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Subject- Physical Education
Topic- Yoga 3 (Bhadrasana)

Meaning of Bhadrasana
Bhadrasana is consisted of two words –Bhadra and Asana. Bhadra is a Sanskrit word,
which means Auspicious or Gracious, while asana indicates Yoga pose. That’s why, this yoga
pose is also known as Auspicious or Gracious Yoga. In fact, this asana activates the
Mooladhara chakra,
In many Yogic texts, this asana has been given prominent place. It has been mentioned in
Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Gheranda Samhita. Yogi Swatmarama has mentioned four
yogasana for meditation, out of which, one of the Yoga poses is Bhadrasana. The great Yoga
saint Goraksha likes to sit in this Yoga pose, and also known as Gorakshasana.
Health benefits of Bhadrasana
Knee and Hip Joints: This asana helps to strengthen the knee and hip joints thereby
reduce pain of these joints. Thus, enhances the flexibility of legs. Stomach stress: It helps to
reduce stress and strain of the abdominal region. Menstrual Cycle: This yoga pose is quite
effective in preventing problems during menstrual cycle including relieving of abdominal
➢ Yoga for diseases: As per Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Bhadrasana is known as destroyer of
➢ Yoga for internal organs: This asana works upon the internal organs, thus good for the health
of these body parts.
➢ Good for body and mind: The auspicious pose helps to stabilize the body and mind.
➢ Yoga for meditation: As per Yogic Sastra, Bhadrasana is the best yoga for meditation and
spirituality. It helps to soothe the brain by reducing the cognitive activities.
➢ Urinary system: The asana is good for the health of Kidney, bladder and prostrate.
➢ Spine: It helps to release tension from the spinal region thus prevents from diseases and
Health Benefits of Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

➢ Develops flexibility of legs, improves digestion, strengthens backbone, thighs, hips and
buttocks, activates muladhara or root chakra, Eases delivery, labour during childbirth,
develops brain power, Improves focus and concentration, Combats fatigue.
➢ Please click on the below link to know more about Bhadrasana

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