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How did Thomas Hobbes and John Locke describe the origin of the state??????


Thomas Hobbes believed that; peace was depended upon the government strong enough to crush
all the opposition. He said that man in the society is governed by the desire to seek pleasure and
avoid pain. He believed that man lived in the state of nature (meaning that man live in the state
of anarchy) then they agreed on a contract to establish a sovereign authority. The sovereign may
be a person or group of people. If the sovereign is invested in one man then his power was
unlimited in a monarchy and only he had the power to make laws, but he was above the law. For
example king Mswati of Swaziland he is above the law! Hence according to Hobbes the origin of
the state was as a result of the monarchy!

According to John Locke; people lived under the state of nature and they are equal, had natural
rights to life, liberty and property. The right to property was the most important because this was
the basis of right to liberty and life. He stated that under the state of nature there was chaos and
by signing a contract people gave up some rights. The contract was limited and power was not
invested in one man but the society as a whole and power was not absolute for this involves the
majority rule and submission of the minority by the use of force. He also puts the legislature
above the executive and the judiciary.

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