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Theory, Culture &


Josef Bleicher
Theory Culture Society 2006; 23; 364
DOI: 10.1177/0263276406023002116

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364 Theory, Culture & Society 23(2–3)

Moment of Danger. Minneapolis, MN: Internet? Minneapolis, MN: University of

University of Minnesota Press. Minnesota Press.
Lyotard, Jean-François ([1979] 1984) The Ronell, Avital (1989) The Telephone Book. Lincoln,
Postmodern Condition: A Report on NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Knowledge. Minneapolis, MN: University of Ulmer, Gregory (1985) Applied Grammatology.
Minnesota Press. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Macksey, Richard and Eugenio Donato (eds) Press.
(1972) The Structuralist Controversy: The Ulmer, Gregory (1989) Teletheory:
Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Grammatology in the Age of Video. New York:
Man. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Routledge.
University Press. Ulmer, Gregory (1994) Heuretics: The Logic of
Marcus, George and M.M.J. Fischer ([1986] Invention. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
1999) Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An University Press.
Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences,
2nd edn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ong, Walter (1982) Orality and Literacy: The Michael M.J. Fischer was educated at Johns
Technologization of the Word. New York: Hopkins University, the LSE, and the University of
Methuen. Chicago. He now teaches at MIT, where he
Petryna, Adriana (2002) Life Exposed: Biological directed the Program in Science, Technology and
Citizens after Chernobyl. Princeton, NJ: Society from 1996–2000. Previously he taught at
Princeton University Press. Rice, where he directed the Center for Cultural
Poster, Mark (1990) The Mode of Information. Studies from 1986–1993, as well as at Harvard and
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chicago. These proved fortuitous times and sites
Poster, Mark (2001) What’s the Matter with the of key moments for methods in cultural analysis.

Josef Bleicher

In the 19th century, while accompanying the

Keywords aesthetics, Bildung, education,
transformations related to the industrialization of
Kultur, morality, self-formation, Weimar
Germany with critical commentary, the meaning
of Bildung itself was transformed. At the cultural
level, it found itself trying to maintain the inheri-
tance of humanist ideals in face of the dehuman-

he concept of Bildung (educative self- izing effects of rapid industrialization, and the
formation) may well be the most grandiose transition of Germany from a Kulturstaat (state
thought to emerge in the 18th century, identity based on culture) to a modern, economi-
according to Gadamer (1975), who considers it cally driven nation-state belatedly clamouring for
the guiding concept underlying the rise of the a place on the world stage. Bildung thus became
humanities. In tandem with them, it engendered streamlined into Ausbildung (training, expertise)
the movement that evolved new aesthetic and to answer the need for skilled manpower, and
moral standards and ideals and also challenged the thus increasingly approximated the notion of
orientation towards a narrow Enlightenment ‘education’ prevalent in other European countries.
rationalism in the name of the rounded Bildung of Concomitantly, at the socio-political level,
the individual. This notion of Bildung later sharpening social differentiation accompanying the
informed the education system in Germany with modernization of Germany saw its remaining
its emphasis on integrating a wide range of subjects humanistic essence become the canonized, elitist
and competences within a framework established preserve of the Bildungsbürgertum (that segment
with reference to the Vorbild (model) of the of the bourgeoisie defined by the accumulation
classic languages and authors. Here it followed the and use of cultural capital).
precepts of Wilhelm von Humboldt, who The conceptual history of Bildung parallels that
succinctly stated that ‘The true purpose of the of Kultur, as the micro- and macro-levels of
human being is the Bildung of all his strengths into cultural self-formation. Interestingly, both these
one integrated whole.’ emblematic concepts arise out of a naturalistic
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Problematizing Global Knowledge – Culture 365

context. In the case of Bildung, it originally Gestalt (integrated form) and Gesetz (rule),
denoted a ‘natural formation’, as in well-formed the defining terms of Classicism, are indispensable
limbs or other successful forms created by nature. for Bildung. Goethe thus also highlights the
Transposed first by Herder into a humanistic ideal, further dimension of self and society, individual
it reached its apex in the Weimar Klassik of and world, required for self-development. Only in
Goethe and Schiller. The semi-religious under- service to the community, in self-restraint and
tones of the fulfilment of human potential as the submission to ethical demands, can Bildung shape
most noble project are themselves remaining the individual.
traces of the elaborations it experienced within the God, Nature, community: these thus are the
mystical tradition. It thus maintains its link with points of reference for Bildung. Transcending mere
the idea of a Bild (image) of the Higher Powers acquisition of knowledge, Bildung points to a way
contained within us, and serving as a Vorbild of integrating knowledge and expertise with moral
(model) that entails the exhortation to engage in and aesthetic concerns. On the basis of a success-
its Nachbildung (modelling upon). Celebrated in ful integration of thinking, willing and feeling, it
Klopstock’s Messiah, this notion of Bildung had a enables sound judgement, indicated by a
signal effect on Goethe. The aspect of a spiritually developed awareness of what is appropriate, and is
guided formation as ‘modelling upon’, together expressed in tact, good taste, and a sense of
with the organicist origins of the concept, provided community. It entails openness to difference and
an instance of the union of God and Nature that a willingness to self-correct. Bildung, in the classic
Goethe considered the sign of deep meaningful- sense, thus also contains a projective anticipation
ness. It chimed in perfectly with his own work on of the ‘good life’, of human freedom enacted with
the metamorphosis of plants, where, as an early responsibility for self and others in the open-ended
theory of evolution, he traced the workings of a project of self-creation.
nisus formativus, translated as Bildungstrieb, that
is, a formative self-organizing drive. We here Reference
approach the ultimate and highest understanding:
‘This immensity personified approaches us as a Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1975) Wahrheit und
God, as Creator and maintainer whom we are Methode, 4th edn. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr
called upon to worship and revere in all ways (Trans. Truth and Method. New York: Seabury
possible.’ Selbstbildung of the individual accords Press, 1975).
with the self-organization already apparent in
matter, and more so in organic growth, which all Josef Bleicher is an independent scholar and a
provide symbolic references to it. Exemplified in member of the Theory, Culture & Society editorial
the new genre of the Bildungsroman (the novel), board. He teaches Goethean science. His books
tracing the course of an individual’s self-formation, include The Hermeneutic Imagination (1982) and
such as Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre [1829] Contemporary Hermeneutics (1990). His trans-
with its maxim: ‘through the useful towards the lation of Georg Simmel’s ‘Kant and Goethe’ will
True and the Beautiful’, it directs our attention to appear in Theory, Culture & Society in 2006. His
the most noble and pressing task of bringing all the current research is ‘Nature as text: Goethean
potentials contained within us to full expression. science as a hermeneutic of nature’.

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