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Critically evaluate Plato’s justification of rule by philosopher kings.


Plato stated that men are unequal in terms of; temperance, courage,
wisdom and justice, which he meant that in the society we have different
variety of individuals; some are better when it comes to temperance,
meaning that they are sober minded in the revelations and evaluations of
things in many situations, some are better with courage (fearless with
whatever comes in their path), some are better with wisdom (meaning
they have great knowledge and experience in dealing with political
decisions in the society) and some are better with justice (meaning being
fair to others in the society and understanding the meaning of equality in
the society). He went on to say that absolute truth exists and can be
known only by those with keenest intelligence, whom he referred to as
the wise best, suited to rule. If the wise are allowed to rule it does not
mean that they should live extravagantly or have other special privileges
rather than to promote the wellbeing of the state. And on the forms of
government Plato chose aristocracy in which the wise are allowed to rule
only rather than the rule by the masses (democracy) he went on to say
that; the notion of everyone having the rights and equal capacity to rule
brings to politics the power seeking individuals motivated by their
personal gains rather than the public good. Democracy according to
Plato is thus highly corruptible, for it open gates to potential dictators
and can thus lead to tyranny. Plato argued that politics needs expert’s
ruler and they cannot come by accident, but must be carefully selected
and extensively trained because making political decisions requires good
judgment. Philosopher-rulers do not derive authority from their expert
knowledge only but also from the love of the city as a whole,
impartiality and fairness. Their political authority is not only rational but
also based on the consent of the governed. They regard justice as the
most important and most essential thing, because a political order based
on fairness leads to friendship and cooperation among different parts of
the society.
Hence, if virtue is knowledge (if absolute truth can be known only by
the few wisdom possessors then government should be placed into the
hands of the philosopher kings).

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