 6RTA38 two-stroke engine (Fig. 30). The engine ran
lysts for hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, and for up to 7500 hours a year on heavy fuel oil with an
reducing catalysts for NOX), thermal reactors (for average sulphur content of 3.5 per cent. It was locat-
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide), and traps or ed at Mobil’s research centre in their refinery at
filters for particulates. Notre-Dame-de-Gravenchon in France. The SCR
In contrast to spark-ignition engines operating plant (including the catalyst) was designed by Sulzer
stoichiometrically, diesel engines always operate lean Chemtech Ltd and offered the possibility to vary the
as their load is controlled by the amount of fuel inject- space velocity between 0 and 25 000 h- , the tempe-
ed. Diesel exhaust gas therefore has a substantial rature between 250 and 450°C, and the pressure bet-
oxygen content (about 13 per cent) and is at a low ween 1.0 and 3.5 bar. A solution of urea in water was
temperature (250° C to 400° C). Because of the high used as the reducing agent. The research programme
oxygen content, the simultaneous removal of NOX, was focused on fuel and lubricating oil related
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by employing aspects. The consortium was privileged to get sup-
three-way catalysts is not possible. Other solutions port also from the National Energy Research Founda-
have to be applied. tion (NEFF) in Switzerland.
The first question to be answered when conside-
ring the installation of an SCR system on a diesel en-
Selective catalytic reduction gine is, of course, the positioning of the catalyst. The
Theoretically there are various ways to decompose correct location of the catalyst is determined by its
NOX in diesel exhaust gas. However, research optimum working temperature, which is around
during the past two decades has shown that selec- 350° C for continuous operation. Hence, with a low-
tive catalytic reduction (SCR) is the only practicable speed two-stroke engine, the catalyst is preferably
way to cut NOX emissions of diesel engines. The installed before the turbocharger turbine (Fig. 31)
overall SCR reactions can be written as*: whereas, with a four-stroke engine, it is always
4NO + 4NH3 + O2 ➞ 4N2 + 6H2O (5) mounted downstream of the turbine. However, it is
2NO2 + 4NH3 + O2 ➞ 3N2 + 6H2O (6) also feasible to position the SCR unit after the turbine

Theoretical work on SCR dates back to the 1960s

and the first commercial applications were made in Fig. 29
the 1970s, mainly in boiler plants. The introduction of Honeycomb catalyst from Hug Engineering for use in
an SCR converter
SCR to diesel engines came considerably later, pre- [98#152]
sumably because no legislation was calling for such
technology. The situation changed in the 1980s,
making it necessary for all parties involved in the die-
sel engine industry to look into SCR. As the basic
SCR technology is already known (Fig. 29), some die-
sel engine manufacturers are developing their own
SCR designs whereas others are co-operating with
various independent SCR suppliers.
The application of SCR on large diesel engines,
however, still needs special care owing to the pecu-
liarities of these engines with regard to the fuel and

* If urea is used as the ammonium carrier, it decomposes at

temperatures above 160°C before entering the catalyst
according to the following process:
CO(NH2)2 + 6H2O ➞ CO2 + 2NH3

gives the great advantage of cutting the size of the
catalyst by some two thirds. Although the location
before the turbine results in a more complicated
design, the smaller size results in the overall invest-
ment costs tending to be no higher than for installa-
tion after the turbine.
To overcome the disadvantage of the large size for
SCR units installed after the turbine, Wärtsilä NSD
has developed the ‘Compact SCR’, which combines
an SCR unit and silencer, together with built-in soot
The catalysts employed for SCR units are com-
monly vanadium pentoxide embedded in titanium
dioxide, and additionally are often dosed with tung-
Fig. 30 sten trioxide and molybdenum trioxide to optimise
Sulzer 6RTA38 two-stroke engine at Mobil’s Gravenchon the catalytic properties. Such catalysts (Fig. 29) are
refinery, France. The engine of 4080 kW at 200 rev/min is
termed ‘full-contact catalysts’, in contrast to ‘coated
fitted with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) converter, and
is used for research into the aftertreatment of exhaust emissi- catalysts’ in which a porous carrier material is coated
ons and for lubricants with the catalytic material.
[7792-3003-1] Essentially, many chemicals could be used as the
reducing agent. For various practical reasons, how-
with a two-stroke engine, as installed in the Diesel ever, ammonia NH3, and urea CO(NH2)2, have turned
Technology Center in Winterthur (Fig. 32) but it then out to be the only commercially-applicable reducing
requires an afterburner to heat the exhaust gases to agents, despite the difficulties involved in their use.
the appropriate working temperature for the catalyst. Ammonia is the least desirable because of its delic-
The latter arrangement was selected for the DTC ate handling requirements. When using urea, it first
because we first wanted to keep the 4RTA58T has to decompose to ammonia before it enters the
research engine as close as possible to a standard catalyst. This requires an additional two to three me-
marine engine. Secondly, the cost for the fuel used in tres in the length of exhaust pipe before the catalyst.
the afterburner remains acceptable because of the At exhaust gas temperatures below some 300° C (the
limited number of running hours compared with a sta- exact value is very much dependent upon the partial
tionary power plant. The higher gas pressure when pressures of ammonia and sulphur trioxide in the ex-
the SCR unit is arranged before the turbine, however haust gas, as well as the porosity of the catalyst sur-

Fig. 31
Example of how catalyst
units can be fitted in a
marine power plant. This
is an ideal arrangement
with respect to gas flow.
Other arrangements are

face), ammonia combines with the sulphur trioxide to control of the SCR plant. For example, the urea injec-
form ammonium sulphate. Ammonium sulphate is an tion rate automatically adapts to fuel oil quality, which
adhesive and corrosive substance, and thus causes is frequently not known, and the ambient conditions.
serious fouling if the catalyst is operated at inappro- It is commonly accepted that, for NOX reductions
priate temperatures. In addition, at temperatures greater than 90 per cent and for operation dominated
above 500° C, ammonia starts to burn, and thereby by transient load changes, urea injection has to be
loses its property as a reducing agent. These two controlled by feedback whereas, for all other applica-
effects define the temperature window in which the tions, a feed-forward control can be applied. For ex-
SCR plant can be operated to the region of 320– ample, the SCR plant supplied by Hug Engineering
480°C. fitted to the Sulzer 9S20 four-stroke engine in the
Control of an SCR plant is achieved by regulating Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich
the urea dosage rate. This can basically be done in (Fig. 33), is feedback controlled and achieves a NOX
two ways. The NOX level after the catalyst can be reduction of 99.8 per cent.
measured on-line, and the urea dosage is then regu- Obviously, lower fuel oil quality (for example, in
lated as a function of this measuring result (feedback terms of sulphur content) imposes a correspondingly
control). Alternatively, a typical NOX emission profile greater burden on the catalyst, especially with res-
(as a function of engine speed and power) is stored in pect to the concentrations of particulates and SOX in
a computer and the urea dosage rate is adjusted as a the exhaust gases. These problems are usually
function of the NOX reduction being sought (feed-for- solved by choosing a catalyst geometry with a low
ward control). While the latter approach is obviously cell density to prevent clogging of the catalyst. Addi-
the more convenient, the first offers far more precise tionally, when using low-quality fuels, the catalyst
may suffer from hydrocarbon deposits, leading to a
physical clogging of the chemically-active surface.
Fig. 32
Exhaust stack on the Diesel Technology Center in Winterthur However, this phenomenon only occurs at relatively
showing the catalyst units for NOX reduction low temperatures below about 400° C and is revers-
[7795-3023-1] ible. In four-stroke engines, this can be avoided by
employing a small burner to heat the exhaust gas up
to 420° C for one hour in every 24 hours of operation,
as first applied by Hug Engineering. In two-stroke
engines with the catalyst installed before turbine, this
high temperature can easily be obtained by loading
the engine so that no burner is needed. In a long-term
test, soot blowers have proved to be effective in pre-
venting the clogging of the catalyst by dust or parti-
After the research programme on the 6RTA38 at
Gravenchon, the following can be described as the
state of the art for SCR systems [21]:

• With an SCR system, NOX reductions greater than

90 per cent can be commercially achieved.
• Generally, the price for an SCR system is today
(mid 1998) around US$ 75 000 per MW engine
power (with great variations in price). The costs for
the catalytic material itself make up only about ten
per cent of the total price.
• The running costs (basically for the urea) are
around 3 US$ per MWh.
• The maintenance costs (approximately half of it for
replacement of the catalyst) amount to around
2 US$ per MWh.
• The catalyst housing (reactor) including insulation,
etc., has a volume of 2 to 5 m3 per MW engine
power (depending on the make of catalyst). The

Fig. 33
Sulzer 9S20 diesel
generating set in a cogene-
ration plant at the ETH
Zürich is equipped with an
SCR unit that reduces NOX
emissions by 99.8 per cent.
Installed in 1994, the engine
develops 1440 kW at
1000 rev/min. The SCR is
the rectangular unit in the
background while the large
cylindrical unit overhead is
the exhaust silencer.

size of the catalyst housing is more or less inde- Exhaust gas desulphurisation
pendent of the input NOX concentration.
Although reducing the emissions of sulphur oxides
• The exhaust-gas back pressure imposed by an
(SOX) is technically straightforward and is used in
SCR plant is typically between 15 and 25 mbar.
thermal power stations, it has not yet been applied on
• For a two-stroke engine, the catalyst has to be in-
board ships because desulphurisation plants are
stalled either up- or downstream of the turbochar-
bulky and expensive. It is widely accepted that, for
ger turbine, depending on the operating character-
ships, it is easier and less expensive to reduce the
istic whereas, for a four-stroke engine, the catalyst
sulphur content of the fuel than reducing the sulphur
reactor ought to be placed somewhere between
oxides in the exhaust gas. Indeed, that is the basis for
the turbine and the exhaust-gas economiser.
the forthcoming IMO regulations summarised above.
• The temperature drop in an SCR plant (owing to
However, the desulphurisation technique or DeSOX
heat losses and the heat capacity of the injected
as it is colloquially known is outlined below as back-
urea solution) is generally small, of around 10° C.
ground information.
However, it has to be considered that the dew
As sulphur oxides do not originate in the constitu-
point of sulphuric acid is also increased by rough-
ents of the combustion air but from the fuel-borne
ly 10° C through the partial conversion of SO2 to
sulphur, it is not possible to reduce them by means of
SO3 in the catalyst.
a catalyst. They can only be washed out. This is nor-
• The catalyst reactor can be designed in a way that
mally done by lime milk or other alkaline solutions,
it serves as a silencer with achievable noise reduc-
such as sodium carbonate or caustic soda. As an ex-
tions in the order of more than 25 dBA.
ample, the overall chemical reactions when using
• Approximately 30 litres of 40 per cent urea solution
lime milk (solution of calcium carbonate in water) are:
(corresponding to about 15 kg of urea granulates)
are needed per MWh.
CaCO3 + SO3 ➞ CaSO4 + CO2 (7)
CaCO3 + SO2 + 1/2 O2 ➞ CaSO4 + CO2 (8)
• If the SCR plant is only for temporary use, a burner
In this case, lime milk is used as a washing agent
is absolutely necessary to heat the catalyst before
and reacts with the SO2/SO3 to yield gypsum as a
the engine is started. Otherwise the catalyst will be
final product. All other DeSOX processes also lead to
inevitably clogged by ammonium sulphates.
a waste product thereby ultimately entailing a dispo-
sal problem. Disposal of the gypsum itself generally
does not pose any problems, but the contamination
of the gypsum with particulates and heavy metals

that are washed out from the exhaust gas leads to ter in an oxidation catalyst. Generally, the oxidation
discolouring of the gypsum. catalyst is applied as an additional layer in the hous-
Several organisations have been investigating the ing of the SCR unit. Noble metals such as platinum
use of sea water to scrub the exhaust gas and there- and palladium are most suitable as catalytic material
by overcome this disposal problem in marine appli- because of their intrinsically high activity. The detai-
cations [22]. Although the removed oxides of sulphur led composition of the catalytic material has to be ad-
are neutralised by the calcium which is always pre- justed to the substances to be oxidised, and to take
sent in sea water, there is a big question mark as to into consideration potential poisoning by lubricating
whether the direct dumping of SO2 into the sea would oil additives. For example, the specific activity of pal-
be acceptable. Therefore, the most applicable me- ladium is more suitable than that of platinum for the
thod for reducing the emissions of sulphur oxides of oxidation of carbon monoxide, olefins and methane,
ships is still to reduce the sulphur content of the whereas platinum is more active than palladium for
fuel. the oxidation of paraffin hydrocarbons with molecular
sizes greater than C3 [9]. Since the catalytic beha-
viour is manifested exclusively by surface atoms, the
Particulate trapping
noble metals are dispersed as finely as possible on an
Trapping particulates in an exhaust gas filter is a inert support such as g-Al2O3 (but which is not suita-
great challenge. It is not so far needed but it may ble for exhaust gases carrying SO2) or ceramics
need to be done at some time in the future. Bearing in which prevent particle-to-particle metal contact,
mind that the particles are typically between 0.1 and otherwise they would sinter thereby inevitably leading
1.0 micron in size, it can easily be found impossible to to a reduction of the active surface area.
remove all particulates by centrifugal forces as, for The achievable efficiency of an oxidation catalyst
example, in a cyclone. On the other hand, although is typically some 50 to 80 per cent, depending on the
monolithic ceramic particle traps have gained a cer- catalyst size and on the fuel oil quality.
tain popularity for small engines, they do not offer an In addition to the functions described above,
alternative for large diesel engines. Among other oxidation catalysts are often used to control the po-
deficiencies, ceramic particle traps cannot be rege- tential ammonia slip in SCR plants. However, when
nerated as the particle deposits (based on sulphur an oxidation catalyst should be applied it has to be
and calcium) cannot be oxidised. considered that it may lead to a significant conver-
The above problems can be overcome by using sion from SO2 to SO3, potentially leading to addit-
wet electrostatic precipitators. In these, the particles ional corrosion in the exhaust gas economiser.
are ionised thereby making them stick to the electro-
des. Eventually the dust can be washed out. Never-
theless this kind of installation requires a lot of space,
which is certainly not available onboard ship.
As a result of the above-mentioned disadvantages,
it was decided to investigate an integrated ‘electro-
cyclone’ which combines the advantages of both the
cyclone and the electrostatic precipitators. The ‘elec-
tro-cyclone’ was developed by Hosokawa Micropul
in Japan. A prototype of this equipment has been
installed with the 4RTA58T research engine in the
Diesel Technology Center. The first results with the
engine running on heavy fuel oil showed the potential
of the design with more than 60 per cent reduction in
particles being measured.

Post oxidation of exhaust gas (oxidation

Unburned or partially burned components of the
exhaust gas, such as carbon monoxide and hydro-
carbons, can be oxidised to carbon dioxide and wa-

Conclusion References
Owing to the work begun in the early 1970s, it is to- 1. ‘Luftreinhalte-Verordnung (LRV), 814.318.142.1’,
day possible to reduce the exhaust emissions of 16 December 1985, status 1 January 1995.
Sulzer diesel engines to meet the forthcoming ex- 2. Lloyd‘s Register, ‘Marine Exhaust Emissions Re-
haust-gas emission regulations set by the IMO. In ad- search Programme’, 1995
dition, development work and practical experience 3. OCIMF Submission to IMO, ‘CONCAWE study of
has shown that there is sufficient scope to achieve the contribution of SO2 emissions from ships to
further reductions in emissions to comply also with overall deposition and air quality in the Channel
any further tightening of regulations. zone area’, BCH 24/7/13, 24 June 1994.
• The first choice is the introduction of engine tuning 4. CIMAC: ‘Exhaust emissions measurement; re-
modifications that will achieve up to 30 per cent commendations for reciprocating engines and
reduction in NOX emission levels from those of gas turbines’, Number 12, 1991.
standard engines from 1990. 5. ISO 8178: ‘Reciprocating internal combustion
• For further reduction, separate direct water injec- engines – Exhaust emissions measurement –
tion is considered to be the most appropriate solu- Part 1: Testbed measurement of gaseous and
tion. On the test bed, this technique has proved its particulate emissions.’
ability to reduce NOX levels by some 60 per cent 6. ISO 9096: ‘Stationary source emissions; deter-
from those of today’s standard engines. Thus pro- mination of concentration and mass flow rate of
ven primary measures are available for considera- particulate material in gas-carrying ducts; ma-
ble reductions in NOX emission levels. nual gravimetric method.’
• To reduce NOX by 90 per cent or more, aftertreat- 7. S. G. Dexter, ‘Residual fuels – combustion, emis-
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proved to be an effective solution despite the spe- fuel injection systems’, Birmingham, October
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• Lower emissions of sulphur oxides (SOX) are ex- duction – A technical challenge for marine diesel
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sulphur content. Although the reduction of SOX and Shipping (IMAS) Conference, London, 22–
emissions by exhaust-gas aftertreatment is techni- 24 October 1996.
cally feasible, the desulphurisation process inevi- 9. J. B. Heywood, Internal combustion engine fun-
tably imposes a disposal problem which would not damentals, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-
be acceptable for ships. gy MIT, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
• Carbon monoxides and hydrocarbons can, if 10. J. Zeldovich, ‘The oxidation of nitrogen in com-
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• Particulate reduction, when running on heavy fuel 11. H. Kremer, ‘NOX-Entstehung in Feuerungen’,
oil, still poses a great challenge. Technical solu- TB310, VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, Essen, 1984.
tions are available (for example, wet electrostatic 12. A.A. Amsden, P.J. Rourke and T.D. Butler, ‘KIVA
precipitators), but involve either great space requi- II: A Computer Program for Chemically Reactive
rements or great expense. However, particulate Flows with Sprays’, Technical Report LA-11560-
emissions are reduced by 50 to 90 per cent when MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 1989.
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14. H. Stebler, G. Weisser, H.-U. Hörler and K.
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tem: An experimental and numerical investiga-
tion’, SAE Paper 960844.
15. J. Vollenweider, M. Geist and M. Schaub, ‘Resi-
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16. A. Velji, W. Remmels, R.-M. Schmidt, ‘Water to
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17. S. Papadopoulos, ‘Reduktion der Stickoxid-
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18. ABB, ‘Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur hochdruck-
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19. Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd, ‘Verfahren zum
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20. J. Vollenweider, A Eyres (Mobil) and R.P. Hol-
brook (Lloyd‘s Register), ‘SCR research on a
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21. J. Vollenweider, ‘SCR-Konzept für Grossdiesel-
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22. J. Makansi, ‘Special Report: Controlling SO2
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23. M. Geist, ‘The harmonisation of a broad spec-
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32 in Switzerland

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