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A. Background of Problem

Managing the classroom is one of the most important parts in successful

teaching. There are many variables to handle, such as the variety of the student, the
classroom settings, the activities for the student to do, and most of all, the teachers’
physical presence and their ability to respond. Because of that this topic is really
important to discuss so that the teachers will be more aware about each of the variable
and enrich their previous knowledge about the successful teaching method.

Learning system is also one of the most important parts in successful teaching
in the world education. Everything that relate in education which are the system,
strategies and process in it, only to achieve one of the goals of study based on the
learning system, and for the achievement of quality education for prospective
teachers as facilitator and student as objects where the learning process take place.

In this paper we will study about the learning system and classroom
management. Will fill with the discussion of both definition, appropriate behavior
that teacher should do in the classroom, the effectiveness of using the voice, the talks
in the classroom, the classroom setting, and last but not the least leaning system in the
education process.

B. Research Question
According to background of problem above, thus we can convey
research question there are:
1. What kind of curriculum that used in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah
2. What is the purpose of English learning process in MTs Wathoniyah
Islamiyah Kebarongan?
3. What kind of method that teacher uses when they are teaching English?
4. What kind of media that MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan English
teacher use in learning process?

5. What are the strategies to develop student skill in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah
6. How does the English teacher in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan
treat the student in learning process?
7. What problems are commonly happen by student in English learning process?

C. Aim of Observation
This observation is carried out to achieve aim as follows:
1. To know what kind of curriculum that used in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah
2. To know what are the purpose of English leaning process in MTs
Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan.
3. To know what kind of method and media that used in English learning
process at MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah.
4. To know what kind of strategies to develop student skill in MTs
Wathoniyah Islamiyah.
5. To know how the English teacher in MTs WI Kebarongan treat the student
in learning process.
6. To know what kind are problem commonly happen in English learning
D. Benefits of Observation
After doing observation in MTs WI Kebarongan we can know what kind of
learning system and class management that appropriate the students to
understand the materials
E. Observation Method
The method that used in this observation are : Observation in the classroom and
F. Time and Place

Date : Sunday, 15th September 2019

Time : 10.00-11.30 AM

Place : MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan.



A. Theory of Learning System

Learning is one of the most important topics in present day psychology and
yet it is extremely difficult concept to define. The American Heritage Dictionary
learning as follows: “To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery through
experience or study.” Most psychologist, however, would find definition
unacceptable because of the nebulous term it contains, such as knowledge,
comprehension, and mastery. Instead, but the trend in recent years is to accept a
definition of learning what refers to changes in observable behavior. One of the most
popular of this definition is the one suggested by Kimble, which defines learning as a
relative permanent change in behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of
reinforced practice.

Learning is indexed by a change in behavior, in other words, the result of

learning must always be translated into observable behavior. After learning, learners
are capable of doing something that they could not do before learning to place. This
behavioral change is relatively permanent; that is, it is neither transitory nor fixed.
But changes in behavior need not occur immediately following the learning
experience. Although there may be a potential to act differently, this potential to act
may not be translated into behavior immediately. The change in behavior result from
experience or practice. The experience, or practice, must be reinforced; that is only
those responses that lead to reinforcement will be learned. 1

The term “system” comes from the Latin word systema, in turn from Greek
“whole concept made of several parts or members, system”, literary “composition”. A
system is a group of interacting or interrelated entities that form a unified whole. A

B. R. Hergenhahn and Matthew H. Olson, An Introduction to Theories of Learning, (Minnesota:
Prentice-Hall International, Fith Edition), p. 2-3.

system is delineated by its spatial and temporal boundaries, surrounded and
influenced by its environment, described by its structure and purpose and express in
its functioning.2

Learning system is a complex concept that involves understanding in

gathering information about system that entail small organization all the way up to
global entities. Learning system can be placed beside the term organizational learning
and has been more evidence in recent knowledge management research. This subject
encompasses a variety of discipline such as mathematics, physics, engineering, as
well as sociology and economics. Most research has experimented with
organizational learning only on one specific discipline and has not taken it to the next
level by using it with other known models.3

To ensure continuous learning and improved performance, the learning

environment must be based on trust and success, not fear and failure. To built trust
and ensure successful out comes, it is necessary to create a school cuture which
supports interdependens negotiation and security among staff. In order for this
happend, policies must must be implemented that recpect the contribution of it’s staff
member and gived appreciation generously to motivate teachers as well as provide
examples of good teaching practicies.4

B. Theory of Classroom Management

Classroom management refers to actions taken to create and maintain a
learning environment conducive to attainment of the goal of instructions by arranging
the physical environment of the classroom, establishing rules and procedures,
Wikipedia, (, accessed on September 25,2019 at 15.07)
Wikibooks, (, accessed on
September 25, 2019 at 15.30)
Glenda Nugent, et al, A Practical Guide to Action Research for Literacy Educators, (Washington,DC:
Global Operations Unit, 2012), p.17.

maintaining attention to lessons and engaging in academic activities. Marzano (2003)
defined classroom management as the confluence of teacher actions in four district
areas: 1) establishing and enforcing rules and procedures, (2) carrying out
disciplinary actions, (3) maintaining effective teacher and students relationships, and
(4) maintaining an appropriate mental set for management. Effective practices in
these four areas leads to b better classroom management.
Classroom management focuses on three major competences:
1. Competences in content management
2. Competences in conduct management
3. Competences in covenant management
Content management places a special emphasize on instructional management
skills, sequencing and integrating additional instructional activities, and dealing with
instruction-related discipline problem.
Instruction refers to actions taken specifically to assist students in mastering
the formal curriculum through presenting or demonstrating information, conducting
precitation or discussions, supervising work on assignments, testing, re-teaching, etc.
Conduct management is centered on one’s beliefs about the nature of people.
Disciplinary interventions are action taken to elicit or compel changes in the behavior
or students who fail to conform to expectations, especially behavior that is salient or
sustained enough to disturb the classroom management system.
Teacher and students roles expectations shape the classroom into an
environment conducted to learning. Student socialization refers to actions taken with
intention of influencing students’ attitude, beliefs, expectations, or behavior
concerning personal or social issues. Socialization includes articulation of ideals,
communication of expectations, and modeling, teaching and reinforcing of desirable
personal attributes and behavior, as well as counseling and modification and other
remediation work with students who show poor personal or social adjustment.5

Shamina E, Mumthas, “Classroom Managment: Implications for Teacher Prparation Programmes”,
Journal of Humanities and And Social Science Vol. 23, Issue 1, Ver. 3, 2018, p. 41-42.

The Canters believed that teachers should teach and model classroom
behaviors. By doing so, students are able to visually see what is expected and what is
not allowed in the classroom. This is important so that students fully understand what
it looks like to participate in positive behavior management. Students will learn to be
responsible managers of their behaviors by seeing others do what is expect. By
having close student-teacher relationships, we will be able to get to the cause of the
behavior and help students come up with alternatives to prevent the unwanted
behavior from occurring in the future.
B.F. Skinner gave Behavior Modification Theory and believed that behavior
is shaped through systematic reinforcement and punishment has limited effects. Alfie
Kohn Learning Communities believes that traditional instruction is ineffective and
meaningful learning takes place when students have choice, feel respected, feel like a
part of something can construct their own learning.6
Indiscipline is a problem normally faced by teachers who create a hindrance
in teaching process. Due to discipline situation students arrive late for class, are not
punctual for the classes simply bunk classes as the class is not very interesting or
rather than as a teacher we are unable to create interest in the class. This maybe the
result of lack of lesson planning. At time effective management of this time is also
overlooked. Nonverbal cues like body language and communication skill also play a
major role in making the class effective.
Problems of classroom management can be overcome by being prepared for
class, motivating the students, providing a comfortable learning environment,
building students’ self esteem, being creative and imaginative in daily lessons. A
teacher should not carry personal problems to the class by being impulsive. There
must be willingness of teacher to accept responsibility for classroom control and
long-term, solutions-oriented approaches to problems.7
Ritu Chandra, “Classroom Mangement for Effective Teaching”, International Journal of Educational
and Psychologycal Research, Vol.4, Issue 4, 2015, p. 14.
Ritu Chandra, “Classroom Mangement for Effective Teaching”, International Journal of Educational
and Psychologycal Research, Vol.4, Issue 4, 2015, p. 13-14.

Teacher need to focus attention to entire class and must not talk offer student
chatter. At times silence can be effective. Students should know what is going to
happen in the class and monitored to check progress. Teacher should move around
the room so students have to pay attention more readily and give students non-verbal
case. Lessons should be planned to ensure that the period is filled with learning
activities. Teacher should not have a knack to memorize student names as quickly as
possible. It enhances class controls and confident of the teacher.8
The aim is to deal with disturbances as far as possible so that the instructional
flow is not interrupt and the learning environment is not compromised. This
corresponds to the participial of early intervention de-escalating. The following
measures are useful:
1. Walk around at regular intervals in the class to observe the students behavior.
2. Communicate you are watching the students’ learning behavior and progress.
For handling mistakes, it is important that errors are natural parts of the
learning. The teacher should not shame or blame the students when they make errors.
Hattie (2012, p. 26) says “ An optimal classroom climate for learning is one that
generates a climate in which it is understood that it is okay to make mistakes, because
mistakes are the essence of learning. Expert teachers create a classroom climate that
welcome admission of errors; they achieve this by developing a climate of trust
between teacher student and between student and student. The climate is one in which
learning is cool worth engaging in, and everyone--teachers and students--is involved
in the process of learning.”9



Ritu Chandra, “Classroom Mangement for Effective Teaching”...14.
Katharina Sieberer-Nagler, “Effective Classroom-Management and Positive Teaching”, English
Language Teaching, Vol. 1, 2016, p. 166.

A. The Result of Interview
After we did an observation with interview, we got some information
about learning system and class management that used in MTs Wathoniyah
Islamiyah Kebarongan The Informant from this interview is Mr. Ikro
Suryawan (English Teacher). We just make question list according with our
There are seven observation questions list:
8. What kind of curriculum that used in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah
9. What is the purpose of English learning process in MTs Wathoniyah
Islamiyah Kebarongan?
10. What kind of method that teacher uses when they are teaching English?
11. What kind of media that MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan English
teacher use in learning process?
12. What are the strategies to develop student skill in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah
13. How does the English teacher in MTs Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebarongan
treat the student in learning process?
14. What kinds of problems that are commonly happen by student in English
learning process?
There is the answer from Mr. Ikro Suryawan (English teacher):

Mr. Ikro Suryawan said that he used the teaching methods that are fun and
exciting. Because the students are 8th and mostly at age 13-14. At their age they tend
to be very rebellious. He stated that the method such as games, jigsaw, and discussion
is make the student more active and didn’t get bored easily. The traditional method ,
or the lecturing method, where the teacher is the one who active in the learning
process is rarely used. Except when the teacher need to explain about grammar,
tenses and translation.

Mr. Ikro answered that the media that he used in that method are laptop, LCD,
Portable Speaker, and Realia. The laptop and lcd are used when the teacher need to
explain about dialogue for the example. The speaker is use when the teacher need to
test the student listening skill. The most interesting media is realia. The use of realia
in the learning process is very unique. When the object is about greeting card or
invitations card, and congratulation card, then he ask the student to make a card. the
student can modify, even design their own card. After that, they have to submit it and
the the teacher can give them the score based on the card.

Mr. Ikro said that there is some major problem that occurs in the learning
process in term of the media. Problem such as electricity blackout and the limited
number of portable speaker are the things that detain the learning process. The
blackout problem doesn’t happen frequently. So this is, not really a serious problem.
The limited speakers is one of the problem that hinder the learning process. The
school just have five speakers. That limited number of speaker, not only used by
English teacher, there are other teacher that also used the speaker, Arabic teacher for
the example. The speaker commonly use by 9 th. Because the student will have the
school final examination.

Mr. Ikro said that the curriculum that is used in MTs WI Kebarongan is the
combination of 2013 Curriculum and Pesantren Curriculum. This curriculum has
been used here for two years. The subjects which apply 2013 Curriculum are the
category of general science such as English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social
Science, etc. In the other hand, the subjects which apply Pesantren Curriculum are the
category of religious knowledge such as Nahwu, Sorof, Fiqih, etc. The characteristic
of this curriculum is forming students to be more active, creative, and innovative. The
main task of the teacher is to be a facilitator and provide stimulus to students.
Students have to find out the essence of the subject, but of course, still with the
guidance of the teacher. For instance, the teacher give an example of a sentence, then
the students have to make their own sentences as what they have learned from the
Middle school students especially the 8th graders are in the transition from
childhood to adolescence, at this age they usually have unstable nature because they
are still looking for their identity. Therefore, all teachers in MTs WI Kebarongan are

required to teach akhlakul karimah (good characters) for at least five minutes before
the class began. Some of the implementations are to always be discipline and clean as
Islam has taught us. This way also in order to connect between learning and teaching
process with students’ character, that was by imitating West culture to always be
discipline and clean.
Mr. Ikro said that the system of assessment did not only rely on the academic
aspect. Besides that, there were several aspects which include to student’s
assessment. He said that there were nine assessment aspects, they are: spiritual,
honesty, discipline, responsibility, tolerance, mutual cooperation, politeness, and
confidence. So, students were also assessed by how they act and behave in the class.
To overcome the students who are indiscipline, Mr. Ikro said that the most
important thing to do is by mastering the material and also the class. He used to pay
attention to every one of his students when he was delivering the material, and when
he saw a the student did not pay attention to his explanation, he immediately asked
the student to mention some examples related to the material. But, of all that he never
differentiated between one another, he treated all his students the same. He believed
that every student is special; they have their own ability to do something. There were
approximately 30 students in the class, and all of them were impossible to have the
same ability. In this case, teacher had to observe the students individually to know
every one of them in detail. He could see this difference especially when he gave his
students an assignment. There were some students who could do the assignment
perfectly and there were some other students who still did it imperfectly. But that is
okay, because English is not an exact science such as Math, English is a social
science. So, we can not blame our student only because their answer is different.
Based on the research of MTs WI Kebarongan, Mr. Ikro Suryawan said that
he used some strategies which helps him to develop his student’s ability. He used
speaking strategy by practice to speak up in front of the class. It will help students to
get their confidence to speaking English. Sometimes he played some musics to
listening practice or practice answer the question listening. It will make them

understand english by listening. Do not forget Mr, Ikro Suryawan used discussion
method as his strategy to make his students help each other in learning English

Mr. Ikro Suryawan said that the factors which affecting learning is the
ineteresting stimulus. Interesting stimulus will make the students get interest with
English. Because of english is foreign language we should to explain the function and
how important of english language for the students, so they will understand and spirit
when learning. The students should be know the aim of the learning.

Mr. Ikro Suryawan said that the final goal of the teaching and learnin process
is the students should mastering 4 (four) aspects in english learning. First, the
students should mastering reading. Second, the students be able to speaking english
confidence. Third, the students be able to understand pronounce in listening. And
fourth, the students be able to write sentence in english.

In MTs WI kebarongan, the teachers treat the students by two ways that are:
verbal and nonverbal. In verbal, the teachers explained and also regulated the
students. When the teacher was explaining the material, students should to obey a rule
that is “shut your mouth, open your ears, and open your mind when the teacher is
speaking”. And nonverbal ways are face expression and eye contact, because those
two aspects are the primary focus of students. Teacher’s face expression indicate the
feeling and the eye contact makes the students feel cared for and to be heard, thus
students want to communicate with the teacher.

There are some problems when Mts WI Kebarongan’s student in English

learning process, the first is do not understand the meaning of English words and also
sentences. The solution is teacher ask the students to translating the English text
more. The second is speaking. The solution is teacher ask the student to communicate

with English during the English class. When student make some mistakes in speaking
English, teacher will offer the correction. And the last is students’ interest. The
solution is teacher gave the stimulus, for example ask the students to make a video or
short film. Students will use their skills and creativities when they are making the



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