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India 7.6% 1600 dollars -1.1% 1266.


Red tape :- is an idiom that refers to excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is
considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making. It is
usually applied to governments, corporations, and other large organizations.

The balance of trade is one of the key components of a countries gross domestic product
(GDP) formula. GDP increases when the total value of goods and services that domestic
producers sell to foreigners exceeds the total value of foreign goods and services that
domestic consumers buy, otherwise known as a trade surplus. If domestic consumers spend
more on foreign products than domestic producers sell to foreign consumers – a trade deficit
– then GDP decreases.

A standard formula for GDP can be written as: GDP = private consumption spending +
investments + government spending + (exports - imports).

Understanding the Balance of Trade

Very few economic subjects have caused as much confusion and debate as the balance of
trade. This confusion is driven by the language involved in reporting a country's net trade in
final goods; "trade deficit" sounds bad, while "trade surplus" sounds good.

As long as exchange rates are free-floating, however, trade imbalances never really exist in
the long run. Even if they did, there is little reason to believe they would have negative

Suppose the United States ran a $100 million trade deficit with Germany, largely because
Americans liked German cars more than Germans liked American cars. The payments, in
dollars, made by Americans to German automakers would eventually come home in the form
of dollar assets.

Even though GDP would fall by $100 million, the American economy is no worse off (and
has actually benefited from) the net exchange. The Germans sold cars to Americans in
exchange for the Americans selling dollars for Germans, so that the Germans could hold
assets such as Treasury bills (T-bills) or real estate.

GDP growth:
The GDP growth rate measures how fast the economy is growing. It does this by comparing one
quarter of the country's economic output (gross domestic product) to the last.
Best countries for business .
The GDP growth rate is driven by the four components of GDP. By far, the most important
driver of GDP growth is personal consumption, which includes retail sales. GDP growth is
also driven by business investment, which includes construction and inventory levels.

Government spending is the third driver of growth. It's sometimes necessary to jumpstart the
economy after a recession. Last, but not least, are exports and imports. Exports drive growth,
but increases in imports have a negative impact.


1. Sweden
2. New Zealand
3. Hong Kong
4. Ireland – 26.3% GDP
5. UK
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Finland
9. Norway
10. Canada
11. Australia
12. Singapore
13. Estonia
14. Luxenberg
15. Lithuania
16. Switzerland
17. Belgium
18. Taiwan
19. Portugal
20. Slovenia
21. Germany
22. Iceland
23. USA
24. Austria
25. Latvia
26. France
27. Israel

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