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 A Natural Disaster I have Experienced

Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters. These disasters are cyclone, tidal

bore and flood. Global warming is the main cause of the frequency of
these disasters. I experienced a cyclone in 2009. Then I was a child. So, I
can remember a little of what had happened during that cyclone. From my
memory, I can say that the cyclone caused a lot of damages. The wind was
blowing so violently that our house was shivering severely. We were afraid
that our house might be damaged. However, the house did not collapse but
we could not sleep that night in fear. In the morning people came out of
their house with anxieties. Many houses were damaged and many trees
were uprooted. Branches of strongly rooted trees were broken down. Water
reached our yard. Many coconuts which were separated from the cluster
were floating on water. During that cyclone, many cattle died falling under
collapsed house. Many people were killed at different places and many
were lost. A lot of educational institutions and trees were damaged. The
cyclone caused untold sufferings to people. In fact, we are helpless before
the natural disasters. We cannot prevent them. We can only take some
measures to lessen the sufferings of the victims and to minimise the loss of
property. Our government can build up some permanent centers centers for
shelter for the affected people living in the coastal areas.

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