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Why use SSL certificate in ADFS?

When user’s access secured application with https and need to access an identity to access it and
authentication system is ADFS.

When a secured application sends authentication request to ADFS then it uses secured channel to pass
the authentication information to ADFS. So we need to SSL certificate for secure channel.

How applications send authentication information to ADFS?

1. User access https URL of application with it credential

2. Application redirect authentication request to ADFS secure end point “/adfs/is”. It could be
3. ADFS get validated by AD and send back ADFS token to application

Note: - wild card certificate should be used for ADFS.

How many kind certificates are used by the ADFS?



How to certificate template for ADFS certificate?

ADFS use public CA certificate so we need public CA certificate in production environment.

For test environment we can use internal CA certificate so to generate internal CA certificate we need
certificate template. We below settings to internal CA certificate template.

1. Open CA console
2. Certificate template
3. Right click on computer template select duplicate template
4. Leave first compatibility tab and go general tab and fill these information’s
 Give name ADFS certificate Such as ADFSCertificate
 Choose validity as you like
 Select check mark publish certificate in AD

5. In the request handling tab allow mark private key to be exported by click check box

6. 5. not making any changes in cryptography tab and key attestation tab
7. 6. no changes in suspended template tab as well extension tab and server tab
8. in security tab give the access right to ADFS server to enroll certificate such as read, enroll,
autoenroll so that ADFS server can send request and enroll certificate
9. In Subject name tab select subject name format as common name and DNS Name.

10. Do not make any changes in server and instance requirement tab.
11. Select apply and ok button
12. After create template publish the template

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