Write Questionnaire Number Here: II. Overall Movie

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Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020


 Full Name of interviewee ___MANJU MAHARA________________________

 Gender of interviewee (1)MALE (2)FEMALE (write the appropriate number in the box)

 Place of Interview ______ROOM__________________________( Example, mention if canteen, hall, class,

 Date of Interview (DD/MM/YY)

 Complete Age of interviewee years

 Age Category 1] < 20 2] 20 – 21 3] 22 – 23 4] 24 – 25 5] 26 – 27 6] > 28 24-25

Instruction: Write the age category code in the box. For example if interviewee is 25 years, code is 4

 Level of Education 1] Currently in BBA 2] Currently in MBA

7.1 Additional Details (√Tick mark the right box of the CURRENT SEM. Leave other boxes blank)

Course Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Sem 8



Write the code 1 or 2 in the boxes below as appropriate

 Marital Status 1] MARRIED 2] UNMARRIED 3] OTHER (Example: just engaged)

 Income Level 1) dependent on family 2) independent (e.g have job) 1


1. Did you watch the movie Chakka Panja (CP)? 1] Yes 2] No

2. Have you noticed the poster of CP? 1] Yes 2] No

3. If yes, did you also notice any social message in poster? 1] Yes 2] No
Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

4. Say "Yes" if you liked the following feature of the movie, and "No" if you did not like. Also, rate each
of the following from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning "liked it very much", 2 "liked it somewhat", 3 "cannot
say/ have forgotten/ no idea" 4 "disliked it somewhat" and 5 "disliked it very much"
Yes √ No  1 2 3 4 5
1 Direction YES 2
2 Story YES 2
3 Dialogue YES 2
4 Editing YES 2
5 Cinematography YES 2
6 Choice of actor YES 2
7 Choice of actress YES 2

1) Was the Director able to create some kind of a suspense in the movie? 1Yes / No2 YES

2) Did their roles suit the character of the following? √ Tick the appropriate box for each.
Character YES NO
Deepak Raj Giri (Raja) YES
Kedar Ghimire (Maangne Buda) YES
Shiv HariPaudel (DB Prasad) YES
Buddhi Bahadur Tamang (Hait) YES
Barsa Rawal (…) YES
Jeetu Nepal (Saraswati) Mundre YES

3) In your opinion, does the Director present the following characters well or not?
5 Presented Very Well 4 Presented Quite Well 3 Not Presented That Well 2 Not presented well at all 1 Cannot say/ Do not remember

SNo Character 5 4 3 2 1
1 Deepak(Raja) 5
2 Kedar Ghimire Magne Buddha 5
3 Buddhi (Hait) 5
4 Jeetu Nepal (Saraswati) Mundre 5
5. Shiwahari Poudel (Mukhmaahanne) 5
6. Barsha Raut () 5
7. Priyanka Karki () 5
Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

4) Say if you have watched these movies [Yes or No]. Also compare it with Chakka Panja. Do you think
the movie is as good as Chhakka Panjaa, Better than Chhakka Panja, or Not at Par.

Movies Watched Movie is as good as Movie is better than Movie is not at par
Yes/ No CP Yes/ No CP Yes/ No with CP Yes/ No
Kabaddi Kabaddi NO Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Pasupati Parsad NO Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Chankhe Shanke Pankhe NO Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Birkhelai Chinxas? NO Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Talak Jung vs Tulke NO Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Loot 2 YES Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

5) Do you think the direction of the movie was as good as, better or not at par, with the following movies? Circle
Yes or No as appropriate.
Movies Direction is as good as CP Direction is better than CP Direction is not at par with CP
Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No
Kabaddi Kabaddi Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Pasupati Parsad Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Chankhe Shanke Pankhe Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Birkhelai Chinxas? Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Talak Jung vs Tulke Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Loot 2 Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

6) Would you like to same director to direct its sequel/ CP2? Circle 1]Yes or 2]No

1. Did you like the visual effects? 1] Yes 2] No

2. Which shooting location's scene scenery did you like most? (Tick any ONE)
Kathmandu Waterfall Village Others______________
3. Have you watched the song "Purba Pachim Rail"? If yes, rate it.
1] Very entertaining 2] Quite Entertaining 3] Average 4] Hardly Entertaining 5] Not entertaining at all

Watched the song 1 2 3 4 5

Yes____ No____ 1

Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

1. Whose acting do you think is the best? Rating scale 1= best, 2=good, 3= average, 4=bad, 5= worst

Actors Ranking Actresses Ranking

Deepak Raj Giri (Raja) 1 Priyanka Karki (champa) 2

Kedar ghimire (Magne) 2 Basundhara Bhusal (Raja’s Mother) 2

Buddhi Tamang (Budhhi) 2 Aruna Karki (Buddhi’s wife) 2

Jeetu Nepal (Saraswoti) 2 Namrata Sapkota (Bishnu) 2

Shivahari Poudel (Ateet) 2 Barsha Raut (Brinda) 2

2. Do you think the actors were suitable for their emotional role?

Actors/Actress Yes rating 1 2 3

No most suitable suitable Not suitable
Deepak Raj Giri (Raja) YES 1

Kedar ghimire (Magne) 2

Jeetu Nepal (Saraswoti) 2

Shivahari Poudel (Ateet) 2

Barsha Raut (Brinda) 2

3. Who do you think was best suited for negative part of role?
Actors/Actress Yes/ No 1 most suitable 2 Suitable 3 Not suitable
Deepak Raj Giri (Raja) YES 1
Shivahari Poudel (Ateet) yes 2
Champa yes 2
Don't Remember NA NA NA

4. Which of the following actors in your opinion should have got more screen presence?
Actor Much more A bit more Ok as is Needed less Needed much less
Brinda 3
Raja 1
Budhi 4
Magne 2
Atit 5
Others 5
Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

1. Did you like the story of the movie? Yes] 1 No] 2

2. If yes, rate the story of CP on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being lowest). CIRCLE THE

1 2 3 4 5

3. In your view, how well did the characters presented match the story line?

SN Character Presented Presented Not presented Not presented Can’t say

very well quite well that well well at all
5 4 3 2 1

1 Deepak Raj Giri 5

2 Buddhi Man Tamang 4
3 Keder Ghimire 4
4 Barsa Raut 4

1. Did the story of the movie deserve the success it received? Yes] 1 No] 2
2. Did you really feel the story was the actual projection of current Nepalese problem due to
unemployment and foreign employment? Yes] 1 No] 2


1. In your opinion how did you find the duration of the movie? Circle the right code number.

Very long Long Neither too long Nor too short Short Very short

1 2 3 4 5

2. Was any scene too stretched? 1] Yes 2] No Circle the right code number.

3. Do you like the transition of one scene to the next in CP? Circle the right code number.
Like it very Like it quite Neither liked, Nor Disliked it Disliked it very
much a bit disliked quite a bit much
1 2 3 4 5
Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

4. If yes, what is your opinion about the editing of the movie CP in comparison with other
Nepali movies that you have watched, such as….?
Movies Editing is as good as CP Editing is better than CP Editing is not at par with CP
Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No
Kabaddi Kabaddi Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Pasupati Parsad Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Chankhe Shanke Pankhe Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Birkhelai Chinxas? Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Talak Jung vs Tulke Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

Loot 2 Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No

VII Dialogue
1. Do you remember any dialogue of the movie?
Yes No

2. If yes, which ones do you remember the most? [Rank from 1 to 4 with 1 as most remembered
and 4 as least remembered]
Dialogue 1 2 3 4
1 Khasi ko kan 3
2 Afno budhi dekhda 2
3 Raja bhane ko raja ho 1
4 Other __ 4

3. Which dialogue do you find most interesting? [Rank from 1 to 4 with 1 as most
remembered and 4 as least remembered]

Dialogue 1 2 3 4
1 Khasi ko kan 3
2 Afno budhi dekhda 2
3 Raja bhane ko raja ho 1
4 Other - 4
Chakka Panja Questionnaire 2020

4. Have you used any one of the dialogues of the movie in daily life after the release after
one month of the movie? Tick the right column

Dialogue 1 Yes 2 No
1 Khasi ko kan NO
2 Afno budhi dekhda NO
3 Raja bhane ko raja ho NO
4 Other - NO

5. Did the star cast of the movie delivered the dialogue well?

Star Cast Very well well Not well Not well at all

Raja 1

Buddhi 2

Magne 2

Hait 2

Champa 2

Space for NOTES:

(If you have anything interesting to share about the interview process, you may use this space.)




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