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Give a detailed analysis of conflict in Africa and suggest ways of resolving them.


Conflict is the misunderstanding between two people or two parties, where the needs of one
party is incompatible with the other, which leads to hostile behavior from both parties against the
other and compromise seems not to be an option.

In Africa there so many causes of conflict such as the following;


This is a situation in which there is incompatibility between the ideas, norms, values and beliefs
of people or groups. Ideologies such as religious beliefs are one of the most well-known causes
of conflicts in Africa. For example the current conflict in Nigeria between the Islamic side
(Bokoharam) and the other citizens of different beliefs in that country.

Political process

This is referred to the way the country implements democracy such as the freedom of election,
the way countries declare independence and corruption within the government. For example the
recent calls for the independence of the Barostseland from the main land Zambia, when these call
where not answered violence erupted in western province of Zambia or the recent south Sudan
declared independence from Sudan, resulted in conflict in that land.

Geographical factors

Many of the African’s or world’s conflicts that have been recorded erupted over the wealth or
natural resources of the country in that people or political groups want to been in charge of the
distribution of the natural resources or the wealth of the country. For example the conflicts in
Congo are as the result of the mineral wealth found in Katanga.
Socio-economic factors

Economic inequality is the main source of conflict in Africa, for example the recent happening in
Zambia where violence erupted in some rural parts of the country such as the southern province
(Dundumwenze), people in this area saw and believed that they were being left out in term of
development hence they engaged themselves in conflicts.

Biological factors

This relates to the difference of human being between tribe, races or sex. It is related to the
notion of survival of the fittest (the root of the elite theory) and that conflict is between the
superior and the inferior. A good example of such conflicts in Africa is the apartheid conflict
which happened in South Africa between the Afrikaners and the blacks and it led to many people
being killed and also the Rwandan genocide which led to the mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the
Hutus in 1994.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the method used to eliminate the sources of conflict such as the following;

1) Accommodation; were one party accommodates the needs of the other party. For
example the dialog.
2) Avoidance; avoid the conflict by ignoring it.
3) Compromise, find a middle ground in which each party is partially satisfied.
4) Mediation, this where the third party not directly involved in the dispute intervenes in the
bargaining process, for example churches or the common wealth!

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