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Aries Outlook for 2011


3/21 – 4/19

Year 2011 Overview

Out with the old matrix and in with something totally different -- with trailblazing Rams leading
the way as usual. It's all about the new in 2011. Others will take their cues from you especially
when Uranus follows Jupiter into Aries in March. You won't have a second to forget that you're
the consummate pioneer of the zodiac. With Jupiter and Uranus tag teaming it in your
constellation, much new ground needs breaking in 2011. You'll barely have a second to rest and
process all the brand spanking newness that has become part and parcel of your everyday life.
Long-distance travel, philosophy, higher learning and experimentation are all par for a very
exciting course as this mighty year unfolds.

Expect a birthday season to remember with lucky Jupiter and life-changing Uranus working
wonders in your fiery stars. Your innate go-getter instincts are off the charts. As the spring
season gets underway, life hits maximum speed (sleep, what's that?) May Day alert: Circle May
1 on your calendar with a big red sharpie, Rams! An explosive amount of Aries planetary energy
abounds as six -- count 'em, six -- planets traverse your incendiary corner of the zodiac
simultaneously. This includes Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all rallying for your
cause. Age of Aquarius themes pop up as Jupiter in fact does align with Mars on this very
powerful day. Every second counts and actions speak infinitely larger than words.

Summertime brings Jupiter's jackpot in your money sector. Expect a nice fattening of the piggy
between June and December with incredible opportunities to make the big bank. Love, pleasure
and romance hit a high note in late September. Venus brings the beauty and love to your
partnership sector while Mars simultaneously brings the sparks to your romance sector. Long-
distance travel and adventures galore take precedence in November. While in December
professional responsibilities will demand the majority of time and energy. But if you're willing to
go the extra mile, your status could easily skyrocket.

Aries Outlook for 2011


3/21 – 4/19

Year 2011 Career

The powerful evolution of your professional life continues to unfold in fascinating ways in 2011
compliments of the almighty Pluto deepening his presence in your career sector (for another
decade-plus). If ever there was a year to put yourself on the map, this is it. The gold at the end of
a long tunnel of hard work, perseverance and trials and tribulations shall arrive by springtime. By
the beginning of May you'll have the power of a colossal planetary convergence in Aries to see
you through to the big leagues. Heaven knows you deserve a huge boost in recognition for all of
your efforts. Few work harder or faster!

This is the year to risk it all for your true vocational calling. If you've been playing it safe, living
the life of a shadow artist or closet entrepreneur -- the planets will no longer abide by such
settling. Get honest about what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and move solely
in that direction. Out with any residual slave mentality -- Rams were born to spearhead, not suck
it up.

The money starts rolling in by mid-June to fund your grandest plans. With Jupiter's bounty
padding your pockets for the entire summer, you'll have the confidence to make the bigger leaps
of faith. When Jupiter goes retrograde in September, you may want to cut back on any frivolous
expenditure and get cracking on truly building that savings account.

Chinese Tiger: Yearly

Tiger Outlook for 2011

1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Tiger Overview

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? The good news is that this year's ruling
animal, the Rabbit, is one of your complementary signs. The bad news is that the year's element,
Metal, has a destructive relationship with your sign's element of Wood. In plain English? You'll
probably have a so-so year. But don't get discouraged -- as a Tiger, you have the guts and gusto
to face challenges like a Mortal Kombat fighter. When you're not engaged in battle, it could be a
good time to lay low and borrow some of the Rabbit's reserve. If you plot your course ahead of
time, you'll be able to navigate the changing waters of this year with grace and agility.

Tiger Rating

56% (5 favorable, 3 neutral, 4 unfavorable)

Tiger Career

It would probably be wise to stay under the radar at work and continue on your current career
path. A change might be on the horizon, but it probably won't be one of your own making. You
might have to zig when you want to zag. Are you feeling restless at your cubicle? The Rabbit
doesn't share your wild sense of adventure. It's best to direct your boundless energy toward
overtime, not spontaneous decisions about switching jobs. During your favorable months, bring
your brilliant ideas to the table. Your passion and insight might bring well-deserved recognition.

Tiger Relationships

You'll probably have to deal with a few mood swings in your relationships this year. Under the
Rabbit's influence, it's a good time to smooth over communication problems and be diplomatic.
A friend or lover might come to your rescue when you need it most -- make sure you express
your gratitude. Try to transcend your differences with others by becoming more sensitive. Keep
an open mind if people don't agree with you. Even if you can't control things at work, make the
effort to improve things at home with your loved ones.

Tiger Health

If you're a typical Tiger, you probably go, go, go, until you can't go anymore. Am I right? You
might not be able to keep up that pace this year, but that's not a bad thing. The Rabbit favors
peace and quiet, so consider how to make your life a bit more relaxing. Paint your bedroom blue
to promote tranquility. Add a bamboo plant to your living room to bring in the Earth element.
Take up cooking at home instead of gallivanting around town at night. Your health will benefit
from the take-it-easy approach in the coming months.

Tiger Wealth

You have the Tiger's luck on your side, so money may be a better area in your life this year.
Several months will bring Triple Metal days -- where the element of the year, month, and day all
match up. So make sure you mark those on your calendar. Metal is the element most closely
associated with wealth. Have any money-making ideas up your sleeve? Save any risk-taking for
your Super Luck days or Triple Metal days. Be conservative during your unfavorable months.
The Rabbit's love of luxury might tempt you to buy lavish things. Don't give in. Your money is
better spent on practical necessities.

Libra Outlook for 2011


9/23 – 10/22

Year 2011 Overview

Oh the lessons you have endured over the course of 2010. You're not the same people-pleasing
darling you were a mere 12 months ago. On the contrary darling -- you are in the midst of a
powerful process of cultivating the kind of backbone that makes greatness. Thanks to big daddy
Saturn you're learning your lessons well in relinquishing laziness, strengthening discipline, and
realizing your authority. You're taking yourself more seriously in the arenas where it matters
most. (Read: career and getting paid what you're worth.)

Relationships bring plenty of passion, drama and unexpected plot twists especially during the
spring. By the time May rolls around you'll be dealing with an unprecedented amount of
planetary energy firing up your relationship sector. With six planets including Venus, your ruler
and Jupiter, the planet of abundance lining up in your partnership sector you'll be anything but
lonely. The challenge lies in staying true to your own needs without getting lost in the persuasive
me-me-me demands of your significant others.

Although some of Saturn's lessons will weigh in on a heavier note and perhaps depriving you of
any former easy-outs or shortcuts, you have the uncanny ability to take it all in stride. There's
something to be said for the inherent Libran laid-back approach to life's challenges. But under
current planetary duress you may join the ranks of the stressful millions in your quest for
regaining inner peace and unshakable equilibrium. Forever striving for that elusive balance,
you're being put through the cosmic ringer when it comes to finding and holding your own with
others. But you will get there Libra -- just you wait and see!

Libra Outlook for 2011


9/23 – 10/22

Year 2011 Career

You're still revamping your true vocational calling by cutting out all of the extraneous little side-
jobs that once ate up so much of your precious time. The final days of the North Node in your
career sector at the start of 2011 give you one last prodding to determine your own true north. No
longer can you beg the question. Fence sitting in all aspects of your life is quickly becoming an
extinct option, especially when it comes to your work. By nature you're indecisive but 2011 is
the year for commitment. Put your doubts aside and just get on with what you do best: bringing
more beauty and harmony to everything you touch. At the end of the day, you're an artist -- and
that's that.

Although you may still be saddled with your fair share of responsibilities, you're finally able to
see the forest through the trees and get a grip on the bigger career picture. You prefer any work
that involves socializing, utilizing your creative and intellectual talents and of course flirting
your heart out. This is why sitting behind an isolated desk doing menial tasks will just never rock
your world. You're finally coming to terms with saying no to anything you consider a giant waste
of your time, and you can thank Saturn for that. Adding to the planetary support to align work
with soul, Neptune, the planet of glamour and dreams enters your work sector this April through
August. It shall then again return in 2012 to stay for an extended 14-year ride, making sure that
you absolutely adore what you do. This is a wonderful opportunity to find meaning and
inspiration in your work.

Ox Outlook for 2011


1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Ox Overview

The Year of the Metal Rabbit should bring progress and expansion for you. The Metal element
exerts a beneficial influence on Water, which is your sign's element. Did you have a bumpy ride
last year? You still might hit a few obstacles in 2011, but you'll have 10 favorable months to look
forward to, and only two not-so-favorable months. If you're a typical Ox, you might need to
work on being less stubborn and learning to bend with the wind. Compromise is your friend.
Yes, I know you're a tough and powerful creature, but you might butt heads with others if you're
forceful about being right. Borrow some creativity and gentleness from the Rabbit. Raise your
expectations, and practice diplomacy to get what you want.

Ox Rating

65% (10 favorable, 2 unfavorable)

Ox Career

That saying about pulling your weight must refer to you. As an Ox, you're no stranger to hard
work, and this year will require your steadfast focus. The Rabbit's influence might make you
even more stubborn than normal, so make sure you keep relationships with colleagues and
clients in good shape. Are you feeling out of place at your current job? It might not be the right
fit. This year could bring a career change for you, but you'll have to plan things carefully and
slowly. The Rabbit favors peace, order, and systemization. Get your ducks in a row. Smile, even
on your bad days. Try being more of a team player.

Ox Relationships

While things should remain steady on the home front, you could have a few challenging
moments in the land of love. The Rabbit is strong and stubborn like you, so your relationships
might feel strained. Are you dealing with other strong personalities? You might not show your
soft and sensitive side to everyone, but can you show it more to your loved ones? Harmony and
order will be important this year. Work on your communication skills and heal any rifts with
estranged friends or family.

Ox Health
If you're a typical Ox, you might be a bit of a foodie. Did you let your diet go last year? If so,
2011 is a good time to restore balance to your digestive system and make sure you're eating
healthy. If you have any long-standing health issues, it's time to address them from a holistic
approach. A sensible diet is one piece of the puzzle, but consider the other factors that encourage
balance and wellness. Exercise. Relaxation. Meditation. Laughter. Make sure you're getting a
healthy dose of each or you could burn out quickly.

Ox Wealth

As the element of our year, Metal also rules several months in 2011, including the month of the
Ox. You'll have several Triple Metal days -- where the element of the year, month, and day all
match -- which could make for some incredible luck where money is concerned. Make sure you
jump at the opportunities in your favorable months but exercise caution in the unfavorable ones.
More than anything, it is your Oxen diligence that will reap the most rewards. Avoid any get-
rich-quick schemes and instead just let your talents bring in prosperity.

Virgo Outlook for 2011


8/23 – 9/22

Year 2011 Overview

2011 is all about showing Virgo the money. Being the bona fide workaholic of the zodiac, you
have certainly earned your right to demand the six figures through long hours and heaps of your
own blood, sweat and tears over the past several years. And you've certainly suffered enough
losses and endured enough tests of faith in the financial department to prove your substance. As
much as you get off on the occasional masochistic work jag, you can't help but wonder when
things are going to get easier. Well hang tight Virgin, because the bonus you so desperately need
and deserve should arrive between March and June of 2011. A major conglomeration of fiery
planets activates your sector of other people's money, including the luckiest planet of them all --
Jupiter. If that doesn't bring some kind of windfall, loan or access to a serious line of credit
you're going about your business all kinds of wrong.

You're also getting ready to shed some serious skin starting this March. With Uranus, the change
god joining forces with Jupiter in your sector of psychological change: you're preparing to face
some serious skeletons in your psychic closet. Rather than applying your brilliant yet critical
mind in assessing other people's shortcomings, you're ready to confront your own strengths and
weaknesses on a new level. This year favors the clean slate approach to all matters of self-help,
renewal and transformation of your personality. You're leaving many aspects of your old self
behind in order to become a better and more authentic version of who you really are.
Virgo Outlook for 2011

8/23 – 9/22

Year 2011 Career

Now that Chiron is finally coming out of your work sector this February after an extended seven-
year saga of pushing every social insecurity button known to man, your work environment
should be considerably less painful. If you've had trouble with co-workers or employees, you'll
finally feel like you're getting some thicker skin compliments of Neptune moving out of your
work sector between April and August. Use this planetary reprieve to take a more detached
attitude towards all of the drama.

The absence of Chiron and Neptune in your work sector facilitates renewed confidence in your
talents. You can stop second-guessing your skills and put more energy into furthering your
assets. With a major eclipse pattern hitting your career sector in June, you can expect
monumental changes to occur in your professional life between June and next January. This is
the year for your hard work to pay off. Plus the lessons of compassion and heightened sensitivity
you've learned over the past several years will only work to serve you in reading people's
subliminal motives and assess who is a true ally and who to avoid at all costs when doing

Between the end of January and June, Jupiter comes back to bless your sector of legacy and other
people's money. You'll likely be gifted with a considerable karmic jackpot in the form of a
donation, gift, inheritance or loan. Do you still have issues receiving? Now is not the time to look
any gift horses in the mouth Virgo. You've more than paid your dues with the amount of free
help, guidance and other such service and now it's your time to receive and replenish the well.

Goat Outlook for 2011


1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

Goat Overview

As a Goat, you'll probably find the Year of the Metal Rabbit to be more favorable than most of
your fellow animals. Since you and the Rabbit are in the same group -- Rabbit, Goat, Pig --
things should flow more easily than last year. With 11 favorable months and only 1 unfavorable,
it's easy to see why your pastures will be green. Your popularity could skyrocket this year, and
there's a reason everyone wants your company. Talents? Brains? Creativity? Kindness? If you're
a typical Goat, you have them all. Take advantage of all your opportunities to shine in 2011.
Travel to strange lands. Communicate with spirits. Wear wild outfits. Do things you normally
wouldn't dream of.

Goat Rating

72% (11 favorable and 1 neutral month)

Goat Career

Do you typically stand on the sidelines during business meetings or work presentations? It might
be time to speak up and show off your intellectual prowess. You'll have the ability to make some
serious strides at work, but it won't come without a little elbow grease. Channel your energies
into something that suits your character. If you're not being challenged or inspired, think about
giving your job the old heave-ho. You're far too curious and creative to be stifled by a boring
gig. See how far you can push yourself. Figure out how to market your talents in order to make
some money.

Goat Relationships

Ah, to be a Goat this year. You're a natural romantic, and 2011 might bring out the Romeo or
Juliet in all of us. The Rabbit enhances your softness and sensitivity in love relationships,
making this a year for the books when it comes to romance. Are you still a single Goat? You
might find yourself drowsy under love's spell and tempted to lay down and settle. Marriages
could be a theme this year, so make sure your ring finger is beautified just in case. Relationships
should be peaceful and fulfilling. Use this time to express your love and gratitude for your
friends and family. Make your home warm and fuzzy.

Goat Health

If you're in mental and emotional good spirits, this should have a positive affect on your physical
health. You might feel more vibrant and radiant than ever before. Keep the high alive by eating
fresh, organic produce and eliminating red meat from your diet when possible. This could be a
good year to explore mind-body wellness practices like yoga or karate. Get out in nature and
commune with the Earth. Fresh air, trees and sunshine will all do wonders for your health. Make
sure you have a regular schedule for meals and keep your sleep and waking times consistent.
Write down your dreams and greet each day with 10 minutes of silent meditation.

Goat Wealth

This year could be particularly kind to your bank account. There will be several occurrences of
Triple Metal days -- where the element of the year, month and day all match. Since Metal is the
element most closely affiliated with wealth, you might see more money coming your way. Not
only that, a few Triple Rabbit days could be favorable for you since you're in the same affinity
group as this year's animal. Do you have trouble keeping a budget? If money comes your way
this year, you might want to get the help of a professional for managing it. Put some away in a
savings account. Give a little to a non-profit for the arts. Put a little towards a rugged outdoor
adventure this summer. There should be enough to go around.>

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