PSP Energy-06

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ऊजा+ ?

व@युत आपूCत+ िDथCत Fरपोट+ (अनंCतम) /Energy Power Supply Position Report (Provisional)
आँकड़े म लयन यू नट नेट / Figures in MU net
जून, 2020 /June,2020 अ ैल,2020 -जून,2020/ April,2020 to June,2020
ऊजा आव यकता ऊजा उपल धता ऊजा पू त मे कमी ऊजा आव यकता ऊजा उपल धता ऊजा पू त मे कमी

णाल / System Energy Requirement Energy Supplied Energy not Supplied Energy Requirement Energy Supplied Energy not Supplied

े / Region ( MU ) ( MU ) ( MU ) (%) ( MU ) ( MU ) ( MU ) (%)

चंड ीगढ़/ Chandigarh 161 161 0 0.0 352 352 0 0.0

)द+ल, / Delhi 3,109 3,109 0 0.0 7,302 7,302 0 0.0
ह1रयाणा / Haryana 5,158 5,158 0 0.0 11,570 11,570 0 0.0
)हमाचल 6दे श / Himachal Pradesh 806 806 0 0.0 1,927 1,925 3 0.1
यू.ट, ऑफ़ ज?मू क मीर और लAदाख /
1,564 1,263 301 19.3 4,753 3,844 908 19.1
UT of J&K and Ladakh
पंजाब / Punjab 6,733 6,733 0 0.0 13,052 13,052 0 0.0
राजPथान / Rajasthan 7,199 7,185 14 0.2 18,774 18,754 20 0.1
उ र 6दे श / Uttar Pradesh 11,872 11,770 102 0.9 30,418 30,130 288 0.9
उ राखंड / Uttarakhand 1,147 1,147 0 0.0 2,795 2,795 0 0.0
उ री े / Northern Region 37,749 37,331 418 1.1 90,944 89,725 1,219 1.3
छUीसगढ़ / Chhattisgarh 2,318 2,318 0 0.0 6,763 6,763 0 0.0
गुजरात / Gujarat 8,953 8,953 0 0.0 25,628 25,628 0 0.0
मYय 6दे श / Madhya Pradesh 5,253 5,253 0 0.0 16,839 16,839 0 0.0
महारा[\ / Maharashtra 11,124 11,124 0 0.0 35,550 35,550 0 0.0
दमन और )दउ / Daman & Diu 149 149 0 0.0 349 349 0 0.0
दादर व नगर हवेल, / Dadra & Nagar Haveli 347 347 0 0.0 678 678 0 0.0
गोवा / Goa 265 265 0 0.0 923 923 0 0.0
पि चमी े / Western Region 28,408 28,408 0 0.0 86,732 86,732 0 0.0
आ`a 6दे श / Andhra Pradesh 5,102 5,102 0 0.0 15,496 15,496 0 0.0
तेलंगाना / Telangana 4,611 4,611 0 0.0 14,178 14,178 0 0.0
कनाटक / Karnataka 5,315 5,315 0 0.0 17,803 17,803 0 0.0
केरल / Kerala 1,920 1,920 0 0.0 6,155 6,152 2 0.0
त मल नाडू / Tamil Nadu 8,798 8,798 0 0.0 24,862 24,862 0 0.0
पुडु चेर, / Puducherry 232 232 0 0.0 613 613 0 0.0
लc- ीप / Lakshadweep # 5 5 0 0 15 15 0 0
द! णी े / Southern Region 25,978 25,978 0 0.0 79,106 79,104 2 0.0
hबहार / Bihar 2,977 2,977 0 0.0 8,047 8,040 8 0.1
दामोदर घाट, नगम / DVC 1,581 1,581 0 0.0 3,862 3,862 0 0.0
झारखmड / Jharkhand 744 744 0 0.0 2,200 2,155 45 2.0
ओoडशा/ Odisha 2,391 2,391 0 0.0 6,846 6,846 0 0.0
पि चम बंगाल / West Bengal 4,273 4,273 0 0.0 11,672 11,609 63 0.5
सिsकम / Sikkim 39 39 0 0.0 122 122 0 0.0
अंड मान- नकोबार/ Andaman- Nicobar # 29 27 2 7 87 81 6 6.7
प ूव % े / Eastern Region 12,005 12,005 0 0.0 32,749 32,634 115 0.4
अvणाचल 6दे श / Arunachal Pradesh 60 60 0 0.4 139 138 2 1.3
असम / Assam 896 873 23 2.5 2,254 2,123 131 5.8
मwणपुर / Manipur 78 77 0 0.5 214 212 2 0.9
मेघालय / Meghalaya 176 176 0 0.0 438 430 7 1.6
मज़ोरम / Mizoram 55 55 0 0.7 160 159 2 1.1
नागालzड / Nagaland 68 68 0 0.5 191 189 1 0.8
h{पुरा / Tripura * 133 132 0 0.0 360 358 2 0.6
उ र-पूव% े / North-Eastern Region 1,466 1,442 24 1.6 3,756 3,609 147 3.9
स*पूण+ भारत / All India 105,606 105,164 442 0.4 293,287 291,803 1,484 0.5
# Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands are stand- alone systems, power supply position of these,does not form part of regional requirement and energy supplied.
* Excludes energy exported to Bangladesh.
Note: Power Supply Position Report has been compiled based on the data furnished by StateUtilities/ Electricity Departments.

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