Informatika Angol Nyelven: Emelt Szintű Gyakorlati Érettségi Vizsga

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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint

Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1121

ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2013. október 18.





Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The exercises are marked in accordance with the guide for evaluation given in the key and
guide for evaluation. In the guide the marks given for the major logical units are in the
bordered parts. The parts without bordering contain the breakdown of the marks and reference
to situations where the given mark can be awarded or can not be awarded.

To ensure unified evaluation, please do not divert from the marking in the guide. The marks
can not be broken down further than indicated in the guide. If several solutions are given for
the same problem, please evaluate the solution with the most given marks. In the case of
several good solutions no extra marks can be awarded.

The evaluation form, which only contains the marks for the major evaluation units, can be
found at the end of the guide. One evaluation form should be filled for each examination
paper and it should be attached to the examination paper (to the candidate’s exercise sheet).
The candidate receives this form at the seeing of the examination paper. The total marks
awarded for the individual exercises, the marks awarded for the exam and achieved
percentage should also be indicated on the last page of the examination paper, in the tables

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 2 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

1. Hungarian poems
Creating the cover page as covpage in the default format of the word
processor; setting the page size to A4, the orientation to landscape and
the margins to 2.8 cm 1 mark
Placing the pictures on the cover page 4 marks
Inserted at least one picture and its height is 5±0.01 cm
keeping the aspect ratio 1 mark
Inserted all five pictures and their height is 5±0.01 cm keeping
the aspect ratio 1 mark
Aligned at least one picture according to the instructions 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if the picture follows the
changes in the margins.
The mark can be awarded even if alignment is correct but the
wrong poet’s picture is inserted in the given place.
Aligned all five picture according to the instructions 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if all five pictures follow the
changes in the margins and each poet’s picture is inserted in
the place shown in the example.
Created the title “Hungarian poems” 1 mark
Typed in the text of the title correctly; the text is aligned
centered horizontally, its base line is curved. The mark can be
awarded if the title was inserted as a picture.
Creating the document as hungarianpoems in the default format of
the word processor 1 mark
The mark can be awarded if the document contains the text
from file poems.rtf and the file format is not RTF.
Page properties 1 mark
Page size is A4, orientation is portrait; left and right margins
are 4 cm; top and bottom margins are 2.8 cm.
The document does not contain unnecessary spaces, line breaks and
empty paragraphs 2 marks
There are no unnecessary spaces in the document 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if the document contains the
necessary spaces and there are not more than three
unnecessary spaces in it.
There are no empty paragraphs in the document 1 mark
The mark can be awarded even if the word processor creates
an empty paragraph when the table of contents is inserted and
this remains in the document.
Laying out the paragraphs 2 marks
The poets’ names, the titles of the poems are in separate
paragraphs 1 mark
Each verse forms a separate paragraph 1 mark
The mark can not be awarded if a new paragraph was created
at line breaks within verses.
The mark can be awarded if at most three errors were made in
the conversion.

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Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The header is correct 2 marks

The header contains text “Selected Hungarian poems”;
the font type of the header is Times New Roman (Nimbus
Roman) and the font size is 13 points 1 mark
The text is on the right of the header and there is a line
between the margins in the header under the text 1 mark
The footer is correct 1 mark
Set automatic page numbering in the footer, its font type is
Times New Roman (Nimbus Roman), its font size is 13 points
and it is aligned right.
General formatting of the text 2 marks
The font type of the text is Times New Roman (Nimbus
Roman), the font size of the verses is 13 points 1 mark
The line spacing of the paragraphs is single, the spacing before
and after them is 0 and 12 points, respectively 1 mark
The mark can be awarded if the formatting of at most
5 paragraphs is incorrect.
Formatting the lines containing the poets’ names 4 marks
Set a font size of 20 points and bold style for at least one line
that contains a poet’s name and the years – but only those – are
in italics 1 mark
There is a thick line under at least one poet’s name from the
left to the right margin 1 mark
Set a font size of 20 points and bold style for each poet’s name
and the years – but only those – are in italics; there is a thick
line under each poet’s name from the left to the right margin 1 mark
Ensured that the paragraph containing the poet’s name is
displayed on a new page for each poet 1 mark
Inserting the poets’ pictures 2 marks
The poet’s picture is displayed on the right in the same line as
the poet’s name for at least one poet; the height of the picture
is set to 3.00±0.01 cm keeping the aspect ratio 1 mark
All five pictures are displayed in the correct place and all five
pictures are of the correct size 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if each poet’s picture is placed
next to his/her own name.
Formatting the titles of the poems 3 marks
Set a font size of 16 points and bold style for at least one title 1 mark
Set that at least one paragraph containing a title is kept on the
same page as the following paragraph 1 mark
Set bold style and a font size of 16 points for each title,
ensured that each paragraph containing a title is kept on the
same page as the following paragraph 1 mark
The last mark can be awarded if at most two titles were set

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Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Prohibiting line break within verses 2 marks

Set that at least one verse is kept on one page 1 mark
Set it for each verse of each poem 1 mark
Table of contents 2 marks
Created an automatic table of contents whose style is
according to the example, has two separate levels, contains a
line of points to the page number and caption “Table of
contents” is displayed before the table of contents 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if each poet’s name and the
title of each poem but nothing else is displayed in the table of
The table of contents is separated from the poems, on a
separate page 1 mark
Total: 30 marks


gyakorlati vizsga 1121 5 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

2. Test evaluation
Importing the data correctly, saving correctly as processed 1 mark
The mark can be awarded only if the text has correct accents
and starts from cell A1.
Determining the number of females and males 2 marks
Used a suitable function to determine the number of females
and the parameters of the function are correct 1 mark
For example:
Cell B23 contains: =COUNTIF(B2:B21;"female")
Determined the number of males correctly 1 mark
For example:
Cell B24 contains: =COUNTIF(B2:B21;"male")
Determining the average age 1 mark
Determined the average age correctly and rounded the result to
an integer using a function.
For example:
Cell B25 contains: =ROUND(AVERAGE(C2:C21);0)
Grouped the data based on the “Gender” column 1 mark
Processing the data of females in range B28:G30 3 marks
Counted the values correctly using a function based on at least
one value of one question group 1 mark
For example:
Cell B28 contains: =COUNTIF(D$11:D$21;$A28)
Counted the values correctly using a function based on all
three values of at least one question group 1 mark
Determined the values correctly using a function that can be
copied flawlessly in range B28:G30 1 mark
Processing the data of males in range B33:G35 1 mark
Determined the values correctly using a function that can be
copied flawlessly in range B33:G35.
For example:
Cell B33 contains: =COUNTIF(D$2:D$10;$A33)
Creating the chart 3 marks
The chart is created using the given data to the left of column
I, above row 22 1 mark
The horizontal axis contains the names of the different groups,
there is a legend and the chart title is “Females” 1 mark
The columns belonging to “low” values are green, the columns
belonging to “average” values are orange and the values
belonging to “high” values are red 1 mark

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 6 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Formatting 3 marks
The width of columns B:I is the same, the data in them do not
overlap each other, the values in column A are not covered
either 1 mark
All data in the table are aligned centered, the calculated data
are in italics and the table is bordered according to the example 1 mark
The text of the cells in rangesA1:I1, A27:G27 and A32:G32 is
wrapped into several lines, aligned centered vertically and
have bold style 1 mark
Total: 15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 7 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

3. Conference
Creating the database 3 marks
Created the database named conference and imported the
tables 1 mark
The mark can not be awarded if the encoding of the text in the
database is incorrect.
The given fields are of the correct type 1 mark
Set the given fields as keys in the tables 1 mark
Each query contains exactly the required fields 1 mark
The mark can not be awarded if the candidate solved fewer
than 4 exercises.
Query 2lunch 2 marks
Filters correctly for those who did not arrive at the conference 1 mark
Filters correctly for those who arrived after lunch started and –
if it exists – connects correctly with the previous criterion 1 mark
For example:
SELECT rname
FROM registrants
WHERE timeofarr>#12:00:00#
OR timeofarr is Null;
Query 3drupal 4 marks
Each person is displayed exactly once 1 mark
The mark can not be awarded if out of the two Halmos Csaba
only one is displayed.
The order of displaying is based on the name 1 mark
Filters correctly for the title field 1 mark
The mark can be awarded even if the candidate filters only for
lecture titles starting with Drupal in the criterion.
Uses the correct tables, the connection between them is correct 1 mark
For example:
SELECT DISTINCT, registrants.rname
FROM registrants, registrations, lectures
WHERE title like "*Drupal*"
ORDER BY rname;
Query 4top 4 marks
Groups by field title 1 mark
Orders in descending order based on the number of registrants 1 mark
Displays the first 1 mark
Uses the correct tables, the connection between them is correct 1 mark
For example:
SELECT TOP 1 title
FROM lectures, registrations
GROUP BY title

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Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Query 5common 4 marks

Determined the selected lectures for at least one person 1 mark
Determined the selected lectures for both people 1 mark
Used the correct tables, the connection between them is correct 1 mark
The mark can be awarded if the above statement is true for
either the main query or the auxiliary or subquery.
Displays the common lectures 1 mark
For example:
SELECT time, title, room
FROM registrants, registrations, lectures
AND registrants.rname="Ferenczi Janka"
SELECT registrations.lectureid
FROM registrations, registrants
AND registrants.rname="Berger Georgina");
SELECT time, title, room
FROM lectures, registrants as reg1, registrations as
registrants as reg2, registrations as jel2
AND reg1.rname="Ferenczi Janka"
AND reg2.rname="Berger Georgina";

Query 6speaker 3 marks

Table registrant contains field speaker of type Boolean 1 mark
Filters correctly for speakers 1 mark
Sets the value of the speaker field to true 1 mark
For example:
UPDATE registrants
SET speaker = True
WHERE id IN (SELECT speakerid FROM lectures);
UPDATE lectures, registrants
SET registrants.speaker = True
Report 7program 5 marks
Created a report using the data of the correct tables 1 mark
Groups by person (by 1 mark
The group heading contains the registrant’s name 1 mark
The data are displayed in the order shown in the example, that
is, in the order of the starting time of the lectures 1 mark
The value of each field is completely visible 1 mark

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Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Query 8latecomers 4 marks

Used the correct tables, the connection between them is correct 1 mark
The relation between the time of arrival and the start of the
lecture is correct in the query 1 mark
Each latecomer is listed exactly once 2 marks
For example:
SELECT registrations.registrantid,
Min(lectures.time) As start
FROM registrations, lectures
WHERE registrations.lectureid =
GROUP BY registrations.registrantid;
SELECT registrants.rname
FROM registrants, auxiliary8
AND registrants.timeofarr>auxiliary8.start;
SELECT rname
FROM registrants
FROM lectures, registrations, registrants
GROUP BY, registrants.timeofarr
HAVING Min(time)<timeofarr);
Total: 30marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 10 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

4. Traffic check
The submitted program can be evaluated only if a source file that corresponds to the
chosen programming environment exists and it contains the source codes belonging to the
solution of the exercise parts.
During evaluation, solutions that generate runtime errors or solutions that are partially
good can also be evaluated. The mark can be awarded if the part of the code that corresponds
to the given element is flawless. Marks are awarded for displaying regardless of the use of
A program with name patrol exists and it is syntactically correct 1 mark
Messages on the screen 2 marks
Displayed the exercise number for at least one exercise that
requires displaying information on the screen and – if required
– referred to the content to be read 1 mark
Displayed the exercise number for each exercise that requires
displaying information on the screen and referred to the
content to be read in Exercise 6 1 mark
The previous mark can be awarded only if the candidate
solved at least 4 numbered exercises.
Processing the input file 5 marks
Opened the file for reading before reading 1 mark
Read one data line correctly 1 mark
Read all data 1 mark
Stored all data 2 marks
The last 2 marks are awarded even if the data were not stored
but the candidate solved at least two exercises.
Duration of the shift 3 marks
Used the time of the passing of the first and last vehicles to
calculate the duration 1 mark
Calculated the duration of the shift measured in hours
correctly from the two time data 1 mark
The mark can be awarded if the candidate did not work with
the data of the first and last vehicles but the calculation was
Displayed the correct value on the screen 1 mark
Selecting for technical check 5 marks
Chose the first checked vehicle correctly 1 mark
Chose exactly one vehicle in each hour in concern 1 mark
Chose exactly the first vehicle in each hour 1 mark
Displayed the result according to the description 1 mark
Did not display hours when no vehicle passed 1 mark

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Informatika angol nyelven— emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Creating the vehicle statistics 5 marks

Examined the first character of the registration number 1 mark
Handled at least one of the groups belonging to registration
numbers starting with “B”, “K”, “M” separately 1 mark
Counted the vehicles correctly for at least one of the bus,
truck, motorbike and car categories 1 mark
Counted the vehicles correctly for each of the bus, truck,
motorbike and car categories 1 mark
Displayed the result correctly on the screen 1 mark
Longest period without traffic 7 marks
Calculates with times belonging to vehicles following each
other 1 mark
Determines the difference of the two times correctly 2 marks
Examines each time interval 1 mark
Chooses the longest of the examined time intervals 2 marks
Displays according to the instructions of the exercise and
correctly 1 mark
Searching for registration numbers that match the sample 8 marks
Reads a string 1 mark
Compares the read string to a registration number 1 mark
Handles the case when the given character is not * correctly 1 mark
Handles the case when the given position in the searched
expression contains * 2 marks
Decides correctly for one registration number 1 mark
Decides correctly for each registration number 1 mark
Displays exactly the data of the vehicles in concern 1 mark
5-minute traffic check 9 marks
Created file checked.txt 1 mark
Wrote into the file 1 mark
Each registration number is in a separate line 1 mark
The registration number of the first vehicle is in the file 1 mark
There is no vehicle that followed the previous one in less than
5 minutes 1 mark
The difference of exactly 5 minutes is handled correctly, that
is, classifies the vehicle that arrives exactly 5 minutes after the
previous one as one being checked (for example in the given
input 09 19 14 SM-6556 / 09 24 14 XP-4672 are both
checked) 1 mark
Writes the lines that correspond exactly to the vehicles
checked into the file 1 mark
Displays the data in the same format as in the input file (with
leading zeros) 2 marks
Total: 45 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 12 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven Azonosító
emelt szint — értékelőlap jel:

1. Hungarian poems
Creating the cover page as covpage in the default format of
the word processor; setting the page size to A4, the 1 mark
orientation to landscape and the margins to 2.8 cm
Placing the pictures on the cover page 4 marks
Created the title “Hungarian poems” 1 mark
Creating the document as hungarianpoems in the default
1 mark
format of the word processor
Page properties 1 mark
The document does not contain unnecessary spaces, line
2 marks
breaks and empty paragraphs
Laying out the paragraphs 2 marks
The header is correct 2 marks
The footer is correct 1 mark
General formatting of the text 2 marks
Formatting the lines containing the poets’ names 4 marks
Inserting the poets’ pictures 2 marks
Formatting the titles of the poems 3 marks
Prohibiting line break within verses 2 marks
Table of contents 2 marks
Total: 30 marks

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Informatika angol nyelven Azonosító
emelt szint — értékelőlap jel:

2. Test evaluation
Importing the data correctly, saving correctly as processed 1 mark
Determining the number of females and males 2 marks
Determining the average age 1 mark
Grouped the data based on the “Gender” column 1 mark
Processing the data of females in range B28:G30 3 marks
Processing the data of males in range B33:G35 1 mark
Creating the chart 3 marks
Formatting 3 marks
Total: 15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 14 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven Azonosító
emelt szint — értékelőlap jel:

3. Conference
Creating the database 3 marks
Each query contains exactly the required fields 1 mark
Query 2lunch 2 marks
Query 3drupal 4 marks
Query 4top 4 marks
Query 5common 4 marks
Query 6speaker 3 marks
Report 7program 5 marks
Query 8latecomers 4 marks
Total: 30 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 15 / 16 2013. október 18.

Informatika angol nyelven Azonosító
emelt szint — értékelőlap jel:

4. Traffic check
A program with name patrol exists and it is syntactically
1 mark
Messages on the screen 2 marks
Processing the input file 5 marks
Duration of the shift 3 marks
Selecting for technical check 5 marks
Creating the vehicle statistics 5 marks
Longest period without traffic 7 marks
Searching for registration numbers that match the sample 8 marks
5-minute traffic check 9 marks
Total: 45 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1121 16 / 16 2013. október 18.

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