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Communication (04 questions)

1. I generally feel informed about changes that affect me within institution.

2. I usually know in plenty of time when important things happen.
3. I can see the link between my work and institution objectives.
4. Higher ups communicate clear objectives for the institution to achieve.

Improvement needed in number: _________

Suggestions to improve: _________

Satisfaction (04 questions)

1. Considering everything, I am satisfied at institution.

2. I find my work challenging.
3. I like the kind of work I do.
4. My working conditions are good.

Improvement needed in number:__________

Suggestions to improve:_____________

Training (04 questions)

1. I get the training I need to do my job well.

2. I am aware of available training and development activities.
3. I am given real opportunity to improve my skills in this institution.
4. My training meets my needs for my current job.

Improvement needed in number: _______

Suggestions to improve:___________

Career (04 questions)

1. I believe there are a variety of ways for me to develop my career at institution.

2. Job promotions within the company are fair and reasonable.
3. I am aware of promotion opportunities within institution.
4. I have opportunity to progress within institution.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________
Institution (04 questions)

1. institution is innovative in developing new ways to serve stakeholders.

2. Institution's image is that of a high quality education institute.
3. Institution performs its operations to a high standard.
4. The work policies are well developed and organized.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Appraisals (04 questions)

1. My superior / senior holds me accountable for the work that I do.

2. My superior / senior provides me with adequate feedback.
3. I have clear measures for each of my objectives.
4. I know what is expected of me in my job.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Recognition (04 questions)

1. Hard work is usually rewarded at institution.

2. I receive enough recognition for work that I do.
3. If I do a good job I have a better chance of getting ahead.
4. I am recognized whenever I do a good job.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Management (o4 questions)

1. Our management helps me to get ahead at my job.

2. The relationship between management and employees is good.
3. Management of my institution makes wise decisions.
4. The institution authorities care about my ideas.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________
Department (04 questions)

1. Conditions in mu department allow me to perform to a high standard.

2. My team focuses on fixing problem rather than finding someone to blame.
3. My team looks for ways to change processes to improve performance.
4. The morale in my department is generally high

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Teamwork (04 questions)

1. I believe that all departments in the institution work together to achieve a common goal.
2. The people I work with cooperate to get the work done.
3. There is a spirit of 'we' in the institution.
4. There is cooperation among team members.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Respect (03 questions)

1. I feel I am valued at work.

2. At institution my opinions count.
3. Staff in the institution are treated with respect regardless of their job.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

Equality (04 questions)

1. I believe that rewards are given fairly where I work.

2. Everyone in my department tries to do their share of work.
3. Institution is commit to ensuring equal opportunities for all employees.
4. I feel favoritism is not a problem in my department.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________
Security (02 questions)

1. I feel free to express my opinions without worrying about negative action / responses.
2. I feel I have job security.

improvement needed in number_____

Suggestions to improve:___________

a) On a scale of Excellent to Poor, how would you rate your overall employment with institution
and why. (Excellent, Good, Average, Poor). Explanation:____________
b) Would you refer others who are seeking employment to institution. Y /N.

If No: why______________________

c) If you had an opportunity to make any change you wanted to make institution a better place to
work, what one improvement would you make:____________________________

d) What changes do you see in institution making in order to raise the standards.


e) I feel good about my continued employment with institution. Y / N

If No, Explanation:_______________________________________

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