Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

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4/18/2018 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee

Provident Fund (EPF)

Enterslice Team,   Posted in : Government Registration    Posted Date : Sep 21, 2017

EPF has several advantages for the employees and employer, however, there are some
disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the overall impact of EPF.

What is Employee Provident Fund (EPF)? 1/11
4/18/2018 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

EPF registration is compulsorily for certain class of companies. Employee provident fund is a
fund accumulated by salaried employees for the retirement bene ts. In a simple word, it is a
retirement plan for all salaried employee. Saving for retirement is the ultimate goal on the
nancial road that the salaried employee shoots at. And that’s where Employee Provident
Fund comes into the picture.

In most of the cases, it’s forced saving that is resisted initially by most employees. But once
you get used to that bite out, it works to your advantage.The Employee Provident Fund is
maintained by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation of India. Any company who have
more than 20 employees under him then he shall register with the Employee Provident Fund

EPF can be helpful during the emergency or during the short of funds can borrow from funds.
Some are the below advantage the EPF. carries:

Provident Fund Bene ts:

After Registration under Employee PF Act, the employee of the company has following
bene ts.

EPF is divided into two parts which are provident fund and Employee Pension Scheme.
The subscriber Contribution 12% of basic plus daily allowance goes to Provident Fund.
In case of employer contribution, 8.33% goes to Employee Pension Scheme out of 12%,
rest goes to the provident fund account.
Considering the number of years of service and the average salary drawn by the person
gets the pension.
A retired person gets the lump sum EPS money along with PF.
The members who complete the age 58 years and completed 10 years of service
without any withdrawal gets the bene ts of a pension.
Member can withdraw from this accumulations to cater to nancial exigencies in life –
No need to refund unless misused.
On resignation, the member can settle the account. The member receives his PF
contribution, Employer Contribution, and Interest. 2/11
4/18/2018 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

Insurance Bene t:

As per Employee Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme if no group insurance scheme in a

corporation than the organization shall contribute on monthly basis as a premium. For
many people, this may be may be peanuts but members who work in small enterprises,
this amount is good enough to help their family survival.

Pension Bene ts:

Members get the Pension. On the occasion of the death of member Family of the
members gets the Pension.
Scheme Certi cate: The certi cate includes services and family details of members.
The certi cate normally issued to the member who applies for certi cate and retired
before attaining the age of 58. This is a better choice than Withdrawal Bene t, as a
member dies to hold a valid scheme certi cate, his family will get the pension.

Withdrawal Bene t:

Member who is not eligible for a pension can withdraw from pension account.
The calculation of this amount is based only on (i) Last average salary and (ii) Service
(Not based on actual amount available in Pension Fund Account)
EPFO guarantees pension to members, even if the Employer has not contributed to
Pension Fund.

Death Bene ts:

On the occasion of death members get bene ts:

The family entitled to receive Provident Fund amount or to nominee appointed by a
Family can receive Pension or Parents or nominee of Member.
Capital return of Pension
Insurance amount to Family.
A nominee is basically determined as per the information submitted by the member at
this o ce through FORM-2.

Special Occasion where EPF helps: 3/11
4/18/2018 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

In many occasions in the family creates an emergency need of fund. In such case, EPF helps
to withdraw money from the account but in the limit speci ed.

On Marriage, Education needs for self, child or any sibling:

You can withdraw for any of the above situations from your account up to 50% contribution
made. These bene ts are allowed for three times to member. To avail, the above bene ts
member should have served at least for seven years and shall have all the valid documents
of events.

On purchase of your dream House:

Member can withdraw from its EPF account for house repair, maintenance of house or
repayment of house loan. Members should satisfy the conditioned stated.

If you availed a housing loan and wish to make any repayment, then you can utilize up to 36
months wages from your EPF balance provided you have completed 10 years of service.

Any alteration or repairing your existing house Member can withdraw up-to 12 months wages
once only.

For the above bene t member shall complete 5 years of service or for repair 10 years of

On Medical Emergency

Member can get bene ts in major surgical operations in a hospital or diseases like TB,
leprosy, paralysis, cancer, mental derangement or heart ailment. Member can withdraw up to
six times of its salary or the entire contribution made to date, whichever is less. The funds
can be utilized for self or any member of the family.

Disadvantage: 4/11
4/18/2018 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

Despite the advantages and opportunities, most contributors to the Employee Provident
Fund can’t reach even the Rs 1 crore milestone. More than 13% of the employee to the ET
Wealth survey withdrew their Provident Fund balance each time whenever they changed jobs.
Withdrawing from the Provident Fund can be anti-productive on two counts.

The member withdraws amount which is usually blown away by discretionary expenses
and retirement savings are back to square one.
If the individual withdraws his Provident Fund balance before completing ve years
then the amount becomes taxable.

Conclusion – in our opening, the eligible company should apply for Employee PF Registration
under the act. So that the adequate social security can be ensured for everyone.

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