Sarcopenia and Obesity: Review

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OPINION Sarcopenia and obesity
Mauro Zamboni a,b, Sofia Rubele a,b, and Andrea P. Rossi a,b

Purpose of review
Together with age-related body composition changes, the increased prevalence of obesity observed in the past
few decades in older individuals has led to a condition called sarcopenic obesity, characterized by a mismatch
between muscle mass and fat mass. The operative definition of sarcopenic obesity is still under discussion and
creates difficulties in clinical practice. Muscle weakness, rather than low muscle mass, was previously proposed
as an alternative criterion and, more recently, the dynapenic abdominal obese phenotype is of increasing
interest because of its unfavorable health consequences and usability in clinical practice.
Recent findings
This review focuses on the most recent findings of pathogenic inter-relationships between adipose tissue
and muscle. Recent studies on health consequences of sarcopenic obesity and dynapenic abdominal
obesity are also examined. Despite the lack of consensus on a definition for sarcopenic obesity, progress
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has been made in the delineation of the treatment principles for this condition.
Further research is needed to compare different definitions of sarcopenic/dynapenic obesity to clarify the
relationship between obesity and the most important adverse outcomes in the elderly. The next step will be
the definition of best possible therapeutic approaches for this condition.
adipose tissue, disability, dynapenia, mortality, muscle strength, myosteatosis, obesity, sarcopenia

INTRODUCTION same population: however, a large difference in

Definition of sarcopenic obesity combines that of prevalence of the two conditions was observed

sarcopenia, obtained through variable criteria, to (2.8 and 10.6%, respectively) [4 ,5]. In a recent
the presence of obesity [1]. analysis from the Health ABC Study on a sample
The first definition of sarcopenic obesity pro- of 2896 individuals (Rossi AP et al., unpublished
posed in the early 2000s stressed the quantitative data), only a limited number of individuals (1.3%
mismatch between muscle and fat mass [i.e. the of total sample) belonged to both groups, suggesting
presence of absolute or relative low muscle mass that sarcopenic obesity and DAO are two distinct
coupled with BMI greater than 30 or with high total phenotypes, each with a different health risk profile.
or percentage fat mass as assessed by dual-energy X- Lack of consensus regarding diagnostic tools
ray absorptiometry (DXA) or bioelectrical imped- and criteria as well as thresholds for defining crite-
ance analysis (BIA)] [2]. Alternative definitions were ria, in particular in the elderly (e.g. BMI cutoff or
subsequently proposed, using visceral fat area or appendicular fat-free mass), seems to be the most
waist circumference instead of BMI or fat mass, relevant and as of yet unresolved limitations of
coupled with total or appendicular muscle mass. sarcopenic obesity definitions.
Application of these variable criteria led to a
wide range of sarcopenic obesity prevalence (rang-
ing from 4 to 12%) [3]. a
Geriatric Division, Department of Medicine, University of Verona and
More recently, definitions of sarcopenic obesity b
HealthyAging Center Verona, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Inte-
have been proposed that consider muscle grata di Verona, Verona, Italy
impairment, as expressed by muscle strength, rather Correspondence to Mauro Zamboni, MD, Geriatric Division, Department
than muscle mass, associated with waist circumfer- of Medicine, University of Verona, HealthyAging Center, Ospedale Mag-
ence, which has led to the introduction of the giore, Piazzale Stefani 1, 37126 Verona, Italy. Tel: +39 45 8122537;
concept of dynapenic abdominal obesity (DAO) [4 ]. fax: +39 45 8122043; e-mail:
There are only a few studies that have compared Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2019, 22:13–19
the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity and DAO in the DOI:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000519

1363-1950 Copyright ß 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ageing: biology and nutrition

may lead to weight gain, primarily with an increase

KEY POINTS in visceral abdominal fat [2].
 Many definitions of sarcopenic obesity have been Both muscle and fat have been recognized as
proposed, but a clear and decisive definition is endocrine organs, capable of producing peptides that
still lacking. communicate with cells in autocrine and paracrine
ways [6]. Through the secretion of these peptides,
 DAO is a more practical and predictive phenotype,
called myokines, skeletal muscle may mediate some
and less affected by inconsistencies associated with
definitions that take into account total adiposity. of the known positive effects of physical exercise:
irisin, a peptide produced by myocytes during exer-
 Links between loss of muscle mass and adipose tissue cise, may control fat gain by eliciting browning
dysfunction associated with aging suggest common response in white fat, causing its transdifferentiation
etiologic factors.
into brite adipose tissue, thus determining an increase
 Further research is needed on the best possible of UCP 1 and then of energy expenditure comple-
treatment for sarcopenic obesity and other related menting the independent effect of physical exercise
phenotypes. &&
[7 ]. Moreover, irisin may also stimulate myocites
differentiation and growth, determining the expres-
sion of elevated levels of insulin like growth factor 1
(IGF-1) and lowering levels of myostatin, through an
PATHOGENESIS OF SARCOPENIC extracellular regulated protein kinases-dependent
pathway [7 ]. Thus, a reduction of physical activity
Muscle and fat are strongly connected pathogeni- with aging may determine a decline in the production
cally, in that they share common pathways of dam- of irisin by the muscle, which leads to an increase in fat
age (Fig. 1). mass and thus to sarcopenic obesity.
With aging, there is a progressive decline in fat- Adipocytes secrete several peptides, called
free mass and thus in total energy expenditure, adipokines: the secretory profile of adipose cells
derived from decreased physical activity, which primarily depends both on their size: the greater

Aging Obesity
Physical acvity FFA
Adiponecn Weight gain
Inflammaon TNF-alpha
Fay infiltraon IL-6

Sarcopenia Insulin resistance

Muscle loss and weaknessa Inflammaon
Lepn resistance
Lipid oxidaon Macrophage
white recruitment
Muscle cell
and grow Total/visceral fat
Myostan ?


Energy expenditure

FIGURE 1. Cross talk between adipocyte and miocyte in older age: a mechanism leading to sarcopenic obesity. Main steps
are given in bold.

14 Volume 22  Number 1  January 2019

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Sarcopenia and obesity Zamboni et al.

the adipose cell size, the higher the profile of pro- risk of mortality, worsening disability, cardiovascular
inflammatory adipokines and the lower the anti- disease and other unfavorable health conditions.
inflammatory profile [8 ]. Thus, weight gain may In the NHANES 1999–2004, the sarcopenic obe-
determine an increase in adipose cell size and then sity phenotype increased mortality risk in people
an imbalance between proinflammatory and anti- aged 50–70 years, but not in people aged 70 years
& &
inflammatory adipokines [8 ]. Interestingly, with and older [12 ]. Similar results were observed in the
aging, adipose cells show higher proinflammatory English Longitudinal Study of Ageing [13 ].
profile as well. Subclinical inflammation derived by However, studies considering muscle quality
both weight gain and aging may be another link measurements, such as handgrip strength, instead
between sarcopenia and obesity. of muscle mass, observed a much stronger relation-
In fact, increased leptin levels may lead to leptin ship between sarcopenic obesity and mortality. In
resistance and thus to a reduction of fatty acid (FA) fact, Sanada et al. [14] showed that all-cause mortal-
oxidation in muscles, contributing to ectopic fat ity increased in men with sarcopenic obesity defined
deposition in organs such as the liver, heart and by waist circumference in a population of 2309
muscles and, in turn, to a loss of muscle quality in Japanese American men followed up for 24 years.
older obese individuals [9]. Decline of adiponectin, a DAO has been shown to be associated with
known anti-inflammatory and insulin sensitizer increased risk of worsening disability [4 ]. The Hel-
peptide produced by adipocytes, has been shown sinki Birth Cohort Study has shown that both sar-
to be negatively related to muscle mass, because of copenia, defined as lean mass to height ratio, and
the lack of its control on NF-kB [10]. As a result of obesity, evaluated by BMI, waist circumference and
increased inflammatory profile, insulin resistance percentage body fat, were associated with poorer
occurs and promotes muscle catabolism. physical performance [15 ].
Moreover, hypertrophic adipocytes produce Both sarcopenic obesity and DAO have been
excessive free FAs that accumulate into and between shown to be related to greater risk of increased falls
muscle fibers ectopically, determining mitochon- [16].
drial dysfunction, b-oxidation of FA alteration with Tolea et al. [17], in a recent study involving 353
increased reactive oxygen species production. This individuals, showed that sarcopenic obesity was asso-
phenomenon, coupled with the presence in older ciated with higher risk of mental disability and lowest
individuals of dysfunctional preadipocytes, may performance on global cognition, compared with
determine reduced adipogenesis, compromise the individuals with only obesity or sarcopenia, even
capacity of fat cells to store FA and induce an excess after adjustment for sociodemographic factors.
of fat ‘overspilled’ to nonadipose tissues where they Rossi et al., in the InCHIANTI study population,
are stored in the form of triacylglycerol [8 ]. How- observed that abdominal obesity coupled with
ever, as the buffer capacity of triacylglycerol soon low muscle strength strongly increased the risk of
becomes saturated, excess lipids enter alternative hospitalization.
nonoxidative pathways, which results in the pro- Only a few studies have evaluated the associa-
duction of toxic reactive lipid species, thereby tion between sarcopenic obesity, metabolic altera-
inducing organ-specific toxic responses that lead tions and cardiovascular diseases and their findings
to apoptosis. Reactive lipids can accumulate in non- are not conclusive [18,19].
adipose tissues of metabolically relevant organs such The issue of sarcopenic obesity is today relevant
as skeletal muscle leading to lipotoxicity, a process even in clinical oncology: sarcopenic obesity has
that contributes substantially to the pathophysiol- been shown to be independently associated with
ogy of insulin resistance and sarcopenia. higher mortality and a higher rate of complications
Finally, the cross talk between muscle and fat across multiple cancer types and different treatment
has been further confirmed by the fact that adipo- plans [20 ]. Authors hypothesize that patients with
cytes and myocytes share the secretion of some sarcopenia are generally more unfit and vulnerable
chemokines. Increased gene expression and myo- to stress and large fat mass could inflate drug dose,
statin protein, a well-known inhibitor of myocyte causing an increased rate of dose-limiting toxicity.
differentiation and proliferation, have been found Thus, sarcopenic obesity screening is considered
in obese patients’ muscle biopsies and may lead to useful for identifying higher risks for complications
muscle damage [11]. and worse outcomes in patients undergoing neo-
adjuvant chemoradiation and resection for rectal
cancer [21] and hepatectomy for hepatocellular car-
cinoma [22 ] as well as in acute lymphoblastic
Several studies indicate that when obesity and muscle leukemia long-term survivors [23 ], and in patients
impairment coexist, they act synergistically on the with pancreatic cancer [24 ].

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Ageing: biology and nutrition

TREATMENT normocaloric high protein diet (1.4 g protein/kg

As sarcopenic obesity is associated with poor out- body weight) versus anormo-caloric normal protein
comes, its treatment should be taken into consider- diet (0.8 g protein/kg body weight): they observed a
ation. Lifestyle modification, including dietary small decline in body weight in both groups, with
intervention and physical exercise, is the corner- lean mass preservation in the high protein diet
stone of sarcopenic obesity treatment. The aims of group only.
sarcopenic obesity treatment are fat mass loss, Quality besides amount of dietary protein could
together with fat-free mass preservation and physi- be relevant to preserve muscle mass decline during
cal function improvement. energy restriction. Whey protein has been shown to
determine better preservation of postprandial myo-
fibrillar protein synthesis in overweight and obese
adults during hypocaloric diet [31 ,32 ] and thus
A hypocaloric diet that aims at inducing weight loss should be preferred.
should be given carefully to sarcopenic obesity Furthermore, dietary intervention combining
individuals because of its effects on body composi- proteins, vitamin D and omega-3, may enhance
tion. In fact, weight loss is usually associated, not postprandial protein synthesis and muscle mass in
only with decline in fat mass, but also in fat-free both, older healthy and older obese individuals, due
mass, ranging from 20% of total body weight during to the fact that these supplements have been shown
mild energy restriction to more than 50% during to sensitize skeletal muscle to the anabolic drive of
semistarvation [25]. Energy restriction of about dietary protein [33 ].
500 kcal/day has proved to be effective in obtaining
weight loss, as well as to be safe and able to coun-
teract fat-free mass decline [2,25,26]. A reasonable EXERCISE
weight loss goal should not be greater than 5–8% of Exercise has multiple positive effects in individuals
the initial body weight. Moderate weight loss with sarcopenic obesity. In fact, exercise amplifies
(nearly 5%) has been found to be effective in reduc- anabolic response to endogenous aminoacids,
ing muscle fat infiltration and improving muscle improves insulin sensitivity, provides activation of
function despite a small decrease in appendicular skeletal muscle satellite cells and increases irisin
&& &&
fat-free mass [2]. secretion [7 ,34 ]. Recently, an 8-week RCT per-
Quality and quantity of protein intake in sarco- formed on 60 men and women aged 65–75 with
penic obesity patients undergoing to hypocaloric sarcopenic obesity compared the effects on body
diet should be carefully managed. As older sarco- composition and muscle strength of different types
penic obesity adults have higher protein needs of exercise: participants were subdivided in four
because of the presence of so-called ‘anabolic resis- groups and underwent resistance training, aerobic
tance’ [27 ], the amount of dietary protein included training, combination training or no training: indi-
in their hypocaloric treatment should range from viduals engaged in the resistance training, aerobic
1.0 to 1.2 g proteins/kg of body weight. A recent training and combination training interventions
systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized had, despite no changes in body weight, a signifi-
controlled trials (RCTs) showed that obese or over- cant increase in muscle mass and muscle strength
weight men and women, aged 50 years and older, and greater reduction in total fat mass than those
consuming energy-restricted higher protein rather without training, with resistance training showing
than normal-protein diets, preserve fat-free mass better results than aerobic training [35 ]. Two
better, while losing fat mass, which confirms the recent intervention studies, performed in sarco-
above-mentioned recommendations [28]. penic obesity older women, confirmed that skeletal
In line with these findings, Sammarco et al. [29] muscle mass and physical performance were signifi-
showed, in a randomized 4-month clinical trial cantly improved, in individuals involved in resis-
performed in a sample of sarcopenic obesity women tance training than in controls without training
with ages ranging from 41 to 74 years, that a hypo- [36,37 ].
caloric protein enriched diet may improve muscle Furthermore, a recent review analyzed eight
strength and preserve muscle mass. RCTs that focused on the effects of different types
The relation between the amount of dietary of exercise on sarcopenia and obesity-related param-
protein, independent of energy restriction, on mus- eters in sarcopenic obesity patients: seven out of
cle mass and quality has been recently evaluated by eight studies reported improvement in at least
Wright et al. [30], who performed a randomized one sarcopenia-related parameter, whereas only
study in a sample of overweight-obese individuals a few studies observed an increase in muscle mass,
aged 50–80 years to compare the effects of a 12-week and an increase in muscle strength was observed

16 Volume 22  Number 1  January 2019

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Sarcopenia and obesity Zamboni et al.

particularly in programmes combining resistance presence of positive energy balance, to the develop-
training and aerobic training [38 ]. ment of sarcopenic obesity.
Even though more studies evaluating the effects Identification of elderly individuals with sarco-
of exercise in sarcopenic obesity patients are war- penic obesity could help in the selection of a group
ranted, a combination of different types of exercise, of individuals with a particularly high health risk,
in particular of resistance training and aerobic train- and the concept of sarcopenic obesity may help to
ing, as well as individualized exercise to reduce any clarify the relation between obesity, morbidity and
risk, seems to be the most practical intervention mortality in the elderly.
approach in sarcopenic obesity patients [34 ]. The identification of sarcopenic obesity must be
A combination of moderate energy restriction considered not only in the elderly, but also in youn-
diet and exercise is the most effective intervention ger adult obese individuals, without neglecting mus-
for both obesity and sarcopenic obesity [25]. Reduc- cle quality parameters and a body fat distribution
tion in lean mass observed after weight loss induced evaluation [42 ].
by energy restriction may be in fact limited by Recently, great effort has been made to improve
exercise, with greater muscle strength and physical the definition of sarcopenia in order to use it in the
performance improvement. The combination of clinical assessment of elderly people. Similar effort
energy restriction with both aerobic and resistance seems to be mandatory also for a sarcopenic obesity
exercise seems to be the most effective method to definition. Clinicians and researchers need to come
improve physical function and even reduces frailty to a consensus about the definition of sarcopenic
in older obese individuals [39 ]. obesity or clarify if alternative phenotypes are more
predictive of unfavorable health risks.
A definition of DAO may have several advan-
OTHER TREATMENTS tages compared to sarcopenic obesity definitions.
Kim et al. [40] performed a 3-month RCT in a sample First, it uses two broadly available measurements
of sarcopenic obese women older than 70 years (handgrip and waist circumference), minimally
comparing the effects of four types of treatment affected by intercurrent clinical conditions. Sec-
(exercise combined with nutritional supplementa- ond, waist circumference, a good surrogate mea-
tion, exercise alone, nutritional supplementation sure of visceral adipose tissue, is more strictly
alone and just health education) on muscle mass, related to biological changes in fat mass observed
body fat and muscle strength, observing that com- in the elderly. In fact, aging determines changes in
bination of exercise and nutritional supplementa- fat distribution that leads to the increase of inflam-
tion improved body fat and strength without matory mediators and cytokine production
additional effects. involved in the physiopathologic interaction
Vitamin D supplementation has not been tested between adipose tissue and muscle. Third, visceral
in any trials in sarcopenic obesity patients, but it adipose tissue is strongly related to intermuscular
should be taken into account because of its positive fat deposition, which is difficult to measure with
effects on muscle function [41]. Thus, vitamin D conventional body composition techniques (i.e.
supplementation could be warranted in all DXA or BIA), but has important consequences
sarcopenic obesity patients undergoing energy on physical performance, insulin resistance and
restriction. muscle health, determining factors of mysteatosis
Whole-body electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) and myofibrosis.
has been recently found to be a technique that is Future step will be to recognize the best thera-
capable of increasing muscle mass and function. It peutic approaches for sarcopenic obesity.
has been recently observed in a study performed in
community-dwelling sarcopenic obesity men that Acknowledgements
WB-EMS is useful, safe and capable of determining a
The article has been extensively revised by a native
significant increase in skeletal muscle mass, gait
English speaker, Prof. Mark J Newman.
speed and handgrip as well as decreasing total fat
mass [33 ].
Financial support and sponsorship
With aging, loss of muscle mass and gain in fat seem Conflicts of interest
to be linked with each other and contribute, in the There are no conflicts of interest.

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18 Volume 22  Number 1  January 2019

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& composition and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: a effective intervention in improving functional status of obese older adults.
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38. Martı́nez-Amat A, Aibar-Almazán A, Fábrega-Cuadros R, et al. Exercise alone mulation and protein supplementation favourably affect sarcopenic obesity in
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The article analyzes 2073 publications from four databases and 72 additional & screening for reduced lean body mass in adult females with obesity. Nutr
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finally included, analyzing the effects of resistance training and, in any case, protein In this study, authors assessed the prevalence of reduced muscle mass in a
supplementation on body composition, muscle strength and physical performance population of adult women with obesity and evaluated the most accurate functional
among sarcopenic obesity individuals. test for the screening of this condition.

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