Keeping The Burning Passion Alive: by Jeric M. Gutierrez, Sped Teacher

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Keeping the Burning

Passion Alive


SDO Pangasinan II, Pozorrubio Central School
When I was a kid, I never dreamt something makes us understand our
to become who I am today. My first love is purpose in life, thus making it more vivid
art, I am a creative person who sees every to who we are. Indeed, finding inspiration
perspective to be a dimension of in arts are some of the qualities that built
something to beautify, to express myself me as a teacher. It is who we are that
and ideas. I think being passionate at makes us what kind of teacher we are.
When I was a kid, I never dreamt me as a teacher. It is who we are that
to become who I am today. My first love is makes us what kind of teacher we are.
art, I am a creative person who sees every
To be driven, one must have an
perspective to be a dimension of
enabler/s to be refueled, to find inspiration,
something to beautify, to express myself
and as well as to redefine the course for
and ideas. I think being passionate at
betterment. I am a great believer that
something makes us understand our
family, great stories, and rewards are my
purpose in life, thus making it more vivid
enablers of passion. These things keep me
to who we are. Indeed, finding inspiration
in touch to realize a few things.
in arts are some of the qualities that built
me as a teacher. It is who we are that Finding inspiration in every
makes us what kind of teacher we are. student's eyes whom I see their future with
high hopes and dreams. They are the
I always look back through the
people of tomorrow-the future leaders. We
years to rekindle what drives me to pursue
should treat them as our children. We
this career-teaching. Through this course, I
should create a classroom that radiates
learn to give meaning and value more my
positive vibes to cater to their needs. We
first love!
must escalate learning through believing in
When I was a kid, I never dreamt them and showing our trust to them. I
to become who I am today. My first love is think that's how I treat my class, a family
art, I am a creative person who sees every that is filled with love and compassion.
perspective to be a dimension of You will indeed do everything for your
something to beautify, to express myself family no matter how hard it is, and that's
and ideas. I think being passionate at how I understand teaching is.
something makes us understand our
In teaching, I believe that it is also
purpose in life, thus making it more vivid
a is a life-long learning process. You can
to who we are. Indeed, finding inspiration
never give what you do not have, I always
in arts are some of the qualities that built
capacitate myself through great stories of
experienced teachers. I always look for my


mentors, one who can share great stories of our learners of their learning process. One
successes and also tragic ones. I tend to of the keys is to celebrate diversity, to be
look to every angle of its stories and learn able to uplift everyone on building their
from them. strengths out of their weaknesses. A
teacher should always see situations with a
Great people of great books are
silver lining to foster his/her learners well.
also my philosophy. Constant reading of
Furthermore, to have this commitment we
books from the most influential personas
should embody our jobs' description and
opens my soul with great wisdom on
be willing to extend our purpose.
inspiring myself and others.
BUILD linkages. As an African Proverb
I believe that in everything we do,
goes "It takes a village to raise a child"
there must be a result that we've been
connotes the importance of our
waiting for. It can be tangible and
relationships with the community. A
sometimes priceless that will let you see
child's growth doesn't only counts how
the true meaning of teaching. We,
well he/ she do inside the school. Nurture
teachers, are fond of giving rewards to our
also matters, how his environment
students and we should not also take these
interacts to create meaningful learning. I
away from ourselves. We must not forget
learn that as an educator we should also
to treat ourselves of at least breadth the
lead the interactions on gearing the change
crisp air, enjoy simple sweets, or just a
towards quality education through having
simple me-time.
good networks within the community.
I am also a believer of love They will serve as support for the holistic
languages. Words of affirmation from development of our learners as the
colleagues are so strong to keep my heartbeat of the entire system while
burning passion alive. Awards and teachers are pathways to bridge the gap or
recognitions always filled my heart that enhance it further.
every hardship paid off. But nothing is
REFLECT. One of the main points which
more precious if there is an emotional
drive me for reform is the need for
spark as I see the potential and progress of
reflections. Learning is a life-long process,
pupils which is very rewarding in my part.
we should have always the vigor to learn,
I see myself still teaching young relearn, and unlearn things. An effective
people up to my last breath. I love to be way to figure things out and let it under
part of someone's success. Embarking this control is to have a reflection, on this, we
course on how to keep the passion alive will be able to formulate more methods
gave me some realizations as a teacher on and solutions to a certain problem and be
how will I realize these visions and that able to direct ways for more evidenced-
mere dreams will be a reality soon. based practices.

DEEP Commitment. First is how depth I believe that deep commitment to

our commitment as an educator of today's teaching, building relationships with the
generation, to be a good influence to them stakeholders and always having a
we should let them see how passionate we reflection at the end of the day will lead us
are, the degree of how we affect them in towards our ultimate goal as an educator. It
their lives as learners. We should lead our is to inspire the youth and in the long run,
four-walled classroom in real-life could lead to a good reform in educating
situations and let them be the navigator- young minds.


"Teaching young minds takes a
stronger hand to uplift one's soul, good eye
to recognize diversity, vibrant minds to
allow positive impact and reflect and good
heart who respects-that is teaching at its


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