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University of Technology

Chemical Engineering Department

Equipment Design
Distillation Towers Design Lee. no. (3)
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Aa•Sst. Prof. Dr. Riyadh 9. Almukf-.tar
Dr. Samera Njm Dr. B.sma Abel AI-Hadl
Lee. Zalnab Adnan Lee. Nesma Balaslm
f Lee. Em• n Hashim
. . .
Tray Design

these quantities into an actual design the following

factors should be considered
(a) The type ,o f plate or tray.
(b) The vapour velocity, which is the major factor in
determining the diameter of the column.
(.c) The plate, spacing, which is the major factor fixing
the height of the co lumn when the number of stages
is know
• 7

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•' ..
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1' r~

V- .

~ ',' I :J.1cf)I J(CI l :;;AJ-,,- f/J •

Material Balance
Overall l\Jlate1·ial Balance
J~~ = D +W
1: Xl·"A =D XPA + \\1 Xht)t A

rectifying section Material Balance

\ n = Ln + D
\ ,·a1l<,r r,1t·e, \ n = D (I + R (»11ert.)
lilJUitl n,,,, ,ii)()\ C fcc(I, Ln = R<>(lCl~t. D
Physical Properties
Mixture Molecular weight.
Top & bottom liquid density.
Top & bottom liquid surface tension.
Top & bottom vapour density.
Physical Properties

No. of real plates= No. of actual stages-

1 (reboiler)
Assume pressure drop per p~ate is lPQ mm
Colt1rn11 presst1rc drop = Ioo x E-3 x 1000 x 9.8 I x
No. real plates = Jla

·1·<.)p 1)rcs~t1rc (bar) == <)pcrati11g presst1rc

l::sti111atcd bl)tll1111 presst1re ( bar )= ·r~l)p presst1rc ( b,1r )+
16~6 77 * I~-3 (J>a ) ~
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
Proced tire:
I . (_' ,1lc t1l,1lc ll1c 111axi111t1111 ,ltl(l minimum vill1()f (111cl
li(1tii<l 11<.l\V ftllcs lt)r tl1e lt1n1dtl\\·11 rt1lic.) rct111ircd.
L n ; \ ' n ,,t nti L m: \ l n1

2. Collect, or estirnate, tl1e syste111 pl1ysical JJroperties.

(dc11 si t)1+ Sll[ JflCC te11s il)ll of' ll(]llid . (111(1 , rar)l)llf 111ixlt1re)
i11 tl1c reclilyi11g a11cl stri1111i11g ~ccti()llS at te11111cratt1re
3. Select a trial plate spacin~:-
platc spacing's of 0.45 m (18 in) can l)c taken as an
initial cstim"ttc.
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
- ·- - • •·• - -• • . ,._
- - -

l ·~·
- --
- -

·- - •·

·- "" - - -Plae9 .......... ..

I -
- -
~ ..$
-- ' ... -- . .,
- - .g~,

'S. -...--, ._

-- ·-

.. -

- ... ..... . ·- " .......' , ',,


~ • - - '......
,,, .


,,. - -
0 .01 0 1 10 ~o
F,..,,, = h /&
v. VPL
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
The liquid-vapor flow factor FLV in Figure is given by
F,.~· = L. /iS_
v.. y-,,~
,vhere L\v = liquid 111ass flo,,, rate, kg/s
V,v = ,,apor 1nass flo,,, rate, kg/s

The following restrictions apply to the t1se of~:

I. Hole size less tl1a11 6.5 11u11.
2. Weir height less tl1an l So/o of tl1e plate spacing.
3. No11-toaming systems.
Sieve Plate-design Procedure

4 . Hole area : active area ratio greater than 0 .10; for other
ratios apply the following corrections :

,111¥\1) 11 . ,
0.10 1.0
O.CM 0.9
0~ OS

5. l iquid surface tension 0.02 N/m, for other surface tensions, o,

multiply the value of Kl by [o/0.02)"0.2.
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
Tl1e floodin g ,,clocity can be csti1natcd

' ' i1cre ••fn(}Otfi11g, .11101· \ el(l("it), 111 , .. ilH~C'tl (tl1 tl1c 11ct
f()lu1111a r1
r1t,,-,t·-c·ti,t1ta,I a1·cr.1 .~11
KI tt C-<>11,t:111 t (t,l lt ai1D(•d fr(tlll I· i~t11·t'
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
1- 11 r(~ st1 rc.· ti r(> 11 "t ei1cl1 t ra ~ I (tti 111111 ,I\ at t' r.
2- l ~rn~ s1,21ci11~ ~1.45 111.

3- Cross flo,,· t1·:1)· single p~•ss.

4- !\111xi111t11t1 \ nil. & I,.i(1. \ 11 , l . . 11 111ini11111111 70 of \'n &
Ln .
5- r\ \ ti Iu,e (tf 85 °/o (>f f l1t· fl<t<Jtl i11 g \ t•lc»rit) ttst•,d .
6- A~st1111e tl1,1t Cit<' l1<•lc :.1cti, t' ,11·C':1 i~ 1() 0/ o.
7. hole di:1111ctcr = 5 n1n1 .
8- First tri:11 t,lkc tl1c do,vnco111c1· ~1rc:1 :1s 12°/o of tf1r tot:11
0 0
<> •
O o o~c;>
0 ~
~ 0 0 ~
,0 0

Column Diameter
Volumetric Vapour flow rate = m3/ sec
Volumetric Vapour flow rate
Net area = ---------------------------------------------
85 % of the flooding velocity

Net area
Column c.r oss sectional area = -----------------------------------------
1- (downcomer area ratio%)
Co lumn cross sectional area =------ De
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
5- Decide the liquid
flo,v arrangement
An initial selection J_l_._,._
can be made using

t .

fui, . . . flow

10 20 10 •o 5 0&0
plate layout
6. Make a trial plate layout: downcomer area, active
area, hole area, hole size, weir height
Tl1e tollowi11g area tcrrns are used i11 tl1e 1Jlate desig11
Ac t<.lla I C<.)lt111111 crt)s~-~cctit)tla I area .
,\d cr()ss-scct itlt1,1 I arc,\ <) f tltl\\ tlC<)t11~r ( J2 o/o ).

A 11 = c<.1ual to Ac - Ad ior a ~i11gle p,tss plate.

A,1 Ac 2Atl ((lf si11glc-11,tss 111,ttc".
Al1 - l1t)lc ,trca ' tl1e tot<1l i\rc,\ lli' ,t] I tl1c ,tcli\'c h t)lt!') a~~t1111c.:d
( 10°/o) of tl1e i,cti, ·e 111·e11.
weir height = (assumed 50 mm)
Plate thickness= ( assumed 5mm )
Sieve Plate-design Procedure
Ass u 111 pt io 11 s
1- prt~ssttre clr<>p ,1t l~Jacl1 t1·,1~ I (t{) 111111 ,,·1·.
1- 1·.-u~ s['larif11! tt.4~ r11.
3- c·... ,,, fl()\\' tr,,~· ,ill glc fl:l~~-
4- \l11xir11ur11 \ Hfl & 1.-aq. , ·n, l n n1inin1un1 70 of \ l n &
~-A, altJ,l' ,tf 85°/o <>f flit· fl(ttttli11~, t'l(tCiC~ 11 st'll.

6- A~st1111e tl,at tl1e l1<•lt.• ac1i, e ~rt.'ll is lOo/o.

7. l1olc cli:1111ctcr 5 01111 .
8- Fia·st tri,,I t,,ke tl1e c.lo,,·nco111t'r ,,rc.1 .,s 12°/ o of tltl" C(t(,11
ct1l1, 111111 art·,1.
9- ,,,eir height - (,1sst11ned 50 111111 ).
10- J>late tl1ick11ess = ( assu111ed 5111111 ).

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