Bayroc Community Offical Plan

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Ministry of Education

Department of Culture, Youth, and Sport

Youth Innovation Project of Guyana (YIPoG)

Project Design Proposal

Title of Project: Computer Training Date:  June 18th, 2018


1. Mr. Isaiah Cadogan _(Team Leader)

Teacher/Exper Mentor-Trainer (per Host Organization

t region)

Nil Stephen Francis Bayroc community Center


 Problem According to an article written in the Guyana chronicles on February 15

2015 “Guyana has been pleasantly and consistently over the last few
years been recording a remarkable reduction in the number and
proportion of students who drop out. In a study published by the Inter-
American Development bank (IDB ) titled: ‘At Risk Youth- An Urgent
Challenge for the Caribbean’, it was noted that “School dropout rates in
the Caribbean are up to 20% higher than the average in Latin American
Countries. Alcohol and drug abuse, early and/or unprotected sex, low
academic performance, school desertion, crime, delinquency and violence
are all examples of what is known today as risky behaviour.”    Mostly
youth from areas mostly in Wismar shore of linden are currently
unemployed this is because they lack the basic primary and secondary
education, therefore making them less marketable.

 Innovative More so, this proposal seeks to provide a continuous system through your
Idea organization to provide training in which young male and female can
learn information technology skills. This facility will hold continuous
monthly training in different I.T.C declines.

Phase 1 amount approved: Funds disbursed by: Funds received by:

Indicate application to STEAMS/relevance to the identified problem/issue:

 Science

 Technology Yes

 Engineering

 Agriculture

 Anthropolog

 Archeology

 Architecture

 The Arts

 Mathematics
 Spirituality

Sustainability in the Guyana Context:

 Economic impact
The economy will be impacted through making school drop outs and single mothers a change to be
marketable in the computer science field and gaining the relevant certification, and become self

 Cultural consideration
There is a negative culture to computer still in the Wismar community this is due to the lack of
awareness programs.

 Trained workforce

Phase 2 amount approved: Funds disbursed by: Funds received by:

Methodology of Investigation (use additional pages as needed)

Interview Guide- various interviews were carried out with residents of the Wismar shore, which
express their interest that there is a need for more developmental programs within the community

Findings: It was found that this service is need due to vast amount of single mothers, unemployed
male and school drop outs

Community Engagement:
                                            This facility will be used for community purposes in that teachers who
are training, nursing who are in training, secondary and primary students and pupils respectively. This
group will require printing, photocopy and research purposes.

Beneficiary project:
The beneficiary for this project will single mothers, school drop outs, teachers students and
The following methodology has been devised to achieve the above described objectives with the
following activities:
A Computer Software Training Centre would be started at Bayroc community centre. Currently this
location has 10 computer systems with internet access and furniture.
Through the help of Board of industrial training and other stakeholders that teaches computer software
programs, these lectures will then hold continuous monthly classes, upon completion a certificate will be
presented recognize by the Guyana Board of industrial training . This will aid in students having a
recognized qualification which can be used to obtain employment
• Unemployed youth would be trained in Introduction to Computers, Computer Graphics and Designs,
Quick books Accounting Software and Network and Programing courses.
The facility will also be used for the facilitation of workshop and seminars.
• Students will be provided quality education and practical orientation under a qualified training
Duration of the each course will be 4 weeks.
• Target 20 persons per batch

What do we need?
1. Stationeries for students attending the course. (Pen, Note pad)
2. Initial payment of stipend to lectures
3. Digital white board
4. Projector and sound system
5. Chairs (20) and Desks (2)
6. Ceiling of the facility
7. Installation of Air Condition system
8. Printer

Projected time table of activities

Time Table

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Introduction to Networking and Networking and

09:00 Graphs and Designs Computers Quick Books programing programing




Introduction to
13:00 Quick Books Graphs and Designs Computers    



Projected budget
Unit Price Total Cost
No. Items Details $ $
1 Projector presentation Enhance 315,000 315,000
equipment and sound system presentation
quality and
To Access
Resources such
as Videos,
Pictures and
Documents that
will aid in the
learning of course
2 Internet (Monthly) material 28,000 28,000
This will be used
to provide proper
  arrangement for
3 Chairs (20) and Desks (2) the students 200,000 200,000
This will be need
to keep the
facility cool and
help in the
preserving of the
computers and
5 Air condition and sealing printers life span 250,000 250,000
This will be used
to print course
notes and
teaching material
6 Commercial Printer and Ink for students 60,000 60,000
This will aid in
Lectures to
content that is
being presented
7 Digital white board in a clear manner 69,000 69,000
This will allow
Students to
participate in
class exercises
9 Stationery and notes taking 29,000 29,000
  Total Expenditure for Project     $951,000

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