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24 PAGES Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Published in Manila MONDAY TO FRIDAY. ONLINE
(63) 535-9901 and (63) 411-0268

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2005 / P25. METRO MANILA A N E W S PA P E R I S A P U B L I C T R U S T VOL. XVIII, ISSUE 199 . ISSN 0116-3930 S1 / 1

S1/ 8
S1/ 9
S3/ 1-2
S3/ 3-4 New Kellogg’s Beaches
THE NATION S1/ 10-12
focus S1/ 3
Non-containerized cargo system
BoP in surplus? distributor contaminated T-bill rates dip
motoring S2/ 6
bmw K1200S: bike power, comfort
Economy S1/7 Corporations S1/8 The Nation S1/12 Banking S2/1
BY KAREN L. LEMA, Senior Reporter and ROMMER M. BALABA, Reporter

US Fed likely to raise rate STOCK MARKET
The US Federal Reserve was likely to 30 days May 3, 2005 iNDEX
nod to troublesome indications of 2175
OPEN 1,862.55
weaker economic growth, but policy 2102
makers’ concern over bubbling prices 10.48pts HIGH 1,883.24
2029 0.57%
will keep interest rates moving slowly LOW 1,862.55
but steadily upward. S1/9 1956

Verizon beats Qwest P30 daily wage hike will avoid higher interest rate, slow growth 1883

414 M
Verizon Communications, Inc. won its COMPOSITE VAL(P) 820 M
10-week battle for MCI, Inc. as Qwest Trade Union Congress of the Phil-
Communications International, Inc. A minimum daily BY JUDY T. GULANE, Reporter ippines released its list of proposed
May 3, 2005
Net %Chge
Japan (Nikkei 225) HOLIDAY
withdrew its $9.9-billion bid. S2/5 wage increase of not increases in daily wages for all re- Hong Kong (Hang Seng) 13,893.98 -14.99 -0.11

Crude oil futures rebound
more than P30 can
give enough economic
Budget readies bill gions, and Region VII or Central
Visayas as well as the Autonomous
Region for Muslim Mindanao were
Taiwan (Weighted)
Thailand (SET Index)
S.Korea (Kse Composite)
Singapore (Straits Times) 2,137.17
US crude oil futures rebounded, end-

to raise pay in gov’t seeking the biggest increases at Sydney (All Ordinaries) 3,943.60 -25.60 -0.64
ing more than a dollar higher as fund
buying pushed prices above $50 in a
relief to workers with- P150 daily.
Malaysia (Klse Composite) 890.22 11.26 1.28

thin trading day. S2/3 out jeopardizing the “We are prepared to argue and
defend [our position] before the Close Net % Chge
Wall Street closes higher economy’s growth, the The Department of Budget and Man-
agement is now preparing the bill on
Malacañang, meanwhile, said it was
not in favor of a legislated wage in-
wage boards inasmuch as we wel- Dow Jones 10251.70 59.19 0.58
US stocks closed higher, getting a boost come pronouncements of employ- NASDAQ 1928.65 7.00 0.36
from AIG on relief that the insurer’s lat- Bangko Sentral ng Pi- a legislated salary increase for gov- crease for private sector workers, as
ers on their agreement regarding S&P 500 1162.16 5.31 0.46
ernment workers, but it has yet to labor unions and legislators proposed. FTSE 100 HOLIDAY
est disclosures about accounting prob-
lems were less damaging than initially
lipinas (BSP) said yes- decide on how much the pay hike Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs the need to increase daily wages,”
Euro Stoxx50 2823.45 6.04 0.21
will be. Gabriel S. Claudio told reporters noted trade congress spokesman Alex G.
feared S2/3 terday. Budget Secretary Emilia T. Boncodin that regional wage boards have al- Aguilar said.
May 3, 2005
Previous Net Chge
Bangko Sentral officer-in- also said yesterday the P3,000 across- ready been instructed to look at pos- He told BusinessWorld that Re- $/UK pound 1.8946 1.9063 -0.0117
charge Amando M. Tetangco Jr. the-board raise being sought by state sibly increasing workers’ wages. gion VII or Central Visayas peti- $/Euro 1.2861 1.2896 -0.0035
NEWS said an 8%-10% rise in wages was employees was too high since it Press Secretary Ignacio R. Bunye also tioned for a big increase only be- $/Aust dollar 0.7795 0.7791 0.0004
ONLINE “not too far” from the bank’s own would need P36 billion to P40 billion. said wage boards could better deter- cause previous increases approved
$/Canada dollar
$/Swiss Franc
0.7992 -0.0021
0.8384 -0.0028
She said the pay increase must be “af- mine a “middle ground” on wages. / assumption of 6% anyway. by its wage board were too small.
fordable” for the cash-strapped gov- “There is always a middle ground, and
Additional news online Minimum daily wage in Metro ernment. we are confident the wage boards can “Only about P8 to P10 was
Manila is now P300. Businesses are given last year,” he said. PESO-DOLLAR RATE
Don’t miss “Points Of View,” a She also said any wage increase find it, in fairness to our workers but
special online section featuring reportedly amenable to a P25-P30 would apply “possibly” next year, and without causing undue harm to en- The labor organization is peti- 53.85
30 days to May 3, 2005 FX
position papers by industry daily wage increase, although labor not this year. terprises,” he said. tioning for a P100 wage increase for OPEN P54.080
groups and analysts. unions are asking for P78 to P150, Regions I, II, IV-B, VI, VIII, IX and HIGH P54.080
depending on the region. X, and a P78 increase for Metro 54.29
LOW P54.250
Now available: Mr. Tetangco said a P30 daily Manila, Cordillera Administrative 54.51
Labor Standards and CEBU CITY — The Central Visayas Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity CLOSE P54.250
pay increase would not significantly Region, Region III, IV-A, XI and 54.73 15
Self-Regulation in Business pressure consumer prices to go up Board yesterday gave no assurance of a minimum wage increase for the re- XII. It is petitioning for a P125 hike ctvs W. AVE. P54.182
By Vicente Leogardo Jr. gion by the end of the month. Rodulfo Sabulao, Labor department regional 54.95
VOL. 356.50 M
substantially, which could require for Region V and CARAGA. WEIGHTED AVE.
( director and regional wage board chairman, said economic indicators would
the central bank to also raise inter- determine the need for higher wages. He also noted the one-year restriction
Meanwhile, Labor Secretary May 3, 2005
topstory2.php) ASIAN CURRENCIES Latest Bid
est rates. on wage adjustments. The Central Visayas wage board last raised the mini- Patricia A. Sto. Tomas said wage 0900GMT Previous NetChge
Japan (Yen) 105.09 105.32 -0.2300
Bad governance, The bank is worried an infla- mum wage in the region by P8 in August 2004. “We are now strategizing to boards would stick to the 30-day Hong Kong (HK$) Forward 7.7962 7.7957 0.0005
corruption and new taxes tionary wage increase may force it meet head-on the challenge of the President. But admittedly, it’s really hard to deadline set by President Gloria Taiwan (NT dollar) 31.268 31.251 0.0170
By Stratbase Public Affairs and to jack up interest rates just to keep come up with a win-win decision,” Mr. Sabulao said. – Jun P. Tagalog Macapagal-Arroyo. Thailand(Baht) 39.54 — 39.54 0.0000
S.Korea (Won) 1002.4 1000.9 1.5000
Research Consultancy Group consumer prices in check, which “We are optimistic that most Singapore (dollar) 1.6372 1.6373 -0.0001
( will, in turn, have the undesired ef- of the regional boards could come Indonesia (rupiah) 9,526 9,520 6.0000
topstory3.php) fect of squelching the economy’s only a 6% or P18 increase in the rocket, and can prompt the central up with their decision in 30 days. Malaysia (ringgit) 3.7995 — 3.7995 0.0000
fragile growth. minimum wage this year, and an- bank to intervene through higher The legal requirements will be
Bangko Sentral Assistant Gov- other 5% next year. interest rates if only to fight infla- complied with so that there are no TREASURY BILLS May 3, 2005 auction
OPINION ernor Diwa C. Guinigundo had said Anything beyond these levels tion, he had said. questions about the validity of Tenor 91-day 182-day 364-day
that the central bank had assumed can cause consumer prices to sky- Also yesterday, the labor group wage orders,” she said. BW Offer* 2.0 2.0 2.0
DEAN DE LA PAZ warns of the new
Tendered* 9.95 7.21 8.56
performance-based rating device of
Awarded* 2.0 2.0 2.0
the ERC. S1/4
Avg rate (pct) 6.319 7.574 8.533
BY JENNEE GRACE U. RUBRICO, Senior Reporter BY BEVERLY T. NATIVIDAD, Reporter Previous (pct) 6.551 7.727 8.678
GREG MACABENTA presents how a
* in billion pesos
meeting called by Don Vito Corleone
and Juan Tamad will proceed. S1/4 Nine pre-need firms lack license, Europe doubts quality BY IRIS CECILIA C. GONZALES,

can’t sell new plans, says SEC

ARGEE GUEVARRA likens Abat to Don Senior Reporter
Quixote whose call did not find serious
listeners. S1/4 of fish exported by RP Banker guilty
COMMENTARY THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE dealer’s license, but cannot also
Commission (SEC) is still to renew put it on the list of companies with- T HE E UROPEAN C OMMISSION action, and no procedures for veri-
•Day 113 of the President’s silence, by
•Laura Bush talks naughty, by JOHN
the dealer’s licenses of nine pre-
need companies, which prohibits
out dealer’s license,” Mr. Lukban
doubts the capability of govern-
ment agencies to make sure that
fication, it said.
The report also noted several
of falsification
TIERNEY. S1/5 them from selling new pre-need Pre-need companies lacking a locally harvested fish exported to errors in general monitoring sys- A M ANILA COURT upheld re-
plans to the public until further dealer’s licenses operate just to pay Europe are fit for human consump- tems and certification procedures cently the conviction of banker
In This Issue: notice. claims and to collect payments for tion. for fishery products. Hilario P. Soriano, owner of now
Those currently without permit existing plans. They are not allowed A draft report of the recent While European directives pro- defunct Rural Bank of San Miguel,
to sell are Celestial Memorial Plans to sell new plans. evaluation conducted by its Health vide certain limits for the use of for falsification of documents.
PCIJ Special Report Inc.; East Asia Plans Inc.; FCM As of last week SEC was still to and Consumer Protection Directo- carbon monoxide and sodium di- In a decision dated March 31,
Plans Inc.; Garden of Memories renew the dealer’s licenses of the 12 rate-General said that the Bureau sulphates as additives in processing 2005 but made public only yester-
Memorial Plans Inc.; Gillamac Life pre-need companies because they of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources fishery products for export, the day, Judge Silvino T. Pampilo, Jr.
& Pension Plans Inc.; Pension & still lacked requirements. was “not in the position to ensure European inspection team found dismissed the motion for reconsid-
Health Politics Retirement Plans Corp.; Samson He said these firms needed to control and certification of the spe- that local officials do not impose eration filed by the rural banker.
Demoralizes Doctors Memorial Plans Inc.; Special Plans either raise more capital or trust cial conditions governing imports controls on the use of these addi- In November 2004, the court
Inc., and Platinum Plans Philip- assets, or make sure they have of fishery products originating in tives. ruled that Mr. Soriano was guilty
pines Inc. enough money to pay all claims. the Philippines.” In addition, fish inspectors fail of forging the signature of a fellow
They join College Assurance Under SEC rules, pre-need The report cited in particular to conduct official chemical checks stockholder, which in turn had al-
Plans Philippines Inc., Compre- firms that sell only one type of plan the Fish Inspection Quality Control on histamine and contaminant lowed him to put more bank shares
hensive Annuity Plans and Pension must be capitalized at P50 million; Section of the bureau, which is an contents in the aquatic environ- under his name. The Rural Bank of
Corp., and Pacific Plans Inc., which those that sell two types must be attached agency of the Department ment. San Miguel was closed in 2000 be-
have also been prohibited from sell- capitalized at P75 million, while of Agriculture. The report also said the main cause of money problems.
ing plans. those with three types must be The report also noted that the relevant hazards for fishery and But in his motion for reconsid-
But SEC secretary Gerard Luk- capitalized at P100 million. methods of fish production and aquaculture products originating eration, Mr. Soriano had claimed
ban said Platinum Plans Philip- Pre-need firms must also have aquaculture in the country were from the Philippines were not that the judge who had written the
pines Inc. was working to meet enough trust assets to match their “likely to jeopardize the safety of properly controlled by the fish bu- November 2004 ruling against him
regulatory requirements for a new actuarial reserve liabilities, or their the fishery products exported to the reau. had made factual errors. However,
dealer’s license. projected future obligations com- European Union and hence con- The Health and Consumer Pro- Mr. Pampilo said Mr. Soriano failed
Platinum, owned by Ernesto puted at net present value. sumer health.” tection Directorate-General is the to prove this claim.
Salas, is one of the oldest pre-need Mr. Lukban also said SEC has The report said that most fish agency tasked at keeping European Court records show Mr. Soria-
companies in the country. been monitoring all pre-need firms inspectors lacked expertise in as- laws on consumer protection up to no, who also claims to be the prin-
“Platinum is… still trying to because of the financial problems sessing what could be approved for date. They make sure that traders, cipal owner of another bank in
meet the requirements. [SEC’s non- of CAP and Pacific Plans. export to Europe. manufacturers, and food produc- trouble, Nueva Ecija-based Mer-
traditional securities and instru- CAP suffers from capital defi- There was no proper identifica- ers in European countries as well chants Rural Bank of Talavera, was
mentations department] cannot ciency while Pacific Plans can no tion of hazards, no identification of as their suppliers abroad observe previously sentenced to four
put it on the list of companies with longer pay claims. BW critical limits, no proper corrective certain standards. BW months to two years in jail. BW

BY YVONNE T. CHUA, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism

Meddling by politicians demoralizes doctors assigned to rural areas

CONCLUSION health workers who would other- His RHU’s pharmacy also sells pa- she had displeased the mayor when
When barrio doctor Richard wise not even mind the low pay and racetamol for as low as 50 centavos she dispensed medicine to every
Lariosa arrived in Tagapul-an, long hours their jobs entail. each; usually the cheapest a tablet patient needing treatment instead
Samar in 2002, he was surprised to “Confidently, we can say that of the medicine can get is 90 of just the mayor’s followers. She
learn that medicines for the town partisan politics is the number one centavos. didn’t win points either when she
were being kept at the mayor’s of- problem at the RHU [regional Dr. Concepcion convinced lo- refused to sign procurement forms
fice. “When you gave a prescription health unit],” says Maritona Labajo, cal officials to increase the RHU’s that she deemed questionable.
to a patient not of the same politi- assistant director for field opera- share from the development fund When she resigned sometime last
cal color as the mayor, he’d be told tions of the Leaders for Health pro- (from P200,000 in 2002 to P1.2 year, the mayor replaced her with a
by the people at the mayor’s office gram that allows barrio doctors to million in 2003) and even per- favored midwife, instead of the
there was no medicine even when earn a master’s degree in commu- suaded them to let it keep the nurse, the RHU’s second in com-
they were still a lot,” the doctor says. nity health management. She also PhilHealth payments for the up- mand.
“Color coding.” concedes, “Politicians… are really keep of the health center and its Now the doctor is in yet another
The mayor was later persuaded difficult to work with. The [health] programs. The local government impoverished town, this time un-
to turn over all the stocks to the program can be sabotaged by the has since created more positions for der the Doctors to the Barrio pro-
rural health unit, after being as- mere fact that the mayor does not the RHU and has been fully imple- gram. But she says it feels like she
sured the people would know the cooperate.” menting the Magna Carta for Pub- hadn’t moved at all. The first-term BARRIO-BASED doctors reach 248 — DoH.
medicines came from him. But This has led to disillusionment lic Health Workers. The health mayor in her new assignment has
months before the May 2004 elec- even among the most idealistic of center laboratory is comparable to taken to appointing unqualified political candidates of the Eastern nailed the RHU shut. Recounts Dr.
tions, newly delivered medicines doctors, some of whom had volun- a medical center lab with pap people as barangay health workers, Visayas town fielded the barangay Lariosa: “The following morning I
again wound up with the mayor. He teered for the much-vaunted Doc- smear, blood sugar, and other blood for one. For another, says the doc- health workers, midwives, and told the mayor what he did was
agreed to let go of half the medi- tors to the Barrio program begun chemical. tor, patients must have their RHU- casual employees to conduct “data unfair. Hindi kami naglalakwatsa
cines only after Dr. Lariosa paid more than a decade ago by then Dr. Concepcion was given the issued prescriptions signed by the gathering.” They went around the [We weren’t out having fun].”
him a visit. Health secretary Juan Flavier. The Grand Distinction Award in the mayor’s office before the medicines island to survey who the residents It may take some time before
The young doctor’s relationship program has already sent more Department of Health’s annual rec- are released. were voting for. the DoH sends another barrio doc-
with the mayor, however, was al- than 400 physicians to about 300 ognition of outstanding doctors to “There is a common practice in “It’s that strategic,” the doctor tor to Tagapul-an. The town would
ready quite strained. At one point, doctorless fifth- and sixth-class the barrio. Other RHU doctors, many LGUs [local government says. “Politicians paid P500 per first have to convince the National
Dr. Lariosa had objected to the re- towns, but medical practitioners however, are probably more jealous units] where RHU patients get their voter, and more for those who may Government that its local officials
moval of trained health workers are still badly needed in the coun- of his luck with his local govern- drugs from the municipal hall not vote for them.” and community leaders are coop-
and their replacement by untrained tryside, even by wealthy towns. ment rather than of his award. rather than from the RHU,” notes Ms. Labajo says even governors erative enough to deserve another
supporters of the mayor and the While some of the volunteer Many of the doctors inter- a study by the Department of have recognized that barangay barrio doctor.
barangay captains. The mayor was doctors eventually stay as munici- viewed for this story recounted Health (DoH) and the Manage- health workers are a political force Dr. Lariosa was actually the sec-
in turn displeased when Dr. Lariosa pal health officers in the towns they story after story about clashing with ment Sciences for Health (MSH), a in elections and offer to pay half ond barrio doctor to become a
changed caterers for a health-train- are assigned to, several wind up local officials — primarily the nonprofit international organiza- their salaries or make them casuals casualty of local politics in Tagapul-
ing course because the food served swearing off working for local gov- mayor — over such seemingly tion working in public health areas. or contractuals of the provincial an. Danilo Reynes, the town’s first
by the first caterer caused the train- ernments ever again. One barrio trivial things as the hiring of The study describes the practice government. “As casuals, they get physician after a doctorless decade,
ees to have diarrhea. Apparently, doctor assigned to a remote town barangay health workers and the in a town in northern Luzon: The P2,500 to P3,000 a month. That’s a belonged to the Doctors to the
the former caterer was the mayor’s in Mindanao can hardly wait until safekeeping and distribution of RHU doctor prescribes the drugs, lot of money in a poor town,” says Barrio program’s first batch. He
ally. her four-year contract is up. “I can’t medicines. These, however, have the patient goes to the social wel- the doctor from Eastern Visayas. stayed there for four years, but left
Last December, Dr. Lariosa was stand the politics,” she says. serious implications, and affect the fare office to get an approval of In many places, barangay health because incumbent officials per-
pulled out of Tagapul-an after the Yet Pascualito Concepcion, an continuity of services and effective- indigency, and then proceeds to the workers don’t even report for duty ceived him to be allied with their
Doctors to the Barrio-Leaders for Ateneo de Zamboanga alumnus ness of treatment. office of the sangguniang bayan or but still draw their pay. “Mga ‘15- political opponents.
Health program, which had sent assigned by the Doctors to the In most of the cases, patronage town council and the chairman of 30’ sila,” the Mindanao doctor says, Dr. Lariosa was not the only
him there, concluded that the Barrio program to Talusan, Zam- politics was involved, with the offi- its health committee where the referring to employees who don’t barrio doctor withdrawn from
mayor was not very concerned boanga Sibugay in 2002, has shown cials using employment and medi- drugs are dispensed. To assure work but show up at the town hall their places of assignment. Two
about health. Now assigned to just how much a community doc- cal supplies as a means of garner- safety and regulate the validity of or capitol every 15th and 30th of the doctors from the Western Samar
Uyugan, Batanes, Dr. Lariosa hopes tor can accomplish when the local ing support for themselves and drug dispensing, the patient is month to claim their paycheck. towns of Matuguinao and Jiabong
local politics would not again be- government is health-friendly. clinching votes for the next elec- asked to go back to the RHU for Ms. Labajo says a town with 24 were pulled out for the same rea-
come a hindrance to his work. With help from the mayor and tion. further instructions on the intake barangays could have as many 184 son: The mayors refused to abide
Corruption and official neglect the town council, Dr. Concepcion Dr. Lariosa’s experience in of medicine. barangay health workers. But she by the agreement that full support
are not the only problems plaguing transformed a dusty warehouse- Tagapul-an is but one illustration The risks involved in the prac- notes, “The number of barangay for health be given that are within
the health system in local govern- like building into an air-condi- of this. The frustrated doctor in tice, the study says, are “when the health workers doesn’t necessarily their very limited resources.
ment units. Traditional politics is tioned health center. He got Phil- Western Mindanao also recounts patient does not go back to the mean that you have a good ratio of A few years ago, two of seven
also compromising the delivery of Health to accredit his rural health that when she was the municipal RHU for final... approval and when barangay health workers to the barr io doctors assigned to a
health services to the people who unit and enrolled 500 poor fami- health officer of another poor town the wrong, inappropriate drug is population or that the barangays northern Mindanao province cut
need it most, and discouraging lies in the program in 2002 alone. in the southern part of the region, given to the patient.” RHU doctors are being serviced.” short their stint, saying they could
themselves say that Some mayors do not stop at hir- not stand the treatment they were
those who happen to ing and firing barangay health getting from their mayors. Says
support the opposi- workers at a whim. In some towns, one of the doctors: “I left feeling
tion also do not mayors have demoted doctors who really bad. I didn’t even want to
bother to go to the disagreed with them or had some- be reassigned. My idealism had
town hall for their how displeased them and had ap- been shattered, I had been disil-
medicine, knowing pointed nurses and midwives in lusioned. I go to another local
the chances of being their stead as officers in charge of government unit, and there
given some are small municipal health offices. would be yet another mayor who
anyway. Doctors whose relationships would be controlling my life.”
Many of the doc- with their mayors become strained Doctors who have lodged com-
tors also complain but continue to stay in their posts plaints against their mayors to their
that a change in local often lose effectiveness in carrying governors, the DoH, the Depart-
administration means out health programs. For instance, ment of Interior and Local and
a change in health the RHU in a northern Mindanao Governments, and the Department
workers. Unfortu- town hardly had any local health of Budget and Management say
nately, the newcomers programs to speak of because the many of these remain unresolved.
are often unqualified mayor and the RHU’s staff were not Still, when the local government
for the job that had on speaking terms. puts importance on health, success
taken their predeces- Community doctors who butt stories like that of Concepcion are
sors years to learn. heads with local officials find to possible. Robert Briones, who gave
A doctor in East- their disappointment that other up a lucrative private practice to
ern Visayas says government agencies can hardly become a barrio doctor in the is-
barangay captains come to their aid. In many towns, land town of Loreto in Surigao del
removed barangay the local health board rarely or Norte, also says he does not regret
health workers who never meets, or is under the may- his decision, even if it has meant
didn’t belong to the or’s control, says one doctor as- being away from his wife and three
same party and re- signed in Mindanao. The board young children, aged six, four, and
placed them with un- consists of the mayor, president of two.
trained ones. Another the barangay health workers, the “I frequently wonder… what is
tactic was hiring new rural health physician, and one rep- happening to them,” he says. “But
workers while keep- resentative each from the DoH and in my journey as a doctor to the
ing the incumbents the sangguniang bayan. barrio, a doctor in a far-flung com-
“floating.” Much as he had wanted to en- munity… one thing is apparent.
When the doctor gage the mayor and sanggunian of- This [has] made me affirm that ‘it
offered to train the ficials to push Tagapul-an’s health is not the end of the journey that
new workers, he was program, Dr. Lariosa had realized matters most but the journey itself
spurned and even ac- there was little he could do. The is what matters in the end.’”
cused of meddling. “I mayor was in town just once a Even Dr. Lariosa has not junked
was building a good month, staying for about a week; the idea of serving communities
referral system, so most of the time he was in Calba- despite his rather tumultuous ex-
there should be no yog, where he also kept a house, perience in Tagapul-an. He admits
breaks. Barangay supposedly following up with other mulling over the idea of residency
health workers are government agencies. training in internal medicine or
important,” he ex- Dr. Lariosa couldn’t turn to the surgery after finishing his contract
plains. “The mayor sanggunian for support either, since as barrio doctor. “But I’m having
also hired midwives as it hardly ever convened sessions. second thoughts,” he says. “The
casuals.” “The resolutions are passed around work of a public health practitioner
Ms. Labajo ob- the barangay where they happen to is challenging.”
serves that a lot of be for their signature,” he says. Dr. Lariosa’s younger sister has
barangay health But things came to a head when just graduated from medical school
workers are “non- the mayor’s nephew sought treat- and plans to go straight to residency
functional”: They do ment at the RHU and found it training. “But I’ll try to expose her
things other than de- empty. The doctor and his staff to the Doctors to the Barrio pro-
liver health services. were out implementing a DoH gram when she visits me in Batanes
Months before the campaign and the staff assigned to in the summer,” says Dr. Lariosa.
2004 elections, for in- man the health center had failed to “There are bits of ugliness, but I think
stance, the mayor and report to work. The angry mayor my type of work is beautiful.”


Non-containerized cargo system leads to company’s dominance

Close to 400 workers went job- nal when it was given a permit to was affected as it slowed down from year, Ms. Sandejas said the target the PPA are maintained, what with Harbor are under the PPA. It is
less last year when Asian Terminals, handle foreign break-bulk cargoes. an 8% year-on-year increase in this year is to double the volume. both ICTSI and Asian Terminals regulating against competition to
Inc. (ATI), the exclusive operator of Aside from discounted rates, Har- 2003 to P2.684 billion to just 5.6% With business on the uptrend, remitting 20% of gross revenues to protect its own interest at the ex-
the South Harbor, decided to cut bour Centre’s deep draft allows or P2.835 billion. ATI’s net income Harbour Centre is working its way the PPA, while Harbour Centre, a pense of the public interest,” Mr.
losses on its unit handling non- huge foreign vessels to unload car- dropped 15.8% to P329.4 million to get a larger slice of the pie: the private operator, has to only pay Basilio said.
containerized cargo. goes by docking directly to the port in 2004 against P391 million in the containerized cargo. port dues of P20,000. Mr. Basilio said competition is
ATI Chief Executive Jerry JL without using barges. The cut in previous year. On Nov. 12, 2002, the company Annual reports from ICTSI and a healthy way to provide protection
Rickord said the general cargo in- ATI’s business started to show The PPA’s recommended tariff applied for a license to operate with ATI in 2004 showed that both ports to the public.
dustry is slowing down with most when, from 50 barges, there are for non-containerized cargo ranges an unrestricted port license, which handled 1.848 million TEUs of for- “When there is competition,
traders putting their goods in now just five barges being used at from P105 to P701. The new rates would allow it to do business with eign containerized cargo last year. there is an incentive to be more ef-
standard twenty-foot equivalent the South Harbor. reflect 12% of the PPA’s approved all types of domestic and foreign Mr. Sevilla said the market can no ficient. It also checks the excesses
(TEU) containers for shipping. By the end of the first quarter, 20% increase in tariffs this year, the cargoes. longer afford another participant of price increase. Even if you do not
With the trend likely to continue, ATI’s percentage share further balance of which will be applied in But its intent to cover foreign due to the small volume of trans- regulate, the public will be pro-
Mr. Rickord is not upbeat in that dropped to 40%, even when it re- March 2006. The market percep- containerized cargoes was blocked action. tected when there is protective
aspect of the cargo business, where sorted to reducing tariff rates to tion is that Harbour Centre offers as the PPA, then under general ICTSI stated in its report that it competition.”
goods generally come in bags, sacks, remain competitive. rates that are 50% lower than the manager Alfonso Cusi, restricted paid PPA P2.614 billion, while the He said Harbour Centre’s price
drums, boxes, and crates. Mr. Rickord, however, said the rates approved by the PPA. Harbour Centre to accept or ac- ATI report showed that it has ear- war challenge was a logical move
But this general trend was not company has cushioned the impact Harbour Centre said, however, commodate only foreign non-con- marked $4.6 million to cover the for a start-up business to attract the
the only reason ATI is slowing of a reduced market share as it that the competition in the non- tainerized cargoes and vessels. Har- 20% commitment to the PPA. The market. Allowing it to continue
down, at least in as far as break-bulk managed to cut on costs. At the containerized market is fair since it bour Centre continued to file for PPA reported a P5.58-billion rev- operating would send a concrete
cargo is concerned: in 2004, there same time, it is planning to focus is charging customers rates similar the unrestricted port license. In enue last year. Its income stood at signal that private investors are
were more employees than there on containerized cargo and passen- to the PPA’s tariff rates. May 2004, the port manager from P1.83 billion, half of which goes to welcome.
were cargoes, and increased com- ger terminal operations should the “We are benchmarking our the North Harbor even reported the National Treasury, while the “The government should allow
petition has eroded the company’s Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) rates to PPA rates. We follow their that an inventory of Harbour Cen- other half is spent for PPA opera- competition to happen. If it does
market share. approve its petition for a 25-year tariff, but we can give discounts as tre’s equipment and area shows that tions, including the development of not, then it will just shoot down its
Far from its heydays when it extension of its contract to operate a private commercial port. The it “can handle efficiently contain- new ports nationwide. own policy of attracting investors
used to handle as much as 90% of the South Harbor ports. 50% is not actually a discount but erized and non-containerized cargo Enrico Basilio, University of and the private sector to come in,”
the general cargo business, ATI’s ATI’s scaled-down operations the savings our clients get from our of both foreign and domestic ves- Asia and the Pacific director for Mr. Basilio said.
market share dropped to 60% as of simply indicate that it is no longer port productivity and efficiency,” sels.” transport and logistics center, said Harbour Centre shares the
end-2004 with the entry of Har- interested in competing in non- said Trisha Sandejas, Harbour Cen- The change of administration at the PPA’s charter has resulted in the same sentiment, particularly refer-
bour Centre Port Terminal, Inc. containerized cargo due to, accord- tre head for business development the PPA has not made any signifi- conflict of interest within its office. ring to the synergy of the govern-
Harbour Centre occupies part ing to its claim, an uneven playing and corporate communications. cant difference in Harbour Centre’s It also results in inconsistency in the ment and the private sector in de-
of the 79-hectare Smokey Moun- field. Henry B. Virola, assistant vice- case. Until now, the PPA board has government’s drive to attract pri- veloping local industries.
tain Development and Reclamation “We pay 20% of our revenue to president for operations, also said yet to discuss anew the application vate investors. “The government through the
Project (SMDRP). The location it- the PPA whereas Harbour Centre that as a private company, Harbour of the company to be allowed to “The PPA’s charter is so flawed PPA will save around P6 billion in
self has long been controversial fol- does not. The playing field is not Centre can offer “straightforward handle the containerized cargo that, instead of regulating, it is us- port development and land recla-
lowing questions of the legality of level, and it has squeezed us out of rates, while eliminating undesirable business. ing its developmental function to mation since Harbour Centre has
the project, which is being com- handling some of the [non-con- red tape and corruption.” “It’s not my decision to make. justify its regulation,” Mr. Basilio already undertaken these. The re-
pared to the annulled deal between tainerized market], which is why we Ms. Sandejas said Harbour It’s a board decision. It has been said, citing as an example the in- covery of investments by the com-
the government, the Public Estates are not competing to retain the Centre’s efficient port operations submitted for discussion but it just crease in cargo-handling fee in pany… will promote confidence in
Authority (PEA), and the Amari market share that we used to have. serve as the main attraction for its was not discussed. Our next board March, which, in turn, would re- investing locally. More investments
Coastal Bay and Development With the rates they have, we’d services. For instance, she said while meeting is next month. If our chair- flect a higher income for the PPA. would mean more economic activi-
Corp. rather not have it. We’d rather con- other ports consume 10 days in man, [Transport] Secretary [Lean- Allowing Harbour Centre to ties including greater job opportu-
The SMDRP is a P3-billion de- centrate on other activities that we unloading 60,000 metric tons of dro] Mendoza say we should put it handle foreign containerized cargo nities,” Mr. Virola said.
velopment led by businessman can actually make gains on,” Mr. steel, Harbour Centre can do it in in the agenda, then we will put it in when it pays the PPA only P20,000 Are the major participants up
Reghis Romero’s RII Builders, Inc. Rickord said. half the time. With its efficiency, our agenda,” PPA general manager annually would mean it would be for the competition?
Mr. Romero’s son, Michael Rome- As a private operator of a gov- Ms. Sandejas said Harbour Centre Oscar M. Sevilla said. able to offer terminal services at a “Of course, we will compete.
ro, took over as chief executive of ernment port, ATI, as well as the In- easily claims to hold 90% of the Harbour Centre’s fate lies in the lower cost and eventually eat into That’s what our job is,” Mr. Rickord
Harbour Centre in 2003. ternational Container Terminal break-bulk or non-containerized hands of Mr. Mendoza who has yet the market shared by ICTSI and said.
In 1995, RII Builders received Services, Inc. (ICTSI) which is op- cargo market in the Port of Manila. to be confirmed by the Commis- ATI. With lower volumes being ICTSI, on the other hand, does
the PPA’s approval on its proposal erating at the Manila International Without a level playing field, sion on Appointments ever since handled by the two companies, the not see much threat with the entry
to develop and operate a private Container Terminal (MICT), pays Mr. Rickord claimed that the break- his appointment at the start of PPA’s income would also be re- of Harbour Centre. “There’s a legal
commercial port at the Manila the PPA 20% of its revenues annu- bulk business can easily be mo- President Gloria Macapagal duced. framework. If they change it, it
North Harbor, and in 1996 it was ally. On the other hand, Harbour nopolized by Harbour Centre. Arroyo’s term in May 2004. A “The issue is complicated by the doesn’t matter,” ICTSI Chief Execu-
granted the permit to construct Centre pays only P20,000 to the But Harbour Centre is eyeing source said Harbour Centre is not fact that the MICT and the South tive Enrique K. Razon said.
Harbour Centre. The PPA gave ports authority. more than just the break-bulk busi- likely going to get what it wants as
Harbour Centre a commercial per- To retain market share in 2004, ness. The P6-billion port facility long as Mr. Mendoza is not offi-
mit to operate and handle all types Mr. Rickord said ATI had to subsi- has a 15-year permit to operate. It cially appointed as Transportation
of domestic vessels and cargoes. At dize payments to the government is recognized as a special economic and Communication secretary to
the same time it was allowed to as it started to cut tariff costs by zone and is authorized to handle “avoid complications.”
handle foreign vessels and cargoes 20% to 30%. foreign non-containerized cargoes Mr. Sevilla said there are also
provided that the cargoes are char- Despite the move, non-contain- and vessels and all types of domes- legal implications if the govern-
tered only to the locators of the erized cargo volume for 2003 drop- tic cargoes and vessels, both con- ment allows Harbour Centre to
port. ped 18.4% against 2002 figures, and tainerized and non-containerized. handle the containerized cargo
Harbour Centre started eating even plunged 31.4% in 2004. Over- From two million metric tons business. It runs the risk of being
up into the market of Asian Termi- all revenue growth for the company of break-bulk cargo handled last sued by operators if payments to


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billion in profits last year as competi- tory relief before a trial court to clarify to grab a 3-2 lead in their National Bas- cisions.
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Keppel unit gets oil rig Hotel, Makati City
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ERC’s cure that kills BYSTANDER
Publishing Corporation, with edito-
rial offices at 95 Balete Drive Exten-
sion, New Manila, Quezon City,

Metro Manila, Philippines 1112. Tel-
Editor-Publisher ephone numbers: 535-9901 private ast week, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) unveiled for the Joint Congressional Power
exchange connecting all departments;
RONALDO A. ROMERO Editorial 535-9919, Fax No. 535-9918; Commission (JCPC) a pricing device it says plugs loopholes in the current mechanism, and forces
Executive Editor Advertising 535-9941, Fax No. 535-
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MARVIN A. TORT 535-9933; Personnel 535-9936, Fax
Managing Editor No. 535-9937. ALL RIGHTS RE- trivance that institutionalizes price gouging and inflicts on the public burdens properly native to utility
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City Editor in full without previous written per-
mission from the BusinessWorld Pub-
lishing Corporation.
CRIS V. PARASO The premise is that the current return on rate base cost of capital (WACC). Unfortunately, as in Meralco, head. Note that wages remain frozen even when CPI
Associate Editor (RORB) is not only abused, but from the perspective as its rating falls from the decline in sovereign credit- races ahead.
• ONLINE of utilities, nonresponsive. It is abused where the rate worthiness or those with whom it has contracts (e.g. Another aberration is the use of CPI to limit capi-
base — assets dedicated to utility functions — are Intergen divestments in Quezon Power and the tal requirements. As CPI differs among regions, the
Online Editor can be accessed online at
bloated forcing inordinate economic returns even on Covanta bankruptcy), its WACC increases. likelihood of inequitable limits looms. If the CPI is
such holdings as condominiums and conference halls. Currently, Meralco’s WACC hovers above 12%. We inelastic in one area, then the cap on capex there is
NOEL G. REYES RORB is likewise nonresponsive. By the time hikes suspect it is above 17%. The average is also spiked by affected by others, thus inducing unnatural subsidies.
Research Head and are implemented, real-time costs have raced past, mak- sovereign risks as a bellwether of its debts and down- While theoretically PBR enables consumers to share
VERGEL O. SANTOS ing provisionary increases inadequate and irrelevant. grades from adverse court rulings. If WACC were a PBR from efficiencies, reality shows otherwise. Capex re-
The National Association of
The energy authority’s solution is what Ferengis factor, then rates are likely to go higher as the financial covery does not occur within the abbreviated period
Philippine Newspapers
call “up-rating.” That is what this mechanism spun as market works into it sovereign and corporate risks. for price adjustments. By then WACC surges from
Performance-Based Rating (PBR) is about. While Thus, the PBR inflicts on the consumer credit risks changes in forex and interest rates. Either rebates never
How to reach BusinessWorld needing more debate than is on the table, its intrinsic it cannot control. Worse, it passes to the consumer the come about or upward adjustments are more likely. In
LETTERS infirmities have already seeped through cracks. We burden of capital recovery, something corporations which cases, PBR institutionalizes price spirals and
We prefer to receive letters via e-mail, without attachments. Writers should
disclose any connection or relationship with the subject of their comments.
hope to address these before officials inflict another normally have to earn first. This invariable “subsidy” leads to gouging, as capital, advanced by consumers,
All letters must include an address and daytime and evening phone num- inanity on the public. to equity is unfairly ingrained and advanced via rev- are never paid back.
bers. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity and space and to use Let us analyze from article to archetype. In a nut- enues long before appearing in net income and find- Here is PBR’s archetypal flaw. Consumers are forced
them in all electronic and print editions.
Internet: shell, PBR is an incentive-based mechanism. Through ing its way to retained earnings. to advance for capex that is the province of sharehold-
Fax: +632 - 535 9918 it, utilities set rates based on how it foresees capital While PBR limits revenue requirements, this is ers. It is akin to the minimum economic offtake, or
targets and how these are met. Rather than focus on based on delta changes to the consumer price index capital recovery pricing of generators and a mutation
asset size and revenues, as does RORB, PBR introduces (CPI) officials claim indicates business performance. of the recovery mechanism of oil companies. The dif-
the concept of efficiency. While a work in progress, It is not. It does not reflect business costs. CPI does ference being that rather than price for inventories,
energy authorities want to implement this by next year. not reflect the cost of capital. It does not include inter- consumers advance for capex.
Never mind the devil in the details. est expense and shareholder ROI. Also, the basket of These are not the same. Inventories are products
One detail is how PBR is affected by debts whose commodities in CPI differs greatly. An increase in the sold to the market. Capex remains the property of eq-
covenants peg between an 8% minimum and the statu- price of fish does not mean business costs rise at the uity holders and the burden for raising these should
tory 12% RORB. The PBR uses the weighted average same pace. Consumer goods are more elastic than over- not be inflicted on the public.

call not
a calling Juan Tamad meets Vito Corleone AD LIB

nasmuch as the country’s ruling elite hy is it that the “Unity Talks” proposed by Speaker Joe de Venecia, which appear to have been
was sufficiently intrigued and mildly welcomed by assorted opposition leaders, remind me of that scene in Godfather I where Don
alarmed by the intrepid call of the Vito Corleone sat down with the heads of other Mafia families to discuss their “business inter-
octogenarian retired Gen. Fortunato ests?” And then again, why is it that the proposed talks also remind me of the late Manuel Conde’s classic
Abat for a revolutionary government to film satire, Juan Tamad goes to Congress?
save our bankrupt political system, the
call itself was largely ignored. His mes-
I mean no disrespect (a mandatory preamble in opposition desires what is best for the people.” When a lot of high-ranking politicians have arrived,
sage may be apt, perhaps laudable, es- Mafia discussions), but I can’t help imagining Marlon And then he adds, “To paraphrase, General Mo- Congressman Tamad explains that he and Don Vito
pecially in these times when the Brando and Manoling Conde calling a meeting of tors, ‘What’s good for the Untidy Opposition is best decided to call a meeting of the “Standing Commit-
government’s credibility is shot and “Heads of Families” and “Heads of Houses” to discuss for all the people.” tee” of the political parties in order to “condemn the
the fate of a fictional country called Maharlika. Congressman Isku is just beginning to get revved recurring coup attempts and to move the country for-
there seems to be little hope, but for a “We are prepared to meet and talk to anyone,” says up. His words ring with great profundity. ward to constitutional amendments.”
complete overhaul of our failed and Brando in the role of Don Vito Corleone, “but only on “The government should be more responsive to the “We will no longer take the situation lying down,”
pseudo-democratic system. condition that we agree to unseat President Aruy and needs of the people,” he says. “The problem is this: They declares Don Vito. “We will also not take it sitting
I will head a junta.” seem to be too busy trying to keep and protect their down.”
“He means, hunta, as in huntahan, as in convers- jobs that they seem to forget to do their jobs, which is “That’s why we want the members of the Standing
But the harbinger of the message failed to fire the ing,” hurriedly explains Conde in the role of Congress- principally to serve the majority of the people who Committee,” explains Congressman Tamad.
poor into dramatic action or even inspire the middle man Juan Tamad. That quickly reassures the assorted happen to be poor.” Sen. Ang Galing, chairman of the opposition
class to once again leave their comfort zones and join oppositionists. “That’s exactly what we are going to do, “Sounds familiar,” muses Congressman Tamad. “I Lubluban ng Demokratikong Mamamayan, speaks up
a nationwide mobilization to overthrow the present di ba? Maghuhuntahan!” think I heard that before.” at this point: “Convening the meeting proposed by Don
dispensation. Abat is way too old, his background and “We are prepared to meet and talk to anyone, but “The ones guilty of destabilization are actually Vito and Congressman Tamad will allow leaders to set
politics too rooted in the fascist military establishment it must be clear that the purpose is not to save the Presi- those in government,” Congressman Isku goes on. “By directions for a drifting people.”
and his former and present allies and patrons are them- dent or prevent her ouster,” echoes Congressman Isku, their own doing or their failure to do their jobs, they Congressman Tamad readily agrees. “Every time it
selves reviled by the people. secretary general of the Untidy Opposition. foment destabilization talks. The solution lies in their rains, we become a drifting people. Therefore, we
Abat is a Don Quixote whose sole weapon is his In an earlier newspaper interview, he had acknowl- hands.” should solve the flood problem.”
deep-seated frustration about the perpetuation of cor- edged “the urgency of the situation” which, thus, ne- At this point, Congressman Tamad, who has be- The senator ignores Congressman Tamad and
ruption in government and the seeming lethargy of cessitated the “Unity Talks.” come truly impressed with Congressman Isku, notices pointedly refers to Don Vito: “We must also quash these
the populace to rise in arms against their own oppres- According to the press reports, Congressman Isku something funny about the speech he is reading. It’s a coup rumors. We must set a direction for the country,
sion and exploitation. With such weapon in hand, Abat “cited the people’s ‘growing disenchantment’ as a re- speech that had been delivered by someone in then otherwise, people will be suggesting extrajudicial
becomes an all-too familiar and ordinary person from sult of government corruption, low wages, the high Vice-President Aruy’s group when they were calling means.”
the political perspective: your average Filipino who has prices of commodities and continued oil price in- for the impeachment of President Hirap. Upon hearing “direction,” Congressman Tamad
become completely disillusioned with the status quo. creases.” “I think you’re reading the wrong speech, Mr. Con- thinks of recommending Francis Ford Copolla, but
And knowing such stereotype, the average Filipino Congressman Tamad wonders aloud if Congress- gressman,” says Congressman Tamad. Don Vito cuts in:
will just remain passive, even indifferent, rather than man Isku wasn’t talking about every administration, “No, it’s the right speech. Just a change of charac- “Extrajudicial? I’m gonna make President Aruy an
gather together in great numbers and under one ban- present and past. ters,” Congressman Isku quickly replies. “Sa totoo lang, offer she can’t refuse!”
ner of a vanguard organization or movement, steeled “Di ba, the people, lagi namang may ‘growing dis- this was written by Butch Aquino and Reli German Not everyone buys these tactics, however. Com-
by a determination, storm the gates of Malacañang. enchantment as a result of government corruption, low during the time of President Apo, when my father was menting on the planned “Unity Talks,” another solon,
Unfortunately, this is not without an explanation wages, the high prices of commodities and continued Secretary of Farming, Piggery and Poultry Raising.” Sen. Flash, calls up the media and stresses that he does
or a rationalization. After all, the history of revolts, up- oil price increases?’” Congressman Tamad asks. Now, it’s the turn of the party-list representatives not agree with all the talk about replacing elected offi-
risings, rebellions and revolutions in the country is gen- Congressman Isku counters that it’s the to speak. cials by means of a coup.
erally characterized as short-lived, replete with betray- opposition’s turn to do the accusing. The first one at the mike is from the Partidong No “It’s always this case… We have a lot of people who
als, wracked by internal conflicts and dissensions, or “It’s like basketball,” he explains. “Whoever has the Permanent Address. don’t love our country and openly call for replacement
defined as outright failures. Understandably, Filipinos ball does the shooting. When we’re back in power, it “We are open to unite with progressive forces, but of elective officials. It’s a very poor precedent and
are exhausted by such pointless exercises which make will be their turn to accuse us.” we will never allow ourselves to be used to perpetuate speaks badly of our maturity as a nation,” says Sen.
them sweat blood and tears, but, in the end, do not “Parang basketball,” Congressman Isku reiterates. a government that does not serve and protect the in- Flash.
remotely inure to their well-being and welfare or do That response throws Congressman Tamad off- terest of the people, like this politically isolated Presi- This attitude of Sen. Flash has Congressman Tamad
not last the season’s anger or go beyond the balance. “How did the huntahan suddenly shift to bas- dent,” he says. worried.
demonization of the fill-in-the-blank “people’s enemy.” ketball?” he wonders. Congressman Tamad doesn’t quite hear that state- “If Sen. Flash does not want elective officials re-
EDSA 1 was supposed to be a proud moment for Then he realizes that it all makes sense: “Basket- ment clearly. He can only make out “politically iso- placed by means of a coup, is he suggesting that Presi-
the country as we booted out a despicable dictator- ball, politics. Same-same. Parehong bolahan.” lated.” dent Hirap should be reinstated?”
ship only to replace the same “We’ re not a destructive opposition,” Congress- “Oo nga naman,” he remarks. “If you live in the
with a kind of democracy man Isku stresses, adding that, like Maharlikañang, the Netherlands, you are politically isolated.”
that serves only the interests RANDOM WALKER
of the propertied and the NOEL G. REYES
wealthy. After the restoration
of the oligarchy was com-
pleted, the traditional politi- out to his pain as he pulled the trigger. I close my whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and
cians soon put a stranglehold DEAR EDITOR eyes, but I still see his pain. I still see his face bloody leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches
on the body polity as the in Loyola Memorial. My poor Ted. and scatters them. This is because he works for pay
people behind people power A wife’s call I can’t help the anger in me against all those who and has no concern for the sheep.
were themselves disenfran- Like Ted, I have to be strong on the outside for left him alone … all those who are waiting to reap We all know that Ted is the good shepherd. So
chised politically and left my children’s sake, but grief overwhelms me. It the fruits of Ted’s labor. Urban Bank was just a failed who is the wolf and who are the hired men?
powerless to improve their deeply pains me that with all of Ted’s planning I investment for them. Urban Bank to Ted was his life. May all those guilty of pulling the trigger that
own lives. never even detected his plan to take his life. Looking He did not abandon his Urban Bank family. killed Ted find it in their heart to continue Ted’s
EDSA 2 was no different. back, I can see the anguish in his eyes. My guilt is In the Book of John 10:11-13, I am the Good crusade for justice. Ted never gave up. With all cases
In fact, it merely benefited an Noel Reyes was unable ever before me that maybe I could have done Shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the he filed and dismissed in the Supreme Court due
Guevarra, S1/5 to submit a column. something more for Ted. I love Ted. My heart reaches sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and Dear Editor, S1/5

From S1/4
actual power grab by a rival faction of Estrada’s then
Day 113 of the President’s silence COMMENTARY
ruling establishment. Not only did the revolt cum street
party cum mob rule looked ludicrous, it also deodor-
ized the foul success by GMA’s cabal in hijacking a

popular revolt in order to promote the interests of nar- inally, finally, finally, President Bush is showing a little muscle on the issue of genocide in Darfur. Is
row political ambitions. the muscle being used to stop the genocide of hundreds of thousands of villagers? No, tragically, it’s
EDSA 3 all but squeezed the Filipino’s last drop of to stop Congress from taking action. Incredibly, the Bush administration is fighting to kill the
faith in any revolutionary undertaking. Far from us-
ing the mass uprising as a vehicle to serve the noblest Darfur Accountability Act, which would be the most forceful step the United States has taken so far
aspirations of the poor, EDSA 3 was conscripted as a against the genocide. The bill, passed by the Senate, calls for such steps as freezing assets of the genocide’s
hired jeepney by a disgraced presidency to fight for leaders and imposing an internationally backed no-fly zone to stop Sudan’s army from strafing villages.
one man’s personal liberties. So many potential revo-
lutionaries, just for one beneficiary does not a revolu-
tion make. Instead, it makes a mockery out of The White House was roused from its stupor of Democrats had staggered to their feet on the issue, Bush All three concerns are legitimate. But when histo-
everyone’s sacrifices. indifference on Darfur to send a letter, a copy of which was telephoning Sudan’s leader and pressing for a rians look back on his presidency, they are going to
With this permeating the minds of most Filipinos, I have in my hand, to congressional leaders, instruct- cease-fire there. focus on Bush’s fiddling as hundreds of thousands of
Abat’s call for a revolution towards national salvation ing them to delete provisions about Darfur from the Later, Bush forthrightly called the slaughter geno- people were killed, raped or mutilated in Darfur —
was greeted with reservation, if not silence, by the very legislation. cide, and he has continued to back the crucial step of a and if the situation worsens, the final toll could reach
people who should be the ones leading it, Abat in- Bush might reflect on a saying of President larger African Union force to provide security. Just the a million dead.
cluded, especially when he walked out of the Club Fili- Kennedy: “The hottest places in hell are reserved for baby steps Bush has taken have probably saved hun- This Thursday marks Holocaust Remembrance
pino press conference which he himself organized. those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their dreds of thousands of lives. Day. The best memorial would be for more Americans
After all, Abat’s call cannot be answered by the people neutrality.” So why is Bush so reluctant to do a bit more and to protest about this administration’s showing the same
with zealous mass demonstrations or brave armed con- Aside from the effort to block congressional action, save perhaps several hundred thousand more lives? I lack of interest in Darfur that FDR showed toward the
frontations with the soldiers of the status quo. there are other signs that the administration is trying sense that there are three reasons. genocide of Jews. Ultimately, public pressure may force
This is because people have already grown deaf to to backtrack on Darfur. The first sign came when First, Bush doesn’t see any neat solution, and he’s Bush to respond to Darfur, but it looks as if he will
such calls at a time when the only important calling Condoleezza Rice gave an interview to The Washing- mindful that his father went into Somalia for humani- have to be dragged kicking and screaming by Republi-
for them is to survive the daily grind. And besides, since ton Post in which she deflected questions about Dar- tarian reasons and ended up with a mess. cans and Democrats alike.
nobody listens to the government anyway, there is no fur and low-balled the number of African Union troops Second, Bush is very proud — justly — that he Granted, Darfur defies easy solutions. But Bush
cogent reason to listen to those who present themselves needed there. helped secure peace in a separate war between north- was outspoken and active this spring in another
as the government-to-be. Then, in Sudan, Deputy Secretary of State Robert ern and southern Sudan. That peace is very fragile, and complex case, that of Terry Schiavo. If only Bush
Zoellick pointedly refused to repeat the administra- he is concerned that pressuring Sudan on Darfur might would exert himself as much to try to save the lives tion’s past judgment that the killings amount to geno- disrupt that peace while doing little more than of the two million people driven from their homes
cide. Zoellick also cited an absurdly low estimate of emboldening the Darfur rebels (some of them cut- in Darfur.
Darfur’s total death toll: 60,000 to 160,000. Every other throats who aren’t negotiating seriously). So I’m going to start tracking Bush’s lassitude. The
serious estimate is many times as high. The latest, from Third, Sudan’s leaders have increased their coop- last time Bush let the word Darfur slip past his lips
the Coalition for International Justice, is nearly eration with the CIA. As The Los Angeles Times re- publicly (to offer a passing compliment to US aid work-
400,000, and rising by 500 a day. ported, the CIA recently flew Sudan’s intelligence chief ers, rather than to denounce the killings) was Jan. 10.
Dear Editor This is not a partisan issue, for Republicans and to Washington for consultations about the war on ter- So Tuesday marks Day 113 of Bush’s silence about the
From S1/4 the Christian right led the way in blowing the whistle ror, and the White House doesn’t want to jeopardize genocide unfolding on his watch. —New York Times
on the slaughter in Darfur. As a result, long before that channel. News Service
also to his not being the major stockholder, his last
recourse was to give up his life that he may be heard
before the cases are dismissed with finality.
On April 11, at 9:45 a.m., Ted texted his lawyer to
make sure they file his Motion for Reconsideration

Laura Bush talks naughty

covering GR# 161276 Ted vs. Alberto Reyes, Ma. COMMENTARY
Dolores Yuvienco, Candon Guerrero and Tomas
Aure, Jr.
The Supervision and Examination Sector (SES)
of the BSP is the department in charge of preparing
a report and recommendation on the condition of

banks. Ted filed a complaint with the Ombudsman hen King Agamemnon and his fleet of warships were becalmed in the Aegean Sea, he ordered
against the SES officials for falsifying their reports to his wife to fetch their daughter so she could be sacrificed to the gods. It worked, sort of. The
conjure false grounds for the closure of Urban. The
Ombudsman found them guilty of simple neglect of winds picked up and blew the Greek ships to triumph at Troy, although Agamemnon’s wife
duty. They filed a petition with the CA to dismiss the did murder him later.
administrative charges which dismissal was granted.
So Ted filed this petition with the Supreme Court to
assail the CA decision. The SC denied his petition in Republican presidents rely on a slightly less cruel born-again husband sitting there and enjoying it? And The favorite Democratic explanation is that the red
its resolution promulgated on Jan 31, 2005. sacrificial ritual for their problems. Their wives appease cameras recording it for Republican preachers who are staters are hicks who have been blinded by righteousness,
Ted’s Motion for Reconsideration which he e- the media gods with comedy routines. determined to get sex out of schools and off televi- as Thomas Frank argues in What’s the Matter With Kan-
mailed to several people, including FVR, before Each spring, when politicians and reporters con- sion? sas? He laments that middle-class Kansans are so bam-
leaving the house on April 11, summarizes all vene for formal dinners that are supposed to be funny For the mainly Democratic audience — this was a boozled by moral issues like abortion and school prayer
injustices incurred against him and Urban Bank. and are often compared to root canals, they talk about crowd of Washington journalists and luminaries from that they vote for Republicans even though the Republi-
He gave up his life so that we may have ours. But Nancy Reagan’s “Second Hand Clothes” the way fans Hollywood and Manhattan — it was an evening of can tax-cutting policies are against their self-interest.
what is life without Ted. talk about the 1927 Yankees. The Reagans’ image for cognitive dissonance. How to reconcile this charming But middle-class Americans don’t simply cast bal-
“Yet death may still bear meaning or purpose for conspicuous consumption was never the same after image on stage with the Bush they love to bash? lots for Republicans. They also vote with their feet,
others, if not our lives.” Mrs. Reagan put on rags in 1982 to sing a lampoon of Mrs. Bush’s performance, and her husband’s reac- which is why blue states and old Democratic cities are
I learned a lot about Ted in his death which I her spending habits. tion, wasn’t a shock to the reporters who cover the losing population to red states and Republican exurbs.
never realized in our 24 years of marriage… which But on Saturday night, Laura Bush set a new stan- White House. For years they have tried to convince People are moving there precisely because of economic
makes me miss him all the more now. dard. After interrupting her husband and telling him their friends outside Washington that Bush is actually reasons — more jobs, affordable houses and the lower
I was deprived of my husband. My children were to sit down, she did a stand-up routine that included not a close-minded dolt, and Mrs. Bush is no Stepford taxes offered by Republican politicians.
deprived of their dad. So what happens now? What is what was probably the first joke told in earshot of a Wife or Church Lady. Yes, they’re Texans who go to They’re not moving for the churches, and they don’t
life for my children and I without Ted. President that involved him and a horse’s phallus. church and preach family values, but they’re not ya- vote for Bush simply because he reads the Bible every
Please don’t let Ted die in vain. Mrs. Bush called her husband Mr. Excitement for hoos or religious zealots. day. One of the main reasons they like him is that he
going to bed by 9 o’clock and turning her into a “des- The coverage of Mrs. Bush’s comic debut may gets bashed so often. When Jon Stewart sneers at him,
DOLLY BORLONGAN perate housewife.” She said that Lynne Cheney’s Se- change some minds, but for devout Bush-bashers, it’s they empathize because they’re used to being sneered
cret Service code name became Dollar Bill after they much easier to stay the course. If you live in a blue- at themselves.
both went to Chippendales (where they ran into Sandra state stronghold, a coastal city where you can go 24 They know what their image is in Manhattan and
Inaccurate and ridiculous Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Noting that hours without meeting any Republicans, it’s consol- Hollywood, and they know they’re not all that differ-
I read Mr. Firmo M. Tripon’s piece entitled Andover and Yale did not have “real strong ranching ing to think of the red staters as an alien bunch of ent from the Democrats in those places. They, too,
“Church in panic” (BusinessWorld, April 26, 2005) a programs,” she said Bush had started his ranching ca- straight-laced Bible thumpers. watch Desperate Housewives, and they’re not surprised
grossly inaccurate and ridiculous idea about the state reer by trying to milk a horse — a male horse. Otherwise, how do you explain why they’re Repub- to hear Laura Bush doing Chippendales jokes. They’ve
of the Catholic religion upon the death of Pope John Her timing had the audience howling, and the lican? Or answer the question Democrats asked in as- spent their own dollar bills there. They don’t see any-
Paul II and the election of Pope Benedict XVI. edgier lines had them gasping. Jokes about pent-up tonishment when they saw Bush’s vote totals: Who are thing the matter with that — or with themselves. —
I wish to know how credible Mr. Tripon is for sexual frustration from a prim librarian? With her these people? New York Times News Service
writing a laundry list of supposed faults of the
Catholic Church to which I and millions of Filipinos
May I, therefore, ask the following questions to
Mr. Tripon and other readers who took him seri-
1. Are you a baptized Catholic? If not, stop
reading this. writers from the great fathers of the Church, the your family and friends? teachings of the Church feel more secure than ever.
If you are, then let me first remind you that the doctors of the Church down to Pope John Paul II 3. Are you aware that our Lord has made clear Our structure and spiritual leader Pope John PauI II
“greatest enemy of the Catholic faith is ignorance.” and the present Pope Benedict XVI? Better include that everywhere on this earth, the good and the evil spent his time being the good shepherd ready to die
Why do you quote writers like Mr. Ang, whom you Catholic laymen writers such as Gilbert K. must coexist? Because if we insist that God roots out for his sheep. He preached faithfulness to the
said wrote a paper entitled Dark side of Catholicism? Chesteron, Hillaire Belloc and Theologian Frank all evil, then all the good will also be rooted out as a doctrines of the church. Our new Pope Benedict XVI
Have you read the history of the Church by Sheed consequence. This conflict of good and evil is for has a very lucid and authentic stand (read the May 2,
Alexander Knox (10 volumes)? Have you read the 2. Are you a practicing Catholic? Is asceticism each of us to solve individually in our own particular 2005 issue of Newsweek) on the issues of contracep-
Old Testament? Do you read the Gospels written (the spirit of sacrifice) a reality in your personal life? lives, with the help of our mother the Church. Is this tion, on sex scandal, on homosexuality, on women
after Christ was crucified as the fine-tuning of the Praying, doing good to others? I am sure you crystal clear? priests, on other forms of Christianity, on relations
Old Testament, regularly? Have you read the encycli- practice what you believe is your faith. I gather in The Church is not at all in panic. However, some with the Muslim world and on US politics.
cals of the popes, specially the social encyclicals the intense passion of your column, and the way you Catholics are indeed panicking — and rightly so, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI,
which began with Retum Novarum at the turn of the desire to correct the Catholic faith — “the Church is because they want to reinvent what has already obedient and aware of the Tues Petrus assignment
20th century? And the book entitled Compendium of in panic!” I felt your eagerness in your proposal for happened 2005 years ago. from Jesus Christ Himself, are the most cool,
All the Social Encyclicals published by the Roman the Church to soul-search, in your words, “for 4. The task of the true faithful is to continuously spiritual and theological Popes of modern times,
Catholic Church in 2004? Have you read the books something to believe in, with reason and without enlighten himself with the unchangeable doctrine of Panic is not in their vocabulary. Truth and moral
by and about Pope John Paul II? Have you read the fear.” Great intention! Who was it who said that a lot our mother, the Catholic Church. How? Read the laws are. Many good cardinals, bishops and priests
latest version of the Catechism of the Catholic of good intentions lead to hell. So the question I right books and writing about our faith, the Roman do their apostolic work and make personal sacrifices
Church made possible by John Paul II and the new pose is this: What do you believe? In the same Catholic religion; practice what we learn down to its to strengthen the truthfulness of the Catholic
Pope Benedict XVI? breadth, what do you practice? Do you go to the minutest consequences in everyday life; share our doctrines. It is media and issue-makers who conjure
If not, then I understand why the book of Mr. Sacraments of Salvation — you know, personal, enlightenment with our neighbors; and accept and panic, not to save humanity from evil, but to flex the
Ang and other such books, writings, and tabloids auricular confession to a priest, mass and commun- live with the reality that we have to be militant for muscle of information, to project power and influ-
have deformed your knowledge and understanding ion, praying before we sleep and, upon waking up, the rest of our lives on earth to earn the eternal bliss ence to both the gullible and spiritually lazy.
of our true faith. But God, in His wisdom, forgive, reciting the Holy Rosary? What about works of promised by our Lord which awaits us in heaven.
for often we do not really know what we write about. mercy — you know, feeding the hungry, visiting the Mr. Tripon, no true and faithful Catholic will MANOLING DE LEON
Simply put, it boils down to this question: Where do sick, clothing the naked, visiting the ones in prison, panic. Only the wishy-washy ones. In fact, many 16 Polk Street, North Greenhills
you position Mr. Ang in comparison to the range of and spreading the Good News of Salvation — to enlightened Catholics who are true to the official San Juan, Metro Manila


Senators still to agree on standby authority in value-added tax bill

Resistance to a proposal aimed posal, said a consensus was near and declining to elaborate on what these eral, condition. sions, adding “anything can hap- tions would fall short of expecta-
at resolving a deadlock in value- that all that was being deliberated should be. “We’re still making a consensus,” pen” in the bicam. tions.
added tax (VAT) deliberations ap- was how conservative or liberal the MOST PRACTICAL he said. “But there’s a majority in “In fact, our worry now is that Indicating that the government
pears to be strongest in the conditions for the provision would Presidential Adviser for Political favor of the standby authority. More all the provisions that are favorable remains hard-pressed to generate
lesislative chamber which spawned be. Affairs Gabriel S. Claudio said the or less, we have an indication of the to consumers, the President will more revenues, the investment bank
the recommendation. Among the proposals, said Mr. standby authority appears to be the concerns of each member of the veto it,” he said. “The government pointed out that the P15 billion ex-
The Senate panel to the bicam- Recto, was that the authority could “most practical” way to break the panel.” gets richer, but actually power and pected to be generated by the new
eral conference committee deliber- be tied to the government’s tax col- impasse between the Senate and the He refused, however, to name oil will not pay anything.” excise tax on “sin” products such as
ating the VAT bill met yesterday in lection effort: the power to hike the House. which senators in the Senate bicam- The bicam is expected to resume liquor and tobacco, which was ap-
an effort to reach a consensus on a VAT a “reward” for an improvement He said Malacañang is not aban- eral conference committee panel are discussions on Thursday following proved by Congress last year, will
standby authority proposal which in overall revenues. doning the plan to raise the VAT rate for or against the standby author- last week’s deadlock. Tarlac Rep. likely be offset by interest payments.
would give the President the au- The Senate panel is also looking to 12%, but recognizes that the bi- ity. Jesli A. Lapus said the VAT bill is Bear Stearns recalled that the
thority to raise the VAT rate on cer- at a National Government deficit or cameral conference committee will Sen. Joker P. Arroyo, for his part, highly likely to include the standby government assumed P200 billion
tain conditions. consolidated public sector deficit remain deadlocked unless a com- said “I do not care about the standby authority provision. in debts of the state-owned Na-
After an initial meeting in the (CPSD) coming in higher than a promise is reached. authority” as he is concerned with LESSER REVENUES tional Power Corp. early this year,
afternoon, legislators went back for certain percentage of gross domes- After initially agreeing to pass the possibility that the “no pass-on” Meanwhile, an investment bank which it said requires interest pay-
a full Senate session. Barring an an- tic product (GDP). the bill before the end of April, the provisions on power and fuel, which said additional revenues to be col- ments of P15 billion.
nouncement after that, the Senate The time frame allowing the bicam called off further meeting last are contained in both Senate and lected by the VAT bill would likely It noted that the decision of
panel was expected to meet anew President to raise the rate is also week after the Senate insisted on House versions of the VAT bill, will be between P30-40 billion instead House representatives to the bicam
but the meeting was abruptly called under consideration. keeping the VAT rate at 10%. be removed. of the original P60 billion eyed by panel to abandon multiple VAT
off. Malacañang, meanwhile, said Finance Sec. Cesar Purisima ear- This means that once the 12% the government. rates could convince the Senate to
No new schedule has been an- the limits must be clearly spelled out lier proposed that the standby au- VAT rate on power and fuel is im- In its latest report, New York- agree to raise the VAT to 12% from
nounced and senators refused to for the standby authority to be con- thority be given if CPSD is more posed, it will generate P40 billion based Bear, Stearns & Co. said that 10%, but recent developments ap-
provide further comment. stitutionally permissible. than 1% of GDP. which will in the end be shouldered unless the bicameral conference pear to have gone against this pre-
Earlier in the day, panel mem- “The standards or limits must This, however, faced opposition by consumers. committee reconciling the Senate diction. – with reports from Felipe
ber Sen. Ralph G. Recto, who had be stated in the law itself,” Press Sec- from a number of senators, with Mr. He said Malacañang is report- and House versions approves “a F. Salvosa II, Judy T. Gulane and
raised the standby authority pro- retary Ignacio R. Bunye said while Recto calling it a “low bar”, or lib- edly bent on deleting these provi- more robust bill,” additional collec- Kristine L. Alave

Controls sought Training lack behind accidents at work BY KERLYN G. BAUTISTA, Reporter

on charges for Fixed-line subscriptions

A lack of training among work- “Most have never worked with alized and newly industrialized
ers in developing countries has re- heavy machinery, and some have countries... some countries now

power pole use up but boom not expected

sulted in a high incidence of work
related accidents and illnesses, two
little or no experience with indus-
trial hazards such as electricity, so
undergoing rapid development in
Asia and Latin America are experi-
international bodies said. they don’t know how dangerous encing increases,” the report said.
A bill regulating charges on use In a joint report, the Interna- these things can be. Yet these are el- The ILO said there were 5,594 Fixed line telephone subscrip-
of electric poles by cable TV pro- tional Labor Organization (ILO), ements of the kinds of jobs that are fatal work-related accidents in the tions grew by 4.52% last year to 3.45
viders and telecommunications and the World Health Organization available for low skilled workers in Philippines in 2001. Out of this, million, pointing a slow comeback
firms has been filed at the House of (WHO) said some developing rapidly industrializing countries,” 4,210 were accidents in the agricul- for the lackluster landline business.
Representatives. countries have failed to educate he added. ture sector, 842 in the service indus- Despite the increase, the num-
Catanduanes Rep. Joseph A. workers in preventive safety mea- The report said the number of try, and 542 cases in the industrial ber of unused fixed lines in the
Santiago, in House Bill 4079, wants sures amid rapid industrialization. job-related accidents and illnesses, sector. country still stands at 3.08 million
the National Telecommunications “This is happening because in which annually claim more than The joint report also said the and telecom officials do not expect
Commission (NTC) to regulate the the newly developing countries two million lives worldwide, ap- most common workplace illnesses the sector to boom given the popu-
use of electric poles and other sup- workers are often coming out of the pears to be rising because of rapid are cancers from exposure to haz- larity of mobile telephony.
port structures to ensure that the rural areas, with few skills and very industrialization in some develop- ardous substances, musculoskeletal The country currently has an
firms which own these do not set little training in safe work practices”, ing countries, particularly in Asia, diseases, respiratory diseases, hear- installed fixed line capacity of 6.53
arbitrary and exorbitant rates. Dr. Jukka Takala, Director of the and Latin America. ing loss, circulatory diseases and million, about three million of
“Over the years, telecommuni- ILO’s Safework Program, said in a “While workplace accidents communicable diseases caused by which were rolled out by Philippine
cations and CATV (cable television) statement. have levelled off in many industri- exposure to pathogens. Long Distance Telephone Company
operators have found it expedient, and about 1.5 million by Innove
even necessary, to run wires to their Communications Inc., a wholly- Mr. Cabarios said.
subscribers using the poles of util-
ity firms,” he said.
“Utility firms, in turn, have
Rural microenterprise program gets OK owned subsidiary of Globe
Telecoms Inc.
The National Telecommunica-
“If telcos would push VoIP, and
if the government allows value-
added service providers to resell
found it opportune to charge sky- A US$28.3789-million program Development (IFAD) will provide financing for rural development tion Commission (NTC) said ag- fixed lines for the telcos and then
high rent. As a result, telecommu- aimed at promoting rural micro-en- US$18.6327 million in soft loans (MEFRD); microenterprise promo- gressive cost bundling, low internet offer VoIP, then we can see a come-
nications and CATV operators have terprises has been approved by the and $1.1215 million in grants. tion and development (MEPD); connection pricing, and other back for the landline,” he added.
been forced to pass the excessive National Economic and Develop- “The IFAD loan terms are and institutional development, pro- value-added offerings pushed Problems surrounding the
charges on their subscribers,” Mr. ment Authority’s Investment Coor- highly concessional at 0.75% inter- gram management and policy co- landline subscriptions into positive landline business of the telcos sur-
Santiago, who once served as NTC dination Committee (NEDA-ICC) est payable in 40 years with a grace ordination. territory last year from 2003’s nega- faced soon after former president
commissioner, added. The seven-year Rural Micro- period of 10 years,” NEDA Public The MEFRD component fo- tive 0.35%. Fidel V. Ramos signed the Service
HB 4079 also aims to ensure Enterprise Promotion Program of Investment Staff director Jonathan cuses on providing wholesale loans NTC director Edgardo V. Area Scheme (SAS) or the Univer-
telecommunication providers the Department of Trade and In- L. Uy said in a statement. to microfinance institutions. The Cabarios, however, said a rally in sal Telephone Service Policy in
right-of-way “within the frame dustry (DTI) is expected to boost The government’s counterpart MEPD, meanwhile, aims to estab- landline subscriptions may be un- 1993.
work of just and fair play.” the growth of small and medium fund will total US$8.6247 million, lish a demand-based Business De- likely over the medium term be- SAS required operators of cel-
The bill also guarantees that enterprises (SMEs) in the Bicol, which will be provided by the DTI velopment Services facility. The last cause of the sustained popularity of lular mobile telephone service
CATV operators and telecommuni- Eastern Visayas, Cordillera, and the Small Business Guarantee component focuses on training and mobile communications. (CMTS) and international gateway
cations firms not be barred from Socsksargen and Caraga regions. and Finance Corp. (SBGFC). capability-building. Mr. Cabarios said landline sub- facility (IGF) to install at least
carrying additional value added ser- Of the total project cost, the In- The microenterprise project has The project is scheduled to start scriptions may lie dormant unless 400,000 and 300,000 landlines, re-
vices. ternational Fund for Agricultural three components: microenterprise by the third quarter of this year. telcos improve their internet con- spectively, in unserved areas within
nection business and provide appli- five years. If a telco offers both
cations like voice-over internet pro- CMTS and IGF service, it had to roll
tocol (VoIP). out at least 700,000 landlines in un-
LET’S TALK between the two groups and added in Thailand: ‘the proposed Thai- VoIP is an internet-enabled served areas.
Traveler’s tales Japanese free trade agreement should be carefully considered so as not
to disadvantage other trading partners’. We told Mandelson that we have
value-added service that lets tele-
communications happen at a lower
This scheme created a glut of
installed landlines which remained
SCHUMACHER the same issue in the Philippines where a free trade agreement is being cost. With VoIP, international calls unused, as people started buying
I spent last week in Vietnam (Hanoi) and negotiated with Japan. are expected to drop to 10 cents a mobile phones over the traditional
Thailand (Bangkok) to participate in regional • While in Bangkok, the information reached me that the Philippine minute from the current market fixed telephones.
conferences. Let me share with you some ob- president had declared Monday, May 2, as a nonworking holiday. Here price of 40 cents a minute. NTC data show that mobile
servations: are some of the comments I received from Manila: “Why this was not “There won’t be any major phone subscription grew to 33.44
• The treatment of departing visitors and declared with more advance notice? These sort of last-minute actions by movement in the fixed line, telcos million in 2004, up 48.54% from
OFWs at NAIA Terminal 1 (and Terminal 2) is government harass the private sector, add to business costs and are truly will just try to maximize whatever 22.51 million in 2003. This growth
absolutely ridiculous and unique in Asia. Only incomprehensible.” “These irresponsible, populist and erratic actions by investments they have already is carried over from 2003, when
in the Philippines do you have to line up out- government are making the country less and less attractive as a place to made. People have found a good mobile subscription grew 46.33%
side the airport terminal to have your passport do business in”. alternative in mobile phones now,” from 15.38 million in 2002.
and ticket checked by a security guard! When I • In Thailand, organized labor also bargained for an increase in mini-
flew on Sunday, April 24, there were about 300 people trying to get into mum wages; Thaksin made it clear that it was more important that Thai-

Hearings on internet phone

the airport. If I were a tourist, I would not return! land stays competitive. In the Philippines, the headline reads: GMA or-
Given the fact that the ACR I-Card does not work yet and that there ders hike in minimum wage. It is not surprising that Thailand and Viet-
is no special lane leaving the country (and coming back), about 30 of us nam are high on the investors’ radar screen (after China, of course).

calls extended by regulator

had to line up at a special counter where payments had to be made. The • While NAIA Terminal 3 remains mired with legal, commercial and
cashier and the immigration official could have handled the line reason- technical problems and the opening becoming more and more unlikely
ably well, if there had not been scores of “fixers” that received special before the end of this year, the new Bangkok international airport is
treatment by the two civil servants. delayed also. It was originally scheduled to open in September but it will
I suggest that the management of the airport, including security and be a bit later. While in Bangkok, a corruption case made waves: the pro- National Telecommunication The NTC said that it will allot
immigration, is outsourced to the private sector. curement of baggage scanners from InVision Technologies of the US for Commission (NTC) hearings on 10 more days to accommodate po-
• In Hanoi, one of the senior planning consultants of the Vietnamese the new international Bangkok airport. InVision Technologies admitted the Voice-over Internet Protocol sition papers on VoIP and 15 days
government presented the development plan of the country. Two things that corruption money had been paid by them in Thailand, Vietnam (VoIP) service have been extended more for it to consolidate inputs
were surprising: he spoke in fluent German and outlined the practical and the Philippines. In Thailand, the CTX machines were overvalued by following calls from telcos, indepen- from the industry.
approach of the Vietnamese government to foreign investment. One about US$ 10 million. Did anybody raise this issue in Manila? dent service providers, and telecom The telco regulator did not say
could feel the sense of urgency. There is no doubt that Vietnam will • As mentioned earlier, on my return from Thailand on April 30, equipment suppliers for a longer when a final ruling on VoIP would
develop fast and get close to the Philippines’ per capita income soon. there was no special lane for ACR I-Card holders anymore and the im- debate. be released.
• I appreciated the dialogue with Trade Commissioner Mandelson migration officer at my lane just looked at the card and said that they VoIP is an internet-based com- The long-standing issue on who
of the European Commission. He was on a tour through Asia (exclud- had no equipment yet. munication technology that has should offer VoIP was sparked on
ing the Philippines). Our main focus was on free trade agreements, which Back in Manila, after four days of intense discussions with colleagues been touted to drive down monthly November 25, 2003 when the De-
are blossoming in Asia, with countries like China, Japan and the US. We from Europe and all of Asia, it is said to say that the Philippines is not on telecommunication charges in the partment of Transportation and
raised our concern that Europe has to move also in order to maintain a the agenda of many businessmen and government officials. We all know Philippines. Local telecom costs run Communication granted telcos the
level playing field for European business. He said in Hanoi that the EU why but nobody seems to care. as one of the highest in Asia at exclusive right to offer VoIP. The de-
and ASEAN have agreed to study the potential of a free trade agreement Email comments to $22.38 for businesses and $10.74 for cision effectively barred non-telcos
residential users. from offering the service.

HONG KONG — The Indonesian ru- Indonesian budget spending.

piah and Philippine peso, Asia’s two
long-term underachievers, both
Fund flow trends spell trouble for rupiah, peso One way a country can slow an
outflow of funds is to raise capital
look vulnerable to the threat of an in a foreign currency. Indonesia last
exodus of investments and rising in terms of fund flows,” said Sean in 2005 so far versus $35 million in Our sense is that, likely not,” Ong timent has been hurt by the delay month raised $1 billion. That means
risk aversion. Darby, equities strategist at Nomura all of 2004. said. in approving tax reforms. it has more dollars to use for for-
The rupiah, last year’s worst- International. But analysts are dubious that Surging remittances from Fili- In Indonesia, as money has eign currency transactions and
performing currency in Asia, has The dollar has been bolstered by trend will continue. pinos working abroad, investments poured out of the country, a once- doesn’t need to sell rupiah.
fallen to three-year lows and is be- the 1.75 percentage points of rate Craig Chan, strategist at Royal in energy and mining and broad brisk stock market has faltered. In- But the Indonesian bond has
ing drip-fed whatever support the rises in less than a year and the Bank of Scotland, said he sees the portfolio purchases account for the donesian shares, which reached a performed poorly as emerging mar-
government can offer. Yesterday promise of more to come. At the rupiah weakening further and he rise to date in fund flows into the record high on expectations of a kets have broadly been sold off. It
morning, it was at 9,550 to a dollar same time, high oil prices are forc- would not recommend buying the Philippines. post-tsunami reconstruction de- was originally sold to yield 7.375%
versus 9,290 at the end of 2004. ing funds out the Philippines and peso either. That has helped the peso, mak- mand, are now also near three- but its price has now fallen to give
The peso seemed to be staring Indonesia in order to pay for costly “Both are risk currencies and ing it the top performing currency month lows. it a yield of more than 8% in the
at a crisis for much of 2003 and well crude bills. risk appetite at this point in time is in Asia along with the South Ko- “We haven’t seen any concrete secondary market.
into 2004 before it steadied on signs “Smaller markets are finding it not high,” Chan said. “These flows rean won. Yesterday morning, it was measures to improve corporate gov- The Philippines in January sold
of political stability and the difficult to deal with the strength- are real, not speculative.” at 54.14 to a dollar versus 56.28 at ernance, no concrete initiatives to $1.5 billion of 25-year bonds, an is-
government’s eagerness to tackle a ening dollar and higher oil prices, In the peso’s case, where fund the end of 2004. improve the economic climate and sue that attracted orders in excess
chronic budget deficit. Since Janu- and that is shrinking the overall flows so far this year have been sup- But Ong said politics would no measures to improve the FDI of $7.5 billion.
ary, it has risen 3.9%. balance of payments,” Darby said. portive, it is a question of come back to haunt the market. flows,” said Bratin Sanyal, head of “This outcome for Indonesia
But now, with emerging mar- Indonesia has already seen out- sustainability. Politicians are bickering over plans Asian equities at ING investment could raise the cost of the Philip-
kets out of favor as US interest rates flows of $1.7 billion in the year to JP Morgan economist Sin Beng for value added tax, the cornerstone management. pines’ next sovereign bond issue,
head north, fund flow trends spell April 24, dwarfing the net inflows Ong said he expects the peso to re- of a strategy for tackling the budget Fauzi Ichsan, economist at Stan- and it could embolden investors in
trouble for both units. of $979 million in all of last year, verse course over the next three to deficit. dard Chartered, said the revival of peso-denominated treasury bonds
“As risk aversion has started to according to exchange data collated six months. Ong said that would deter both the currency held the key to the to demand higher yields in coming
increase, smaller, peripheral mar- by Nomura. “We have seen pretty strong direct and portfolio investments. stock market’s recovery and to re- t-bond auctions,” said John
kets like Indonesia and Philippines The Philippines has managed to portfolio flows so far — the ques- Philippine stocks are hovering ducing a debilitating fuel subsidy Stuermer, head of high-yield re-
have suffered a change in sentiment attract $179 million in fund flows tion is whether it can be sustained? just above three-month lows as sen- bill, which accounts for a 10th of search at Bear Stearns. — Reuters

Consumer group asks SC

By KAREN L. LEMA, Senior Reporter
to roll back power charges Bangko Sentral expects higher in off-grid areas
A consumer group is asking the
Supreme Court to roll back power
rates by at least 13.27 centavos per
implementation of the assailed or-
der will work injustice to petition-
ers for the same is to take effect im-
’05 balance of payments surplus The National Power Corp.
(Napocor) has asked the private sec-
tor to invest in three off-grid areas
in the country.
kilowatt-hour claiming that Manila mediately.” Dollar flows into the country are ers and portfolio investments to exchange windfall to $783 million. Investors will enter into 15-year
Electric Co. (Meralco) illegally in- The consumer group alleged expected to double this year because grow.” The strong inflows of portfolio power supply agreements with three
creased generation charges in June that Meralco’s pricing of electricity of strong worker remittances and a Last year, the central bank scaled investments since the start of the electric cooperatives. The program
last year. was not made transparent as no surge in portfolio investments, the down the BoP target for 2005 to a year, which had led to a sharp ap- is envisioned to provide the inves-
The National Association of public hearing nor consultation was Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) surplus of $464 million from $505 preciation of the peso against the tors with full cost recovery and re-
Electricity Consumers for Reforms made. yesterday said. million on expectations that higher US dollar, also gave the BSP the op- turn in capital.
(Nasecore), in a recent filing, asked It added that the power rate in- Bangko Sentral officer-in- oil prices may slow down the glo- portunity to buy dollars in the spot Together with transaction advi-
the high tribunal to void a June 2 crease violated the Electric Power charge Amando M. Tetangco, Jr., bal economy. market. sor International Finance Corpo-
Energy Regulatory Commission Industry Acts (EPIRA), which dis- said that the central bank has re- Bangko Sentral officials, how- The BoP account is a summary ration, the government has created
(ERC) decision that allowed allows rate adjustments without the vised its balance of payments (BoP) ever, said the Philippines may end of the country’s trade and financial this cash flow opportunity for in-
Meralco to increase electricity rates publication of a distribution account target for the year to $852 the year with a stronger payments transactions with the rest of the vestors through innovative means,
to P3.3213 per kilowatt-hour from utility’s application for an increase million from $464 million, despite position with remittances from the world. Its current account compo- Napocor said.
P3.1886. in its generation charges in news- lowering their export and imports country’s seven million-plus over- nent measures all trade in goods It will be rolled-out initially in
“Petitioners seek to restrain the papers. forecasts, because of an expected seas Filipino workers expected to and services, while the capital and three off-grid areas: Marinduque,
implementation of the challenged “There is no iota of doubt that rise in remittances as well as port- reach $9.4 billion and portfolio in- financial account shows “hot Romblon and Tablas.
order, as public respondent ERC in the challenged 2 June 2004 order folio investments. vestments to hit $1.2 billion. money” flows into and out of the “Private participation is ex-
exercising its quasi-judicial func- was issued by public respondent The export and import forecasts A year-end BoP surplus of at country. pected to improve generation effi-
tions acted with grave abuse of dis- ERC in stark violation of EPIRA were lowered to 8% and 10% from $852 million would be a significant “The more inflows the better it ciency, provide much-needed capi-
cretion amounting to lack or excess and its IRR and thus tramples upon original projections of 10% and improvement from the $282-mil- is for the peso because we have more tal and offer significant cost and re-
of jurisdiction,” Nasecore said in its the rights of herein petitioners to 13% respectively, but Mr. Tetangco lion shortfall in 2004. In March, the receipts and this will also help the liability benefits to end-consumers
filing. procedural due process,” Nasecore said the central bank “expects remit- BoP posted a surplus of $98 million, GIR (gross international reserves),” in missionary areas,” Napocor presi-
The organization added “...the claimed. tances from overseas Filipino work- bringing the first-quarter foreign Mr. Tetangco said. dent Cyril del Callar said.

Spot power market moves

closer to actual operations
Operations of the Wholesale Electricity Spot The chamber, which spearheads the Cebu
Market (WESM) will move one step forward this Power Core Group, also asked the President to
week as the Philippine Electricity Market Corp. fast-track the completion of the Leyte Cebu In-
(PEMC) opens its doors to nominations of ad- terconnection Uprating Project and the
ditional representatives to a body that will over- privatization of the National Power Corp.
see the market’s operations. (Napocor).
PEMC President Lasse Matti Holopainen said “Because of the government’s subsidy to
that they are awaiting the Department of Energy’s Napocor, our power generation rate is not re-
clearance to dissolve a technical working group flective of its true cost and is certainly not com-
before opening nominations for three more petitive,” Mr. Go said.
members “who do not have a vested interest in He and other business leaders in Cebu met
the industry.” with the President at the Mactan Benito Ebuen
The independent committee will also include Airbase last week.
the 12 members of the technical group which is In another development, the Cebu Alliance
composed of buyers and sellers of electricity. for Renewable Energy urged Mrs. Arroyo to re-
Though majority of the committee will come consider the government’s endorsement of the
from the energy sector, Mr. Holopainen ex- proposed 220-megawatt coal-fired power plant
pressed confidence there will be no vested inter- of Mirant Philippines in Toledo City, about 50
est because “their [needs] are not aligned.” kilometers west of this city.
“We are trying this week [for the opening of “We urged the President to look into Mirant’s
nominations]. After that, nominations will close record of polluting Toledo City and the entire
within a month. Then the Board of Directors will province because of its coal-fired power plant
shortlist the nominees,” he said. operation,” said Vince Cinches, CARE coordina-
This will also pave the way for the establish- tor in Toledo.
ment of three committees: the rules change panel He said they have been collecting samples of
that will review the WESM rules, the market sur- ash from Mirant’s ash pond to determine the level
veillance committee which will check the day- of toxic chemicals in the ashes. Mr. Cinches said
to-day behavior of participants, and the dispute they will subject the samples to scientific analy-
resolution committee which will impose penal- sis.
The establishment of the WESM is part of
the series of reforms being implemented under
the Electric Power Act of 2001.
The spot market is designed to reflect the true
cost of electricity and improve the delivery of
power supply to end-users by encouraging
greater competition and efficiency. Consumers
will also be able to choose their supplier.
The government is targeting a January 2006
schedule for the Luzon market, and a few months
after for the Visayas region
In Cebu, meanwhile, businessmen have asked
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to immedi-
ately implement the WESM in the Visayas.
“For sure, this will provide more options to
the different power producers and thus, promote
competition among power generators,” said Rob-
ert L. Go, president of the Cebu Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.


Maynilad will Gov’t allows carriers
Competition weighs on Globe net not be parceled
The net income of Ayala-led
Globe Telecom, Inc. slightly grew to
declined as the company expanded
its operations in the provinces.
In the tough first quarter, Globe
relied on its Touch Mobile brand to out, says gov’t
to hike fuel surcharge
P3 billion in the first quarter from Capital expenditures amounted to grow its customer base. Touch Mo- Aviation authorities have au- fuel increase per passenger. This is
a restated P2.99 billion in profits last P5.1 billion. bile broke the two million subscrib- The government said opera- thorized commercial carriers to because the airlines need to remain
year as competition heats up in the “The first quarter of the year ers for the first time. tions of the debt-saddled Maynilad impose a fuel surcharge for both competitive in both domestic and
mobile market. was a mixture of challenges and It also tried to introduce new Water Services, Inc. will remain international and domestic flights international markets,” he added.
The second largest mobile op- good results,” Gerardo C. Ablaza, Jr., products in the first quarter to with one concessionaire. to recover the cost of higher jet fuel REVIEW
erator in the Philippines said rev- president and chief executive, said stream through the competition. It Both the Metropolitan Water- prices, an official yesterday said. The regulatory board would re-
enues grew by a slower 5% to P13.5 in a statement. launched G2P, a new postpaid serv- works and Sewerage System From next week Philippine Air- view the surcharges after six months
billion compared to 2004. Although Analyst Jose Vistan of AB Capi- ice providing the subscriber with a (MWSS) and the court-appointed lines, Cebu Pacific Air and Air Phil- and may order a reduction once fuel
Globe said wireless subscriber base tal Securities, Inc. earlier said Globe prepaid line using one mobile receiver of Maynilad said that there ippines will charge up to P250 prices have softened, Mr. Mañalac
grew 42% to 12.9 million in the first has been hurting from aggressive number and one SIM. Its G-Cash are no plans to parcel out the water ($4.62) per passenger on domestic said.
quarter ending March, it still missed marketing campaigns of Smart service also registered 800,000 us- concessionaire into several groups. flights and as much as $8 dollars on Aviation fuel has risen to more
the 13 million targeted by end-2004. Communications, Inc. and new en- ers from only 200,000 at the begin- MWSS Deputy Administrator international flights, said Tomas than $70 per barrel from $55 at the
Average revenue per user also trant Sun Cellular. ning of the year. Macra Cruz said that the govern- Mañalac, Civil Aeronautics Board last fare rise in November, industry
ment would want to finish polish- executive director. officials say.
BY JENNEE GRACE U. RUBRICO, Senior Reporter ing first the rehabilitation plan of “The fuel surcharges being im- Fuel typically accounts for
Maynilad before anything else. — posed by the carriers are signifi- around 40% of a Filipino airline’s

AlaskatodistributeKellogggoods Ira P. Pedrasa cantly lower than the actual cost of operating expenses. — AFP

Alaska Milk Corp. will start sell-

ing and distributing Kellogg prod-
Farms, Famous Amos, Carr’s, Plan-
tation and Kashi. Kellogg products
and Alaska’s expertise in milk
manufacturing,” the company said
EEI makes turnaround NEWS
ucts in the Philippines under a deal are marketed in more than 160 in a regulatory filing.
inked with Kellogg Asia Marketing,
“We signed the memorandum
Alaska had distribution deals
with Nabisco International and
after 2 years in the red /
Additional news online
The distribution deal effective of agreement which specified that Quaker Oats, Inc. But the deals were
PSMT exec charges
May 1 is good for three years, said by May 1 we will be distributing terminated in 2001, after Philip Yuchengco-led construction chandise sales.
A top executive of PSMT Philip-
Santiago Polido, Alaska corporate Kellogg products. We are now pre- Morris acquired Nabisco and Pepsi firm EEI Corp. made a turnaround Citing cost management and pines was charged before the city
secretary. paring for May 9, when we’ll launch bought Quaker Oats. in 2004 with profit of P2.87 million recovery efforts, EEI said gross prosecutor of Pasig City for alleg-
The agreement to distribute this,” Mr. Polido said in a telephone Alaska posted a net income of after being in the red for two con- profit grew 23 times to P410 mil- edly lying about the compensa-
Kellogg products in the Philippines interview. P497 million in 2004, lower than secutive years. lion from P17.47 million. tion he received from the local
would mean higher revenues for He said the deal can be renewed P500 million in 2003 due to higher In a filing, EEI said taking into Prolonged contraction in the unit of the US-based PriceSmart.
Alaska, Mr. Polido added. after three years. cost of raw materials. account the strong recovery of the construction industry caused EEI to William S. Go, PSMT chairman and
Kellogg is the world’s leading He said Alaska is now working Revenues for the year hit P5.022 construction sector with an 8.9% suffer from low orders and produc- representative of the minority
growth from a negative 2.6% pre- tion. stockholders in PSMT, and E-Class
producer of cereal and a leading on being the exclusive distributor of billion, up 16% from P4.34 billion,
Corp. filed perjury charges against
producer of cookies, crackers, Kellogg products. “The [deal] was while cost of sales and operating viously, it “made headway” by win- In 2003, net loss was steeper by
Benjamin Woods, president of
toaster pastries, cereal bars, frozen vague on this,” he said. expenses rose 18% to P4.413 billion ning high-rise property projects 88.25% at P505.08 million from PSMT Philippines last April 27. Mr.
waffles, and meat alternatives. Besides Kellogg , Alaska also has from P3.728 billion. that partially compensated for the P268.3 million in 2002. Go accused Mr. Woods of falsely
Brands include Kellogg’s, Keebler, a licensing deal with Hershey Food This year, Alaska allocated a continued weakness in its strong “The company has taken this testifying to the Securities and Ex-
Pop-Tarts, Eggo, Cheez-It, Nutri- Corp. The deal, signed last year, capital expenditure of P250 million niche markets. opportunity of slow economic ac- change Commission about his
Grain, Rice Krispies, Special K, “brings to play Hershey’s heritage for maintenance and upgrade of Projects included work packages tivity to strengthen its business fo- compensation and benefits pack-
Murray, Austin, Morningstar in chocolate confectionery products facilities. for Intel Philippines under its small cus, enhance business processes and age.
projects general contractor pro- build a lean yet effective organiza-
gram, structural fabrication and tion,” EEI said. San Miguel market

Fitch upgrades BY RUBY ANNE M. RUBIO,

erection works for Petron Bataan
Refinery, and power system upgrade
While it believes the long-
awaited economic revival appears to
Food and beverage giant San
Miguel Corp. will be a steady mar-
ket for the cassava produce of

PLDT’s local P40-M stock registration

for Unilab among others. be gaining ground, EEI said the
farmers from Iguig, Cagayan after
Consolidated contracts and or- challenges remain formidable. “It it entered into an agreement with
ders amounted to P3.08 billion last will require determination, focus the provincial government and

currency rating system soon in business year, down by 22.22% from P3.96
billion in 2003.
and best effort and hard work to
surmount them. Certainly, the road
the Agriculture department. In a
statement, San Miguel said the
company will deal mainly with as-
Project orders backlog is not easy and there shall remain
LONDON — Fitch Ratings yesterday amounted to P3.01 billion as of pitfalls and difficulties. The com- semblers who will consolidate
The P40-million stock registra- mission (SEC) has finally approved farmlands to supply its raw mate-
upgraded Philippine Long Distance end-2004 of which about P1.5 bil- pany is first and foremost realistic
tion system that will enable inves- a proposal requiring brokers and rial requirements.“The agreement
Telephone Co.’s (PLDT) long-term lion are high/medium rise building — in 2005, the company does not
tors in listed firms to register secu- transfer agents to place securities also assures farmers that San
local currency rating to BB+ from contracts. expect to make profit gains but the
rities in their own names will soon under the names of stockholders to Miguel will buy the produce at a
BB with a stable outlook. Consolidated revenues rose mood has changed, and the outlook guaranteed floor price or the pre-
be up and running. protect investors.
Fitch also affirmed PLDT’s 7.33% to P2.93 billion from P2.73 — for the first time in six years - vailing market price, whichever is
Starting May 27, stock agents The commission en banc de-
long-term foreign currency rating, billion driven largely by construc- appears brighter,” the firm said. — higher.The company will also seek
can enroll in the electronic direct cided last April 14 to reform the
its global bonds and senior notes at tion contracts, services and mer- Ruby Anne M. Rubio prospective assembler-partners
registration system, or EDR, which setup of stock registration to “name and provide them with start-up
BB, and its convertible preferred was set up to make stock trading on registry” from a nominee ac-
stock at B+, reflecting its stable op- technical assistance,” it said.
erating performance and consistent
improvement in financial profile
more transparent and prevent un-
scrupulous brokers from selling
stocks without the knowledge of
count scheme.
First Metro will own 35% of the
joint-venture company and
Cojuangco sugar mill net Epson revenue view
Japanese imaging products
over a sustained period.
“Much of the improvement has
been driven by robust growth at its
their clients.
“May 27 is the launching of the
website and the enrollment to the
PASTRA 49%. The remaining 16%
will be held by Newburgh Holdings,
losses jumped due to strikes manufacturer Epson Corp. targets
to close its fiscal year with P1.7 bil-
lion in consolidated revenues
highly cash-generative 100%- EDR. For those who have the board The EDR will not only enable from its Philippine operation, an
owned cellular subsidiary Smart resolution already, we can immedi- stockholders to have their securities Cojuangco-owned sugar miller Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union. 8% rise from P1.57 billion in rev-
Communications, Inc. as well as ately accept enrollment by May 27,” in their own names in the books of Central Azucarera de Tarlac’s net The wildcat strike and the failure of enues in 2004. The increase is on
strong and profitable growth by losses widened for the six months the subsequent mediation efforts by the back of strong market accept-
said Jenny Serafica, chairman of the the listed corporations, it will also ance for its products which are
Pilipino Telephone Corp. (Piltel), Philippine Association of Stock provide the convenience of elec- ending December as wildcat strikes the Department of Labor and Em-
which is now 92%-owned by the disrupted operations. ployment effectively disrupted op- relatively lower in price but fea-
Transfer and Registry Agencies or tronic trading through the internet ture-rich than competition, said
PLDT group. PLDT’s fixed-line PASTRA, which groups 20 of the and mobile phones and will facili- Net losses rose to P250.23 mil- erations particularly the delivery of
John C. Titan, Epson Phils. Corp. as-
business also generates robust posi- largest stock transfer agents in the tate securities clearing and settle- lion from P51.08 million in the sugar cane for milling,” the firm sistant general manager, in a press
tive free cash flows,” said Jonathan country. ment process. same period in 2003. said. briefing yesterday. Epson has
Cornish, director, Corporates She said shareholders can do “I truly feel that PASTRA has In its unaudited financial state- The 750-strong union workers been posting a year-on-year-in-
Group, Asia. queries although they cannot trans- just given birth. The EDR system ment, the firm said a drop in out- at the Hacienda Luisita filed their crease in revenues in the last three
“The group’s aggregate of cellu- act until the Securities Clearing has been our ‘baby’ for the past six put drastically affected results. notice of strike at the National Con- years. Sales revenue was P1.3 bil-
lar subscribers had risen to 19.2 mil- Gross revenues fell 51.62% to ciliation and Mediation Board on lion in 2003. But similar to other
Corp. of the Philippines (SCCP) is years,” Ms. Serafica said. “The EDR vendors, Epson has also been
lion at the end of 2004 from 12.9 ready with the connectivity. SCCP, system is truly a product of the col- P97.5 million as sales of sugar and Oct. 25 due to failed negotiations
[million] a year earlier and it is this by-product tumble 63.83% to over their collective bargaining dropping its prices to respond to
the clearing and settlement agency lective desire of all the market play- the fierce market competition.
growth in particular that under- for depository eligible trades at the ers to boost the capital market to a P38.35 million. agreement with the management.
pinned the solid improvement in exchange, has vowed a linkup in level that is comparable not only to Canes hauled was trimmed by The union had sought for a
Subic utility price cut
PLDT’s consolidated financial June, she added. our Asian neighbors but to the en- 65.91% to 154,194 tons, resulting in P100 per day wage increase for two
Power distributor Subic Enerzone
metrics,” Mr. Cornish said. On April 28, PASTRA and First tire world. ” a drop in raw sugar production. years but management only offered Corp. lowered its power rates by
Fitch noted that PLDT’s stable Metro Investment Corp. entered Roberto Juanchito T. Dispo, Raw sugar output shrank 68.76% to about P12 per day increase. 10 centavos per kilowatt-hour last
operating position and improved fi- into a joint-venture agreement for First Metro executive vice president, 261,928 50-kilogram. On Nov. 6 the union workers March after it made its business
nancial profile has been achieved in the Pastra.Net Electronic Direct said that the initiative aims to “The decline in tonnage and raw mounted a strike which substan- more efficient. In a statement,
spite of the prevailing aggressive Registry System. professionalize equities market by sugar production was brought tially affected the operations of the Subic Enerzone said it reduced its
competitive landscape in the Phil- about by the wildcat strike staged sugar company. — Ruby Anne M. power rates after system loss, or
After more than a year of delay, introducing a system “that will en- leakages due to pilferage or dissi-
ippines. — Reuters the Securities and Exchange Com- sure utmost investor protection.” by some members of the Central Rubio
pated electricity, fell to 7.8% of its
total energy input from 15% in

Japan firm still keen PNOC geothermal unit Transco to start

2003, when the company took
over the power distribution busi-
ness of the Subic Bay Metropoli-

talks with foreign partner new projects tan Authority. Under the law,
power distribution utilities are al-
on postal service revamp The country’s geothermal arm, moved a step closer with the ap-
State-run National Transmis-
sion Corp. (Transco) will kick-start
lowed to pass on to customers,
system loss of up to 9.5% of their
total energy input.
Japanese information tech- put the country’s postal system at set to be privatized this year, is in pointment of French firm CLSA new projects in the next two years
nology firm ROA Systems Co. par with those of Japan and Tai- talks with a foreign partner keen on Exchange Capital as financial advi- seen to enhance power reliability
Ltd. said it remains keen on fund- wan,” said Tadashi Akiyama, gen- buying into the state-owned firm, sor. and cope with consumers’ de-
ing the P3-billion modernization eral manager of ROA’s interna- sources yesterday said. “The appointment of CLSA last mands. ERRATUM
of the Philippine Postal Corp. tional division. Officials of the Philippine Na- February as financial advisor will These include a power transmis-
The story on the expansion of
(PhilPost). ROA Systems has been in op- tional Oil Co-Energy Development allow PNOC to submit the privati- sion project in Zamboanga City for package delivery service UPS
ROA Systems said in a state- eration for more than 20 years, Corp. (PNOC-EDC), the state-run zation program this month,” P474.66 million, a $3.76-million which came out in yesterday’s is-
ment that it remains committed providing turnkey information geothermal firm, will submit for ap- sources said. project to reinforce transmission sue should have been headlined
to finance and provide technol- and communications technology proval this month its privatization PNOC-EDC is yet to name the lines between Sangali and “UPS to invest $1.4M this year to
ogy for the modernization. “The solutions to private and public plan to the Department of Finance. foreign firm but sources said it is big Zamboanga City, and acquisition of expand Clark, Pampanga hub.”
modernization of PhilPost will firms in Japan. — Jennifer A. Ng Sources said the privatization of enough to handle its operations. — steel poles to replace wood poles in Our apologies. — Ed.
the state-run geothermal firm has Iris Cecilia C. Gonzales a bid to minimize power outages.

WASHINGTON — Deputy US Secre- cover agricultural products, serv-

tary of State Robert Zoellick is de-
termined to break a free trade im-
passe with Southeast Asia during a
US to break free trade impasse with SE Asia ices, intellectual property, govern-
ment procurement, environment
and labor, as opposed to the China-
visit to the region this week but has protracted US-Thailand free trade tiations with Thailand the Thai ample for us to emphasize to the rest deals with Southeast Asian nations ASEAN deal which largely centered
cautioned that any agreement negotiations, which seem to have prime minister plays a very key, of the world their strategy with the was due to the comprehensive na- on manufactured goods.
reached will have to be comprehen- been bogged down over US de- leading role, will be to talk to him FTA is to strengthen intellectual ture of the negotiations. China and ASEAN last year
sive. mands for stringent intellectual on some of the key elements to property rules to help draw invest- VERY SHREWD signed a deal to liberalize trade bar-
Two years after President property rights protection and Thai move this forward,” said Mr. ment and industry in bio-tech and Citing competitor China's swift riers and pave the way for a more
George W. Bush announced an ini- requests for access to low-cost phar- Zoellick, who was US Trade Repre- pharmaceuticals. free trade deals with the Association comprehensive accord planned for
tiative to forge free trade pacts with maceuticals. sentative (USTR) before his new as- “They have been quite success- of Southeast Asian Nations 2010 that could see the creation of
the export-driven, economically Mr. Zoellick told reporters at the signment. ful,” he said. (ASEAN), Mr. Zoellick said “I think the world’s largest free trade zone
booming Southeast Asian nations, weekend he would try to break the He said there had been discus- Southeast Asia is key to the the Chinese have been very shrewd covering nearly two billion people.
Washington managed to strike only free trade deadlock when he meets sions in Malaysia about a possible United States as it hosts approxi- in how they handled this. It will enhance China's role as a
one deal so far — with Singapore. with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin free trade agreement with the mately $88 billion in US direct in- “Here, I don't want to get too major growth engine for ASEAN’s
But the US-Singapore Free Shinawatra in Bangkok, the first United States and “so I’ll be getting vestment and is the third largest technical but there are lots of dif- export-led economies because of its
Trade Agreement cannot be a stop of his regional swing covering a little sense of that” during talks overseas market for US exports. The ferent types of free trade agree- growing appetite for raw materials,
benchmark for Southeast Asia as the also Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, with Prime Minister Abdullah US trade with the region totals $127 ments. People use the term loosely,” finished goods and components.
island city state is already largely Singapore and the Philippines. Ahmad Badawi. billion. he said, acclaiming US free trade Annual two-way trade is ex-
tariff free. KEY ELEMENTS In Singapore, Zoellick would Mr. Zoellick was quick to point agreements as “the top-of-the-class pected to rise 28% to $100 billion
So, many economies in the re- “One of the purposes of my visit a pharmaceutical facilty “be- out that any perceived delay by the product.” this year from $78.2 million in 2003.
gion have been following closely the visit, since in the case of the nego- cause Singapore is a very good ex- United States in striking free trade He said the US pacts tried to — AFP

Indonesia polio outbreak
NPT needs US rates to keep slow, steady rise ADB to focus
JAKARTA — The World Health Organiza-
tion said yesterday it had detected a to be fixed, WASHINGTON — The US Federal Re- cially since minutes from the March Recent speeches by Fed officials on economic
case of the crippling polio virus in Indo-
nesia, the world's fourth most populous
country, indicating that an outbreak say Annan, serve was likely to nod to trouble-
some indications of weaker eco-
meeting make clear it does not feel
bound to small, quarter-point
show they are acutely aware that, as
the expansion matures and slack in integration
rooted in Africa has leapt the Indian nomic growth Tuesday, but policy moves if bigger ones are warranted. labor markets is slowly taken up, the
Ocean. The case, affecting a 20-month-
old girl on Java island, is the first polio
ElBaradei makers’ concern over bubbling
prices will keep interest rates mov-
The benchmark rate stood at a
1958 low of 1% before the Fed be-
threats to growth shift.
Fed Governor Donald Kohn said
ISTANBUL — Economic integra-
tion among Asian countries will
infection in Indonesia for nine years, ac- ing slowly but steadily upward. gan raising it in June, adding quar- at a recent economic conference that
cording to Bardan Rana, a medical of- UNITED NATIONS — UN Secretary be one of the key priorities of
The rate-setting Federal Open ter-point hikes at every FOMC it was natural for the US central bank the Asian Development Bank in
ficer with the UN organization. Indone- General Kofi Annan and UN nu-
sian health officials have launched an Market Committee, holding the meeting since. At their last gather- to focus on inflation. “That’s prob- order to speed up economic
clear chief Mohamed ElBaradei
immunization drive targetting five mil- third of its eight meetings this year, ing on March 22, policy makers ably become more of a threat to eco- growth in the region, the ADB's
opened on Monday a conference on
lion children to prevent the spread of has been gradually lifting its cited rising inflationary pressure nomic stability,” he said. new president Haruhiko
the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
the virus which may have been trans- bellwether federal funds rate since and a heightened ability for com- In its weekly commentary, Kuroda said Monday.
with warnings that the world's ef-
ported from Nigeria via Saudi Arabia. — last June as it tries to prevent infla- panies to raise prices. Goldman Sachs characterized re- Mr. Kuroda, who will make
fort to control the spread of atomic
tion gaining a foothold. Since then, there have been signs cent soft economic data as “an air his first speech to the ADB
weapons is out of date and needs to
“We are likely going to see an- lofty energy costs are weighing on pocket, not wind shear” and said the board as president today, said
Arrest after gunfight be fixed.
other quarter-percentage-point economic activity, including a re- Fed should have no difficulty look- “economic integration is a key
GAZA — Palestinian police, under orders “The plain fact is that the regime
hike in rates and it is almost cer- port on Monday that showed the ing past the numbers. Nor, it said, strategic element of economic
to use an “iron fist” to preserve a truce has not kept pace with the march
tainly premature for them to an- US factory sector grew in April at was the softness a reason for the development of the region.”
with Israel, fought a gun battle with a of technology and globalization,
nounce any major shift in policy,” its weakest pace in nearly two years. central bank to drop its “measured” “I would like very much to
Hamas rocket squad in the Gaza Strip and developments of many kinds in
and arrested two militants, the Palestin- predicted Lynn Reaser, Boston- The Institute of Supply Manage- language. focus on regional economic in-
recent years have placed it under
ian Authority said yesterday. The clash based chief economist with the in- ment said its index of national fac- “Removing it would increase the tegration,” said Mr. Kuroda who
great stress,” Mr. Annan said in
on Monday night was the first between vestment strategy group of Bank of tory activity eased to 53.3 in April level of uncertainty about Fed ac- took office at the multilateral in-
opening a month-long UN meeting
police and militants since President America. from 55.2 in March as new orders tions, given that the end of “meas- stitution in February.
on the 1970 nuclear NPT.
Mahmoud Abbas ordered a crackdown If so, the increase to 3% will be dropped and hiring faltered. ured” could conceivably mean ei- He cited ADB’s efforts to
on April 28 against rocket fire into Israel,
Iran, for instance, is showing the
the eighth successive rise in US rates Last week, the government said ther faster tightening — given foster the development of the
which has decreased sharply but not strains in the NPT as the United
since the current cycle began last overall economic growth eased to a firmer inflation data recently — or Greater Mekong Subregion, a
stopped. News of the incident sent ten- States claims the Islamic Republic
June. 3.1% annual rate in the first quar- a pause, since growth has deceler- growth area encompassing six
sion soaring in Gaza, the main Hamas is secretly developing atomic weap-
More significant to edgy finan- ter — the slowest in two years — ated,” Goldman Sachs said. countries, as well as ADB’s role
powerbase. — Reuters ons under the cover of a civilian
cial markets will be officials’ assess- from 3.8% in the final quarter last Ms. Reaser said the Fed likely in encouraging closer financial
nuclear power program that is un-
EU-China textiles talks ment of whether they can keep rais- year. needs more time to study economic cooperation between the so-
der international safeguards.
BRUSSELS — The European Union reacted ing rates at a gradual — or “meas- More troubling to the Fed is that trends before deciding whether to called “ASEAN-plus-3,” refer-
The NPT also received a rude
positively on Monday to Beijing’s ap- ured” — pace and whether risks re- prices, measured by the personal alter course. ring to the 10 members of the
blow with the unearthing two years
pointment of a special negotiator to main balanced between slower consumption expenditures index “At this juncture, the Federal Association of Southeast Asian
ago of an international black mar-
resolve trade disputes, calling fortalks to growth and inflation. excluding food and energy, in- Reserve likely does not know how Nations and its main trading
ket network in technology that
broker a deal on the sharp rise in Chi- Most guess the Fed will keep the creased at the fastest rate since the long or how deep the recent soft partners: China, Japan and
nese textile imports. Beijing named Vice-
could be used to make atomic weap-
“measured” language adopted last end of 2001, rising at a 2.2% rate in patch in the economy has been or South Korea.
Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng, a ons, run by the father of Pakistan's
year in its policy statement, espe- the first quarter this year. is likely to be,” she said. — Reuters Mr. Kuroda said South Asia
fluent French speaker, as its international atomic bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan.
trade negotiator on Sunday with a brief “The treaty has served us well and Central Asia were two ar-
to solve disputes which China fears could for 35 years. But, unless we regard eas that showed promise for re-
crimp its dynamic export sector. Both the it as part of a living, dynamic re- gional integration and that
EU and the United States have raised the gime, capable of evolving to match South Asia could become an
alarm over a surge in Chinese textile and changing realities, it will fade into area similar to the ASEAN-plus-
clothing imports since the end of a glo- 3 region.
irrelevance and leave us vulnerable
bal quota regime on Jan. 1. — Reuters Drawing attention to the
and unprotected," said Mr.
ElBaradei, head of the Vienna-based growing number of free-trade
Asia-Europe FMs meet agreements in Asia, he said:
TOKYO — Asian and European foreign
International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA), which verifies com- “FTA networks will help econo-
ministers will gather in the ancient Japa-
nese capital of Kyoto this week with EU pliance with the NPT. mies be more interdependent”
proposals to lift an arms embargo on Mr. Annan said the interna- while helping them to grow
China, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions tional community must act to faster.
and democracy in Myanmar high on the strengthen the NPT before "the gap The ADB annual confer-
agenda. Thirty-eight countries are due between promise and performance ence, to be held today through
to send foreign ministers or lesser rank- becomes unbridgeable." Friday in Istanbul, Turkey’s fi-
ing officials from Friday to the two-day nancial capital, will bring to-
Australian Foreign Minister Al-
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), set up in gether some 3,000 delegates
1996 to counter the two regions' ties
exander Downer said: “We must rec-
ognize we face a very different world from over 60 ADB member
with the United States. Among the fig-
ures in Kyoto will be Chinese Foreign than at the NPT’s entry into force. countries, with a meeting of the
Minister Li Zhaoxing, who is expected “At that time, few countries had ASEAN-plus-3 finance minis-
to meet his Japanese counterpart, the capacity to build nuclear weap- ters on the sidelines.
Nobutaka Machimura, amid a sharp de- ons. Today, some estimates suggest However, Mr. Kuroda
terioration in ties between the two 35 to 40 countries could do so.” stressed poverty reduction
countries. — AFP Mr. Downer noted that Libya would still be the ADB's main
and Iran, both subject to IAEA sur- objective as poverty continued
Blair’s election lead veillance, had developed “clandes- to plague Asia despite rapid eco-
LONDON — Prime Minister Tony Blair en- nomic growth in the region.
tine nuclear programs in violation
tered the final two days of Britain’s elec- He conceded that much of
tion campaign yesterday still under fire
of the treaty.” Experts agree the NPT
faces a new era of “rogue” states with the ADB’s lending in the com-
over Iraq but with polls showing him on
course for a historic third straight term alleged nuclear weapons programs, ing years would still go to China
Shelter for stray dogs and India, adding that “a lot of
in office. After a week of attacks over his of international nuclear smuggling
A health worker gives a rabies shot to a stray dog at a government shelter on the Thai resort island of Phuket March 30, 2005. Hundreds of such poor people still live in these
integrity and support for the US-led in- rings and of transnational terrorist pets were saved by officials and animal rights activists while rescue workers were scouring the Andaman Sea coast for the victims of the Asian
vasion, a MORI survey showed his Labor groups seeking weapons of mass two countries” despite their
tsunami that left 230,000 people dead or missing along the Indian Ocean rim. Photo taken March 30, 2005. Reuters
party has a comfortable 10-point lead destruction. — AFP growing economies.
in the run-up to Thursday’s poll. The China and India received
main opposition Conservative Party has 25% each of total ADB lending

US intel detects North Korea test work, says daily

accused Mr. Blair of lying over the ad- last year, he said, but stressed
vice he received from the government’s
they only got loans from the
top lawyer on the legality of the 2003
war. — Reuters
ADB’s ordinary capital re-
SEOUL — US intelligence has de- “US intelligence authorities be- have since denied there were defini- in the late 1990s and the two coun- sources and refrained from bor-
Taiwan leader’s invite tected the movement of heavy lieve the images and other informa- tive signs of an imminent test. On tries had been watching it closely, rowing from the Asian Develop-
TAIPEI — Taiwan President Chen Shui- equipment in North Korea that tion point to preparations for a pos- Tuesday, Seoul shot down the latest without any sign of preparations for ment Fund (ADF), the bank’s
bian yesterday invited Chinese Presi- points to possible preparations for sible underground nuclear test,” the report, with Defense Minister Yoon a test. concessional lending window.
dent and Communist Party chief Hu an underground nuclear test, a source was quoted as saying. Kwang-ung telling reporters before “It is not clear what the purpose The ADB president said
Jintao to visit the island, saying it would South Korean newspaper said yes- US and Japanese news reports a Cabinet meeting there were no of the tunnel is,” the official added. “growth is necessary but growth
help clear misunderstandings between terday. last week said Washington had unusual indications in the area. A South Korean official told is not sufficient to eradicate
the political archrivals. “We hope Chair- The influential Chosun Ilbo, warned some governments and A Defense Ministry official told Reuters on Monday that although poverty,” adding countries that
man Hu Jintao can come to Taiwan. quoting a government source, said agencies that North Korea could be Reuters there also was no founda- there were no indications of an im- suffered civil strife lagged in
Mainland China clearly lacks under- US spy satellites had captured fre- preparing for a test, which would tion to the Chosun Ilbo report that minent nuclear test, the possibility economic growth and stressed
standing about Taiwan and that is why
quent movements of trucks in the represent a serious escalation of ten- the US intelligence was passed on was constantly in the minds of re- the ADB was trying to help
there has been misjudgement and mis-
understanding,” Mr. Chen told a news northeastern region of Kilju, as well sions over North Korea’s nuclear to the South Korean government. gional powers trying to put a stop these “post-conflict” nations by
conference while on a visit to Kiribati.— as the movement of cranes and other weapons ambitions. He said a project to dig a tunnel to Pyongyang’s nuclear programs. strengthening their civil institu-
Reuters heavy equipment into the area. US and South Korean officials had been detected in the same area — Reuters tions. — AFP

MediawatchdogcallsforUNactionoverjournalistdeaths Kanlaon ash

A prominent press freedom pines to investigate the killings. “A culture of impunity reigns, rested four suspects, the person or ippine National Police (PNP) Di-
shuts down
watchdog yesterday strongly criti-
cized the Philippine government for
In the last three months alone
some 30 left-wing politicians and
for which the highest government
authorities are responsible, that has
persons who ordered the killing
have not been identified,” the report
rector-General Arturo C. Lomibao
has ordered the relief of Ilocos Sur Kalibo airport
allowing the killing of journalists to union activists have been murdered, allowed killers and those who send said. provincial director Senior Supt.
go unchallenged and unpunished, according to Anakpawis party-list them to murder so many journal- Press Sec. Ignacio R. Bunye yes- Mario Subagan to “jump-start” the Ash clouds spewing from
and demanded a UN investigation. Rep. Rafael Mariano. ists,” it added. terday said the tag on the Philip- investigation of the shooting of Kanlaon volcano in the central Phil-
Paris-based Reporters Without The report calls on the UN to The investigating team, which pines as one of the five most mur- broadcaster Nestor Segismundo. ippines caused flights to the Kalibo
Borders published its findings into “summon the Philippine ambassa- met the families of murdered jour- derous countries was “exaggerated,” Mr. Subagan will be replaced by airport to be suspended yesterday,
the growing spate of politically- dor to the Commission for Human nalists, local press freedom organi- and “far from actual conditions pre- Ilocos Sur assistant provincial direc- officials said.
motivated assassinations and at- Rights and remind him of his coun- zations, the justice minister and the vailing in the Philippines.” tor Supt. Crispin Agno. The clouds reached heights of
tacks on journalists in the Southeast try’s undertakings as regards to the national police director, focused on He added this was unfair to the Mr. Lomibao visited Mr. 500 meters above the Kanlaon cra-
Asian country to mark World Press protection of human rights.” the cases of murdered journalists Philippine National Police (PNP), Segismundo the other day at the ter, which has been intermittently
Freedom Day. It also called for a “fact-finding Marlene Esperat, Edgar Damalerio, which has formed a task force to Metro Vigan Cooperative Hospital emitting ash and steam since Janu-
The report condemned the “im- mission” to be sent to the Philip- Edgar Amoro and Noel Villarante. probe the killings and has filed cases where he was recovering from a ary, officials said.
punity” enjoyed by the killers and pines to investigate human rights Ms. Esperat, an investigative against the suspects. gunshot wound. “We are on alert level one,
those who ordered the murders of abuses and extrajudicial, summary journalist for the Midland Reviewin “Press freedom is fully protected The broadcaster of radio station meaning it is still a low level of ac-
52 journalists since democracy was and arbitrary executions. Sultan Kudarat in Mindanao, was [in the Philippines] and media dzXE was shot by still unidentified tivity,” said Edwin dela Cruz, a sci-
restored in 1986 after the overthrow “Not everything can be ex- murdered in her home just before practitioners may ask the police for men on April 29 at Barangay entist with the Philippine Institute
of dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos. plained by the existence of a culture Easter by a single bullet to the head special protection if their lives are Boquig, Bantay, Ilocos Sur. — AFP of Volcanology and Seismology
It also called for the United Na- of violence in this country,” the re- in front of her children. under threat,” he said. with Carina I. Roncesvalles and J. (Phivolcs).
tions to send a team to the Philip- port said. “Even though police have ar- In a related development, Phil- T. Gulane Philippine Airlines said it had
cancelled three flights to Kalibo air-
port, gateway to the popular

N. Cotabato governor in talks with US DENR discovers anomalous Boracay beach resort. Television re-
ports said smaller carriers also
grounded several flights.

firm for Pinoy carpenters’ employment titling of 7,000 hectares of land At 2,435-meters, Mt. Kanlaon
on Negros island is the highest peak
in the Visayas. It has erupted 23
KIDAPAWAN CITY — North Cotabato ment for local workers through job for Christ movement. GENERAL S ANTOS CITY — A team these people are holding were ob- times since 1866.
Gov. Emmanuel Piñol told local fairs and provides a P40,000 loan “We are very fortunate here in from the Department of Environ- tained through fraudulent means. It “The emitted steam ash clouds
carpenters to further improve their to successful applicants under a Fly- Sarangani. We have a governor who ment and Natural Resources was also disclosed that the sales pat- reached heights of up to 500 me-
skills as talks were underway for a Now-Pay-Later scheme. is very supportive of our program,” (DENR) in General Santos City ent of the lands had also been used ters above the active crater before
possible placement of local carpen- The program has already as- Norberto Esteban, Couples for have found anomalous titling of by the same group in Kiamba in being drifted to the northwest and
ters in the US. Mr. Piñol said he was sisted about 540 workers and Mr. Christ representative, said. In more than 7,000 hectares of land Sarangani, in the cities of Davao and northeast by the prevailing winds,”
informed of a high demand for car- Piñol said details of the current March, Mr. Dominguez handed out under the Industrial Forestry Man- Tagum, and in Zamboanga and Phivolcs said in an advisory yester-
penters in North America. overseas employment plan for local a personal check amounting to agement Agreement (IFMA) in this Kidapawan. day.
“I have talked to American con- workers would be announced as P100,000 to Gawad Kalinga in city. IFMA is a forest plantation “It could be that someone is be- It advised citizens from nearby
tractor Kevin Wheeler of Florida- soon as these have been finalized Maasim as a personal donation. agreement between a private firm hind the issuance of this illegal ti- villages not to enter a four-
based KCW Enterprises, Inc. and he talks with the US-based firm. “After promising to donate a and the DENR. tles,” Mr. Alicer said. kilometer permanent danger zone
told me that carpenters are paid $10 In another development, Gov. housing unit to the program, the The DENR team, spearheaded He added the processing of the due to “hazardous steam-driven
an hour, or roughly P540,” he said. Miguel Dominguez led provincial governor gave an amount equiva- by Felix Alicer, has recommended titles did not pass the DENR. Re- explosions” that may occur without
He added he would soon discuss officials on May 2 in launching the lent to two houses,” Chito de the filing of a case for the cancella- gional officials said the 2003 warning.
with the Department of Labor and Gawad Kalinga’s housing project in Guzman, in charge of Gawad tion of land titles of Pedro de anomaly was discovered by Alsons Five other central Philippines
Employment the possibility of Maasim, Sarangani. Last week, Mr. Kalinga’s projects in the province, Ramos, Excelsa Lauron, Caldirico Development and Industrial Corp., airports are within 120 kilometers
sending local carpenters to the US Dominguez issued a memorandum said. Meanwhile, Maitum Mayor Confessor, Julieta Confessor and which found out that 707,000 hec- of the Kanlaon crater, including the
through the Jobs Enhancement for asking every official, department George Yabes also signified his in- Romeo Confessor, all involved in tares of land in Barangay Fatima in international gateway of Mactan in
Economic Development program heads and employees of the prov- tention to donate a two-hectare lot the alleged anomalous transaction. this city were titled by the group of Cebu city, but flight operations
of the provincial government. The ince to actively participate in Gawad for the Gawad Kalinga program in Based on the investigation con- Mr. Confessor. The land is under an there are continuing, aviation offi-
program facilitates overseas place- Kalinga activities under the Couples his municipality. — Roel P. Osano ducted by the DENR, the land titles IFMA. — Roel P. Osano cials said. — AFP

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NBI chip-based IDs

The National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI) is set to deploy a P15-million com-
C. Luzon police chief relieved amid jueteng allegations
puterization project that will equip its
over 2,500 employees with chip-based The police chief of Central jueteng operations in the region was vealed that jueteng flourishes in Pangasinan archbishop and anti- Golez an envelope containing the
identification cards (ID) supported by Luzon, tagged as the “Vatican of the reason for his relief. Central Luzon, particularly in jueteng crusader Oscar V. Cruz, who list of jueteng operators.
the latest biometrics technology. The jueteng operations” in the country, PNP spokesman Senior Supt. Pampanga, the home province of testified yesterday at the House He said there were “14 or 15”
project dubbed as “Electronic Security was relieved yesterday in what Leopoldo N. Bataoil said Mr. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. committee on public order and se- names in the envelope. He also said
and Attendance and Monitoring Sys- seemed to be an indication that the Albano would take a desk job as The unnamed source noted that curity’s hearing on the renewed he was “100% sure” of the names
tem” aims to guard the agency against
Philippine National Police (PNP) head of the PNP-Directorate Re- three relatives of a high-ranking of- popularity of the gambling game. of the operators, but only “95%”
possible intrusion of its critical data, NBI
Chief for Security Management Division was stepping up efforts to curb the search and Development Office at ficial, under the code names “M1,” Last year, the bishop revealed sure of the amount they earned.
Reynaldo U. Olaza told reporters in an illegal numbers game. Camp Crame. “M2” and “JS7” have been receiv- that several National Government He, however, refused to disclose
interview. The electronic ID will be Supt. Rowland Albano was re- Mr. Bataoil said the reshuffle ing jueteng pay-offs. officials and local executives were the names of the operators, saying
imbedded with biometrics data such as called to Camp Crame after staying was triggered by the July 27 retire- The new Central Luzon police involved in the multibillion illegal it was now up to Mr. Golez to con-
the employee’s fingerprint, blood type, as Central Luzon police chief for ment of Chief Supt. Victor Luga, chief, meanwhile, vowed to exert all numbers game. firm the names. He admitted the in-
and DNA. Mr. Olaza said between 1,000 four months, within which time he chief of the Directorate for Plans, efforts to stop jueteng and other il- Mr. Cruz, whose organization formation was “secondhand.”
to 2,000 people visit the agency’s head- apparently failed to stop jueteng who has filed for a “non-duty sta- legal operations in the region. Krusada ng Bayan Laban sa Jueteng At the hearing, the President’s
quarters along Taft Avenue in Manila operations in the region. tus.” Mr. Luga will be replaced by Central Luzon Region is com- monitors the jueteng operations in son and Pampanga Rep. Juan
every day, making it vulnerable to secu-
He would be replaced by Supt. Chief Supt. Rodolfo Tor. posed of the provinces of Aurora, 62 areas nationwide, said the pay- Miguel “Mikey” Arroyo questioned
rity attacks, including stealing and de-
stroying of critical crime evidence. Alejandro Lapinid from Mimaropa Mr. Albano dismissed the Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, ola from the numbers game now Mr. Cruz’s method of information-
(Mindoro-Marinduque-Romblon- jueteng angle for his sacking saying Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales. reaches P13 billion. gathering, for relying heavily on
$25 fee from OFWs Palawan) in Region IV-B, who in his transfer was part of a reshuffle BIGGER TAKE NOW Also at the hearing, the former “secondhand” information.
Church-based Philippine Migrants turn, would be replaced by Chief at the PNP. Meanwhile, a Church official president of the influential Catho- Mr. Arroyo and his father,
Rights Watch (PMRW) will collect at least Supt. Delfin Genio. To recall, Mr. Albano was placed yesterday claimed that jueteng was lic Bishops’ Conference of the Phil- First Gentleman Jose Miguel, are
100,000 signatures of Filipinos working Police officials, who refused to on the spotlight after an unnamed worse than ever. ippines gave defense committee accused of being recipients of
abroad who paid $25 as mandatory be named, said his failure to stop former PNP provincial director re- This was the allegation of chair and Parañaque Rep. Roilo S. jueteng revenues.
membership fee to the Overseas Work-
ers Welfare Administration (OWWA) de-
spite a prohibition for the agency to
collect the amount.These signatures will
be submitted as evidence to a pending
Supreme Court case against OWWA’s
NPA: China has abandoned Maoist line Barangay urges Ombudsman
continued collection of the member-
ship fee, Ellene Sana of PMRW member
Local communist rebels, turn-
ing from allies to critics of China,
“Our revolutionary forces and
people resolutely oppose the US-led
in 1975. The two countries marked
30 years of relations with a state visit
to file graft case vs DoJ chief
Center for Migrant Advocacy-Philip-
pines yesterday said. The OWWA, a gov- yesterday said Beijing’s shift to a campaign for neoliberal globaliza- by Chinese President Hu Jintao last A barangay captain in Iloilo yes- body can practice law even as a con-
ernment agency created by President capitalist economy had under- tion, while China has welcomed it week. During Mr. Hu’s trip, China terday asked the Office of the Om- gressman and senator provided he
Ferdinand E. Marcos through Letter of mined some revolutionary move- and relished membership in the signed deals for $1.6 billion worth budsman to file graft and corrup- will not personally appear in court,”
Instruction No. 537, provides programs ments in Southeast Asia. WTO [World Trade Organization],” of loans and investments in Philip- tion charges against Justice Sec. Raul Mr. Gonzalez told reporters.
and services to documented and un- The 8,000-member New Peo- it said in a statement. pine mining and infrastructure M. Gonzalez . Ms. Orleans also claimed that
documented overseas Filipino migrant ple’s Army (NPA), which drew ideo- Local communist leaders, most projects. In a complaint, Marietta V. Or- the Justice chief had collected an-
workers free of charge. logical inspiration from China’s first of them living in exile in Western Defense Sec. Avelino J. Cruz, Jr. leans, through lawyer Bonifacio A. nual retainer fees for the year 1992
generation of communist leaders, Europe, felt hurt and orphaned by said the government intended to use Alentajan, alleged that during Mr. worth P156,000, from the Mayfair
Marikina robbery has been waging a violent guerrilla the changes in China, rebel officials $1.2 million in military aid from Gonzalez’s stint as Iloilo congress- Theatre and Odeon Theater, both
A Metrobank branch in Marikina City
war for more than 35 years to over- said. China to strengthen its campaign man, he continued his private law in C.M. Recto Ave., Manila.
was robbed some P500,000 by still uni-
dentified armed men. Police are still in- throw the Philippine government. The Philippine communists, against the communist rebels. practice, which he said was prohib- The complaint stated that Mr.
vestigating the robbery incident which The Communist Party of the blacklisted by the United States as a “We want to get this aid in the ited by the Constitution. Gonzalez’s acts violated Section 3
appeared to be an inside job. Initial re- Philippines’ central committee ac- terrorist group, used to enjoy party- form of equipment because we will The Justice chief, however, of Republic Act 3019, or the Anti-
ports indicate that two of the suspects cused Beijing of abandoning sup- to-party relations with China in the start building what we call ‘freedom’ downplayed the graft complaint. Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. —
were collared after the robbery which port for armed struggles in South- late 1960s, with the NPA rebels re- roads in 500 conflict areas in sev- “That’s a ridiculous case. Any- Paul C.H. How
occurred at around 8 a.m. yesterday. The east Asia “in exchange for China’s ceiving weapons and money. eral regions where there had been
other robbers were able to get away accommodation by Washington That ended when Beijing and very strong rebel presence and ac-
with a maroon Isuzu Trooper. When the into the world capitalist system.” Manila established diplomatic ties tivities,” he told reporters. — AFP
bank opened, the employees saw at
least four armed men and security Coast guard seizes explosives
guard Bemboy Penaluga ordered them
to lie with their faces down the floor.
Policemen also invited for questioning
Roridgo Fortuno, head guard; Arnel
Keeping terror tag on Sison welcomed An anti-terrorism unit from the
Philippine coast guard has seized 10
sacks filled with chemicals believed
report said, adding that further tests
showed that substance “was found
positive for TNT component.”
Artida, security guard; and Joel Morande,
The European Union’s (EU) de- “This ruling shows that it is not terrorist is. The communist move- to contain TNT components, the The cache was to be shipped to
messenger to give light on the robbery.
cision to reaffirm the terrorist tag only the United States which has ment may continue to protest their coast guard said yesterday. Davao City and officials were try-
for Jose Maria Sison of the National recognized (Mr.) Sison and the inclusion in the list of international The cache was stashed at a ware- ing to track down its owner, the
Reyes confirmation
Democratic Front (NDF) will boost Communist Party of the Philip- terrorists, but the CPP-NPA’s blood- house near Manila’s port area by an coast guard said. “Government in-
The confirmation of former Defense
chief Angelo T. Reyes for his new stint the country’s fight against terror- pines (CPP)-New People’s Army stained record of violence and unknown consignee and was dis- telligence units were informed of
as Interior and Local Government sec- ism, the Armed Forces of the Phil- (NPA) as terrorists, but more im- attrocities committed against sol- covered during a routine inspection the aborted shipment,” it said.
retary was again postponed after three ippines (AFP) said yesterday. portantly, the European community diers and civilians alike speak for by sea marshals late last week, the In 2003, militants bombed a
affidavits of opposition were heard by AFP Brig. Gen. Jose Angel A. as well, as the communist leader is itself.” The Philippine Embassy in coast guard said in a report. wharf and an international airport
the Commission of Appointments yes- The 10 sacks contained sub- terminal in Davao, killing more
Hondrado welcomed the move of planning and launching his actions Brussels, Belgium has reported to
terday. However, commission chairman stances “in white powdered form than 30 people and wounding
Sen. Rodolfo G. Biazon said there the Court of First Instance of the against the Philippine government the Foreign Affairs department that
Court of Justice of the European while in exile in Netherlands,” Mr. the EU court dismissed Mr. Sison’s with a very strong acidic odor,” the around 200 others. — AFP
seemed to be a surfacing “conspiracy”
to block the confirmation of Mr. Reyes, communities to dismiss the Mr. Hondrado said. petitions last April 26.
as the testimonies of two of the wit- Sison’s petition to remove him from He added Mr. Sison’s continued Mr. Sison had filed three cases
nesses, which the commission disre- the terror list. protest against the international in 2003 challenging his inclusion in
garded, were “incoherent.” “Somebody The military official also noted community’s terrorist label is an the EU’s terrorist list. He wanted the
is playing games with this commission,” that the country’s campaign against insult to the EU and the US. “Per- EU to reveal the States that have
he said during the hearing. The first wit-
ness, Christopher S. Elizalde, an inmate
of the maximum security prison at
terrorism remains supported by the
EU and the United States.
haps, Sison and the CPP-NPA have
a different definition as to what a
provided the basis for his inclusion
in the list. — Carina I. Roncesvalles
Bilibid since October 2001, apparently
did not know that an affidavit, which
was in his name and contains his signa-
ture, was sent to the commission. Lawmakers score ‘anomalous’ Palace claims
Drive vs oral problems
The Department of Health (DoH) will
provisions in Napocor rate hike Estrada not a
implement a five-year program aimed
at drastically reducing the incidence of
oral problems among children below six
The House committee on en-
security threat
ergy is questioning the inclusion of
to explain why they incorporated in
the allowable cost item the salary of
years old. “We have already done pilot alleged anomalous provisions in the the state-owned firm’s employees.
projects in Las Piñas for Metro Manila, National Power Corp.’s (Napocor) Napocor put the payroll expense of Malacañang does not consider
Nueva Ecija for Luzon, and Laguna for petition to the Energy Regulatory its P3,825 employees at P1.84 bil- former President Joseph E. Estrada
Region IV, in cooperation with local gov- Commission (ERC) for a genera- lion. a security threat even after reports
ernment units and the Philippine Den- tion rate hike. According to Batanes Rep. surfaced he is supporting moves to
tal Association as preparation for [the Last month, the approved Henedina R. Abad, the items in destabilize the Arroyo government.
program’s] countrywide implementa- Napocor’s request to impose hikes Napocor’s allowable cost provision “The fact the Sandiganbayan al-
tion next year,” Manuel Florendo lowed him to attend his mother’s
at an average of P1.0345 per kilo- are “too subjective.” She said
Calonge, coordinator for the Orally Fit
watt hour (kWh). It also granted Napocor did not explain why the birthday showed that the degree of
Child program, said in an interview with
BusinessWorld. Department officials are Napocor a provisional 98-centavo salaries for its employees should be threat is not much,” Press Sec.
also studying offers from toothpaste power rate hike. The energy com- factored in the rate increase. Ignacio R. Bunye said yesterday.
and toothbrush manufacturers like mittee said “everyone was caught off She also noted that many of the He made it clear, however, that
Unilever Phils., Inc. and Lamoiyan Corp. guard” by the hike and feared its firm’s officials and consultants en- the Arroyo government has not
to help promote the program, Mr. adverse effects on consumers. joy higher pay to the detriment of struck a deal with the former presi-
Calonge noted. During the hearing yesterday, the debt-ridden power company. dent, who is facing plunder charges,
lawmakers urged Napocor officials — Kristine L. Alave that would make him a free man
Nasugbu water supply next year.
The Development Bank of the Philip- In the meantime, he said, Presi-
pines (DBP) extended a P62-million loan dent Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was
to Nasugbu Water District for the expan-
sion of the water supply system of Pimentel: Where is P7 billion? “committed” to give Mr. Estrada
“humane treatment… even if the
Nasugbu, Batangas. Bank President and
Chief Executive Officer Reynaldo G. Senate Minority Leader This, he said, in light of the crash wheels of justice continues to roll.”
David said this was the first project to Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. yesterday of a Huey helicopter in Gabaldon, Executive Sec. Eduardo R.
be funded under the DBP Water District said the Philippine Air Force Nueva Ecija, killing former Philip- Ermita claimed that Mr. Estrada
Loan Program, which is a partnership (PAF) would have been less de- pine Institute of Volcanology and was among those who provided
with the Local Water Utilities Adminis- pendent on reconditioned Huey Seismology director Raymundo logistical support to retired general
tration (LWUA). A specialized lending in- helicopters from the United States Punongbayan, as well as eight other Fortunato Abat.
stitution, the LWUA is mandated by law Mr. Abat launched over the
had at least P7 billion worth of passengers.
to promote and oversee the develop-
military modernization funds al- “It’s very distressing that the weekend a Coalition for National
ment of provincial waterworks systems.
It was created through the promulga- legedly diverted during the Ramos money intended for Armed Forces Salvation, calling for the Arroyo
tion in May 1973 of Presidential Decree administration been used to ac- of the Philippines modernization government’s ouster, and pushing
198, known as the Provincial Walter quire new helicopters with safety mysteriously disappeared,” he for the installation of a “transition
Utilities Act. features and spare parts. said. — F. Y. Capistrano revolutionary government.” — JTG


WHO goes online
DENR warns of poor water quality in 8 of 26 beaches to fight $35-billion
At least eight of the country’s 26 ma- jor beaches were not encouraging in terms cording to DENR standards. lowed total coliform content of 1,000 mpn fake drugs trade
jor beaches have poor water quality and of water quality. This is what the EMB field SIX MONTHS TO COMPLY (most probable number), Manila Bay wa-
may not be safe for public use, the Depart- officers are focusing on right now. It is our Mr. Amador said the beach resort own- ters have reached 200,000 mpn. The World Health Organization (WHO) is
ment of Environment and Natural Re- responsibility to inform the public of the ers and/or local government units manag- The former DENR chief said the beach to harness the power of the Internet in its war
sources (DENR) warned yesterday, follow- water quality of these bathing areas,” Mr. ing the beaches were given six months to water ratings were also done precisely to on the $35-billion-a-year counterfeit drug busi-
ing a water quality rating the department Amador said. comply to the recommendations, or until boost the tourism industry in the Philip- ness with the setting up of a web-based rapid alert
conducted late last year. The EMB official, however, refused to June, to conform with the DENR water pines and to try to make our renowned system, the global health body said yesterday.
The DENR rated the 26 major beaches name the eight beaches saying the Envi- quality standards. beaches a more viable resource for eco- The WHO Western Pacific regional head-
or bathing areas in terms of the presence ronment and Natural Resources depart- Former Environment and Natural Re- nomic development. quarters here said in a statement it would unveil
in their waters of fecal coliform or Es- ment would make the public disclosure at sources Secretary Elisea Gozun, current “The idea here is not just to disclose today details of the system, said to be the world’s
cherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, which the “proper time” after giving the beach chair of the nongovernment organization the contaminants in these waters. This is first Web-based system for tracking the activi-
could produce a powerful toxin and cause establishments enough opportunity to im- Earth Day Network, in an interview said also a means to pressure developers and ties of drug cheats.
severe illness. prove the quality of their beach water. the presence of E. coli in the water may LGUs (local government units) to main- “The rapid alert system communications
Unfortunately, Environmental and According to Mr. Amador, the DENR pose health dangers upon skin contact. tain good water quality for the safety of network will transmit reports on the distribu-
Management Bureau (EMB) Director had sent letters to the said owners of the The Manila Bay, for example, has long their tourists and the beauty of their re- tion of counterfeit medicine to the relevant au-
Julian Amador said, about a third of the beaches to inform them of the test results been rated with a very high fecal coliform sorts. The economic development that we thorities for them to take rapid countermeas-
26 beaches did not make the grade. as well as to give recommendations on how content in its waters. want is not only for the short term,” said ures,” it said.
“The results for one-third of the ma- they could improve the water quality ac- Ms. Gozun explained that out of an al- Ms. Gozun. National health authorities and other part-
ner agencies will be linked to the system.
“The rapid alert system will considerably
strengthen our hand against the counterfeiters,”
Budiono Santoso, WHO’s regional adviser in
Pharmaceuticals for the Western Pacific Region,
According to the WHO between six and 10%
of all medicine on the world market is reported
to be counterfeit with estimated sales of more
than $35 billion a year.
The problem is most serious in developing
countries, including the Mekong river region of
Southeast Asia.
“Counterfeit medicine can result in pro-
longed illness or death as well as wastage of health
care resources,” the statement said.
“Fake drugs containing lethal ingredients can
also result in death.
“A study undertaken in Mekong countries in
2001 indicated that more than one-third of anti-
malarial artesunate products in Cambodia, the
Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar,
Thailand and Vietnam contained no active in-
gredients,” the statement said.
“A follow-up study in 2004 showed that the
situation had worsened, with 99 out of 188
artesunate samples found to be counterfeit.”
The WHO said counterfeit medicine was of-
ten distributed across national boundaries.
“Effective measures to protect people from
counterfeit drugs require collaboration and co-
ordination among relevant stakeholders in each
country, between member countries and relevant
partner organizations,” the statement said.

Paid advertisement According to WHO data some 8% of drugs

bought from pharmacies in the Philippines in
1999 were fake.
In 2001 some 64% of antimalarial pills col-
lected in an investigation did not contain the
active ingredient, and led to the death of patients
For advertising inquiries, please contact in Vietnam.
BusinessWorld Publishing Corporation In 2003 national drug-testing laboratories in
Marketing Department Phnom Penh and Bangkok looked at 230 sam-
ples of 24 pharmaceuticals purchased on the
Telephone: (632) 535-9901
Cambodian market in 2000, including antibiot-
Fax: (632) 535-9926 ics and painkillers. — AFP

For subscriptions to the print edition, please contact DoF set to award
BusinessWorld Publishing Corporation
Circulation Department lease contract for
Telephone: (632) 535-9901
Fax: (632) 535-9926
Tokyo property
The Finance department is set to award the
50-year lease contract for the state’s most valu-
able property in Japan after much delay due to
stiff opposition from politicians.
Finance Undersecretary Jay Singson told re-
porters a government bids and awards commit-
tee would make a recommendation to Finance
Sec. Cesar A.V. Purisima to sign the contract.
The development contract for the Tokyo
property was won by Japanese firm Urban Corp.
Located in the Nampedai district, it is a four-
story building with a total floor area of 2,489
square meters.
The Nampedai property was bid out in No-
vember 2003 along with two others, but the
Arroyo administration deferred the award fol-
lowing protests from lawmakers who claimed
that the assets would be sold.
The two other properties, in Kobe’s
Naniwacho and Obanoyama districts, were
awarded last year to Berg Corp., another Japa-
nese firm.
Earlier reports said the three properties
would fetch ¥1.78 billion for the government.
The government was to receive ¥356 million
from the winning bidders upon signing plus ¥384
million after a three-month period. The rest,
¥1.08 billion, would be paid within three years.
The development contracts involve a 50-year
lease under a build-operate-transfer scheme. The
lease will initially be for 25 years and renewable
for another 25 years.
Ambassador to Tokyo Domingo Siazon had
led a campaign against the deal, pointing out that
the Nampedai property was a place of honor to
the Philippine envoy who resided there. It is also
regarded as a heritage site, being a former resi-
dence of Yoko Ono, wife of the Beatles’ John
Lennon. — Felipe F. Salvosa II
/1-8 Banking & Finance





VOL. XVIII, ISSUE 199. ISSN 0116-3930 S2/ 1


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#19 Brixton St. Brgy. Kapitolyo,
Pasig City, Philippines

Highly liquid banks once again flocked to the debt mar-

ket yesterday as their holdings of government securities ma-
tured. This allowed the government to get better rates for its Napocor to sell P5-B bonds to partly pay debts
short-term borrowings for two consecutive auction week.
“As like before, the market has been very liquid. The all- The country’s biggest power producer National Power of Philippines were selected as joint issue managers and
time liquidity with the central bank is very high,” National Corp. (Napocor) will sell P5 billion ($93 million) worth of lead arrangers of the issue. Napocor, which the govern-
Treasurer Omar T. Cruz told reporters after the auction. five- and seven-year bonds tomorrow to fund its opera- ment is trying to privatize, was granted a 42% rise in its
The rate of the 91-day debt paper decreased by 23.2 basis tions and debt payments, the government said yesterday. average power charges last month to help cut its heavy
points to 6.319%, while the 182-day rate dropped by 15.3 ba- The Bureau of the Treasury said in a memorandum to losses and allow it to pay off debts.
sis points to 7.575%. The one-year paper also dipped 8.56 banks and other eligible dealers of government securities The government has assumed this year about P200 bil-
basis points to 8.533%. Banks bid as much as P25.72 billion that Napocor had an option to raise its offering of fixed lion of Napocor’s debts of almost P600 billion to speed up
against an offering of P6 billion. rate “power bonds” to P7 billion at the auction tomorrow. the sale of its power plants and transmission facilities.
IT’S BUSINESS as usual for a Makati stock
Mr. Cruz said an estimated P40 billion to P45 billion worth The government will guarantee Napocor’s bond issue, Napocor, the single biggest strain on the Philippines’ shaky
exchange trader on Tuesday, the first
trading day of the week after the long of government securities will mature today, further increas- which will comprise P3 billion of five-year bonds and P2 finances, needs about $500 million this year to fund its
Labor Day weekend. Stocks ended higher ing the cash banks have on hand. He added that the excess billion of seven-year bonds. Deutsche Bank AG Manila, operations. Its net loss this year is seen to hit P31 billion
yesterday. Photo by Jonathan Cellona liquidity offset concerns about surging inflation, oil price First Metro Investment Corp. and state-owned Land Bank against estimates of a 2004 loss of P117 billion. — Reuters
hikes, and the stalled passage of the value added tax bill.
“That is why we see an across-the-board drop and the yield
MARKETWATCH curve going down,” the national treasurer said.
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas had projected inflation
for the year to be between 5% to 6%, although officials said
TUESDAY— MAY 3, 2005 High Low
this is likely to be exceeded after the rate in March and Febru-
Asia United Bank 11.6570 10.6570 ary reached 8.5%. Prices in April were seen to have risen at a
Bank of Commerce 11.6570 9.6570 faster 8.1% to 8.6%.
BDO Private Bank * 11.6250 10.1250 Despite this, Mr. Cruz said the more than 6% rate for the
East West Bank 12.4400 12.4400
Export and Industry Bank 11.5390 10.5390 government securities provides investors a respectable return
Int’l Exchange Bank 11.5510 9.5510 on their money.
Phil. Bank of Communications 11.5510 11.2500 Traders polled by BusinessWorld said the result of yester-
Phil Trust Bank 11.5510 9.5510
Phil. Veterans Bank 11.6570 11.0000 day’s bidding did not come as a surprise.
“In a way, this is expected. There is too much liquidity in
SUBSIDIARIES OF FOREIGN BANKS the market,” a trader at a local bank said.
ABN AMRO Bank of the Phil. 11.5510 9.3250
Chinatrust Bank 11.1010 9.8010 A trader at a foreign bank attributed the lowering of the
Maybank 11.5510 11.0510 rates to the maturing P40 billion retail Treasury bonds.
United Overseas Bank, Phils. 12.2500 12.0000 “Without any replacement for the [retail T-bonds], there
AVERAGE 11.6678 10.5344
will be greater demand for the short-term papers,” he ex-
FOREIGN BANKS plained, referring to the 91-day to two-year debt securities.
ANZ Bank 11.5000 8.1000 “Without that, we expected interest [rates] to go up a lit-
Bangkok bank 11.5510 7.5510
Bank of America 11.5510 9.5510 tle because of the high inflation and possible interest tighten-
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi 11.5500 8.5500 ing of the central bank,” he added.
JPMorgan Chase Bank 11.5510 9.0000 Meanwhile, the peso averaged P54.182 before closing at
Citibank,NA 12.4430 8.6250
Deutsche Bank 11.6850 8.7500 P54.25 against the dollar, 9 centavos weaker than Friday’s
Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd.** 11.5510 9.5510 P54.16 close. Early in the day, traders took advantage of the
Hongkong & Shanghai Bank 8.6600 6.4100 peso’s opening at P54.08 to buy more dollars.
ING Bank 9.5000 7.5000
Int’l. Comm’l Bank of China 11.5000 11.0000 “There was short-covering by banks related to commer-
Korea Exchange Bank 11.5510 8.7510 cial requirements,” a trader at a local bank said, referring to
Standard Chartered Bank 10.1250 8.1250 banks buying dollars to meet their clients’ needs.
AVERAGE 11.1322 8.5742
He added that the peso also followed the trend of other
UBS regional currencies that did not appreciate so much against
Allied Bank 11.5510 11.5510 the dollar.
Banco de Oro 11.5000 10.0000
BPI 11.5000 7.5000 However, traders remain optimistic that the peso will re-
China Banking Corp. 11.5510 9.5000 main strong against the dollar.
Dev’t Bank of the Phils. 11.6250 8.1250 “We are still biased to a strong peso,” the local trader said.
Equitable - PCIB 11.5510 9.3010
Land Bank of the Philippines 11.5510 8.0510 The total volume of transacted dollars yesterday hit $356.5
Metrobank 11.5000 9.5000 million, lower than last Friday’s $468.75 million. — KLMY
Philippine National Bank 11.0510 9.0510
Prudential 11.8470 10.8470
Security Bank
11.5510 7.5510
11.5510 9.5510
11.5510 8.0510
Declaratory relief seen
key to resolving tax issue
Union Bank 11.6850 9.6850
AVERAGE 11.5404 9.1617
GENERAL AVERAGE 11.4468 9.4234
* formerly Bankco Santander
Source: BSP
** Fuji Bank The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the country’s
foreign banks may finally resolve the much-debated tax issue
if either of the two parties file a declaratory relief before a
NEWS trial court to clarify questions on the law.
ONLINE “Either party can file a declaratory relief if there are ques- / tions on the law. It will help clarify the meaning of a law,”
Additional news online government sources said.
Bad asset disposal The source, privy to stand-off between the BIR and for-
Banks seek Bangko Sentral eign banks, said the law should be clarified so that the issue
approval of their special purpose will finally be resolved.
vehicle transactions. Banks and the BIR have agreed not to file cases against
each other on the matter and are instead awaiting results of a
congressional committee report. — ICCG

BSP Reference Rates

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

Dollar at 2-week high vs euro
of foreign of US$1 of foreign of RPP in of foreign of EURO LONDON — The dollar hit a two-week high against yen at ¥105.24 but still near a six-week low
currency in in foreign currency in foreign currency in in foreign the euro on Tuesday, advancing as traders bet around ¥104.60 set last week. The euro traded
Currency US Dollar currency RP peso currency EURO currency
the United States will keep steadily raising inter- little changed against the yen at ¥135.24, not far
Convertible currencies with BSP est rates to fight inflation despite signs of slower off a three-month low below ¥135 set last week.
US dollar 1.000000 1.000000 54.332000 0.018405 0.777545 1.286099
Japanese yen 0.009522 105.019954 0.517300 1.933114 0.007404 135.062129
US economic growth. The Australian dollar weakened slightly
UK pound 1.894600 0.527816 102.937400 0.009715 1.473136 0.678824 Analysts reckon the US Federal Reserve will against the dollar ahead of an interest rate deci-
Hongkong dollar 0.128266 7.796298 6.968900 0.143495 0.099733 10.026771 raise rates for an eighth consecutive time by 25 sion at 11:30 p.m. GMT. The Reserve Bank of
Swiss franc 0.835561 1.196801 45.397700 0.022028 0.649686 1.539205
Canada dollar 0.797067 1.254600 43.306200 0.023091 0.619755 1.613541 basis points to 3.0% but the market focus will be Australia is expected to keep rates unchanged at
Singapore dollar 0.611284 1.635901 33.212300 0.030109 0.475301 2.103930 on the accompanying statement for clues on the 5.25%.
Australia dollar 0.779484 1.282900 42.350900 0.023612 0.606084 1.649936
Bahrain dinar 2.652590 0.376990 144.120500 0.006939 2.062507 0.484847
future path of interest rates. EURO ZONE WEAK
Kuwait dinar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.000000 “I think the Fed will be pretty cagey. In the The euro traded with a weaker bias after ex-
Saudi Arabia rial 0.266660 3.750094 14.488200 0.069022 0.207340 4.822996 past six weeks we’ve had evidence that inflation ecutives in the 12-nation euro zone raised a re-
Brunei dollar 0.609422 1.640899 33.111100 0.030201 0.473853 2.110359
Indonesia rupiah 0.000105 9523.809524 0.005700 175.438596 0.000082 12195.121951 is picking up a little and evidence that economic cession warning by flagging the first contraction
Thailand baht 0.025316 39.500711 1.375500 0.727008 0.019684 50.802682 activity has decelerated a little so it’s even more in manufacturing there in 20 months, according
U. A. E. Dirham 0.272272 3.672798 14.793100 0.067599 0.211704 4.723576
E.M.U. euro 1.286100 0.777545 69.876400 0.014311 1.000000 1.000000
reason for them to be cautious,” said Ian Gun- to data released on Monday.
ner, head of foreign exchange research at Mellon “The rate of deterioration in the euro zone is
Others (Not Convertible with BSP) Bank. quite dramatic. It really is stoking up some inde-
Argentina peso 0.344531 2.902496 18.719100 0.053421 0.267888 3.732903
Brazil real 0.397931 2.512998 21.620400 0.046253 0.309409 3.231968 Weak US economic data, starting with pendent euro weakness,” said Gunner.
Denmark kroner 0.172768 5.788109 9.386800 0.106533 0.134335 7.444076 slower-than-expected first-quarter gross domes- The Fed has raised rates in quarter-point in-
India rupee 0.023010 43.459365 1.250200 0.799872 0.017891 55.894025
Malaysia ringgit 0.263193 3.799493 4.299800 0.232569 0.204644 4.886535 tic product growth last week, had raised some crements at each of its seven meetings since last
Mexico new peso 0.090547 11.043988 4.919600 0.203269 0.070404 14.203738 concerns the US central bank may slow down June, and some analysts expect it to continue
New Zealand dollar 0.728916 1.371900 39.603500 0.025250 0.566765 1.764400
Norway kroner 0.158255 6.318916 8.598300 0.116302 0.123050 8.126778
the pace of rate rises. raising the rate to 4% before pausing.
Pakistan rupee 0.016818 59.460102 0.913800 1.094331 0.013077 76.470138 The Fed is likely to announce a rate decision That contrasts with interest rates of 2.0% in
South African rand 0.164487 6.079508 8.936900 0.111896 0.127896 7.818853 at about 6:15 p.m. GMT. Higher US rates would the euro zone and virtually zero in Japan.
South Korea won 0.000999 1001.001001 0.054300 18.416206 0.000777 1287.001287
Sweden kroner 0.139712 7.157581 7.590800 0.131738 0.108632 9.205391 make short-dated US assets more attractive to The dollar was also supported as speculation
Syria pound 0.019264 51.910299 1.046700 0.955384 0.014979 66.760131 foreign investors. The dollar hit its highest level faded that China might relax controls over its
Taiwan dollar 0.031918 31.330284 1.734200 0.576635 0.024818 40.293335
Venezuela bolivar 0.000466 2145.922747 0.025300 39.525692 0.000362 2762.430939
against the euro since April 15 at $1.2831 before tightly pegged yuan currency during this week’s
SDR Rate = $1.51110/SDR GOLD Buying: $429.55 SILVER Buying: $6.80 easing to $1.2855 by 7:30 a.m. GMT. Labor Day holidays, a move that would shore up
* Irrevocable Fixed Conversion Rated adopted on 31 December 1998 The greenback was a touch higher against the other Asian currencies. — Reuters

Asian dollar bonds quiet UBS cautious for ’05 Insurer-bank

ahead of Fed rate decision tie up urged
HONG KONG — Asian dollar bonds were steady in muted trade
despite strong quarter An insurance expert urged Phil-
ippine insurers to explore
yesterday ahead of a US Federal Reserve interest rate deci-
ZURICH — UBS beat expectations were that great. The headline bancassurance as part of their strat-
sion, with market activity also slowed due to holidays.
with a strong rise in first-quarter number is better than consensus, egies to remain competitive.
While the Fed is widely expected to raise interest rates a
profits but a drop in investment but... it’s probably not as big an “Unless insurers face up to the
quarter point to 3% later in the day, investors will be more
banking income amid weaker glo- outperformance as some of the oth- challenge of bancassurance, the in-
interested in any hints the Federal Open Market Committee
bal markets made the world’s larg- ers have achieved,” said banking surance industry will simply be by-
(FOMC) makes on future rate policy. An announcement is
est wealth manager cautious for the analyst Piers Brown at passed and left behind,” Melecio
expected around 6:15 p.m. GMT (2:15 a.m., Wednesday in
full year. Commerzbank in London. Mallillin, president and chief execu-
UBS said on Tuesday first-quar- RAISING THE BAR tive officer of CCC Insurance Corp.,
“It’s not so much what they do — its more on the outlook
ter net profit rose to 2.625 billion Rival Wall Street investment told delegates of the second Philip-
the market is really looking for,” said James Milligan, the head
Swiss francs ($2.19 billion) as solid banks have already posted sturdy pine Non-Life Insurance Summit
of G3 fixed income trading at HSBC.
performance in its flagship private first-quarter results on buoyant fi- last week.
“In general, there has been a reluctance to wade back into
bank — where asset inflows from nancial markets and an uptick in Mr. Mallillin said that although
the market. Investors have been dipping their toes in but noth-
clients rose — helped outweigh a merger and acquisitions activity, bancassurance is still in its “infancy
ing more than that, to be honest,” he said.
surprise dip in investment banking. raising the bar for UBS and com- stage” in the country, bank and in-
Spreads on ports-to-telecoms conglomerate Hutchison
But shares in the world’s seventh petitor Credit Suisse, whose first- surance firms, especially interna-
Whampoa Ltd.’s bonds due in 2014 were steady at 122/117
largest bank by market value sank quarter results are due on Wednes- tional companies, should take ad-
basis points (bps) over comparable US Treasuries. Its bonds
as it said a market slowdown in day. vantage of it.
due in 2033 were unchanged at 195/192 bps.
March made it hard to predict what Swiss-based UBS shares were He said that foreign insurance
The slew of public holidays this week was taking a toll on
the full year would look like, sound- down 1.7% at 94.70 francs at 7:34 companies that want to penetrate
both the trading volume and new issues. Several markets were
ing much less upbeat than just three a.m. GMT, trailing the DJ Stoxx Eu- the local market could consider ty-
closed on Monday to mark Labor Day, while China is closed
months ago when it posted 2004 ropean banking index. The stock ing up with a local bank.
all week.
results. has underperformed Credit Suisse “Foreign insurers can quickly
“It is very challenging for the issuers in the dollar bond
“Clearly we have seen a slowing by some 5% so far this year as ana- gain a wide distribution facility in
sector this year,” said Tee Choon Hong, managing director at
of the markets over the quarter, par- lysts see more upside potential in Asia, Philippines included, through
the debt capital markets group, Deutsche Bank.
ticularly in March,” Chief Financial Credit Suisse’s shares. strategic alliances with local banks
The volume of all debt issues in Asia-Pacific, excluding
Officer Clive Standish told journal- The average in a Reuters poll of or other credit organizations,” he
Japan, hit $61.3 billion in the first quarter of 2005, up just
ists in a conference call, adding 12 analysts was for UBS net profit explained.
over 2% from $60 billion in the same period of 2004, a report
merger and acquisitions activity to rise to 2.430 billion francs, com- He also urged insurance com-
by market research firm Dealogic showed.
had held up “reasonably” well. pared to 2.277 billion a year ago and panies to partner with banks, both
“You have another 6-7 FOMC meetings this year, and if
“There is a perceptible 2.078 billion in the previous quar- local and regional. But Mr. Mallillin
you take away summer holidays, the clear window for com-
slowdown in markets as we speak,” ter. pointed out that regional banks
ing to the market, book build and for getting it done may be
he added. “It’s incredibly difficult to UBS said it took in 21.2 billion operating in the country that want
only another two months, maximum three months.”
look forward throughout the whole francs in net new money in its huge to engage in bancassurance will only
PT International Nickel Indonesia has mandated Morgan
year.” wealth management operations, up want to tie up with leading local
Stanley to arrange the sale of $250 million in offshore bonds
Analysts had been looking for a from 13.3 billion in the previous insurance companies.
for capital expenditure, debt market news service BasisPoint
strong first-quarter result from the quarter, helped by strong inflows “Only a few insurers will be the
said. Credit Suisse First Boston is the co-manager to the issue
world’s largest wealth manager af- from wealthy clients in Europe, Asia, ones sought after by the leading re-
whose timing was yet to be decided.
ter it said 2005 started well when as well as the United States. gional banks as valuable partners,”
The price of Philippine sovereign bonds due in 2025 were
posting a record 2004 result. UBS UBS said its wealth and asset he stressed.
flat, bid at 108. The bid on its 2015 bonds was also unchanged
has a history of beating market fore- management units had profited Currently, there are only a few
at 101.25.
casts over recent years. from rising global markets, which companies engaged in these
Recently issued 10-year Indonesian bonds were trading at
“I didn’t think the numbers had boosted fee income. — Reuters linkups. — Karl Lester M. Yap
96.50/97, marginally higher than last week but still over two
points below last month’s launch price of 99.127. Five-year
Philippines credit default swaps — insurance-like contracts PESO Cross Rates: Tuesday, May 3, 2005 source of raw data: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
that offer protection against debt default or restructuring — Phil Aussie Bahrain Canadian HKong Japan Saudi S’pore Swiss UK US EMU
were quoting marginally wider at 415/435 bps. — Reuters one unit of currency peso dollar dinar dollar dollar yen rial dollar franc pound dollar euro
Philippines 1.0000 0.0236 0.0069 0.0231 0.1435 1.9331 0.0690 0.0301 0.0220 0.0097 0.0184 0.0143
Australia 42.3509 1.0000 0.2939 0.9779 6.0771 81.8691 2.9231 1.2752 0.9329 0.4114 0.7795 0.6061
Bahrain 144.1205 3.4030 1.0000 3.3279 20.6805 278.6014 9.9474 4.3394 3.1746 1.4001 2.6526 2.0625
Demand Rates Canada 43.3062 1.0226 0.3005 1.0000 6.2142 83.7158 2.9891 1.3039 0.9539 0.4207 0.7971 0.6198
Hong Kong 6.9689 0.1646 0.0484 0.1609 1.0000 13.4717 0.4810 0.2098 0.1535 0.0677 0.1283 0.0997
Value date Friday, April 29, 2005 Japan 0.5173 0.0122 0.0036 0.0119 0.0742 1.0000 0.0357 0.0156 0.0114 0.0050 0.0095 0.0074
The interbank demand rate weighted average was 7-9/32%, Saudi Arabia 14.4882 0.3421 0.1005 0.3346 2.0790 28.0073 1.0000 0.4362 0.3191 0.1407 0.2667 0.2073
according to the Bangko Sentral treasury department. Rates Singapore 33.2123 0.7842 0.2304 0.7669 4.7658 64.2032 2.2924 1.0000 0.7316 0.3226 0.6113 0.4753
quoted by 19 participating institutions ranged from 7% to 7- Switzerland 45.3977 1.0719 0.3150 1.0483 6.5143 87.7589 3.1334 1.3669 1.0000 0.4410 0.8356 0.6497
5/8%, with lenders outnumbering borrowers at 13-6. Total United Kingdom 102.9374 2.4306 0.7142 2.3770 14.7710 198.9898 7.1049 3.0994 2.2675 1.0000 1.8946 1.4731
transactions amounted to P5.858 billion. United States 54.3320 1.2829 0.3770 1.2546 7.7964 105.0300 3.7501 1.6359 1.1968 0.5278 1.0000 0.7775
EMU 69.8764 1.6499 0.4848 1.6135 10.0269 135.0791 4.8230 2.1039 1.5392 0.6788 1.2861 1.0000

NEW YORK — US stocks closed higher on Mon- are down and the market is up — if you think

US stocks up on AIG; day, getting a boost from American Interna-

tional Group, Inc. (AIG) on relief that the insurer’s
latest disclosures about accounting problems were
about financials as the leader for the market.”
Shares of major brokers fell after a down-
grade, while shares of Morgan Stanley slid after
less damaging than initially feared, while a surge the board decided to stand by its embattled chief

Fed decision awaited in oil prices lifted shares of energy companies.

Trading was choppy during the session ahead
of the Federal Reserve meeting late Tuesday,
In economic news, US manufacturing activ-
ity receded in April amid a drop in new orders
Manila time, when the Fed was expected to raise and a deterioration in hiring, according to a
London-Brent New York-WTI Asia-Dubai
(JUNE CONTRACT) (JUNE CONTRACT) (APRIL CONTRACT) its benchmark fed funds rate to 3%. Markets will report from the Institute for Supply Manage-
also focus on the accompanying statement for ment, an industry group. But US construction
56.80 50.53
clues about future increases. spending jumped to a record high in March as
55.50 56.80 49.03
Shares swung higher in late afternoon trad- home building also hit record levels, a govern-
ing, helped by gains in oil companies such as ment report showed.
54.20 55.00 47.53 Exxon Mobil Corp. and Conoco Phillips as crude Mr. Caldwell said the slowdown seen in eco-
52.90 53.20 46.03
climbed to $51 a barrel. nomic figures meant that “if anything there’s
While higher prices heighten concerns about more volatility” ahead of the Fed’s meeting. “We
51.60 51.40 44.53 the impact on corporate profits and consumer don’t know what they’re going to say about this
49.60 43.03
spending, they help oil company’s profits. recent slowdown in the economic data.”
The Dow Jones industrial average finished up After dropping to a 10-week low last week,
59.19 points, or 0.58%, at 10,251.70. The Stan- crude for June delivery settled up $1.20, or 2.4%,
30-days to April 29 30-days to May 2 30-days to May 2 dard & Poor’s 500 Index was up 5.31 points, or at $50.92 a barrel. Exxon Mobil Corp. rose 71
Apr 25 26 27 28 29 May 26 27 28 29 2 May 26 27 28 29 2 0.46%, at 1,162.16. The Nasdaq Composite In- cents to $57.74, while Conoco Phillips rose $1.85
$/bbl 54.4 54.14 52.29 52.48 51.09 $/bbl 54.2 51.61 51.77 49.72 50.92 $/bbl 47.36 47.01 45.65 45.97 44.27 dex ended up 7 points, or 0.36%, at 1,928.65. to $106.70.
Average (Apr 1-30) $53.37 Average (May 1-31) $53.97 Average (May 1-31) $47.10
Average (Mar 1-31) $53.17 Average (Apr 1-30) $54.12 Average (Apr 1-30) $47.24
The Dow closed at its highest level in more AIG shares edged up 5%, or $2.59 to $53.44,
Source: Reuters than two weeks. “AIG and energy stocks are a day after it said it will restate more than four
higher and that helped the Dow,” said John Cald- years of financial reports. Prudential Equity
Monday, May 2, 2005 well, chief investment strategist at McDonald Group said in a research note that the decision
••• FOOD ••• Financial Group, part of Key Corp. “But it’s hard removed some uncertainty of the “status and
Spot Prices COCOA ICCO Dly (SDR/mt) 1022.05
COCOA ICCO $/mt 1546.91 to get excited about the market when the financials strength” of AIG’s balance sheet. — Reuters
••• METAL ••• COFFEE ICA comp ’79 cts/lb 104.15
COPPER Journal, spot, US cts/lb 0.00 COFFEE mild arabica NY cts/lb 136.13
COPPER Merchant,US cts/lb 155.60/156.60 COFFEE mild arabica B’men/H’burg 138.08
COPPER No.2 Refined, US cts/lb
COPPER Bare Bright,del US cts/lb
LEAD battery scrap, del US cts/lb
COFFEE robusta NY cts/lb
COFFEE robusta Le Havre/Marseilles
SUGAR world 11 cts/lb
Taiwan stocks flat; Crude ends up
LEAD Premium, del US cts/lb 8.00/10.00 SUGAR world 11 weighted ave. 8.68
LEAD Asarco Premium, del US cts/lb
ALUMINUM Premium, del US cts/lb
ALUMINUM Alloy, spot, US cts/lb
SUGAR ISA FOB Daily Price, Caribbean port cts/lb 8.78
SUGAR ISA 15-day ave.
••• GRAINS •••
8.56 techs give up gains New York — US crude oil futures rebounded on
ALU Mixed Clips, del US cts/lb 64.00/65.00 (FOB Bangkok basis at every Thursday) Monday, ending more than a dollar higher as
ALU Turnings, del US cts/lb 57.00/58.00 FRAGRANT (100%) 1st Class, $/ton 437.00 TAIPEI — Taiwan stocks closed unchanged yes-
TIN Premium/Grade A, US cts/lb 25.00/28.00 FRAGRANT (100%) 2nd Class, $/ton 424.00
fund buying pushed prices above $50 in a thin
TIN Premium/Low Lead, US cts/lb 30.00/32.00 RICE (5%) White Thai- $/ton 301.00 terday as investors took quick profits from tech trading day.
PALLADIUM free $/troy oz 193.00/196.00 RICE (10%) White Thai- $/ton 298.00 heavyweights like United Microelectronics Corp.
PALLADIUM JMI base, $/troy oz 196.00 RICE (15%) White Thai- $/ton 285.00
Before the late bounce, prices slipped as high
PLATINUM free $/troy oz 868.00/872.00 RICE (25%) White Thai- $/ton (Super) 266.00 (UMC) after earlier gains that were inspired by OPEC production and increasing US inventories
PLATINUM JMI base $/troy oz 872.00 RICE (35%) White Thai- $/ton (Super) 0.00 rises on Wall Street.
KRUGGERAND, fob $/troy oz 415.92/418.92 BROKER RICE A-1 Super $/ton 228.00
continued to ease worries of a supply shortage.
NICKEL Premium, del US cts/lb 30.00/32.00 The benchmark TAIEX share index, which After dropping to a 10-week low last week,
ZINC Premium, del US cts/lb 4.00/4.50 ••• RUBBER ••• was closed on Monday for Labor Day, rose as
IRIDIUM, whs rot, $/troy oz 145.00/00.00 Standard M’sian Rubber 5 (FOB)Mal cts/kilo 462.50
crude for June delivery settled up $1.20, or 2.4%,
RHODIUM, whs rot, $/troy oz 1500.00/00.00 Standard M’sian Rubber 20 (FOB)Mal cts/kilo 448.50 much as 0.8% by midday before late profit taking at $50.92 a barrel, recouping more than half of its
erased those gains. $2.05 loss on Friday on the New York Mercantile
The index inched up 0.15 point to end at Exchange. It traded between $49.17 and $50.99.
Coconut London Metal Exchange 5,818.22, but has rebounded about 5% since an Support reemerged at around $49.15 and
8-month intraday low was hit on April 21. then hurdled some resistance at $50. Prompt
Peso/100kg Buyer Seller “US stock markets have risen for two days crude is still down more than $7, or nearly 13%,
Manila 2,105-2,125 and that encouraged sentiment in early trade, from the record $58.28 set on April 4.
Lag/Qzn/Luc 2,105-2,125 ALUM. H.G. 1819.25 1822.00 1771.00
Coconut Oil-CRUDE 36.75 but the market was still volatile and tried to build Trading on the International Petroleum Ex-
ALUM. Alloy 1610.50 1630.00 1647.50
COPPER 3353.00 3215.00 2841.00
up a bottom,” said Albert Lin, vice-president at change in London was closed Monday for the
CIF Rotterdam
May05/Jun05 660.00 LEAD 1005.00 950.00 905.00
Hotung Securities. May Day holiday. “Trading is a bit thin with
Jun05/Jul05 655.00
NICKEL 16590.00 15850.00 14280.00 Soft turnover of T$58.38 billion also reflected London closed today,” said Marshall Steeves,
Jul05/Aug05 655.00
COCONUT OIL (US)-cents/lb TIN 8055.00 8050.00 7937.00 the caution before the US Federal Reserve policy analyst at Refco Group. “… It looks like some
Crude CIF, NY Nola Mar/Apr 29.25 ZINC 1286.00 1299.00 1302.50 meeting yesterday. locals and funds came in and pushed it above $50
Crude FOB rail Nola Mar 33.00
UMC, the world’s number-two contract and found some buy stops there.”
chipmaker, gave up earlier rises to finish flat at New prompt month NYMEX June gasoline
LIFFE COFFEE Robusta-5 MT-$/ton LIFFE COCOA (Ldn)-10 MT-£/ton
High Low Sett Psett High Low Sett Psett T$18.40 and Nanya Tech, a maker of memory also recovered from a deep early slide and settled
May 1054 1054 May 791 791 chips, lost 1.7% to T$20.20, pulling the tech sub- up 1.84 cents, or 1.2%, at $1.5145 a gallon, after
Jul 1088 1088 Jul 815 815
Sep 1114 1114 Sept 831 831 index 0.38% lower. — Reuters trading $1.469 to $1.519. — Reuters
Nov 1135 1135 Dec 849 849

Commodity Future charts Monday, May 2, 2005 Source: Reuters Japan markets are closed due to Golden Week Holidays


30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 1-MAY-2005 30-days to 02-MAY-2005 30-days to 02-MAY-2005 30-days to 02-MAY-2005
889 452 10700
738 2030 3110

880 445 10560

727 2002 3074

871 439 716 10420 1974 3038


861 432 705 10280 1946 3002


852 426 694 10140 1918 2966


843 419 683 1890

10000 2930

OPEN: 871.80 CLOSE: 870.00 OPEN: 435.70 CLOSE: 430.50 OPEN: 692.50 CLOSE: 684.00 OPEN: 149.00 CLOSE: 149.60 OPEN: 10,192.00 CLOSE: 10,251.70 OPEN: 1,923.23 CLOSE: 1,928.65 OPEN: 2,931.97 CLOSE: 2,949.09
HIGH: 873.80 NET: 1.40 HIGH: 436.00 NET: -5.60 HIGH: 694.50 NET: -6.30 HIGH: 149.80 NET: 0.30 HIGH: 10,258.43 NET: 59.19 HIGH: 1,933.42 NET: 7.00 HIGH: 2,957.46 NET: 18.99
LOW: 868.00 PREV: 868.60 LOW: 429.50 PREV: 436.10 LOW: 677.00 PREV: 690.30 LOW: 147.90 PREV: 149.30 LOW: 10,188.07 PREV: 10,192.51 LOW: 1,916.03 PREV: 1,921.65 LOW: 2,931.97 PREV: 2,930.10


30-days to 03-MAY-2005 30-days to 03-MAY-2005 30-days to 03-MAY-2005
30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 2-MAY-2005 30 days to 2-MAY-2005 14045
1868 375 1,015

13904 6025
1786 9.20 357 992

13763 5940
1705 8.90 340 969

13622 5855
1623 8.60 322 946

1542 8.30 13481 5770

305 923

1460 8.00 287 900 13340 5685


OPEN: 127.50 CLOSE: 123.55 OPEN: 1,483 CLOSE: 1,503 OPEN: 8.65 CLOSE: 8.68 OPEN: 920.94 CLOSE: 913.82 OPEN: 13,969.64 CLOSE: 13,893.98 OPEN: 5,845.14 CLOSE: 5,818.22
OPEN: 315.00 CLOSE: 314.50
HIGH: 129.25 NET: -4.40 HIGH: 1,520 NET: 11 HIGH: 8.70 NET: 0.02 HIGH: 923.53 NET: -4.60 HIGH: 13,994.66 NET: -14.99 HIGH: 5,865.90 NET: 0.15
HIGH: 315.00 NET: -3.50
LOW: 122.00 PREV: 127.95 LOW: 1,483 PREV: 1,492 LOW: 8.62 PREV: 8.66 LOW: 911.14 PREV: 918.42 LOW: 13,877.92 PREV: 13,908.97 LOW: 5,818.22 PREV: 5,818.07
LOW: 310.50 PREV: 318.00

Philippine Index Charts

Stocks inch up, but investors remain cautious
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Banks & Fin’l: 542.83 All Shares: 1,141.27 Composite: 1,865.11
654 1258 2177

618 1230 2088 Local stocks started the week in Investors and market partici- mentum last Friday. There was some pressure. They cannot in-
582 1202 1999
positive territory but cautious op- pants have taken cautious positions some positioning towards end crease [prices] as fast as they like to
timism among investors remains. as the bicameral conference com- Thursday and Friday trading on do. As people spend more money
546 1174 1910
The benchmark Philippine mittee reconcile differences in the hopes there will be no untoward on gasoline and in transportation,
510 1146 1821
Stock Exchange composite index amendments to the VAT measure. incident over the long weekend. they have less to spend on other
4.00 10.48
474 1118 1732 (Phisix) closed higher by 10.18 The Senate version maintained the When there was none, there was a things,” Mr. Roxas added.
438 1090 1643
points, or 0.56%, at 1,865.11 yester- VAT rate at 10% while removing strong opening,” Westlink Global SM Investments Corp. topped
D J F M A M D J F M A M D J F M A M day after the Labor Day holiday. certain exemptions and raising the Equities, Inc. Chairman Rommel the 20 actively traded issues. The
CI: 2,934.81 Property: 695.42 Mining: 2,754.01 Jose Vistan, Jr., research direc- corporate income tax to 35% from Macapagal said. share price of the holding firm of
3370 916 4395
tor of AB Capital Securities, Inc., 32%. The House of Representatives Local financial markets resumed retail magnate Henry Sy, Sr. went
said investors continued to look for increased the VAT to 12% as en- trade yesterday as Malacañang de- down at P248. It cornered 26.07%
3255 3905
bargains on hopes that a compro- dorsed by Malacañang. clared May 2 a holiday. of the market for 860,780 shares
3140 798 3415 mise on the value-added tax (VAT) Tracking the performance of the “The outlook remains flat to valued at P213.66 million.
3025 739 2925
bill could be reached. Phisix, the all-shares rose four bullish. The market is a little over- Second largest lender Bank of
“We expect the market to move points, or 0.35%, at 1,141.27 while sold. April is usually down. May the Philippine Islands followed with
2910 680
18.37 sideways in the coming sessions. the commercial-industrial climbed should be the start of better things. 3.02 million traded shares valued at
28.36 The thin volume today shows cau- 28.36 points, or 0.98%, at 2,934.81 There is a summer rally that usu- P145.84 million. Share prices were
621 1945

tious optimism, not a bullish re- Banks and financial services ally starts in the middle of May,” unchanged at P48. The Ayala-led
562 1455
D J F M A M D J F M A M D J F M A M versal indication. Besides the VAT went down by 2.25 points, or 0.41%, Joseph Roxas, president of Eagle bank reported a quarterly net in-
bill, the market is also facing the at 542.83. Mining inched up 18.37 Equities, Inc., said. come of P2 billion, up by 25% from
PSE Turnover and Averages specter of higher inflation and in- points, or 0.68%, at 2,754.01. Prop- Local stocks likewise gained as P1.6 billion a year ago.
SHARES VALUE (P) AVERAGES terest rates,” Mr. Vistan wrote in his erty shares dipped 8.76 points, or oil prices recovered from low of Industry giant Philippine Long
BANKS/FIN’L 5,041,280 185,277,500 BANKS/FIN’L 542.83 down 2.25
COMML/INDL 196,088,800 533,571,565 COMML/INDL 2,934.81 up 28.36 online commentary. 1.24%, at 695.42. Oil was un- $49.03, which is 13% below of Distance Telephone Co. ranked
PROPERTY 28,375,000 88,480,140 PROPERTY 695.42 down 8.76 The amended VAT is seen as the changed at 2.56. The market traded record high of $52.28. third with a 14.21% market share.
MINING 130,925,800 9,017,990 MINING 2,754.01 up 18.37 most critical of six fiscal reform 413.66 million shares for P819.41 “It [surge in oil prices] affects It shares went up 1.81% to P1,405.
OIL 53,590,000 3,230,500 OIL 2.56 unch 0.00
SME 0 0 SME 100.00 unch 0.00 measures intended to narrow million with 42 gainers beating 21 the disposable income of the peo- SM Prime Holdings, Inc.
GRAND TOTAL 414,020,880 819,577,695 ALL SHARES 1,141.27 up 4.00 down the fiscal gap which hit losers and 37 unchanged issues. ple and profits of the companies. dipped 2.7% to P7.20. — Ruby
Advances 42 Declines 21 Unchanged 37 COMPOSITE 1,865.11 up 10.48 P187.052 billion in 2004. “It continues to enjoy the mo- For the oil companies... there is Anne M. Rubio
BANKS/FIN’L 541.26 553.00 542.83 Provided by:
Technistock P H I L I P P I N E S T O C K E X C H A N G E
MINING 2,735.64 2,833.61 2,734.31
OIL 2.56 2.56 2.48 TUESDAY — MAY 3, 2005
ALL SHARES 1,140.42 1,149.29 1,140.42 TOTAL FOREIGN BUYING : 403,544,562.80 52 Wk 52 Wk MkCap Stks Name Volume Open High Low Close Prev Net Foreign 52Wk 52Wk MktCap Stock Stocks Volume Open High Low Close Prev Net Foreign
COMPOSITE 1,862.55 1,883.24 1,862.55 TOTAL FOREIGN SELLING: 525,909,812.80 HHigh LLow (mil) Code Close Trade(peso) HHigh LLow (Pmil) Code Close Trade(peso)
Top 10 in Volume Top 10 in Value 63.5 22.25 24,255 FPH First Phil. Hldgs 271,900 43.5 44 43 44 43 (324,600)
Stocks Volume Stocks Value
Banks & Financial Services 0.35 0.13 441 FPI Forum Pacific 0 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 -
5.2 2.8 364 ASIA Asiatrust Dev’t Bank 4,000 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 - 65 40 6,238 GBH Global Business Hldgs. 0 53 53 53 53 53 -
Abra Mining & Indust’l 74,000,000 SM Investments Corp. 213,660,120
31.5 16.5 23,613 BDO Banco de Oro Universal 149,000 25.5 26 25 26 26 375,000 0.15 0.05 162 GEI Global Equities, Inc. 500,000 0.085 0.085 0.0825 0.0825 0.085 -
PhilWeb.Com, Inc. 33,700,000 Bank of the Phil. Islands 145,835,500 60 39.5 107,976 BPI Bank of the Phil. Islands 3,017,600 48.5 49 47.5 48 48 (15,958,650) 2.16 0.3 686 HI House of Investments 100,000 1.2 1.2 1.14 1.14 1.2 (72,000)
Metro Pacific Corp. 30,130,000 Phil. Long Dis. Tel. Co. 116,481,750 695 516.67 24,829 CHIB China Banking Corp. 100 670 670 670 670 670 - 1.2 0.9 310 JOH Jolliville Hldgs. Corp. 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 -
Oriental Pet. & Min. A 27,000,000 SM Prime Hldgs, Inc. 46,407,100 17.5 16 772 CSB Citystate Savings Bank 0 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 - 1.02 0.42 27 KPH Keppel Phils. Hldgs A 0 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 -
SE Asia Cement Hldgs 26,220,000 Ayala Corp. 43,568,100 1.04 0.38 1,872 EIB Export and Ind. Bank Inc. 760,000 0.67 0.69 0.67 0.68 0.66 - 1.4 0.42 28 KPHB Keppel Phils. Hldgs B 0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -
Omico Corp. 22,000,000 Ayala Land, Inc. 30,259,300 52 38.5 34,533 EPCI Equitable PCI Bank 125,400 47 47.5 47 47.5 47 981,500 3.3 0.43 2,125 MAC Macroasia Corp. 0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 -
Sinophil Corp. 17,590,000 Metropolitan Bank 21,062,650 20.25 16.25 5,816 IBNK International Exch. Bank 210,000 18.25 18.25 18.25 18.25 18 - 0.019 0.011 196 MC Marsteel Cons. A 0 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 -
Manila Mining B 17,300,000 Belle Corp. 15,563,920 40.5 23.5 51,460 MBT Metropolitan Bank 661,500 31.5 32.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 (11,073,850) 0.022 0.012 76 MCB Marsteel Cons. B 0 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.015 -
Abacus Cons. Res. A 16,000,000 Manila Water Co. Inc. 13,424,600 400 289.31 2,876 PB Prudential Bank 0 350 350 350 350 350 - 0.75 0.17 210 MED MEDCO Hldgs, Inc. 150,000 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -
Abacus Cons. Res. B 15,000,000 First Phil. Hldgs 11,896,500 100 66 5,155 PBC Phil. Bank of Commun. 0 98 98 98 98 98 - 2.02 1.02 11,544 MEG Megaworld Corp. 2,996,000 1.32 1.34 1.3 1.3 1.28 (672,400)
41.5 21.5 11,531 PNB Phil. National Bank 5,600 33 33 30.5 30.5 33 - 0.28 0.1 168 MHC Mabuhay Hldgs Corp. 0 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 -
Leaders 38 26
16 11.25
Phil. Savings Bank
Rizal Comm’l Bank A
0 32.5 34 32.5
0 12.5 12.5 12.5
MHI Magnum Hldgs, Inc.
MIC Multitech Investments
0 0.45
1 1 1
0.45 0.45 0.45
1 -
Stocks Volume Close Net ±% 34.5 15.5 8,728 SECB Security Bank Corp. 200 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 26 - 0.71 0.24 6,697 MPC Metro Pacific Corp. 30,130,000 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.36 0.35 (5,816,000)
Metro Alliance Hldgs A 10,000 0.6800 0.2200 47.83 33.5 22.5 14,057 UBP Union Bank of the Phils. 81,800 26.5 26.5 25.5 25.5 26.5 (1,283,500) 1.3 0.8 996 PHC Philcomsat Hldgs. 0 1 1 1 1 1 -
Lorenzo Shipping 2,560,000 1.2000 0.1800 17.65 0.48 0.12 592 POPI Prime Orion Phils. 200,000 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 -
Dizon Mines 26,000 3.4000 0.4000 13.33 Financial Service 1.62 0.6 459 PRIM Prime Media Hldgs. 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 -
EEI Corp. 3,020,000 0.6000 0.0600 11.11 2.4 1.9 1,210 ATRK ATR Kim Eng Fin 5,000 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 - 0.54 0.08 960 PWR East Asia Power Res. 150,000 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.245 -
1.16 0.76 265 BKD Bankard, Inc. 0 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 - 1.2 0.8 1,091 ROX Roxas Hldgs. 0 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 -
SE Asia Cement Hldgs 26,220,000 0.3100 0.0300 10.71
0.75 0.4 597 FAF First Abacus Finan’l Hldgs 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 - 0.68 0.33 1,064 SGI Solid Group, Inc. 0 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 -
East Asia Power Res. 150,000 0.2700 0.0250 10.20 300 160 10,558 FMIC First Metro Investment Corp. 0 280 280 280 280 280 - 250 216 131,440 SM SM Investments Corp. 860,780 249 249 247 248 250 (87,837,260)
Bacnotan Cons. Indus. 1,000 11.0000 1.0000 10.00 2,655 1,9501,987,661 MFC Manulife Financial Corp. 140 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 - 0.93 0.175 589 SOC So. China Res., Inc. 0 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 -
Pacifica, Inc. A 5,000,000 0.0110 0.0010 10.00 1.2 0.6 2,171 PCIL PCI Leasing & Fin. 20,000 1 1 1 1 1 20,000 0.65 0.125 54 SPM Seafront Res. Corp. 0 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 -
Benguet Corp. B 3,100 35.0000 3.0000 9.38 155 100 2,292 PSE Phil. Stock Exchange, Inc. 0 150 150 150 150 150 - 4.6 1.74 11,076 TDY Tanduay Hldgs, Inc. 0 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 -
Keppel Phils Marine 60,000 0.5200 0.0400 8.33 1,880 1,400 996,000 SLF Sun Life - Canada 940 1,650 1,660 1,650 1,660 1,645 - 0.27 .0775 510 UW Uniwide Hldgs, Inc. 4,700,000 0.22 0.225 0.2 0.2 0.22 -
1 0.7 1,193 VVT Vivant Corporation 0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 -
Laggards Commercial & Industrial 0.3 0.135 655 WIN Wellex Industries, Inc. 0 0.135 0.2 0.135 0.2 0.2 -
Stocks Volume Close Net ±% Communication 0.44 0.16 506 WPI Waterfront Phils., Inc. 0 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.26 -
Interport Res. Corp. A 4,000,000 0.0032 -0.0018 -36.00 24 13.25 11,109 ABS ABS-CBN Broadcasting 7,400 14 15.25 14 14.25 13.5 - 0.3 0.2 820 ZHI Zeus Holdings 0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -
5 2 465 DFNN Diversified Fin. Network 0 5 5 5 5 5 -
Cyber Bay Corp. 1,580,000 0.2100 -0.0400 -16.00
2.02 0.62 7,120 DGTL Digital Telecoms Phils. 4,148,000 1.08 1.14 1.08 1.12 1.08 33,600 Manufacturing, Distribution & Trading
MUSIC Corp. 9,000 1.3000 -0.1600 -10.96 5.2 0.67 276 ECP Easycall Comm. Phils. 0 3.2 3.2 3 3 3 - 2.04 0.12 144 AAI Active Alliance,Inc. 0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 -
Uniwide Hldgs, Inc. 4,700,000 0.2000 -0.0200 -9.09 1,180 780 114,022 GLO Globe Telecom Inc. 14,250 820 825 815 815 810 (475,100) 6 3.25 93 CAT C. Azu. De Tarlac 0 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 -
Phil. National Bank 5,600 30.5000 -2.5000 -7.58 5.6 1.16 2,168 IPO iPeople, Inc. 3,000 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.75 - 1.92 1.1 300 ILI Interphil Lab. A 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 -
ATN Holdings A 30,000 1.6000 -0.1000 -5.88 0.065 0.036 195 IS Island Info and Tech 0 0.041 0.041 0.04 0.04 0.04 - 1.94 1.12 157 ILIB Interphil Lab. B 0 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 -
House of Investments 100,000 1.1400 -0.0600 -5.00 0.0775 0.032 1,500 ISM ISM Communications 0 0.048 0.05 0.048 0.05 0.05 - 0.98 0.32 125 MAH Metro Alliance Hldgs A 10,000 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.46 -
Union Bank of the Phils. 81,800 25.5000 -1.0000 -3.77 0.6 0.1 375 LIB Liberty Telecoms Hldgs 0 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 - 0.75 0.32 81 MAHB Metro Alliance Hldgs B 0 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 -
Boulevard Hldgs, Inc. 30,000 0.1650 -0.0050 -2.94 2.6 2 3,815 MB Manila Bulletin Publishing 0 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 - 9.5 7 3,382 MEP Matsushita Electric Phils. 5,000 8 8 8 8 7.5 -
Global Equities, Inc. 500,000 0.0825 -0.0025 -2.94 4.1 1.48 5,154 PLTL Pilipino Telephone Corp. 786,000 3.15 3.15 3.05 3.05 3.1 - 2.06 2 251 MRAY Macondry Plastic, Inc. 0 2 2 2 2 2 -
1.46 1.3 293 TBGI Transpacific Broadcast 0 1.42 1.42 1.4 1.4 1.4 - 2.08 0.55 116 MUSX MUSIC Corp. 9,000 1.46 1.46 1.3 1.3 1.46 -
1,505 965 239,150 TEL Phil. Long Dis. Tel. Co. 82,670 1,400 1,415 1,400 1,405 1,380 23,271,950
RP ABROAD 0.86 0.32 1,142 V iVantage Equities, Inc. 540,000 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.65 0.65 -
MVC Mabuhay Vinyl Corp.
PPC Pryce Corp.
0.8 0.91
0.3 0.3
0.8 0.91 0.91
0.3 0.3 0.3
May 2, 2005 Volume High Low Close Change 0.026 0.01 1,827 WEB PhilWeb.Com, Inc. 33,700,000 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.019 0.019 - 5 1.32 451 SEVN Phil. Seven Corp. 0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 -
PLDT 116,600 $26.02 $25.84 $25.85 $0.08 0.26 0.1 110 STN Steniel Mfg Corp. 0 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 -
BENGUET CORP 886,830 0.73 0.65 0.675 ($0.015) Power & Energy
PHILEX GOLD 0 C$0.00 C$0.00 C$0.00 C$0.00 21.5 14 9,973 MER Manila Electric A 300 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 - Hotel, Recreation & Other Service
MANULIFE FINL 1,208,833 C$58.50 C$57.57 C$58.30 C$0.63 34 20 9,168 MERB Manila Electric B 427,500 22.5 23.25 22.5 22.75 22.25 3,493,900 1.86 0.46 7,494 BEL Belle Corp. 13,001,000 1.18 1.26 1.16 1.18 1.18 (2,646,400)
SUN LIFE FINL 1,004,156 C$39.68 C$39.10 C$39.40 C$0.12 7.6 5.8 12,033 MWC Manila Water Co. Inc. 2,211,000 6.2 6.2 6 6 6.1 (5,041,100) 14 1 1,098 DHC Acesite (Phils.) Hotel Corp. 0 11 11 11 11 11 -
4.55 2.38 32,344 PCOR Petron Corp. 2,226,000 3.25 3.5 3.25 3.45 3.25 609,700 1.56 0.22 1,760 FAIR Fairmont Holdings Inc. 220,000 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 -
PLDT (PHI) is listed at the New York Stock Exchange; Benguet Corp (BENGE.OB) at the OTC BB Nasdaq; Philex Gold (PGI.V)
2.42 2 3,139 SPC Salcon Power Corp. 0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 - 1.72 0.31 1,131 FER Leisure & Resorts World 436,000 1.54 1.56 1.52 1.52 1.52 -
at the Canadian Venture Exchange; Manulife Finl (MFC.TO) and Sun Life Finl (SLC.TO) at the Toronto Stock Exchange
1.82 0.9 939 TA Trans-Asia Oil 0 1.14 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.12 - 38 33 2,591 GPH Grand Plaza Hotel 0 33 33 33 33 33 -
Dividend Update Transportation Services
7.5 2.7 540 MJC Manila Jockey Club 0 3 3 3 3 3 -
0.46 0.18 161 PEP Premiere Entertainment 0 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 -
ISSUE STOCK CASH EX-DATE RECORD PAYABLE 2.06 1.22 3,560 ATI Asian Terminals, Inc. 0 1.74 1.78 1.74 1.78 1.78 - 4 2.6 1,767 PRC Phil. Racing Club, Inc. 0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 -
International Exchange Bank 0.30 15-Apr-’05 20-Apr-’05 4-May-’05 1.84 1.31 2,996 ATS Aboitiz Trans. Sys. Corp. 0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 -
San Miguel Corp. 0.35 12-Apr-’05 15-Apr-’05 9-May-’05 8.7 2.85 16,962 ICT ICTSI 383,000 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.3 (380,300) Bonds, Preferred & Warrants
Philippine Long Distance Tel. Co. 14.0 28-Mar-’05 31-Mar-’05 12-May-’05 0.68 0.25 1,037 KPM Keppel Phils Marine 60,000 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.48 - 24.25 13 3,721 ABSP ABS-CBN Hldgs PDR 277,700 13.5 14 13.5 13.75 13 2,308,850
Cityland Development Corp. 0.1736 14-Apr-’05 19-Apr-’05 13-May-’05 1.44 0.3 361 LSC Lorenzo Shipping 2,560,000 1.1 1.2 1.08 1.2 1.02 (192,000) 0.32 .0006 25 MACW Macroasia Corp. W 0 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 -
Macondray Plastics, Inc. 0.159 2-May-’05 5-May-’05 23-May-’05
11 10 101 TELP PLDT (10% Pref.) Series P 2,300 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.5 -
Philippine Racing Club, Inc. 0.10 22-Apr-’05 27-Apr-’05 23-May-’05 Construction & Other Related Products 11 10.25 257 TELT PLDT (10% Pref.) Series T 300 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 -
Philippine Long Distance Tel. Co. EE (TLEE) 1.0 25-Apr-’05 28-Apr-’05 31-May-’05 0.83 0.27 560 EEI EEI Corp. 3,020,000 0.57 0.6 0.57 0.6 0.54 1,044,500 11 10.25 427 TELV PLDT (10% Pref.) Series V 3,300 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 -
1.2 0.15 1,764 FCC Fortune Cement Corp. 0 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 -
Schedule of Meetings 4.9 1.2 18,388 HLCM Holcim Philippines, Inc. 189,000 2.8 2.85 2.8 2.85 2.75 (256,500) Property
4.9 2.1 523 PNC Phil. Nat’l Const. Corp. 35,000 3 3 3 3 2.9 - 10 5.2 82,923 ALI Ayala Land, Inc. 3,874,000 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.8 (12,195,000)
Date Company TIME PLACE 2 0.21 4,629 RCM Republic Cement Corp. 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 - 0.58 0.23 453 ARA Araneta Properties 0 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 -
May 1.8 1.62 1,160 REG Republic Glass Hldgs 0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 - 2.1 1.36 1,341 CDC Cityland Dev’t Corp. 0 1.4 1.4 1.36 1.36 1.36 -
04 Tanduay Holdings, Inc. (Annual) 3 pm Century Park Sheraton Hotel, Vito Cruz, Manila 1.2 0.34 1,690 CHI Cebu Holdings, Inc. 3,550,000 0.84 0.88 0.84 0.88 0.89 88,000
Food, Beverages & Tobacco 0.49 0.135 1,247 CMP C&P Homes, Inc. 2,300,000 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26 (427,000)
05 Universal Robina Corp. (Annual) 5 pm Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, ADB Ave. Ortigas Center, Q.C.
4.2 2.8 2,900 AMC Alaska Milk Corp. 0 3.2 3.25 3.2 3.25 3.25 - 0.45 0.29 254 CPV Cebu Prop. Venture A 0 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 -
05 ChinaBank (Annual) 4 pm ChinaBank Bldg., Paseo de Roxas, Makati City 4.5 3.5 3,434 CBC Cosmos Bottling Corp. 0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 - 0.45 0.1 1,294 CYBR Cyber Bay Corp. 1,580,000 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.25 -
38 27 8,997 GSMI Ginebra San Miguel Inc. 0 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 - 0.39 0.11 205 EIBR EIB Realy Developers Inc. 0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 -
NAV One Year Three Year Five Year Y-T-D 31 19.25 27,990 JFC Jollibee Foods Corp. 310,600 29 29 28 28.5 28.5 8,838,800
MUTUAL FUNDS per share Return Return* Return* Return 15 14 560 LFM Liberty Flour Mills 0 14 14 14 14 14 -
0.63 0.21 2,642 ELI Empire East Land Hldgs 5,970,000
1.32 0.44 3,288 EPHI Edsa Properties Hldgs 0
0.38 0.38 (1,188,000)
0.78 0.78 -
May 3, 2005 % % % % 2.04 1.1 223 PCKH Pancake House, Inc. 0 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 - 2.12 0.91 11,260 FLI Filinvest Land, Inc. 3,198,000 1.42 1.46 1.42 1.44 1.36 3,025,240
Equity Funds 70 42 2,077 PF San Miguel Pure Foods “A” 0 55 55 55 55 55 - 0.23 0.034 81 GO Gotesco Land, Inc. A 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -
ATR- Kim Eng Equity Opportunity Fund 1.2004 n.a. n.a. n.a. 8.85 124 70 2,325 PFB Pure Foods Corp. B 0 124 124 124 124 124 - 0.23 0.045 40 GOB Gotesco Land, Inc. B 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -
Philam Strategic Growth Fund 183.9400 19.74 12.34 9.40 4.32 1.24 0.55 1,306 RFM RFM Corp. 0 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 - 2.8 2 5,166 HP Highlands Prime leisure 0 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.3 -
0.48 0.225 265 SFI Swift Foods, Inc. 0 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 - 0.88 0.41 162 KEP Keppel Phils. Properties 0 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 -
Philequity Fund 6.9246 29.61 17.88 15.08 7.40
59.83 55 110,682 SMC San Miguel Corp. A 37,500 57.5 58 57.5 58 58 - 0.36 0.15 807 KPP Kuok Phil. Properties 800,000 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 -
Sun Life Prosperity Phil. Equity Fund 1.1233 12.02 6.55 3.54 -0.89 84.5 67.63 101,696 SMCB San Miguel Corp. B 69,100 83 83.5 83 83 83 (2,490,000) 0.84 0.23 1,659 LND Fil-Estate Land, Inc. 0 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 -
United Fund 1.4521 10.30 9.56 9.05 -0.62 11 10.5 385 TFC Phil. Tob. Flue Curing 0 11 11 11 11 11 - 0.31 0.07 90 MRC MRC Allied Indus. 200,000 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.175 -
Balanced Funds 12.75 6.2 20,659 URC Universal Robina Corp. 0 12 12.25 12 12.25 12.25 - 0.24 0.05 260 PHES Phil. Estates Corp. 0 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 -
First Galleon Family Fund ** 0.6728 1.08 0.82 1.77 0.34 0.39 0.25 119 VITA Vitarich Corp. 7,430,000 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 1,015,000 3.7 2.7 1,133 PRMX Primex Corp. 0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 -
GSIS Kinabukasan Fund 1.1101 15.62 1.93 -1.08 3.91 5.1 1.78 10,910 RLC Robinson Land Corp. 126,000 4.6 4.75 4.6 4.75 4.55 -
Legacy HY Fund, Inc. ******* 1.2531 3.88 3.38 10.95 11.78 Holding Firms 0.42 0.03 1,027 RLT Phil. Realty and Hldgs 350,000 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 -
MFCP Kabuhayan Fund. 0.7856 13.48 7.66 4.99 4.43 15 6 121 AB Atok-Big Wedge A 0 8 8 8 8 8 - 2 0.98 5,050 SMDC SM Devt Corp. 100,000 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.62 -
Philam Fund 5.1635 16.65 12.70 10.24 4.37 0.016 .0029 298 ABA Abacus Cons. Res. A 16,000,000 .0085 .0085 0.0085 0.0085 .0085 - 9.7 5.6 71,398 SMPH SM Prime Hldgs, Inc. 6,327,000 7.5 7.6 7.2 7.2 7.4 (13,106,500)
Sun Life Prosperity Balanced Fund 1.3166 12.30 7.26 6.03 -0.93 0.017 0.003 135 ABAB Abacus Cons. Res. B 15,000,000 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 -
Sun Life Prosperity Dollar Advantage Fund US$ 2.1982 3.54 n.a. n.a. 1.78 10.5 5 51 ABB Atok-Big Wedge B 0 5 5 5 5 5 - Mining
8.7 5.1 118,041 AC Ayala Corp. 6,288,000 7 7 6.8 6.9 6.9 2,949,000 1.5 0.1 346 APX Apex Mining Co. A 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -
Bond Funds
1.14 0.15 2,265 ACR Alsons Cons. Res. 0 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.36 0.36 - 1.6 0.1 237 APXB Apex Mining Co. B 0 0.85 0.85 0.8 0.8 0.8 -
ALFM Dollar Bond Fund US$ 264.24 2.86 4.55 n.a. 1.17 5.4 2.8 22,621 AEV Aboitiz Equity Ventures 2,306,000 4.4 4.55 4.4 4.55 4.4 - 0.016 .0028 705 AR Abra Mining & Indust’l 74,000,000 .0085 .0085 0.0085 0.0085 .0085 -
ATR-Kim Eng Fixed Income Fund 1.0547 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.23 12.75 10.5 21,049 AGI Alliance Global Group 0 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 - 8.6 1 1,744 Atlas Cons. Mining 105,000 5 5 4.8 4.9 4.8 -
Ayala Life Fixed Income Fund 177.1500 7.64 7.49 8.29 2.59 0.0725 0.019 158 AJO Hldgs 7,400,000 0.033 0.033 0.031 0.031 0.031 - 10.5 0.135 630 BC Benguet Corp. A 23,000 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 9 -
Cocolife Fixed Income Fund ******** 1.1529 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.24 2.65 0.9 4,900 ANS A. Soriano Corp. 402,000 1.94 1.98 1.94 1.96 1.94 - 35 1.08 1,486 BCB Benguet Corp. B 3,100 32 35 32 35 32 -
Ekklesia Mutual Fund, Inc. 1.0706 4.60 n.a. n.a. 1.43 0.65 0.05 1,166 APC APC Group, Inc. 0 0.3 0.32 0.3 0.31 0.31 - 4.6 1 265 DIZ Dizon Mines 26,000 2.5 3.4 2.5 3.4 3 -
Grepalife Fixed Income Fund (2)** 1.0240 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.91 0.01 .0046 385 APM Alcorn Gold Res. 0 .0065 .0065 0.0065 0.0065 .0065 - 0.52 0.19 4,094 LC Lepanto Cons. Mining A 140,000 0.34 0.34 0.31 0.32 0.32 -
Legacy GS Fund, Inc.***** 1.0680 6.09 2.71 0.60 4.95 0.49 0.11 386 APO Anglo-Phil. Hldgs 0 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.36 0.36 - 0.57 0.235 2,900 LCB Lepanto Cons. Mining B 4,260,000 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.33 408,000
Legacy TD Fund, Inc. ****** 1.0754 1.62 -2.90 n.a. 1.50 1.98 0.46 181 APR Aries Prime Resources, Inc. 0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 - 0.026 0.005 1,146 MA Manila Mining A 12,200,000 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 -
2.55 1.32 192 ATN ATN Holdings A 30,000 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 - 0.04 .0055 1,002 MAB Manila Mining B 17,300,000 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 -
MAA Privilege Dollar Fixed Income US$ 1.0868 6.53 n.a. n.a. 2.43
1.8 1.52 144 ATNB ATN Holdings B 0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 - 0.011 .0028 551 OM Omico Corp. 22,000,000 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 -
MAA Privilege Peso Fund *** 1.6540 2.00 n.a. n.a. -1.84
2 0.3 292 B Baguio Gold Hldgs 0 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 - 1.46 0.31 1,688 PX Philex Mining A 0 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 -
Philam Bond Fund 2.0755 8.08 8.81 9.01 2.60 1.32 0.6 979 BAL Balabac Res. & Hldgs 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 - 1.8 0.33 1,232 PXB Philex Mining B 734,000 1.1 1.1 1.06 1.06 1.08 -
Philam Dollar Bond Fund, Inc. US$ 1.2331 4.83 5.43 n.a. 1.47 37 9 1,868 BCI Bacnotan Cons. Indus. 1,000 11 11 11 11 10 - 52 32.5 9,797 Semirara Coal Corp. 134,700 33.5 33.5 33 33 33 (3,339,150)
Prudentialife Fixed Income Fund, Inc. 1.0404 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.48 0.24 0.06 165 BHI Boulevard Hldgs, Inc. 30,000 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.17 - 0.5 0.09 217 UPM United Paragon Mining 0 0.22 0.25 0.22 0.25 0.25 -
Sun Life Prosperity Bond Fund 1.5391 7.70 7.9900 8.66 2.39 1.5 0.47 4,352 BPC Benpres Hldgs Corp. 8,580,000 0.98 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.96 (1,000)
Sun Life Prosperity Dollar Abundance Fund(1)US$ 2.0093 n.a. n.a. n.a. -0.12 1.1 0.35 909 BRN A Brown Company, Inc. 0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 - Oil
Sun Life Prosperity GS Fund(1) 1.0054 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.28 0.28 0.1 270 BSC Basic Cons., Inc. 0 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.18 - 0.018 .0085 264 IMP Imperial Res., Inc. A 0 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 -
Money Market Fund 0.33 0.12 374 CEI Crown Equities, Inc. 10,000 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.225 - 0.008 0.003 90 IRC Interport Res. Corp. A 4,000,000 .0032 .0032 0.0032 0.0032 0.005 -
Sun Life Prosperity Money Market Fund 1.0439 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.690 0.88 0.04 1,971 CMT SE Asia Cement Hldgs 26,220,000 0.3 0.32 0.3 0.31 0.28 (6,231,900) 0.0085 .0032 65 IRCB Interport Res. Corp. B 0 .0055 .0055 0.0055 0.0055 .0055 -
6.1 0.24 5,977 DMC DMCI Holdings, Inc. 1,307,000 2.65 2.7 2.65 2.65 2.6 - 0.009 .0026 720 OPM Oriental Pet. & Min. A 27,000,000 .0055 0.006 0.0055 0.006 0.006 -
Index Fund
0.0725 0.019 225 EVER Ever Gotesco Res. 0 0.049 0.049 0.045 0.045 0.045 - 0.0095 .0028 560 OPMB Oriental Pet. & Min. B 0 .0065 0.007 0.0065 0.007 0.007 -
Philippine Index Fund 203.580 19.46 n.a. n.a. 2.320 0.7 0.18 430 FC Fil-Estate Corp. 0 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 - 0.55 0.15 294 OV The Philodrill Corp. A 0 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 -
Source: Investment Company Association of the Philippines (ICAP)* Annualized;**NAV 04-29-05; ***change in the manage- 1.78 0.9 7,147 FDC Filinvest Dev’t Corp. 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 - 0.57 0.16 197 OVB The Philodrill Corp. B 0 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 -
ment effective 06-01-03; ****will resume publication of NAV once the fund is re-activated; ***** P0.05 cash dividend/share 12 1.32 4,800 FH Fil-Hispano Hldgs 251,000 8.1 8.2 7.9 8 7.9 - 0.019 0.007 92 PA Pacifica, Inc. A 5,000,000 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.01 -
declared as of Dec. 20, 2003;******0.05 centavo cashdividend/share declared as of 05-11-04;*******0.10 centavo cash dividend/ 1.02 0.4 181 FJP F&J Prince Hldgs A 0 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 - 0.28 0.021 1,782 SINO Sinophil Corp. 17,590,000 0.17 0.18 0.165 0.165 0.165 167,500
share declared as of 05-11-04;********Publication of NAVS started on 06-01-04;(1)commenced operations on 03-01-05;(2) 1.02 0.6 193 FJPB F&J Prince Hldgs B 0 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 - 0.48 0.13 184 VUL Vulcan Ind’l & Mining 0 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 -
NAVPS will be offered at P1.00 for a period of thirty (30) days from October 14, 2004 to Nov. 14, 2004.

Adidas sells Salomon DISNEYLAND

Disneyland employee Patrick

to Amer; shares jump Clevenger sells Mickey and Minnie

Mouse balloons along Main Street
ahead of the 50th anniversary of Dis-
neyland in Anaheim, California, May
FRANKFURT — The Adidas group un- Herbert Hainer said, adding that 2. On May 5, Disneyland Resort in
veiled a surprise sale of its winter Adidas-Salomon will be renamed California launches the “Happiest
sports brand Salomon to focus on Adidas. Homecoming On Earth,” an 18-
its classic sportswear range after “It’s the right decision from a month commemoration of the 50th
quarterly profit surged, driving its strategic point of view because anniversary of the very first Disney
stock to a seven-year high on Mon- Salomon never fitted into Adidas’s theme park.The event is the corner-
day. product portfolio,” said HVB ana- stone of a global celebration in
Despite recent denials, Adidas lyst Uwe Weinreich. which all 11 Disney theme parks
said it would sell the ski maker to PRICE around the world will join together
Finland’s AmerSports in a deal Sal.Oppenheim’s Joerg Frey for the first time for the landmark
occasion. Disneyland is celebrating
worth 485 million euros ($624 mil- agreed: “The price looks good. I am
its 50th anniversary with new attrac-
lion), following repeated calls from wondering what they are going to tions, shows and parades, along
analysts who questioned Salomon’s do with the money because Adidas with fresh twists on classic favorites.
profitability. does not need it.” Disney said it is the biggest celebra-
Salomon has been hit hard by Mr. Hainer said the Bavarian tion in its history.The festivities be-
sluggish ski sales over several firm would use the cash from the gin May 5. Reuters
mild winters without much snow. deal for its current share buyback
Adidas had been tr y ing to program instead of spending the
strengthen the loss-making brand, funds on an acquisition.
which it bought in 1997 with golf
brand Taylormade-Adidas Golf for
1.2 billion euros.
Amer said the purchase would
blend Salomon’s winter sports and
Freedom Action Sports brands with
Verizon beats Qwest in bid
“We decided that now is the its own Atomic winter sports busi-
time to focus even more on our core
strength in the athletic footwear and
apparel market as well as the grow-
The deal, pending antitrust ap-
proval, will boost both firms’ prof-
for MCI with $8.5-billion offer
ing golf category,” Chief Executive itability. — Reuters
WASHINGTON — Verizon Communications, Inc. share including MCI’s 40¢ dividend.
won its 10-week battle for MCI, Inc. on Monday, “I think Verizon has got to be very happy to-
New Lenovo chairman
Keppel unit as Qwest Communications International, Inc.
withdrew its $9.9-billion bid after MCI accepted
day,” said industry analyst Jeff Kagan.
“They are paying more than they originally
H ONG K ONG — China’s top PC seller, Verizon’s $8.5-billion offer. agreed to, but at least they still have the com-
Lenovo Group Ltd., said on Tuesday Liu
Chuanzhi has relinquished the chair-
wins $300-M MCI said it accepted Verizon’s lower price
because its large business customers had threat-
pany,” he said.
MCI began talking to Verizon and Qwest last
manship of the company he has led for
more than 11 years following the com-
pletion of a US$1.25-billion deal to take
oil rig contract ened to defect if it was sold to Qwest. Qwest did
not go quietly, accusing MCI of tilting the bid-
ding war in Verizon’s favor and short-changing
July, but the talks became more serious early this
year after SBC Communications agreed to buy
AT&T Corp. for $16 billion.
over IBM’s personal computer business. shareholders. “It is no longer in the best interests MCI’s board justified accepting Verizon’s
Yang Yuanqing, executive director and SINGAPORE — A unit of Singapore’s
Keppel Corp. said yesterday it had of share owners, customers and employees to lower offer by saying that several of MCI’s large
previously the chief executive of the
company, has been appointed as the won a contract worth US$300 mil- continue in a process that seems to be perma- customers preferred a Verizon deal over one with
chairman to replace Mr. Liu, who will lion to build two oil rigs for a US nently skewed against Qwest,” MCI said. Qwest, and that “a number of customers have
become a non-executive director, drilling company. Verizon, the largest US telecommunications also requested rights to terminate their arrange-
Lenovo said in a statement. — Reuters Keppel FELS Ltd., a wholly company, will gain control of the second largest ments with MCI in the event of a Qwest trans-
owned subsidiary of Keppel Off- US long-distance telephone company and the no. action.”
Neiman Marcus deal shore and Marine, will build the 2 provider of telecommunications services to MCI has about 60,000 large-business custom-
NEW YORK — Upscale department store
jack-up rigs for Diamond Offshore large businesses and governments. Shares of MCI ers and roughly one million small-business sub-
chain Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. said on fell sharply after Qwest ended its bid. scribers. It also runs one of the largest internet
Drilling, Inc., a company specializ-
Monday it agreed to be bought by two Verizon’s winning offer provides at least $26 backbones and global data networks and has
private equity firms for about $5.1 bil- ing in contract drilling services
based in Texas, USA. per MCI share, with $5.60 cash to be paid upon some 13 million residential telephone custom-
lion, in a high-stakes bet on the luxury
One of the units will be built in approval of the deal by MCI shareholders, plus ers.
goods market’s sustainability. The com-
pany’s shares slumped more than 5% on Singapore, while the other at a either 0.5743 Verizon share for every share of MCI’s stable of large corporate and business
the news, as some investors expressed Texas-based subsidiary company, MCI common stock or Verizon shares valued at customers, second only to AT&T’s, is the major
disappointment with the deal’s value Keppel AmFELS. $20.40, whichever is greater. motivation behind Verizon’s and Qwest’s efforts.
and others scrambled to cash out after Keppel said it would deliver the Verizon’s prior bid was for $23.50 a share, Qwest also saw the opportunity to cut $14.8
a sharp rise in the company’s shares.
two rigs in the first quarter of 2008, including an MCI dividend of 40¢ a share. billion in costs through an MCI deal, providing
Neiman Marcus is known for its high- Qwest’s current offer, which it had called its “best its best chance to reduce its $17 billion in debt
with an option for a third at a later
end fashions and lavish Christmas and final bid,” was for $9.9 billion, or $30.40 per and improve its weak cash flow. — Reuters
catalog offerings. — Reuters date. — AFP

BMW earnings
luxury car maker, said Tuesday that bot- Hutchison Tel to take Lockheed, Boeing end
tom line earnings slipped in the first
three months of the current year as a
result of the strong euro. BMW said in a fixed-line unit private feud, merge launch units
statement it booked net profit of 519
million euros ($664 million) in the pe- WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. ended
riod from January to March, down 0.8% HONG KONG — Hutchison Telecom- was confusing to investors. nearly a decade of bitter rivalry over government rocket
from the year-earlier figure. In addition munications International Ltd., ty- “The market has lost interest in launches by announcing on Monday they would form a 50-
to the strong euro, other factors weigh- coon Li Ka-shing’s emerging mar- Hutchison Global Communica- 50 joint venture called United Launch Alliance.
ing on earnings included the strong rise kets phone arm, plans to take pri- tions… it’s reasonable to privatize The companies said they would immediately seek to sus-
in raw materials prices and the model vate its 53% owned Hutchison Glo- it,” said Ben Kwong, associate direc- pend litigation against each other linked to launch contracts
changeover, BMW explained. — AFP bal Communications Holdings Ltd., tor at KGI Asia Ltd. and would dismiss all claims when they complete the deal,
helping to simplify its corporate Hutchison Global Communica- probably in late 2005 or possibly early 2006.
Holcim net income structure. tions was formed last year in a deal The US Air Force had encouraged the companies last year
ZURICH— Holcim, the world’s second big- Hutchison Global, a Hong Kong that was criticized by some in the to team up on launches.
gest cement maker, said on Monday
fixed-line telecoms operator, has a market. ANTITRUST CONCERNS
bad winter weather and higher energy
costs had weighed on sales and oper- market value of HK$3.28 billion In that transaction, Mr. Li’s Pentagon support could help overcome any antitrust con-
ating earnings, keeping its quarterly re- (US$421 million). Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. con- cerns about diminished competition.
sults below forecasts. However, the com- No other details were immedi- glomerate, known for its avid asset- Defense analyst Loren Thompson, a consultant to
pany reiterated its 2005 financial targets, ately available and company offi- swapping, sold its Hong Kong fixed- Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed, said the deal would give
predicting internal operating profit cials declined comment. line phone business to an affiliated both firms a better rate of return in an extremely difficult
(EBITDA) growth of more than 5%, and Hutchison Telecommunications company that was then called Vanda market hurt by a shortage of commercial telecommunications
arguing that the first quarter was not revealed its intention to take Systems for US$910 million. launches.
indicative of the year as a whole. While Hutchison Global Communica- Shares in the firm, later renamed Lockheed Vice-President Jeff MacLauchlan told Reuters
accounting changes helped boost
tions private in a brief statement is- Hutchison Global Communica- that preliminary discussions with federal officials showed that
January-March net income 67% to 169
million Swiss francs ($141.8 million), op- sued through the Hong Kong stock tions, shot up by as much as 61% “the government is generally supportive of the approach.”
erating profit rose just under 10% to 411 exchange. the next day, closing 37% higher, as The merger would save the government about $100 mil-
million francs. Sales declined 1.1% to Some market players said hav- investors crowded to get in on the lion to $150 million a year, the companies said in a joint state-
2.73 billion francs. — Reuters ing separate listings for both firms latest Li vehicle. — Reuters ment. — Reuters


Audi offers luxury vehicle A6 Toyota holds

The BMW K 1200 S: for well-balanced professionals Innova road
power, comfort in one bike trek adventure
Luxury car maker Audi, realiz-
BMW boasts of being the only pable of producing 167 horsepower, ing that the distinction between Toyota Motor Philippines Corp.
company in the Philippines that which BMW says is the most so- professional and personal respon- (TMP) hosted its friends in the
mass-imports big motorcycles. Just phisticated engine management sibilities are becoming blurred, has media to a first-of-its-kind event
last year, BMW Philippines sold system available today. Surprisingly, launched the new A6 to draw a firm dubbed as the Innova Road Trek
about 100 of them, and the firm its engine is considerably narrow; its line between work and leisure time. Adventure on April 20 to 22, 2005.
expects number to grow each year width at crankshaft level is about Successful men and women re- The new multipurpose vehicle of
as more people get into big bikes. the same as 600-cc engines. alize that there is more to life than Toyota — the Innova — has estab-
The various motorcycles BMW As with all BMW bikes, the K work and are redefining their per- lished itself as the best selling vehi-
produces serve various types of 1200 S has a closed-loop, three-way sonal priorities. They prefer to live cle in the country in less than two
bikers. Some bikes are meant for catalytic converter and digital en- by their own rules. months after its introduction.
off-road terrain and others for gine electronics that ensure envi- Recognizing the importance of Toyota organized the event to let
highway riding, and others for both. ronment compatibility. this trend, luxury carmaker Audi is its friends in the media experience
Their latest bike, which fits the Even at high speeds, one main- specifically targeting these “new firsthand the new features and revo-
third category, is also BMW’s most tains a complete sense of balance, professionals” with the introduc- lutionary performance of the new
powerful — the K 1200 S. with its low center of gravity from tion of its latest product. Its A6 Innova through an innovative and
During its launch at The Fort in a 55-degree cylinder bank. Control marketing campaign — aptly exciting test drive activity that will
Taguig City last April 22, hundreds at all times is assured by its front- named “Following Your Own To be formally launched on Fri- well as the basic lines are all new. take them from the “Heart of the
of motorcycle enthusiasts went to wheel suspension with two parallel Rules” — showcases people who day, May 6, 2005, the new A6 has With the Multi Media Interface Philippines,” Iloilo City, to the is-
see, and feel for themselves its much links. The suspension is also elec- have successfully attained balance been developed to meet the needs or MMI integrated user interface, land paradise of Boracay.
anticipated arrival. Some people tronically adjustable, a first of its in their lives by ignoring conven- and expectations of these drivers. adopted from the A8, Audi now of- The Innova boasts of stylish ex-
had even pre-ordered the K 1200 S kind. tions and doing things their own Just one look at the new A6 fers an “infotainment” platform and terior features, remarkable car-like
months before the launch. The K 1200 S also has the BMW way. proves right from the start that this control concept on the A6 that com- comfort, a solid frame and en-
A test ride was held on April 24 Motorrad Integral automatic brake According to Miguel G. is an all-new car in every respect. bines the advantages of simple op- hanced suspension, all around
at an empty carpark in Greenhills system, which allows for quick Coyiuto, president of PGA Cars, The A6 is much more athletic than eration, a perfect position, and con- safety, technologically advanced D-
Shopping Center. Although it’s deceleration and short braking Inc., the newly appointed Audi sole before, with proportions more sistent logic. 4D and VVT-i engines and the
considered a sports bike, with its distance, on any terrain. authorized importer and distribu- sporting, more muscular and The center console is also where promise of a global quality.
sleek looks and engine power, it also The K 1200 S is now available at tor in the Philippines, “Our market poised for action. the button for the electromechani- The Innova Road Trek Adven-
provides maximum comfort and authorized BMW Motorrad dealers surveys indicate what…Audi A6 The exterior dimensions of the cal parking brake is located — an- ture took the various media teams
safety. for P1.09 million and P1.131 mil- drivers regard as important. Dem- new A6 have increased compared other feature inherited from the A8. with their respective Innovas from
The K 1200 S runs on a 1157- lion in mono-color and multi-color onstrating their status in life and with the previous model giving The A6’s sporty character is Iloilo to Caticlan with various stops
cc, four-cylinder, in-line engine ca- paint schemes, respectively. maintaining an impressive overall more shoulder room and knee most evident through its driving along the way.
lifestyle are now less important to room, particularly in the rear. The comfort and agility. Powerful gaso- Media teams were asked to per-
these people. They go about every- luggage compartment, which has a line engines and advanced trans- form stunts and activities highlight-
thing in their own way and no capacity of 546 liters, is enough for mission technology, as well as the ing the features of the Innova. The
longer confirm to what society dic- two golf bags laid crosswise. choice of front-wheel or quattro event culminated in the island para-
tates as being correct. This attitude Viewed from the front, the permanent all-wheel drive, set the dise of Boracay where all partici-
also applies to their choice of vehi- trapezoidal single-frame grille is a foundation for the new A6. pants were given time to relax, re-
cle.” symbol of Audi’s new design direc- To be offered initially are the charge and enjoy the best of world-
“The car they drive is an expres- tion and the representation of the Audi A6 with 2.4 and 3.0 V6 gaso- renowned beach destination.
sion of their values and beliefs — a latest generation of Audi models. line engines and multitronic trans- The new Innova has already
way to express their personality and The center console in the new missions. Soon to follow are vari- become the best selling vehicle in
individuality rather than just a A6 is slightly angled — a typical ants fitted with the 3.0 TDI V6 the market with a two-month sales
means of showcasing their wealth design feature of sports cars and the turbo diesel engine and 4.2 V8 gaso- total of 2,161 units, outselling any
and social status,” he added. instruments and steering wheel, as line engines, quattro drivetrain and other vehicle in the market today.

Shell and Ferrari renew MOTORSCENE

Hyundai seeking to produce F1 partnership to 2010

rear-drive luxury cars in 2007 Shell has renewed its technical advantage in terms of reliability and
Seoul— South Korea’s Hyundai Hyundai would not churn out partnership with Ferrari for a performance. In fact our partner-
Motor Co. said on Monday it may large-size hybrid vehicles for a while further five years from 2006 until ship is now even more important
produce rear-wheel-drive luxury because of their low profitability, the end of 2010, in which Shell will given the recent rule changes affect-
cars around 2007 to emulate the the spokesman added. continue to provide fuels and ing engine life. We have one of the
success of BMW’s premium cars Like many South Korean ex- lubricants to Ferrari’s road car strongest technical relationships in
and Toyota’s Lexus, and also churn porters, Hyundai is having to cope division as well as its racing opera- the pit lane and the partnership has,
out hybrid cars later in 2006. with a stronger won currency and tion. and will continue to play a key role
The moves by the country’s top higher steel prices, as well as a slug- Luca Di Montezemolo, Ferrari in our success,” Mr. Todt said.
automaker, which controls half the gish local economy. Its first-quarter president and chief executive officer, Juan Carlos Perez, Shell Brands
home market, is seen as a step to- operating profits tumbled by almost Jean Todt, Ferrari managing direc- International vice president, added:
wards its goal of being among the one third.’ tor and Rob Routs, Shell Down- “We are delighted to re-sign with
world’s top five car makers by 2010. In another development, Kia stream CEO re-signed the sponsor- Ferrari. Our relationship with
“We have not decided in what Motors is recalling 24,119 Rio se- ship contract in Imola at the San Ferrari is one of the most mutually
brand the luxury model will be, but dans in the United States because Marino Grand Prix last week. beneficial technical partnerships in Isuzu bus supply contract
rear-drive cars like BMW and their wheels could crack and come Powering and protecting Ferrari automotive history.” Isuzu Philippines Corp. (IPC) has released to Erjohn and Almark Transit Corp. (EATC)
Toyota Lexus will be launched off the vehicle, according to federal road cars and its racing operations, Ferrari’s Formula One and road an Isuzu FTR33P (Front Door) 61-seater, air-conditioned bus that is powered by 200
around 2007,” a Hyundai spokes- safety regulators. Shell products were used in the very car operations provide a formida- PS 6HH1 engine. IPC will supply a total of 50 units to EATC, which will be used as
man said by telephone. The vehicles from the Korean first Ferrari cars and Shell played a ble testing ground for monitoring commuter buses for these routes: Alabang-Lawton; Dasmariñas, Cavite-Lawton; and,
It currently produces only front- carmaker affected by the recall, key role in Ferrari’s first Formula such features as wear resistance, Balayan, Batangas-Lawton. These buses are designed in compliance with the gov-
wheel-drive cars. Hyundai and its which is set to begin at the end of One appearance in 1950. high temperature engine thermal ernment’s Clean Air Act program and IPC’s new SEE Technology campaign (Safety,
affiliate Kia Motors Corp. will also May, are from the 2001 model year, Since then Shell has powered protection systems and reduction of Economy, Environment-friendliness). Shown in photo: (L-R) Art Gavino, EATC Human
Resources/General Services manager; Lito Santiaguel, EATC president; Mario Ojales,
bring forward by a year, to end- the National Highway Traffic Safety Ferrari to eight Formula One Con- internal abrasion.
IPC Bus Sales manager; Tony Litonjua, Almazora Motors Corp. VP for marketing; and,
2006, plans to sell small-size hybrid Administration (NHTSA) said. structors’ crowns and 11 Drivers’ Today, the advances made by Engr. Ramil Mendoza, IPC technical manager.
cars to the United States, the spokes- “If cracking is severe, the wheel titles. Since 1996, Shell has pio- Shell on the track feed the develop-
man said. could fail and separate from the neered trackside analysis techniques ment of products for the road. Shell
The first hybrid models will be mounting hub and possibly result that account in part for Ferrari phe- customers today can trace their fuel
sub-compact cars of Hyundai’s Ac- in loss of vehicle control and a nomenal mechanical reliability and oil’s heritage back to the high-
cent and Kia’s Rio, which share pro- crash,” NHTSA said in an advisory record. performance products used by the
duction platforms. on its Web site recently. — Reuters “Shell gives us a real competitive Ferrari team.

Friendly advice on proper honking from Bosch

The horn in your car is sup- drive pedestrians, commuters and their horns while you’re there, as- Blow your horn if:
posed to be a safety device. Excessive other drivers on the road up the suming you’re not at your wake. • Someone suddenly crosses the
honking creates unnecessary and wall. “You’re trying to beat a red or road, where there is no pedestrian
unwanted noise pollution, stress If you are driving your vehicle yellow light. Avoiding committing lane in front of you. Do it after
and conflict. and are tempted to blow your horn, this obvious traffic violation could stepping on the brakes.
Robert Bosch Inc., a global you shouldn’t if: save your life, as well as that of • You are about to turn left or
name in the fields of automotive “You are facing a pedestrian lane others. right into another road. A short
technology, power tools, car multi- and people are crossing. You should “You’re stuck in heavy traffic. honk should warn other drivers or
media and security systems, shares slow down and keep quiet. Don’t Honking eases neither traffic con- pedestrians of your presence. Special guest at Wheel Gallery
some rules of honking that would pressure pedestrians into dashing gestion nor stress. It does the exact • You are facing a vehicle moving Wheel Gallery, the company which introduced the “DUBS” look in the Philippines,
make driving less stressful and our across quickly. They are not in a opposite. in the opposite direction in your recently played host to Richard Saberton, SEMA vice presidentfor operations for
roads much friendlier for both marathon race and are merely fol- “You’re behind a slow-moving lane. the Asia-Pacific Region. Saberton was in town for a week long observatory tour of
motorists and pedestrians. Bosch is lowing standard traffic rules. So vehicle. The driver may be sick, lost • You are on narrow mountain the domestic aftermarket industry. His Philippine visit was arranged by Tradeshow
a world-renowned brand for car should you. or having problems with his vehicle. roads and can’t see at least 200 feet International, the outfit behind Transport Show and the soon to be launched Ma-
horns, as it supplies some of the “You are passing by a church, “You’re very upset or angry over ahead. nila Auto Salon. “I have heard of great things about the aftermarket mafia. Their
customization and modification of sport utility vehciles and compact sedans are at
leading car manufacturers world- school or hospital. People in these something. In such a situation, let So next time you lean heavily on
par with the US market in terms of creativity and design. We look forward to their
wide for their horns requirements. places obviously need peace and someone else drive. Better yet, take your car horn and honk indiscrimi- participation in SEMA shows in the very near future,” says Mr. Saberton. Photo shows
Now let’s take the bull by the quiet, so don’t bother them. You public transport. nately, think twice. Remember these Mr. Saberton posing with Wheel Gallery and Tradeshow officials (from left) led by:
horns: may end up in one or more of these But special situations do require friendly “honking” tips from Bosch Atoy Llave of A-TOY Paint and Body Kits, Sophie de los Santos of Tradeshow Interna-
The sound of drivers honking places if you don’t. See what hap- you to warn others while you are on Automotive. The message it sends tional, Richard Saberton of SEMA, Sammy Liuson, president of Wheel Gallery and
their horns, specially in chorus, can pens to you if other drivers blow the road driving. is definitely loud and clear. Arvin Lim of Makna Marketing.


EO 419 Best car brands under one roof

NOT SO FAST When it comes to tax
collection, no one is better Twenty-two of the best car brands gathered in the Motors Inc., exhibited five cars representing each gen-
TITO F. HERMOSO First Manila International Motor Show from April 28 eration of the SL lineup. This started with a restored
equipped to pursue and
achieve the singular pur- to April 30 at the World Trade Center, Roxas Boulevard, 1956 190 SL which was recently shipped to Singapore
pose of tax collection than Manila. for an exhibition, to its current-model descendant, the
the collector himself/her- BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Ford, Hummer, SL 350.
self. We have many of Hyundai, Isuzu, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Land Rover, Mazda, Celebrating its 30th year anniversary of the 3 Series,
those, and for the sake of Maserati, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan (Universal BMW displayed a lineup of sport sedans starting from
our constant fiscal Motors Corp.), Peugeot, Ssyang Yong, Toyota, a classic 1975 model to the all-new 330i and 320i.
hemorrhaging, we really Volkswagen and Volvo showed their latest and upcoming Ford exhibited the oldest Ford in the Philippines, a
need them. But in the so- models at the Trade Center’s 5,700-square-meter 1930 Model-A alongside some thoroughbred classic
cioeconomic scheme of exhibition hall. Mustangs.
things, economic policy Events organizer Worldbex Services International Toyota’s TF103 Formula One car, Ford’s World Rallye
and strategic considera- (WSI), in cooperation with the Chamber of Automotive Car-inspired Focus, and Mazda’s RX-8 were also put on
tions must and do come Manufacturers of the Philippines (CAMPI), presented display.
above narrow-targeted tactical concerns. For it is up to the event. WSI President Joseph L. Ang explained that Mitsubishi showcased a full lineup of the powerful
policy planners and economists to balance tax collec- the event’s goal was to boost the local automotive in- Lancer Evolutions starting from the Evo I to the Evo
tion with its impact on the varying shades of gray in a dustry. “This is our humble contribution to nation build- VIII.
national economy. ing,” he said. Chrysler and Dodge’s local distributor, CATS
Fortunately, this country has no shortage of econo- Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Motors, brought in their new Chrysler 300 Touring and
mists, in the executive branch, who know what they are Board Chairman Ma. Elena H. Bautista, Truck Manu- its Hemi-powered brother, the 300C. The limited-
doing. Even those with business backgrounds are now facturers’ Association President Luie Dy Buncio, CAMPI edition CLK Armani Cabriolet was also there.
well steeped in the workings of the dismal science. Now President Elizabeth Lee, and members of the diplomatic Kia and Hyundai went practical with new common
if I believe what I said, executive orders like EO 419 won’t corps graced the event’s opening ceremonies. rail diesel-powered variants of the Sorento sport utility
have a chance of being passed into law. Never mind if it “We are cognizant of the fact that we cannot attain vehicle (SUV) and Matrix hatchback, respectively.
states that it is a stopgap measure, a panacea that will our objective without the active participation and Volvo, through its local distributor Viking Cars, Inc.,
be good for one year. We all know that certain so-called cooperation of the private sector — the true engine of brought its high-performance S60R for the discerning
temporary laws [like the “color-coding” instituted to progress that propels the nation to growth and car enthusiast.
ease traffic on EDSA “only” for the duration of the MRT prosperity,” Ms. Bautista said. Albert Arcilla, president and chief executive officer
construction] have a habit of self-perpetuation. “With more than a hundred vehicles on exhibit, I of Viking Cars, said that through the show, they aimed
EO 419 throws us back to the days before the excise believe we have successfully communicated the message to share the Volvo experience.
tax reform of 2003. Prior to the passage of the new ex- that the Philippine auto industry is in the up and out, “It’s not just about the cars. We want to espouse and
cise tax, tax laws were far from being “level playing field” that it is progressive and daring,” Ms. Lee added. present to the market the Volvo lifestyle. That’s why we
as it favored small and stressed engines mistakenly The show organizers chose “Gateway to Asia” as the did a Volvo lifestyle area so that people can see the values
thinking that they were fuel efficient. That was 1960s’ central theme for the inaugural show to highlight the that Volvo stands for. We just don’t stand for good cars.
thinking based on 1970s’ technology. Today, the buying onset of increased globalization and growing vehicle and We want our clients to have a good driving ownership
public is at least aware that energy efficiency is a func- original equipment manufacturer export opportunities. and experience. We have a complete lineup from the
tion of power-to-weight ratio. It is no longer a surprise They aimed to test the ASEAN waters with the goal of compact cars to the SUVs. We have the S40, the V50,
to many people that a 1500-kg car propelled by a 1300- turning Manila into a serious contender for the title of the S80 and the XC90, which is our newest SUV.”
cc engine if far thirstier than the same 1500-kg car pro- “Detroit of Southeast Asia.” The motoring lifestyle is one of the thrusts of the
pelled by a 2.0-liter engine. More than 10 new models made their public debut. show. Visitors tried the vehicles’ performance through
In fact the EO as constituted, curiously rehashes the BMW’s 3 Series, Chrysler’s 300C and Town & Country, test drives outside the exhibit hall. Ford even had a
obsolete 2.1-liter gas and 3.2-liter diesel engine displace- Dodge Durango, Hyundai’s Getz, Matrix CRDi, Sonata special off-road track built just for the occasion.
ment threshold for the new 5% tax to kick in. Filipinos and Tucson, Mercedes-Benz’s new CLS-Class, and Jason Ang, one of the co-organizers, said one of their
love multi-passenger vehicles. And the typical MPV seats Peugeot’s re-launched 307 SW and 807 van were reasons in putting up the motor show was to “provide a
seven and weighs close to 2,000 kgs. By this time, it is displayed. cost-effective launch venue for brand-new 2005 model
no longer a surprise to thinking and analytical Filipino Classic and concept cars were also shown. offerings.”
car owners that the same MPV powered by a 4-liter V6 Mercedes-Benz recently celebrated 50 years of its “We hope to enhance cooperation among the auto
is almost as thrifty as the those powered by a 2.7-liter venerable SL model and its Philippine distributor, CATS industry’s members,” he added.
four cylinder. Again, power to weight ratio. As to fuel
conservation, fuel taxes already take a bite in driving
habits of ALL Filipinos, big-engine car-owning rich in-
cluded. Gas stations are closing as economic activity
slows due to the scaled down businesses suffering from
Automechanika Asia 2005 billed a ‘success’
high energy costs. Even in the simmering, windy, in the show. over 680 visitors coming from over-
Though I don’t expect tax collectors to do their flowery and sometimes showery The Philippines was represented seas, notably Australia, Singapore,
simulations, I seriously expect economists to do so. Data May days of Kuala Lumpur, every by Uniqpoint Marketing, makers of Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Thai-
show that the above 2.1-liter imported CBU market in sojourner in the Malaysian capital Uniq Engine Treatment and other land and Taiwan.
the first quarter is only 11% of the market the 1,250 will find himself amazed at how the maintenance car care products and “The automotive industry in
unit “big” engine market and motorcycles above 250cc country’s stable tiger economy could lubricants, and Motolite batteries. Southeast Asia is at a very promis-
are even smaller. I don’t mind tax collectors making the attract visitors, buyers and partici- In their joint statement at the ing stage, with growth seen across
mistake of thinking that its a simple case of raising col- pants to a trade show such as the launching of Uniq products in the the region,” said Alex Wong, trade
lections by multiplying sales by the 5% tax and voila — Automechanika Asia. ASEAN region in the same venue, fairs group manager for Messe
more tax revenue. They are free to commit the same The fourth staging of Steve Te, executive vice-president Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.
mistaken assumptions they did more than a decade ago Automechanika Asia, held April 6 to and chief operating officer of The show housed a full range of
when they raised the tax on 4x4 SUVs, only to see that 9, 2005 at the Putra World Trade Uniqpoint Marketing and Lee Yuen auto parts and components, acces-
market disappear and later on reappear as grey market Center in Kuala Lumpur, was judged Kee, managing director of Oriental sories and tuning products, and re-
imports, “paying” grey taxes and now the right-hand- “a complete success” by all partici- Kaisha Sdn Bhd, Uniq overseas dis- pair and maintenance equipment.
drive (RHD) castoffs from Japan that have 60% of total pants, according to Angel Ho, me- tributor, said: “Automechanika Asia Exhibitors from the local market
registrations in the national market. Not only do these dia center chief of Messe Frankfurt is the super stage for our products and from overseas commented on
completely-built unit (CBU) imports continue to (HK) Ltd., organizers of the event. to take off in the world market. We the good visitor flow and amount
threaten 78,000 jobs and the viability of the local car Over 5,800 buyers from 50 coun- are confident this auspicious of exposure they received through
makers and parts manufacturers, they also do not con- tries trooped to the show, establish- launching of our products here at being at the show.
tribute as much to alleviate the fiscal problem. Econo- ing its significance on both the na- Automechanika Asia will have its “I would estimate we have seen
mists who do their homework will most likely see the tional and international markets and impact not only in the ASEAN re- about 2,500 visitors, from numer-
demise of the legal big engine luxury car market and publics for the automotive aftermar- gion, but also in other parts of the ous countries in Europe and Asia,
the Phoenix-like rise of the grey market if this EO 419 ket sector in the Southeast East re- world, since many buyers from all plus the United States. This visitor
is implemented. No way, the tax collectors say? For three gion. over the world are here.” mix really helps us market our
to four years now, the government has thrown the book “The feedback and comments The presentation and demon- brand internationally as well as to
at them, practically begged, stole and borrowed but the from the exhibitors and many visi- stration of Uniq products “proved to the high-end local market,” said
RHD imports continue to thrive, taxed ever so lightly. tors were extremely positive and en- be the main crowd drawer at the Fadhlan Nik Abdul Aziz of
Since every two-handed economist always says “on couraging. And the business atmos- Malaysian Pavilion where the Uniq Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malay-
the other hand,” they should make the dedicated tax phere was palpable,” she said. booth was located, as inquiries and sia.
collectors see that every big-engined BMW, Volvo, Jag- A total of 126 exhibitors from 17 on-site orders kept pouring in since For the visitors, Automechanika
uar, Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler, etc. they see on the countries such as Australia, France, day one,” Mr. Lee said. Asia represented a chance to see
street is not a juicy target for more taxes. These cars Germany, Hong Kong, India, Iran, All the returning exhibitors felt trends and developments in the au-
have paid their dues. Look at the thousands of converted Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, the significant improvement in visi- tomotive servicing sector, as well as
RHD vehicles, a result of Japan’s unique and extremely Philippines, Mainland China, Singa- tor traffic. an overview of what new products
cheap used car market. Now there’s a juicy target. pore, Taiwan, Thailand, United In fact, visitor numbers were up and equipment were available in the
Kingdom and the USA, participated 65% from the last show in 2003, with global market.

RP, Chile discuss bilateral relations

Vice-President Noli de Castro recently more about the Sociales Viviendasprogram “We have presented a working plan for
met with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos of Chile, which was proven to be very ef- the export of our fresh mangoes to Chile
Escobar and two top Cabinet officials of the fective in reducing the housing deficit in with vapor heat quarantine treatment, and
Chilean government in a series of talks on the country,” Mr. de Castro said. we are looking forward to the full imple-
RP-Chile relations, socialized housing, He also expressed President Arroyo’s mentation of this plan,” Mr. de Castro
trade and investment, and counter-terror- interest in expanding trade between the added.
ism. two countries. He also encouraged Chilean businessmen
Mr. de Castro held separate meetings In 2003, Chile ranks as the Philippines’ to invest in copper mining in the Philippines
with Mr. Lagos, Vice-President and Minis- 44th global trading partner, and fourth in through joint venture arrangements.
ter of Interior Jose Miguel Unsilza, and the Latin American region. Trade has al- Mr. de Castro reiterated the Philippine BSP gets ISO certification
Minister of Housing and Urbanization ways been in favor of Chile due to the high government’s commitment to further Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Deputy Governor Alberto V. Reyes (right) receives the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate
Sonia Tschorne Berestsky on his first offi- importation of copper concentrates. strengthen ties with Chile and other Latin awarded to BSP’s Supervision and Examination Sector for implementing a Quality Management System for the provi-
cial visit to Chile. “We wish to improve the balance of American countries, specifically through sion of licensing services for banks and nonbanks with quasi-banking functions. The award is presented by executives
The Vice-President cemented the Phil- trade with Chile, in particular, explore ar- the forum for East Asia-Latin America Co- of certifying body TUV Philippines: Business Development Manager Reyland Nepomuceno (left) and Managing Direc-
ippine government’s commitment to work eas where our country can improve our operation (FEALAC). tor and General Manager Jocelyn de los Reyes (center).
closely with Chile to improve both coun- exports to Chile,” Mr. de Castro said. He also emphasized the country’s firm
tries’ socialized housing programs. He specifically mentioned the country’s stand against terrorism and its support for
“In particular, President Gloria wish to export fresh and dried mangoes to various international resolutions and cov-
Macapagal Arroyo is very keen on learning Chile. enants against terrorist threats.

SSS to build new DBP confers award to EPCIBank

high-rise building The Development Bank of the Philip- composed of Assistant Vice-President
pines (DBP) has awarded Equitable PCI Rolando L. Dillague, Vivian B. de Chavez,
The Social Security System (SSS) is plan- Bank (EPCIBank) as the Most Outstand- Rosebella V. Linco, and Agnes P. Santos. German gov’t aids in rehabilitation efforts in Quezon province
ning to construct a high-rise building at the ing Participating Financial Institution for EPCIBank has been a consistent recipi- The German government, represented by ambassador Axel Weishaupt (fifth from right), through the German Devel-
heart of Quezon City to serve as its new cor- 2004 under the Japan Bank for Interna- ent of various awards from bilateral and opment Cooperation (GTZ), recently entrusted its accomplished ventures totaling 14,000 euros (approximately P10
porate headquarters — a development that million) in the area. Also present at the ribbon-cutting ceremony were (from left) Fr. Francisco Macabenta, Municipal
tional Cooperation (JBIC) Facilities for multilateral funding institutions.
would attract major financial and commer- Agrarian Reform Officer Romeo Viado, GTZ Regional Office Deputy Director Dr. Herwig Mayer, Embassy of the Federal
large-scale shipping industries. Other institutions which have acknowl-
cial business to the area, SSS President and Republic of Germany Development Counsellor Karin Jahr de Guerrer, and Infanta Mayor Filipina Grace America.
DBP commended EPCIBank for its edged the bank’s support to small- and
Chief Executive Officer Corazon de la Paz achievement in energizing the growth of medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) and
said. industries and its contribution towards large-scale enterprises in the past include
Ms. de la Paz said the 33-storey twin tow- fast-tracking development initiatives in the Trade and Investment Development Corp.,
ers to be located at the corner of EDSA and country. Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corp.
East Avenue will provide better facilities to EPCIBank Chairman Antonio L. Go, to- (Quedancor), Countryside Loan Fund Pro-
its growing membership that now stands at gether with Executive Vice-President and grams of the Land Bank of the Philippines,
more than 25 million. Credit, Products and Subsidiaries Group and the Overseas Economic Cooperation
“The project will transform the area Head Sergio Ll. Naranjilla, Jr., received the Fund, Export-Import Bank of Japan, the
into a new central business district and award from DBP Senior Executive World Bank, and the Asian Development
contribute immensely to the economic VicePresident Panser E. Tumangan, DBP Bank programs of the Development Bank
development of Quezon City,” Ms. de la Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief of the Philippines.
Paz said. The project was presented to the Operating Officer Edgardo F. Garcia, DBP Marking its 55th year this year, EPCIBank
members of the Quezon City Council President and Chief Executive Officer is presently the country’s third largest bank-
during a meeting at the SSS office re- Reynaldo G. David, Finance Secretary Cesar ing group, enjoying top-tier standing in cor-
cently. The city council has to reclassify V. Purisima, JBIC Senior Representative porate and commercial banking, treasury,
the area from institutional to a metropoli- Tadashi Unoki, and DBP Chairman trust banking, credit and payment cards,
tan commercial zone. Vitaliano N. Nañagas II. remittances, leasing, and investment bank-
Dubbed as the “SSS Corporate Center,” Also present during the ceremonies was ing. It has over 400 branches and more than
the project is described as a “mixed-use de- the team of EPCIBank special lending de- 500 FASTeller automated teller machines
velopment.” It will also house the SSS infor- partment, which was instrumental in the (ATMs) nationwide, with access to 5,500 MSU recognizes USAID’s education aid
mation technology center in addition to a Robert Wuertz (right), chief of United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Economic De-
achievement of the citation. They were BancNet, MegaLink, and ExpressNet ATMs.
residential area and a shopping mall. velopment and Governance (OEDG), receives an award from Dr. Camar Umpa (center), president of Mindano State
Ms. de la Paz said the National Economic University (MSU), in recognition of USAID’s steadfast commitment to uplift the quality of education in the Autono-
Development Authority-Inter-agency Coor- mous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and other conflict-affected areas in Mindanao (CAAM). Also in photo is
dinating Committee (NEDA-ICC) has ini-
tially approved the project, which will be PSO forges link with C-Network Michael Langsdorf, deputy program manger for education and governance of the Growth with Equity in Mindanao
(GEM) Program.
carried out under a build-operate-transfer
scheme that would not require cash outlay The Philippine Society of Oncologists Network hopes to significantly contribute
on the part of the SSS. (PSO) recently signed a Memorandum of to the new perspective of cancer awareness
Quezon CityMayor Sonny Belmonte has Cooperation (MoC) with the C-Network among Filipinos, urging all concerned to-
endorsed the project, and the reclassifica- to intensify the nationwide fight against can- wards healthy lifestyles, compliance to well-
tion bill was scheduled for second delibera- cer. The C-Network is an anti-cancer advo- adult check-up, early cancer detection, and
tion this week, city council majority floor cacy campaign that aims to cultivate a holis- appropriate treatment. Currently, the C-
leader Ariel Inton said. Mr. Inton added that tic approach and more positive outlook on Network information campaign is imple-
he does not expect any major snag in the cancer, its treatment, cure, and prevention. mented through a series of print materi-
council’s approval of the project. It is also an alliance of fight-cancer-fo- als, including the Filipino and English
“We expect to start construction of the cused individuals and organizations that versions of the C-Network Pamphlet Se-
property before the year ends,” Ms. de la Paz seek to enhance the standards of informa- ries; a comprehensive publicity cam- GSK promotes adult vaccination
said. tion and education of the public and the paign; and through the official website, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a research-based pharmaceutical company, is strengthening its adult vaccination campaign
support of cancer patients and their fami- by involving more healthcare providers from different specialties and from key hospitals and clinics nationwide to
lies in the Philippines. Roche Philippines, Inc., the local subsid- encourage and to educate their adult patients to take their shots to avoid contracting vaccine-preventable diseases.
Through this recent partnership, the iary of the world’s leading pharmaceutical The GSK family of vaccines includes vaccines against hepatitis A and B, influenza, measles, typhoid fever, chicken pox,
BRIEFS PSO will be able to utilize the C-Network and diagnostics form, is one of the key part- meningococcemia, among others. The GSK Adult Vaccination campaign is a response to the growing global concern
to maximize the benefits of technology to ners in the C-Network. about increasing morbidity and mortality rates among adults brought about by illnesses that could have been pre-
DTI seminar empower cancer survivors and care givers Present during the MoC signing are PSO vented by immunization. Photo shows (from left) GSK Corporate Affairs Manager Miko Neri, GSK Disease Area Man-
The Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC) of the to be more proactive and independent de- president Rafael Claudio, M.D.; Roche Phils. ager Cecile Hernandez, Dr. Remedios Coronel, Dr. Lulu Bravo, and GSK Vice-President Millie Lozada at a recent media
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will con- forum.
cision makers. General Manager Warwick Bedwell; and
duct a seminar dubbed as,“Let Your English Work Through its information-power and Roche Phils. Business Initiatives Manager
at Work” on May 6 at the PTTC Bldg. located at
community-building initiatives, the C- Lilibeth Inocencio.
Roxas Blvd., Pasay City.The seminar will cover top-
ics such as identifying communication anxiety
level, the English fluency building blocks, gram-
mar value, managing English communication ap-
prehensions at work, and many others. For inquir-
ies and reservations, call 834-1344 to 49 local 319,
831-9988, or fax at 834-1343.

Sony promo
The three-year warranty promo for Sony Cybershot
and Sony Handycam has been extended up to June
30. The promo covers various Cybershot and PRESENT DURING the Memorandum of Cooperation signing (from left) were PSO vice-president Dr. Divina Esteban, AFP honors partners, donors
Handycam models.The three-year warranty covers PSO president Dr. Rafael S. Claudio, Roche Philippines general manager Warwick Bedwell, and Roche Philippines busi- The Educational Benefit System Office (EBSO) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) honored its partners, do-
parts and service.Those who will avail of the promo ness initiatives manager Betchy Inocencio. nors, and friends at cocktails held recently at Camp Aguinaldo where organizations supporting the education of the
will also receive gift certificates worth P1,000 up to soldiers’ orphans and dependents were given appreciation award each. Meralco Foundation, Inc. (MFI) is one institu-
P5,000, depending on the purchase. This promo is tion that offered its scholarship program and has graduated 90 scholars from EBSO since year 2000. Photo shows MFI
offered in all branches of AVSurfer, AVID Sony Shop, president Col. Alex T. Escaño (left) receiving the award from Gen. Efren Abu (center), Chief of Staff of AFP, and EBSO
and Best Brands nationwide. For more information, CONSUMER GUIDE Chairman Lt. Gen. Edilberto Adan (right).
call 834-1541 to 48 local 108 or 120.
Wireless musical mouse
Sun Cellular promo IT distributor MSI-Digiland and Genius intro-
Sun Cellular’s “24/7 Text Unlimited Lite” promo, duces Wireless Webscroll + NBEye, the lat-
gives all active Sun prepaid subscribers the est optical musical wheel mouse designed
chance to enjoy two days of round-the-clock especially for notebook users.
texting for only P20.To avail, text TU<space>2 and The Wireless WebScroll + NBEye is built with
send to 247. Promo runs until May 31. For more a music e-mail notice function, which sig-
information, visit call nal users with personalized melodies upon
395-8000. receipt of e-mails. Users just need to encode
their e-mail address list into the Mail Checker
where one melody representation will be
The photograph of East West Banking This comes with two free rechargeable bat-
Corp. President and Chief Executive Elrey teries, a battery charger, Y cable, MouseMate Makati mayor cites Manila Water’s program
Ramos, which came out on section 2 software, and a mini USB RF receiver for PC Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay (third from left) presents a “green award” to Manila Water Co., Inc. at the recent Earth
page 3 last May 2, was taken by Jojo and Notebook. Unit price is P1,800. For more Day celebrations. Mayor Binay cited Manila Water’s program to expand sewerage and sanitation services in the east
Uñalivia. information on Genius products, call 688- 3728 or e-mail zone of Metro Manila as one of the major components in the strategy to improve the quality of the environment.
Manila Water’s Sustainable Development Manager Jeric Sevilla (second from right) and Corporate Communications
Director Joel Lacsamana (right) receive the award while Ayala Land group head Marivic Anonuevo (left) and Makati
NOTE: Press and photo releases are published in this paper free of charge. Priority will be accorded releases of news value, which are subject to editing. Releases may be Environment Foundation President Roland Young (second from left) look on.
e-mailed to Materials sent become BW property.
/1-4 Arts & Leisure



VOL. XVIII, ISSUE 199. ISSN 0116-3930 S3/ 1



Galleria Duemila
An Oriental flavor runs through the
new works on paper of painter-sculptor
Roberto M. A. Robles. The series
constitutes his latest one-man exhibit
at Galleria Duemila, SM Megamall
Davao kicks off Heritage Month
which runs from May 5-29. D AVAO C ITY — The colors and culture is different, she said. a three-day exhibit showing old Ms. Montemayor also pointed which have become synonymous
shapes fascinated the guests. “There “It’s like going to another bauls (chests), kris (Mindanao out that her group and the rest of with the beauty of the island.
is nothing like Mindanao heritage,” country,” echoed former beauty swords), balanghay (wooden the organizing committee decided After the exhibit was opened
said Cecille Guidote-Alvarez, queen Margarita Moran-Floirendo boat)s, brassware, tribal costumes to hold the exhibit at the Apo View on Saturday, another event, also
executive director of the National who was part of the organizing and other accessories that are truly Hotel since “it is a historical land- part of the Mindanao Heritage
Commission for Culture and the committee. Mindanaoan. The exhibit ended mark in Davao City and one of the festivities, unfolded at the Davao
Arts (NCCA). She went on to praise On Friday, April 30, the May 2. oldest hotels” in Mindanao. She Convention and Trade Center
Mindanao for its rich ethnicity National Heritage Month kicked Mary Ann Montemayor, said the items displayed at the ex- later that night. Local designers
which has been preserved despite off here with a late afternoon dance Southern Philippines Tourism hibit “are living testaments to the unveiled clothes made of local
Metaphorical Thoughts IIby Roberto Robles influences from the outside world. and song performance by Kaliwat Council chairman, said her group wealth and richness that character- fabrics to the delight of the audi-
Ms. Alvarez was referring to the Theatre Collective in front of the and the NCCA are looking at izes the different cultures of ence.
exhibit at the Apo View Hotel Davao City Hall. Members of the making the event an annual Mindanao.” Leading the pool of designers
Paulino S. Dimalanta captures nature
entitled Mindanao Heritage group, in colorful native costumes undertaking here as part of their Also showcased were products was Alfonso “Boy” Guino-o,
with deft brush strokes in his one-man Rediscovered where items on and using tribal instruments, awareness campaign on what that will be displayed at the known as the local fashion dean.
show, Dreamland, from May 6 to 27 at Mindanao culture were displayed. attracted an audience of close to a Mindanao is. Mindanao Trade Expo in August. Joining him in the show dubbed
the Landbank headquarters in Malate. Impressed by what she saw, Ms. thousand including foreign “This will allow our children and “These products show that we Mindanao: Wind, Water and Earth:
Over the decades, Dimalanta has made Alvarez said NCCA is further tourists. our children’s children the chance to have gained recognition for our A Fashion as a Performance Art
his mark not only as a andscape artist, strengthening the preservation of This is the second year the event see what really is Mindanao. We unique craftsmanship,” said Ann Show were younger generation de-
but also as a portraitist. Mindanao’s heritage. She said the has been held since President need to educate them because the Pamintuan, Mindanao Trade Expo signers Aztec and Popoy Barba,
agency will continue supporting Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared advent of technology seems to draw Foundation president. Dodgie Batu, Garimon Roferos
schools of living traditions in order May to be National Heritage them away from our culture,” Ms. Ms. Pamintuan hopes that and Emi-Alexander Englis. Chore-
to propagate what Mindanao Month. Montemayor told the BusinessWorld Mindanao will be again given at- ographer Agnes Locsin directed
culture is all about. The island’s Also part of the local event was after the launching of the event. tention because of its products the fashion show.

n 2004, concerned citizens of was recently dismantled and re-
Taal, Batangas were in an
uproar over the construction of
an adoration chapel in the middle
of the courtyard of St. Martin de
A tale of two churches placed with steel, because of ter-
Conservators such architect
Miguel Manalo opposed and
Tours Basilica. The late Bishop Jose lamented the fate of the Cathedral
Salazar, then the parish priest, because of the historic and
Dreamland by Paulino Dimalanta headed the project. architectural significance of the
The townsfolk opposing the roofing.
Mag:net Gallery Paseo construction pointed out that it The architecture of the roofing
Polycreationists, Andy Maluche’s first was undertake illegally. Since the traces its origins way back to
solo exhibition at Mag:net Gallery Basilica is a National Shrine by vir- Andalucia and Mudejar art
Paseo, is ongoing until May 16. Mr. tue of P.D. 1505, any construction, transported to Spanish colonies
Maluche celebrates the multiplicity of remodelling or alteration requires worldwide. Mr. Manalo pointed
contemporary individuals and media the consultation and approval of out that, though patterned after the
through an entire collage wall of large- the National Historical Institute European and American models,
scale colored photographs.
(NHI). It is believed that the Ba- the roof was given a unique,
silica was patterned after the San Filipino solution.
Agustin Church in Intramuros. “It’s a big wonder how this
The case of Taal is but one of whole thing came about,” said Mr.
many facing heritage conser- Manalo who expressed awe for the
vationists in the country. engineering feat required to haul
During a forum on heritage at and put 400 logs up on the roof.
the Lumiere Gallery on April 27, “And I have to remind you it’s
well-known conservators and gone. Nothing has been left of it.”
members of the Heritage Taking the whole roof out was
Conservation Society, headed by a drastic solution. He noted that
Gemma Cruz-Araneta, discussed termites and holes in the roof
issues regarding “Heritage and would not have been problems in
Patrimony.” the first place had the church been
Noted sculptor Ramon Orlina, properly maintained.
Polycreativists by Andy Maluche a native of Taal, said that the “This is a structural prob-
adoration chapel, aside from being lem,” he added. “I replace the
The Podium built without a building permit, roof but [when] the rest of my
The works of renowned Israeli was ill-placed. It was placed right building is crumbling, it doesn’t
The St. Martin de Tours Basilica in Taal, Batangas (Photo by Ramon Orlina)
photographer Shai Ginott are on view smack at the middle of the make sense.”
in From the Beginning
, an exhibition that courtyard, blocking the church’s alternative solutions to the bishop construction proceeded despite the Holy Week. On May 24, 2004, the Architect Augusto Villalon
will run from May 5 to 10. From the ventilation. In addition, becasue of who, however, ignored it. Even protests. RTC handed down a writ of noted that heritage conservation
Beginning features Ginott’s works its position in the church’s inner efforts by citizens of Taal to talk to The bishop carried on with the preliminary injunction against the is not only about churches but
which portray imaginary landscapes courtyard, the adoration chapel can the bishop were ignored. project. defendants. includes other structures such as
composed of photos superimposed on be accessed only through the “Legally, architecturally, Finally, on March 17, 2004, Mr. Bishop Salazar passed away late houses, schools, building, monu-
one another, juxtaposed with church’s main doors which are aesthetically, it’s all wrong,” said Mr. Orlina and four others representing May of last year. The case, however, ments, and parks.
quotations from the Bible. On view at
closed during off hours — yet an Orlina, who is also an architect. Taal parishioners, filed civil case continues. If it is successfull, it will He stressed the importance of
The Podium’s Lounge Area in the mall’s
second level. adoration chapel should be open at Mr. Orlina decided to ask the No. 163 against the Bishop and the be a legal precedent and a historic authenticity as one of the main
all hours to the public. chairman of the Catholic Bishops contractors for a writ of case against a powerful official of goals of heritage conservation. He
Concerned citizens of Taal Conference of the Philippines preliminary injunction and a the Church. underscored the importance of
brought this to the attention of Archbishop of Davao Fernando R. temporary restraining order. NEW ROOF heritage sites in keeping history
NHI Chairman Ambeth Ocampo. Capalla, and the Apostolic Nuncio A TRO was granted on April 5, St. William Cathedral in alive and building national identity.
The NHI subsequently offered its to the Philippines, Fr. Antonio 2004 but Bishop Salazar tried to use historic Laoag was not as lucky. Its “We don’t want bagong luma. If
assistance to come up with Franco D.D., to intervene when the the incomplete building during wooden roof, made from 400 logs, it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” — JLC


Joaquin wrote about it in Anding Process of Philippine Becoming

Remembering Nick Joaquin Roces Plays James Bond.

The night before he passed
away, his nephew visited him. “I
found a tired man, sitting [by] his
Nick Joaquin was awarded the
Ramon Magsaysay Award for
Journalism and the Arts in 1996,
desk,” said Mr. Joaquin. “He said he the Creative Communication Arts

here is perhaps no better single act he would start the day. I Philippine Graphicis one of the
way to remember National often wondered about the magic of last few national weeklies in circu- had done all he could and it was in 1996, and the Tanglaw ng Lahi
Artist Nick Joaquin than the bottle. Once he had that lation and one of the last few pub- time for him to go. ‘I’m ready to in 1997. He was named National
Then God blessed the, and God said to with a toast of his beloved San Ginebra San Miguel, he would turn lications promoting Philippine lit- meet my Maker.’” Artist for Literature in 1976.
them, Be Fruitfull and Multiply… (Genesis Miguel Beer, for the man was as from a brooding, grumpy old man erature in its pages. The publica- Meet Him he did on the Despite all his achievements,
1:28) by Shai Ginott famous for his passion for drinking into a jovial man.” tion re-launched its literary awards morning of April 29, 2004, a few his nephew noted that “Tonching”
as for his literary genius. Nick Joaquin was many things, in 2003 though, unfortunately, days shy of his 87th birthday on May (short for Tito Onching) was “a
Shangri-La Plaza Indeed during a special tribute many good things, to many people Mr. Joaquin did not live long 4. simple man who led a simple life,”
The European Union and Shangri-La for him, Pag-alaala: Cheers to Nick — uncle, friend, colleague, mentor, enough to see the winners an- The loss was mourned deeply as someone who loved to drink and
Plaza will hold a series of events Joaquin Celebration of His Life and drinking buddy, inspiration. nounced last year. Thus, the maga- Nick Joaquin was highly regarded sing, someone who was always
celebrating Europe this month. These Works, at the National Commission His nephew remembers him as zine has decided to rename its con- as a Filipino genius and one of the ready to help, someone who en-
are: It’s Only The Color of the Shirt That for Culture and the Arts on April greatest Filipino writers in English. thusiastically nurtured young
an uncle who spoiled him rotten test the Philippine Graphic Nick
Counts, an exhibit of memorabilia from A novelist, playwright, poet, writers.
28, beer and fond memories flowed and who took him and his siblings Joaquin Literary Awards in honor
the top football teams (Level 4, Shaw essayist, journalist, Mr. Joaquin “Nick Joaquin” said Mr. Roces,
Boulevard wing), May 2 -15; On a High freely. to free movies when he was a censor of “a man who has given so much
wrote extensively and was one of “is the greatest Filipino next to Jose
Profile, a concert of popular European A special exhibition of Nick at the Movie Television Ratings and and taken so little.”
Joaquin memorabilia is on display Classification Board. National Artist for Literature the most prolific Filipino writers. Rizal.”
arias starring Nolyn and Lisa Cabahug,
Cynthia Alexander, Jay Cayuca, Judith at the NCCA lobby until May 4. Philippine Ambassador to Anding Roces remembered that Among his best-known works
Banal, Butch Montejo, Bobby Gomez, The video documentary Siglo Laos and owner of the Philippine Nick Joaquin was Philippines Free are the novel The Woman Who Had He loved to drink
May 6, 7 p.m., Grand Atrium; Mummy Filipino! Odyssey of a Nationwhich Gra phic An ton io Caban gon - Press reporter who covered the Two Navels (1957), the play A
Dearest, a Mother’s Day concert fea- he wrote was also previewed that Chua said Nick Joaquin is sim- Department of Education while he Portrait of the Artist as Filipino and sing, was always
turing the Philippine Symphonic
Band and Cebu’s Peace Philharmonic
night. It was co-produced by the ply irreplaceable. Joaquin was was secretary. When the original (1966), the historical essays “The ready to help, and
NCCA and GMA-7 and was di- editor-i n-chief of P hilippine manuscripts of Noli Me Tangere Aquinos of Tarlac” (1983), and
Philippines, May 8, 3 p.m.; Baile, a
rected by Butch Nolasco. Graphic since its revival in Au- and El Filibusterismo were stolen “The Quartet of the Tiger Moon” enthusiastically
showcase of dances from Spain as (1986), the book Manila, Manila,
per formed by the students of Nephew Ed Joaquin recalled gust 2003 and pushed for the res- from an exhibit, Mr. Roces went on
My Manila (1990) and Culture and
nurtured young
Guillermo Gomez Rivera, May 13, 7 how his uncle started his day with toration of the fiction and poetry a detective mission to recover the
p.m., Grand Atrium. two long shots of gin. “With this sections in the magazine. materials. When he finally did, Mr. History: Occasional Notes on the writers.

Contemporary art captures growing ONSTAGE


interest as New York’s auction season begins LANUZA

N EW Y ORK — Deep-pocketed
aficionados eager to acquire an art
with the assessment that “the
market overall is extremely strong
Drama and music
masterwork are showing at the moment” for contemporary
heightened interest in post-modern
pieces, experts say, setting the stage
for what could be record prices for
contemporary works as the Spring
“A major Pollock today would
make more than a $100 million,” he
said. “The truly best of the best of
W hen I went to the Esplanade after a
late lunch on April 17, little did I
know that I would end up spending the
auction season gets under way this De Kooning could do also the $100- entire afternoon/evening there.
week. million mark.”
Prices for contemporary art Charles Moffett, Sotheby’s co-
have soared in recent years, in large chairman worldwide of At 3 p.m. I attended a performance of Chay Yew’s powerful play
part because of a dearth of works impressionist, modern and Porcelain, as presented by Toy Factory at the Esplanade Theatre Studio.
by sought-after perennial contemporary art worldwide said This 220-seat theater has a flexible space for small-scale performances.
Impressionist favorites such as Van the high prices are being fueled by For this production the stage was in the middle, length wise, with the
Gogh and Cezanne, forcing would- “extraordinary demand.” audience facing each other on both sides. This adult play (due to
be art buyers to branch out to “There is much more demand dialog and situations) was Chay Yew’s graduate thesis movie script at
consider more recent artists, than there is supply,” he said. Boston University. He later adapted it for the stage during his post as
including Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons “The hot market is resident playwright at a London-based Asian theater company. It was
and Willem De Kooning. contemporary, so you get an a hit; the play was bestowed the prestigious London Fringe Award for
“An issue that we do face in the enormous amount of material, an Best Play. This play may be of interest to Jorge Ortoll’s Mayi Theater
Impressionist and modern field is enormous amount of interest group in New York City.
that there are few works available,” specially from younger collectors in It is the story of extremes: love and hate, want and need, life and
said Nicholas Maclean, co-head of the contemporary field,” Moffett death, bigotry, loneliness, violence, homophobia and the dark side of
Impressionist and modern art at said. an all-consuming passion. It attempts to bridge the gap between men
Christie’s auction house. “It depends on what becomes who publicly claim they are straight and the gay men who know better.
Almost no one expects to top available,” he continued, adding At the start of the play a man has been shot by a gay man. A
the world record breaking $104 that in particular “younger psychologist is tasked to determine whether or not the man was sane
million fetched last year by Picasso’s collectors tend to gravitate towards at the time of the murder. He uses ink blot tests to determine the
1905 masterpiece, Boy with a Pipe. contemporary art.” man’s psychological health while unwittingly exposing his own
But experts expect to sell more While much of the focus this prejudice and homophobia. He has to pull a few tricks out of his bag
contemporary works this year, at year is on contemporary pieces, a in order to convince the man to trust him and reveal his side.
prices that would have been handful of artworks from the Excellent performances were given by Nelson Chia as the gay man,
unheard of just a short time ago. Impressionist and post- Andrew Mowatt as the psychologist and Mark Richmond as the victim
“Contemporary sales just seem Impressionists will also be on sale and also as the TV interviewer. Mr. Chia is currently the Associate
to get bigger and richer,” said this week. Artistic Director of Toy Factory and has been a friend and collaborator
Matthew Carey-Williams, Vice- Well-heeled art lovers have their with the company since 1993. As actor/director, he has worked with
President, of Sotheby’s eye on Picasso’s neoclassical 1921 various theater companies taking lead and major acting roles. He has
Contemporary Art department. Head of a Woman that is expected a BA in Theater Studios and an MA in directing and has designed
“Impressionist sales continue to to fetch between $13 million and courses and taught theater as a subject in various academic
do extremely well and are the $15 million. institutions. Mr. Moffat has spent the last five years as a drama
premium sales, but there is a finite Christie’s also is putting on the educator in Singapore. He has trained in the UK as a professional
amount of material for them, just auction block a recently discovered actor and has appeared in plays in London, Winchester and at the
as there is for Old Masters.” sculpture from Constantin Edinburgh Festival. Mr. Richmond started out in theater in 1996 and
By contrast, “for contemporary, Brancusi’s famed Bird in Space Vase sets Qing Dynasty sales record in Hong Kong has since gained recognition for his work on stage, TV and the movies.
it’s expansive,” Carey-Williams series, which is expected to fetch HONG KONG - An ancient Chinese vase-within-a-vase sold for HK$44.9 million ($5.7 million) Goh Boon Teck and Beatrice Chia directed the play and kept the
added. “The client base seems to between $8 million and $12 in auction Monday in Hong Kong, setting a new world record for much sought-after Qing pace of the play fast thus, the 90 minutes the play lasted did not drag.
grow, and the interest seems to million. The work was unknown Dynasty porcelain. The double-vase – featuring a small blue vessel within a 16-inch high From there I proceeded to the Esplanade Recital Studio to
grow.” until it was recently discovered in carved green-glazed hexagonal vase – was sold to a dealer in London. Bidding from around purchase a ticket for the 7:30 p.m. closing concert of the Festa Canzone
CONTEMPORARY ART an attic in France. the world started at HK$18 million and quickly escalated to beat the previous record for a 2005 Art Song Festival.When I found out that they had just started a
Sotheby’s holds its first auction Auctiongoers will also be eye- Qing Dynasty piece of HK$41.5 million, auction house Sotheby’s said. Dating from among Vocal Technique Class given by Korean tenor Kim Shin Whan, I
of the two-week long Spring season ing a work by Alberto Giacometti, the most sought-after ceramic-making periods, the Qianlong era - which lasted from 1739 purchased a ticket and walked into the hall. Mr. Kim received his
on May 3, while Christie’s opener Standing Woman (Leoni) which to 1799 - the vase is considered among the most important remaining examples of color- musical education in Korea and France and received an Honorary
will be held on May 4. The could draw as much as $10 mil- glazed vessels. A 10-inch blue enameled box from the Kangxi period (1662-1722) also set Doctor of Music degree in 1991 at the Mozarteum, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
following week, both houses plan lion, as well as paintings by Im- a record for Beijing enamel-copper pieces, selling for HK$19.7 million. AFP His extensive performance experience has been in appearances in
to sell many premier contemporary pressionists Claude Monet, Edgar oratorios. He has garnered top prizes in various song competitions
and postwar art pieces in this year’s Degas and Edouard Vuillard. throughout France, Italy and Korea. He has given recitals and concerts
catalogue. Sotheby’s plans to sell a Picasso A 1936 self-portrait by Ger- artist Vasily Kandinsky’s Two rid- with many international orchestras and has sung at La Scala, the
Bratt Gorvy, Christie’s from his famed Women of Algiers man Max Beckmann is antici- ers and reclining figure, is expected Caglieri National Opera in Italy and the Bolshoi Opera House.
international co-head of Post-War series, which is likely to net between pated to bring a winning bid of to sell for between $15 million and The master would correct the singers as they sang. He would
and Contemporary Art, agreed $15 million and $20 million. up to $15 million, while Russian $25 million.—AFP interrupt them, correct them, make them repeat the phrase they were
singing until they sang the phrase correctly in the manner he wanted.
Most of times he would use an interpreter. He emphasized the
CROSSWORD Writer Purita Kalaw-Ledesma, 91 importance of knowing the language of the song, the proper phrasing
and accentuation in order for the meaning of the song to be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
transmitted to the audience. He showed how at times one had to sing

14 15 16 oted art patron and writer ing to the CCP Encyclopedia. In the as if the voice had to go through a wall. He also showed the importance
Purita Kalaw-Ledesma 1950s, she observed the “stag- of opening one’s mouth to let the voice out, as well as when it was
17 18 19 passed away on April 29 nation” of Philippine art and she necessary to open up ones pallate for some special effects.
after a lingering illness. She was 91. and other artists “tried to bridge the When this class ended at 6:30 p.m., I had time to have supper at a
20 21 22 23
Ms. Kalaw-Ledesma was the gap between Philippine art and its restaurant beside the theater in order to be able to attend the 7:30
24 25 26 daughter of Teodoro M. Kalaw and counterpart overseas.” p.m. Closing Concert of the Festa Canzone 2005 Art Song Festival. This
Pura Villanueva, and was married She was an awardee of the concert presented performances by the winners of this Art Song
27 28 29 30 31
to Rafael Ledesma. She originally National Culture and the Arts Festival. The concert opened with the winner, coloratura soprano Tan
32 33 34 35 36 wanted to pursue painting but was Gawad Dangal ng Haraya, a lifetime Sin Sim singing Donizetti’s Il Barcaiolo where she showed us her
convinced by her mother to achievement award, the Gawad coloratura ability. She next sang an Oriental composition, Oi yue de
37 38 39
transfer to education. She received CCP Para sa Sining, the President’s cai yuyan, a beautiful piece that had a Spanish Habanera rhythm.
40 41 42 a Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Pro Patria Award for the Promotion After this she sang Poulanc’s beautiful waltz, Les Chemis de L’armour.
Causa from the University of the of the Fine Arts. She closed her performance with a dramatic rendition of Strauss’
43 44 45 Philippines. She coauthored with Amadis Zueignung. First runner-up performer, bass Chew Keng Soon, sang
46 47 48 49 50 An ardent lover of the arts, Ms. Ma. Guerrero the books The Strug- beautifully Beethoven’s In Questa Tomba Oscurawhere he held for
Kalaw-Ledesma founded the Art gle for Philippine Artin 1974, and long periods beautiful long notes several times. Then he gave a
51 52 53 54 55 Association of the Philippines in Edades: National Artistin 1979. In dramatic rendition of Vaughn Williams’s Silent Noonand Schubert’s
1947 and became its first president. 1987, she wrote Philippine Art Gal- Der Tod und das Madchen. He closed his section with a very melodi-
56 57 58
Its founding members were lery: The Big Little Room. Her auto- ous Oriental song, Ah! Zhong Guo de tu di.
59 60 61 graduates of the then UP School of biography And Life Goes On was The second runner-up, a lyric soprano, opened with Bachelet’s
Fine Arts. Eventually, membership published in the mid-’90s. lilting Chere Nuit. This she followed with another Oriental song with
62 63 64
grew to include artists from outside She is survived by her daughters Spanish touches that seemed to be inspired by compositions by
58 Woe is me 35 A certain Chinese
the university. Rita, Coni, Ada, and Waldy, her Manuel de Falla and Leocuona. Her vocal rendition of Obrador’s Del
ANTE Ms. Kalaw-Ledesma was a sons-in-law, grandchildren and
59 Aners 38 — Gay cabello mas sutilwas slightly marred since her Spanish pronuncia-
ACROSS 60 Sailing 39 Overbearingly haughty
1 Drapery 61 Doddering 41 Man’s nickname proponent of modern art, accord- great-grandchildren. — JLC tion was very clear. She closed her performance with Wolf ’s Mignon,
6 Winglike 62 Manner of walking 42 Period a composition that aside from having a beautiful melody, has a very
10 Challenge 63 Dregs 44 Swallow
14 Signified
15 Actor Franchot —
64 Remains 45 — Seton
47 Pseudonym
European libraries join against Google interesting piano part. She has good stage presence. The first part
came to a close with the Best Lieder Prize winner, tenor Melvin Tan.
16 Cry of the DOWN 48 Girl’s name
Bacchanals 1 Oscar-giving body 49 The Boot PARIS — Nineteen European national libraries have joined forces against a He chose to sing Wolf ’s Benedict die selge mutterand Britten’s Mid-
17 Palpitate 2 Baseball’s Peewee — 50 Desert havens
18 Booty
planned communications revolution by internet search giant Google to night on the Great Western . Both songs were very well rendered. He
3 — and raves 51 Standard
19 Implement 4 Antacid variation 52 — Turner create a global virtual library, organizers said last week. The 19 libraries has bel canto possibilities. The Britten composition also had a great
20 Italian wine 5 Street or Saint 53 Against
21 Those who leave 6 Molecules 54 Woody perennial
are backing instead a multimillion euro counteroffensive by European piano part.
a country to settle 7 Weaving implement 60 — Gore nations to put European literature online. After the interval, Filipino soprano Rachelle Gerodias sang
in another 8 Arch of stratified 61 Similar
24 Tils rock “The leaders of the undersigned national libraries wish to support the Debussy’s Quatre Chansons de Jeunessewith great stage presence and
26 Cecium (comb) 9 Second note YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION initiative of Europe’s leaders aimed at a large and organized digitization a beautiful and steady voice. The four parts, Pantomime, Pierrot, Clair
27 Cheat 10 Disengage
28 Mastodon 11 Stratford on — C O N T R A T A M A N O of the works belonging to our continent’s heritage,” a statement said. “Such de lune and Apparition, were exquisitely sang.
32 Caper 12 Origin O V U L A T E L E X I C O N a move needs a tight coordination of national ambitions at EU level to Mezzo soprano Anna Koor then gave a powerful rendition of
35 Lines (a roof) 13 Congers N E D A H E E R R O S E
36 Neither follower 18 Encumbrance decide on the selection of works,” it added. Mahler’s Liededr eines fahrenden gesellen (The Song of the Wayfarer),
37 Poverty D R A C O N C E R T U T I
22 Scottish The move, organized by France’s national library, comes after Michigan a compositions I have heard many times and enjoy hearing very much.
38 Merits Highlanders O S M R S A R E A R R D
39 — boy! 23 Upholstery R E P A Y A N Y R U B I A University and four other top libraries — Harvard, Stanford, New York The program closed with Schubert’s Swanengesan as sung with
40 Unit of weight fabrics E A R O D A N O B E L Public Library and the Bodleian in Oxford — announced in December a confidence by Korean baritone Roh Jae Bum.
41 Little Orphan — 25 Mocassin, C O N O R O T I
42 Reverie for short
S C O N E O I L C A M deal with Google to digitize millions of their books and make them freely After the concert, Ambassador and Mrs. Delfin Colome and myself
43 Cure vs poison 28 Uncanny
45 Assam tribe 29 Stake T E R N O S P A C O N A N available online. had a picture taken with Ms. Gerodias while we congratulated her
46 — contendere 30 NB word A C I N A N E E O N N A The statement was signed by national libraries in Austria, Belgium, for her performance.
47 Boy’s name 31 Bus C O N E C O N O M Y D I D
51 Notoriously 32 Architectural O N E R Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, (The author may be reached at For the
55 Japanese sandal feature Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, full version of this column, including schedules and reviews, please log
56 Superman’s Lois — 33 Inert gas M A N A G E D O T T O M A N
57 Silkworm genus 34 Camp shelter A L A M O S E R M I N E Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. — AFP on to the BusinessWorld website.)


English Premier League

Result and standings from the Pre-
WEST BROMWICH, ENGLAND — Arse- achieved that. We lost the Champi- West Brom looked happy enough to
mier League matches on Monday
W Brom Albion 0 Arsenal 2 nal maintained its grip on second onship just after the United game settle for a point against one of the
Standings P W D L Pts place and a direct entry into the [when Sir Alex Ferguson’s side best attacks in the division, Arsenal
1. Chelsea 35 27 7 1 88 Champions League proper with a 2- ended Arsenal’s record English top- — without Thierry Henry — went
2. Arsenal 35 23 8 4 77 0 win away to West Brom that left flight run of 49 unbeaten games]. ahead in the 66th minute when van
3. Manchester Utd 35 21 10 4 73 Bryan Robson’s relegation-threat- “We then made six points in six Persie, played in by strike partner
4. Everton 35 17 7 11 58 ened team second-from-bottom in games and Chelsea made 16 and Jose Reyes, shot low and past Russell
5. Liverpool 36 16 7 13 55 the Premiership. that made the difference. Hoult’s right hand.
6. B Wanderers 36 15 9 12 54 In a hard-fought match, second- “They [Chelsea] deserve all the Five minutes later Reyes should
7. Tott Hotspur 36 14 9 13 51
half goals from Robin van Persie congratulations, they were the most have wrapped up the points after
8. Middlesbrough 36 13 12 11 51
9. Manchester City 36 12 12 12 48 and an extra-time strike from Edu consistent ones, they were hungry rounding a sprawling Hoult but
10. Aston Villa 36 12 11 13 47 wrapped up a win for Arsenal that for success. It’s been close and now only found a tame shot that Neil
11. Charlton Athletic 36 12 9 15 45 ensured it stayed four points clear they made it.” Clement cleared off the line.
12. Birmingham City 36 10 12 14 42 of FA Cup final opponent Manches- Looking ahead to next season, Robson eventually brought on
13. Blackburn Rovers 36 9 14 13 41 ter United with three games re- he added: “It will be different for three strikers — Geoff Horsfield,
14. Newcastle Utd 35 9 13 13 40 maining. everyone, every year has surprises, Robert Earnshaw and former Arse-
15. Portsmouth 36 10 8 18 38 West Brom, who like the rest of teams like Liverpool and Newcastle nal favorite Nwankwo Kanu — for
15. Fulham 35 10 8 17 38 the bottom four, has got two join in, it will be interesting.” the final 10 minutes.
17. Southampton 36 6 13 17 31
matches left, stayed on 30 points the A downcast Robson said: “I But he was frustrated in his am-
18. Crystal Palace 36 7 10 19 31
19. W Brom Albion 36 5 15 16 30 same as basement side Norwich and think sometimes there’s no justice bition to get them on the field min-
20. Norwich City 36 6 12 18 30 one behind drop rivals Crystal Pal- in the game. utes earlier by an Arsenal move that
Czech championship ace and Southampton. “The effort they put in they de- saw them keep the ball for 43
Result and standings fromthe Czech With three teams going down, served something out of the game straight passes.
championship match on Monday the Baggies desperately need a re- but we didn’t get any breaks. We had And as the Baggies pressed for-
Slavia Prague 2 Teplice 0 sult away to United this weekend a lot of set-plays when we looked ward for an equalizer, Arsenal
Standings P W D L Pts where Robson was a hero as a player dangerous and I think we did look scored again in the second minute
1. Sparta Prague 25 19 4 2 61 in the 1980s after moving to Old threatening, you need a bit of a of stoppage time when Edu, re-
2. Teplice 25 11 10 4 43 Trafford from West Brom. break and we didn’t get it.” leased by Dennis Bergkamp, beat
3. Slavia Prague 24 11 7 6 40 ARSENAL’S JOSE ANTONIO REYES (L) vies with West Bromwich’s Darren Moore (R) during their
premiership match at home to West Bromwich. AFP photo/Carl de Souza “They made it very difficult for He added: “We’re relying on Hoult one-on-one, the keeper get-
4. Sigma Olomouc 25 11 5 9 38
us to find an opening but in the sec- other people but we’ve got a fight- ting a touch on the ball but unable
5. Banik Ostrava 25 9 9 7 36
6.Slovan Liberec 25 11 8 6 35 ond half there was a bit more space ing chance, there are still matches to keep it out.
7. Jablonec
8. Tescoma Zlin
25 8 9 8 33
25 6 11 8 29
Outsider Shaun Murphy wins and we scored a fantastic goal,” Ar-
senal manager Arsene Wenger told
to be won.
“They [United] are going for
The result meant the Gunners
had kept their 10th clean sheet in 11
9. Drnovice 25 7 7 11 28
10. Marila Pribram 25 7 7 11 28
11. Mlada Boleslav 25 5 11 9 26
world snooker championship Sky Sports afterwards.
“The fact that we don’t concede
second position and the Champi-
ons League is very important to
Another victory for Arsenal,
goals at the moment helps give us Arsenal and Manchester United, I over Liverpool on Saturday, will as-
12. Slovacko 25 9 10 6 25 Sheffield, England — Shaun won with a break of 83. the patience we need. We want to know we’ll get no favors.” sure it of second place with one
13. Brno 24 6 6 12 24 Murphy won the world snooker Murphy’s winner’s check of grow as a team and I feel we have After a goalless first half, where match of the season left. — AFP
14. Chmel Blsany 25 5 9 11 24 championship, beating Matthew £250,000 ($473,000) was the big-
15. Ceske Budejovice 25 5 6 14 21 Stevens 18-16 in the best of 35 gest pay day of his career, far

Liverpool will end Mourinho run, says Benitez

16. Slezsky Opava 25 5 9 11 18 frame final at the Crucible Thea- excedding the £15,000 ($28,000)
Note: Slezsky Opava deducted 6 points.
tre here yesterday to complete he earned for losing in the first
Note: Slovan Liberec deducted 6 points.
Note: Slovacko deducted 12 points. one of the biggest upsets in the round of the world championship
sport’s history. two years ago. LIVERPOOL, E NGLAND — Liverpool ager. But we have our supporters key player for us. He can change a
Norwegian championship manager Rafael Benitez has prom- and Chelsea does not hold the bal- game and you saw against Middles-
Results and standings from the Nor- Murphy, a 150-1 outsider The Englishman, 10-6 behind
when the tournament started, be- overnight, rallied to go 16-14 ised that Chelsea boss Jose ance, it is 50-50. If you look at the brough on Saturday the kind of
wegian championship.
Monday, May 2 came the first qualifier to win the ahead. Mourinho’s run of European suc- money they have spent on their goals he can score, and I am sure he
Aalesund 1 Brann Bergen 3 event since Terry Griffiths back However, Welsh sixth seed cess will end when the clubs meet squad, maybe Chelsea has more to will play well.
Sunday, May 1 in 1979. Stevens, the losing finalist in 2000 for their Champions League semi- lose than us. “After his goal against Middles-
Lyn Oslo 6 Molde 1 In the decisive frame Stevens and three times a semifinalist in final at Anfield today. “I do not think them winning brough he would have heard the
Bodo Glimt 2 H’meratene 0 had Murphy in trouble with a the last four years, took the next Last season the Londoners’ Por- the championship will affect them, supporters as he celebrated and re-
Fredrikstad FK 1 Odd Grenland 1 snooker that almost saw Murphy tuguese coach guided FC Porto to you must say well done to their alized maybe how important he is
two, including a break of 124 in
IK Start 5 V Stavanger 2 the Champions League title having team, their manager and their sup- for us and I am sure he will con-
forfeit the frame after he twice the 31st frame.
Lillestrom 1 Ros Trondheim 1 won the UEFA Cup with the team porters and then say ‘sorry’ about tinue being an important player and
Tromso 0 Valerenga Oslo 1 missed an attempted escape. Murphy, from nearby
The Welshman was then first Rotherham, northern England, the previous term. the next competition because they want to play in more games like this
Standings P W D L Pts
1. IK Start 4 3 1 0 10 in with a break of 19 but broke then inched ahead again with a His success has continued in will not win that.” for us.
2. Valerenga Oslo 4 3 0 1 9 down when he missed a routine break of 97 before completing his England with Chelsea beating Liv- PREMIERSHIP “It is important when you play
3. Fredrikstad FK 4 2 2 0 8 pot and Englishman Murphy, 22, remarkable victory. — AFP erpool in the League Cup final be- Liverpool, four-time European for a team for a lot of years and you
4. Brann Bergen 4 2 1 1 7 fore wrapping up the Premiership Cup winner, has been unable to re- can take them to the final and win.
5. Hamarkameratene 4 2 0 2 6 with a 2-0 win away to Bolton last produce its Champions League Stevie is like Jamie [Carragher], a
6. Viking Stavanger 4 2 0 2 6 weekend. form in the Premiership and even local boy, and they have the passion
7. Lyn Oslo 4 1 2 1 5 But Liverpool, while inconsist- if it wins the May 25 final in Istan- that we want to see in all the play-
8. Odd Grenland 4 1 2 1 5 ent in the Premiership, has proved bul its chance of defending the title ers.”
9. Rose Trondheim 4 1 2 1 5
its solidity in Europe this season and next season, if it finishes out of the Benitez added: “We showed a
10. Tromso 4 1 2 1 5
11. Aalesund 4 1 1 2 4
the semifinal is evenly poised after top four in the Premiership, could European mentality at Stamford
12. Lillestrom 4 1 1 2 4 a goalless first leg at Stamford rest with the English Football As- Bridge last week in the first leg and
13. Bodo Glimt 4 1 0 3 3 Bridge. sociation. now we know we have our support-
14. Molde 4 0 0 4 0 Benitez, repeatedly asked Mon- A precedent was set five years ers behind us, it will make a differ-
Polish championship day if Mourinho — the self-pro- ago when the then European cham- ence.
Results and standings from the claimed “special one” — was the pion Real Madrid only finished fifth “If you tell me you are 0-0 at
Polish championship matches on world’s best coach, replied: “Jose is in the Primera Liga. Because it had home to Real Madrid, Barcelona or
Monday one of the best coaches. He has a won the Champions League a few Chelsea I would be confident of get-
Groclin Grodzisk 3 Cracovia Krakow 1 good team and he is a good man- months earlier, the Spanish football ting the result we need. We want the
Wisla Krakow 6 Zaglebie Lubin 0 ager so if you put together both authorities opted for the Bernabeu final, we want to make history, we
Standings P W D L Pts
those things you have a winning club instead of Real Zaragoza, who will be trying very hard for that.
1. Wisla Krakow 20 15 5 0 50
2. Groclin Grodzisk 20 12 2 6 38
formula. had finished fourth — although it “We will miss Xabi [Alonso, sus-
3. Legia Warsaw 19 9 6 4 33 “He works hard and knows the is unsure if the FA would take such pended after a yellow card for a foul
4. Cracovia Krakow 20 9 4 7 31 (FILE) BRITISH FEATHERWEIGHT boxer Prince Naseem Hamed listens to a question during a press game, but we will try to do the same. a decision. on Chelsea’s Eidur Gudjohnsen in
5. Amica Wronki 19 8 6 5 30 conference in central London, Jan. 23, 2001. AFP photo/Odd Andersen It is difficult to say if he is the best Liverpool captain Steven the first leg] but we can play with
6. Wisla Plock 20 8 4 8 28 coach, he is one of the best, sure. He Gerrard, meanwhile, has been two strikers, or use Didi [Hamann]
7. Gornik Zabrze
8. Gornik Leczna
19 7 6 6 27
20 7 4 9 25 Hamed arrested after car crash has a very good team, sure. But they linked with a move to Chelsea but
will lose tomorrow [Tuesday]. Benitez had no doubts about his
and Igor [Biscan] alongside Stevie
9. Zaglebie Lubin 20 5 8 7 23 “Chelsea has the most expensive skipper’s fidelity. “Even three strikers, we have
10. Polonia Warsaw 19 6 5 8 23 LONDON — ‘Prince’ Naseem Hamed, accident involving injury and also
the British former boxing world on allegations of attempting to per- team in the world and a good man- “In my opinion, Steve will be the plenty of possibilities.” — AFP
11. Pogon Szczecin 19 5 6 8 21
12. Lech Poznan 19 5 4 10 19 champion, was arrested Monday vert the course of justice.”
after a man was injured following a The spokesman added one of
13. Odra Wodzislaw 19 5 3 11 18
14. GKS Katowice
Portugal championship
19 2 3 14 9 crash involving the fighter’s sports the 26-year-old men under arrest
car. had been taken to hospital, after
Jones, Hopkins eye Tarver-Johnson winner
Result and standings from the Por- The accident took place in the suffering from chest pains. “I promised the world three
tuguese championship match on 31-year-old Hamed’s home town of Hamed, the self-styled “Prince,”
NEW YORK — American boxing stars Roy Jones and major fights before I retire,”
Monday Sheffield, northern England. was widely regarded as one of Brit- Bernard Hopkins each want to fight the winner Hopkins told the Philadelphia Daily
Vitoria Guimaraes 2 Penafiel 1 Hamed, together with two other ish boxing’s most exciting fighters. News. “The others are going to be
Standings P W D L Pts
men, was being questioned Monday Born in Sheffield to Yemeni par-
of next month’s light-heavyweight showdown be- the winner of the Glen Johnson-
1. Benfica 31 18 7 6 61
2. Sporting Lisbon 31 17 7 7 58 on suspicion of leaving the scene of ents, Naseem Salim Ali Hamed tween Glen Johnson and Antonio Tarver. Antonio Tarver rematch and Felix
an accident involving an injury and made his professional debut in 1992 Trinidad if he beats Winky Wright.
3. Porto 31 16 9 6 57
allegations that they attempted to and remained unbeaten until April
Tarver, 22-3 with 18 knockouts, and Johnson, That’s the lineup I want.”
4. Braga 31 15 9 7 54
5. Vitoria Guimaraes 31 14 8 9 50 pervert the course of justice. 2001, when he lost on a unanimous 42-9 with two drawn and 28 knockouts, will meet Puerto Rican legend Trinidad
6. Boavista 31 13 10 8 49 Hamed was arrested after his points decision to Mexico’s Marco faces Wright on May 14 and would
7. Rio Ave 31 9 16 6 43 Mercedes car was involved in a col- Antonio Barrera.
June 18 in Memphis, Tennessee, in a rematch of probably want the chance to avenge
8. Belenenses 31 12 6 13 42 lision with a Volkswagen Golf and He won the European bantam- their earlier bout, won by Johnson in a split deci- his only defeat, one that sent him
9. Maritimo 31 10 12 9 42 a Ford Mondeo in Ringinglow weight title and the World Boxing into an extended retirement from
10. Vitoria Setubal 31 10 9 12 39
Road, Sheffield, earlier Monday. Council (WBC) international su-
sion last December. the sport.
11. Uniao Leiria 31 8 14 9 38
The Golf driver was trapped in per-bantamweight championship Jones has not fought since los- was stopped by Tarver just 1:41 into Hopkins, 46-2 with one drawn
12. Nacional Madeira 31 11 5 15 38
13. Penafiel 31 11 4 16 37 the car and had to be airlifted to the in 1994, before capturing the World ing to both Tarver and Johnson last the second round last May and by and 32 knockouts, is 14 years older
14. Academica 31 9 9 13 36 Northern General Hospital, with a Boxing Organization (WBO) world year but the former world cham- Jamaican-born Johnson after 48 than Taylor, 23-0 with 17 knock-
15. Gil Vicente 31 9 7 15 34 suspected broken leg and fractures featherweight title in September pion in four weight classes said seconds of the ninth round last Sep- outs. But Hopkins said with the
16. Moreirense 31 5 12 14 27 to both arms. A female passenger in 1995. In January 1999 he was Monday he is pondering a return to tember. But also in the mix is 40- heavyweight division in a weak era,
17. Beira Mar 31 6 9 16 27 the car also sustained cuts and awarded an MBE (Member of the the ring and hopes to see the Tarver- year-old undisputed world middle- his farewell tour kickoff against
18. Estoril 31 7 5 19 26 bruises in the smash. Order of the British Empire) in Johnson winner against him. weight champion Hopkins, who Taylor will be important.
Swedish championship A South Yorkshire Police Britain’s New Year honors’ list. “Their first fight was very close, will face unbeaten Jermain Taylor in “The fans need something they
Results from the Swedish champion- spokesman said: “As a result of a Hamed became almost as fa- so the two of them need to do it an all-American showdown on July can grab onto. This fight is it,”
ship matches over the weekend road collision, three men have been mous for his arrogance and leop- again,” Jones said. “If I decide to re- 16 in Las Vegas. Hopkins said. “Jermain Taylor is a
BK Haecken 3 Helsingborg 0
arrested and taken into custody. ard skin shorts as his boxing but he turn to fight again, to right the Hopkins plans only three more threat. He’s the heir apparent. Eve-
Elfsborg Boras 1 Djurgarden 2
Landskrona 1 IFK Gothenburg 1 “A 31-year-old and two 26-year- has been out of the ring for three wrongs, this box-off may decide fights before retiring next January rybody’s pumping him up. He’s
Gefle IF 1 Assyriska FF 0 olds are helping us with our inquir- years since being booed during a who my first opponent will be. So when he turns 41. That’s where gambling on me getting old in a
Halmstad 0 Kalmar 1 ies. They have been arrested on sus- comeback win against Manuel I’ll be watching June 18.” Tarver and Johnson enter the pic- hurry and having a bad night.” —
Orgryte 4 GIF Sundsvall 1 picion of leaving the scene of an Calvo in February 2002. — AFP Jones, 49-3 with 38 knockouts, ture. AFP

Mavs put Rockets on brink of elimination

DALLAS , TEXAS — Germany’s Dirk Two Jerry Stackhouse free
Nowitzki contributed 23 points and throws boosted the Mavericks’ edge
13 rebounds to spark the Dallas to 99-94 and Yao sandwiched a
Mavericks past Houston, 103-100, dunk and two free throws around a
here yesterday to grab a 3-2 lead in Nowitzki basket to bring the Rock-
their National Basketball Associa- ets within 101-98 with 17 seconds
tion play-off series. to play.
The Mavericks, the first team to The Mavericks inbounded to
win a home game in the best-of- Michael Finley, who was trapped in
seven series, were aided by five the corner by two defenders. Nei-
missed Yao Ming free throws and a ther touched Finley but the Rock-
controversial foul call. ets were whistled for a foul and
The Rockets, led by Yao’s 30 Finley made a free throw.
points and eight rebounds, must McGrady made a layup with 7.4
win game six Thursday at Houston seconds to play, making it 102-100.
to have any chance at denying the Jason Terry missed 1-of-2 free
Mavericks a second-round berth for throws with 4.8 seconds remaining,
the fourth time in five years. giving the Rockets a chance to force
Dallas led the entire second half overtime.
but never comfortably, nearly McGrady was fouled in the
squandering an 11-point lead in the backcourt by Stackhouse and
final 4 1/2 minutes. missed the first free throw, then de-
A Nowitzki jumper gave Dallas liberately missed the second,
a 97-91 edge with 1:49 to play. Hou- grabbed the rebound, dribbled be-
ston’s Tracy McGrady sank two free yond the 3-point arc and fired a
throws and Yao was fouled with 1:21 jumper that clanged off the rim at
left, but the Chinese center missed the buzzer. Stackhouse and Josh LARRY HUGHES (C) of the Washington Wizards puts up a shot between Antonio Davis (L) and Ben
his fifth free throw in a row in the Howard scored 17 points each for Gordon (R) of the Chicago Bulls in game four of their Eastern Conference Quarterfinals during the
period before snapping the drought Dallas. McGrady scored 25 points 2005 NBA Play-offs at the MCI Center in Washington, DC. AFP
to pull Houston within 97-94 with but made just 7-of-22 shots for the
81 seconds to play. Rockets. — AFP Parking lot praise and internet
Van Gundy defends Yao, slapped critics help Wizards level series
with NBA record $100,000 fine WASHINGTON — Juan Dixon took
inspiration from internet critics and
his coach’s faith to score a career-
the confidence coach Eddie Jordan
expressed in a parking-lot talk after
Saturday’s woeful showing.
FORWARD DIRK NOWITZKI of the Dallas Mavericks moves the ball past Scott Padgett of the Hou-
N EW Y ORK — Houston Rockets were looking at Yao harder because ston Rockets in game five of the Western Conference Quarterfinals. AFP high 35 points here yesterday, giv- “I was walking out of the arena
coach Jeff Van Gundy came to the of Mark’s complaints,” Van Gundy ing the Washington Wizards a solid to get in my car and I saw coach Jor-
defense of his giant center Yao Ming told the newspaper. “It proved pro- chance to win their first play-off se- dan,” Dixon said. “I played a lot of
but it ended up costing him heav-
phetic, really, the last couple
Duncan, Parker spark Spurs ries since 1982.
The reserve guard shrugged off
minutes and was 1-of-10. I wanted
to let him know I wasn’t down, I had
Van Gundy was slapped with a
$100,000 fine yesterday — the larg-
“I didn’t think that really
worked in the NBA, but in this case
to OT victory over Nuggets a 1-for-10 showing to sink 11-of-15
shots and all 10 free throws in Wash-
confidence and I wasn’t going to let
the team down.
est fine against a coach in National it has.” ington’s 106-99 victory over Chi- “I said, ‘Coach, please don’t lose
DENVER, COLORADO — Tim Duncan a row and went five minutes and 57
Basketball Association history. After reviewing video himself, cago that evened their best-of-seven confidence in me. I’m going to step
had 39 points and 14 rebounds seconds without a basket in the
Van Gundy was fined for criti- Van Gundy said Yao has been National Basketball Association se- up. I’m going to get my act together.’
while Tony Parker scored 11 of his fourth quarter, allowing the Nug-
cizing league officials following Sat- treated differently. ries at two wins each. I said it 10 times. I made sure he
29 points in overtime to spark San gets to seize a 97-94 lead.
urday’s play-off game against the “When you review his fouls, “I got my act together and came heard every word. I wanted to drill
Antonio past Denver, 126-115, in a But French guard Parker’s 3-
Dallas Mavericks. you’ve got to give Mark Cuban through,” Dixon said. “Coach stuck it in his head.”
National Basketball Association point play on a driving layup and
The fine was announced by credit,” Van Gundy told the Chroni- with me and I started getting my Jordan wanted Dixon to drill the
play-off game yesterday. free throw pulled the Spurs level
NBA senior vice president of bas- cle. “They said it on TNT last night. rhythm. It was up to me how well I ball into the basket.
The Spurs grabbed a 3-1 edge in and ended the drought.
ketball operations Stu Jackson. Van He’s been calling and calling about played. Now my job is to keep it “He asked me to stay confident
the best-of-seven first-round series Parker also gave the Spurs a 107-
Gundy made the comments Mon- Yao. You’ve got to give [Cuban] going.” in him and don’t lose faith,” Jordan
and could advance to the second 105 edge with a jumper from the left
day, one day after the Rockets lost credit. He’s taken a lot of fines in The Wizards, who had not won said. “I said, ‘Of course I won’t. Keep
round with a victory at home corner with 27 seconds remaining,
their second straight home play-off his time. He’s been on them hard. a play-off game since 1988 until Sat- working and keep taking your
Wednesday. but Anthony was fouled driving to
game to the Dallas Mavericks. He’s gotten the benefit.” urday’s game three, face a pivotal shot.’”
“I was aggressive,” Duncan said. the hoop by Duncan and hit two
Van Gundy was complaining Since becoming owner of the game five Thursday in Chicago with So Dixon arrived two hours
“I got a little confidence early and free throws that set the stage for
about a move by Dallas Mavericks Mavericks five years ago, Cuban has game six here Friday and game early for Sunday’s practice and took
it just went from there.” overtime. — AFP
owner Mark Cuban, who was said been fined over one million dollars seven in Chicago on Monday if extra shots, then stayed late and ar-
Duncan was dominant inside
to have sent videotapes with alleged by the NBA. Many of the punish- needed. rived early again Monday for a
but fouled out with 2:55 remaining
illegal screens set by Rockets center ments were for complaints about Piston Ben Wallace wins Dixon’s poor showing in a game workout. When it was over, the
in overtime after Carmelo Anthony
Yao to the NBA for review. officials. defensive player award three Wizards’ triumph sparked third-year NBA guard had taken
slipped and fell after Duncan had
Yao encountered foul trouble in The fine came just hours before critics on a Wizards’ message site 1,500 extra shots and found his
touched him. But the Spurs, ignited NEW YORK — American Ben Wallace of
both games three and four. He was the Rockets were to face the Maver- that struck a nerve with the 26-year- form.
by Parker, ended the game with a the Detroit Pistons was named the
limited to 34 minutes in game three icks in Dallas for the pivotal fifth old guard. “I wanted as many shots as pos-
13-8 run for the victory. NBA’s Defensive Player of the Year for the
and 25 minutes in game four. game of their Western Conference “A friend said to read this mes- sible to get my rhythm back,” Dixon
“Tony was awesome,” Duncan third time in four seasons.
Van Gundy told the Houston first-round series. The home team Wallace, the only player to finish the sea- sage on the Wizards’ message board said. “If that’s what I have to do to
said. “These guys were great in over-
Chroniclehe had been told by a ref- has yet to win in the series. son among the league’s top five in both talking dirty on me,” Dixon said. get my shot back, I’m going to do
time. They kept attacking and
eree not working the play-offs that Meanwhile, Dallas forward blocks and steals, became just the sec- “I’m already a self-motivated per- it.”
played great.”
the NBA instructed its referees to Keith Van Horn will be out two ond player to win the award three times son, but that took it to another level. The Bulls could only watch
Earl Boykins came off the bench
treat China’s Yao differently than weeks with an ankle sprain. when balloting was revealed yester- I definitely wanted to throw that helplessly as Dixon dominated.
to lead Denver with 32 points while day.
other players. A key member of the Mavericks’ back in their face.” Jordan was as proud of the
Anthony added 28 for the Nuggets. He claimed 45 of 125 first-place votes
“Before game three, I got a call bench, Van Horn injured his left Dixon scored 16 points in 11 former college star at nearby Uni-
Argentina’s Manu Ginobili added from a panel of sportswriters and broad-
from another official in the NBA ankle in the second quarter of game minutes in the first half and every versity of Maryland as the fans who
24 points for the Spurs. casters throughout the United States
who’s not in the play-offs that I’ve three against the Rockets on Friday. Washington point in a 9-2 run to gave him a standing ovation after
The Spurs missed nine shots in and Canada. — AFP
known forever, and he told me they — AFP open the fourth quarter, rewarding the game. — AFP

US Olympic basketball
Boston pays $5 million over Roddick and Agassi advance in Rome Masters boss vows improvement
after Athens shame
ROME — American pair Andy Roddick and Andre “I think last year I was a little bit
death at Red Sox party Agassi advanced to the second round of the Rome heavy, especially for the clay, and
I’ve tried to get into the best possi-
ball managing director Jerry Colan-
BOSTON — The city of Boston has a terrible tragedy that we sincerely Masters yesterday after comfortable opening day vic- ble shape. gelo vows the Americans will bounce
back from a humbling Athens Olym-
paid $5 million to the family of a and deeply regret,” O’Toole told a tories. “For the last couple of years I
pics with big changes for the 2006
woman killed by police last Octo- news conference. haven’t played my best tennis on
Top seed Roddick, a losing finalist at Wimbledon clay, but right now I feel as good as
World Championships in Japan and
ber in celebrations after the Red O’Toole said a deputy superin- the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Sox beat the New York Yankees to tendent who was responsible for last year, defeated Britain’s Greg Rusedski 6-4 6-2, I have ever done.” After top US stars like Kevin Garnett,
advance to the World Series, offi- police operations around Fenway while sixth seed Agassi, a winner here in 2002, over- Agassi, who saved a break point Kobe Bryant and Jason Kidd rejected
cials said yesterday. that night had agreed to retire. at 4-3 down in the first set before Olympic overtures or backed out in
came a slugglish start to beat Italian qualifier Alessio blowing Di Mauro away, admitted the months before the Games, a sec-
Boston police commissioner Patrick Jones, an attorney for
Kathleen O’Toole announced that the Snelgrove family, said the most Di Mauro 7-5, 6-2. he started sluggishly. ond-string set of National Basketball
the city had reached a settlement important aspect of the settlement Roddick, who won the US Open Roddick, who reached the semi- “We’ve never played each other Association (NBA) stars settled for a
two years ago, will play Albert Costa finals here on his debut in 2002, bronze medal after NBA talent had
with relatives of 21-year-old was the acknowledgment that before and it took me a while to get
dominated the Summer Olympics
Emerson College student Victoria Snelgrove was an innocent victim. in round two after the vastly expe- admitted it was a great relief to into the match, but after taking the since 1992.
Snelgrove, who died after being hit “[She was] blocked by a crowd rienced Spaniard knocked out com- come through unscathed against first set I got my confidence back “The thing that killed me was being
by a projectile fired by a Boston from her car in a place where she patriot Albert Montanes. 1997 US Open runner-up Rusedski. and started to play a lot better,” said [in America], hearing people, our own
police officer. and her friends felt they were the Agassi, with eight Grand Slam “First-round matches can be a the 35-year-old. fans, our own US citizens, basketball
Snelgrove was one of at least safest: in the presence of police, not titles to his name, will meet Rich- little uncomfortable and Greg was Two seeds fell on day one. fans pulling against us,” Colangelo
60,000 people who descended on in any way part of any rioting ard Gasquet, who ended world serving well in the first set,” said the Swedish 10 th seed Joachim told the Denver Post.
the area around Boston’s Fenway crowd, as the media initially re- number one Roger Federer’s 25- 22-year-old American, who won his Johansson, who has won two sin- “It doesn’t get any lower than that,”
Park to celebrate after the Red Sox ported,” Jones said. match winning run in Monte Carlo third US clay court title in Houston gles this year in Marseilles and Ad- he added.
last month. last month. GREATER POWER
staged the biggest comeback in In addition to the $5 million elaide, lost to Italy’s Andrea Seppi,
Colangelo, longtime chairman of
postseason baseball history by the city paid to the Snelgrove fam- The French 18-year-old barely “The first match is always tough a result that had the home crowd the NBA regular-season champion
overcoming a 3-0 series deficit to ily, Boston also paid $100,000 to a broke a sweat in the blazing sun- because you don’t really know on its feet, and Russian 14th seed Phoenix Suns, has greater power to
defeat their archrivals, the Yanks. memorial fund for Victoria shine in his 6-0, 6-2 thrashing of where you’re at. I was playing well a Nikolay Davydenko went out to sel ec t a n d r ej ec t p la yer s a n d
Police arrested a handful of Snelgrove. Thailand’s Paradorn Srichaphan. week ago, but that doesn’t necessar- Brazilian Fernando Verdasco. coaches.
people as the celebrations turned Local prosecutors are investi- British fourth seed Tim ily mean I’ll play well here, so the The Rome Masters, a warm-up A committee had been charged with
violent, but O’Toole said gating whether any criminal Henman, a runner-up at the French biggest thing is to get through.” for the French Open which starts on such duties in prior years.
Snelgrove was not among those charges should be filed against Open last year, also won his first- Roddick said he had prepared May 23, is the fourth of nine ATP “The World Championship in 2006 in
acting unlawfully. police officers in connection with round match, cruising to a 6-3 6-3 well for his European clay debut of Masters Series tournaments and Japan is very critical and very impor-
victory over Brazil’s Gustavo 2005. tant to USA Basketball and we’re go-
“Tori was in all respects an in- Snelgrove’s death, a police spokes- one of its three clay court events.
ing to take it very seriously,” Colan-
nocent bystander and her death is woman said. — Reuters Kuerten, a three-time Roland “I’ve worked a lot harder off the There are four tournaments on hard gelo said. — AFP
Garros champion. court with my fitness,” he said. courts and two are indoors. — AFP

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