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The Perpetuity Of The Current

World And Its Exploitation

The topic I am about to shed light upon is something which is considered to be controversial in its current sense, but
nevertheless imperative and pertinent to the global circumstances. I will begin by discussing something that is ongoing
so people will be able to follow. As you all know, we are in the midst of a global pandemic and there is skepticism
about as to how the virus has originated. And with each passing day, there is development on the news of how it has
begun to spread. A few months or so back, news had surfaced on how Harvard professor Charles Lieber along with
some of his Chinese students who had allegedly been working in a chemical lab, studying chemical matters and had
been bribed by the Chinese Government to aid in their viral research; sending chemicals and of the like from Harvard to
China. Israeli scientists have been found to "research" on the vaccine before the first detection of the virus, when asked
how, they simply answered, "Let's call it pure luck". A virus of this scale can definitely be considered to be a bio-
weapon and it would be no surprise if it were, and coincidentally enough, Israel is a non- signatory state to the Geneva
Convention prevention of bio-weapons. But there's no need to jump to conclusions but I think everyone reading this has
a fairly good enough idea on what to assume.

Let's talk about social media for a second. Mass media, and exactly how it works. Take for example, a very ordinary
teenager, someone who's just turned 18 and is about to step into the real world. Someone of his age is at a very sensitive
turning point in his life and every 18 year old has a tendency to absorb and learn information and take it into their own
life and implement it. What you see before you, is that with time, social views and norms are changing. And this change,
especially evident in leftism, is drastic. We all respect progression and accept it with open arms but in the name of
progression, we are deviating from moral ethics and sensibility. You'll no doubt notice that there is a link, between
media, marketing, money and that essentially leading to monopoly of the masses. Why is it that, despite such "
progression"and advancement, the gap between the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, has done anything but
ceased? The gap keeps getting wider and wider. The reality here is that from the very beginning, a small, rootless
international clique exists that has the power to persecute and control even within the law, through the use of technology
and media. And they feed the information that they want you to absorb and change your mentality to be anything but an
aggressor towards them.

The banks you know of, all these money mongering corporations and entities like, (Bank of international settlements,
Bank of England, US Federal Reserve, American Express, Bank Of America, The World Bank, IMF, JPMorgan,
Goldman Sachs, CITI, Barclays, Santander, Deutsche Bank, RBS Group, Wells Fargo, Rothschild), they control the
money; Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Universal Studios and Fox, they control entertainment; Warner Music, Sony Music and
Universal Music, they control music. All forms of advertisement through news, media and anything you can think of, is
distributed by a single group. In summary, they are the trendsetters. Every 10 years or so, pop culture introduces newer
ideals which are at first considered to be controversial and "immoral (Trans rights, MAPs, etc). But as time passes and the
constant introduction and seemingly forceful and aggressive acceptance towards these ideals are carried out, these seem to
be normalized. And there is one single force behind this, the Zionists. All the ideas and beliefs presented by the left, have
originated from them. So let's address the feelings held by the modern left. As we all know, the left prides itself on the
ability to represent the weak and inferior, hoisting them up to positions alongside "normal"people. The matter of fact here
is, you will notice that most of the left, if not all, are Caucasian males of middle class or above origin. They are not the "
troubled", shunned and oppressed by society group of people, they are " normal". The matter of fact here is they
themselves consider the brown, the black, to be inferior and hence use this charade as a means to hide their true belief
while crying "racism"to all those opposing and questioning their thinking. This same left, controlled by the Zionists,
introduces topics like "body acceptance","pedophilia rights" and even determining how a person is according to their
Zodiac sign. What even is body acceptance? Apart from genetically related cases leading to obesity, why should someone
let their body succumb to a state where its hard for them to even walk from one room to another? Aesthetics aside, obesity
brings actual health problems and heart diseases, people die younger. And every obese person has looked themselves in
the mirror and felt ashamed, and they should be. Your mind does not approve of the state which you are in, so what is the
issue if you take a step towards actually being healthy? There are so many things you can do when you are fit, playing
with your kids, going hiking with friends, and feeling good about yourself, the possibilities are endless.
So why, should you deceive yourself? Then comes "MAPs", aka Minor Attracted People. Do people understand how
demented that ideology is? You, an adult, someone mentally sound and grown both physically and mentally, have feelings of
attractions towards a child, someone who is about to or still hasn't gone through puberty, all sorts of hormones and confused
feelings regarding their sexuality, someone who hasn't even had their first kiss. and you're attracted to them? And there are
people in our society actually endorsing and enforcing this behavior? There is no need to euphemize pedophilia, if you are a
pedophile, you are a heinous human being, plain and simple. You are hardwired in a way from which there is no cure, and for
the rest of your life, you are to stay away from any minor. Some people believe that your Zodiac sign determines the type of
person you are. Mao Zedong is a Capricorn, and there are people with the exact same astrological article and chart as him
amongst the 8 billion population of today, and not once have we seen someone else possess the same traits as him. It's
understandable to believe in it to a certain extent, but not so much so you revolve your entire life decisions around it. And then
the mainstream media makes use of your faith in it to lead to misleading articles portrayed to match your tastes and desires, and
you convince yourself that you are indeed of a "quirky and sassy" nature and all Libras are downright repulsive and dangerous.

There is always the discussion of kids in elementary school being fed pills if they don't pay attention in class, perhaps they
suffer from ADHD or so. I find that to be unfair. Any child will go through hormonal and mental changes, and at that sensitive
age, it's only normal for them to suffer some setbacks. From spending their first few years at home, they obviously have an
attachment to their homely life. And it's a huge jump for them to adjust to school life; instead of presenting them activities
towards which they express interest and creativity, why is it right to give them "medicine" just so they can follow the same
monotonous routine that they will lead for the next 20 years of their life. Society is restraining a human being's autonomy from
a very early age, so that they don't grow up to ask questions for which they have no answer. People are beginning to lose their
ability to think for themselves. Every decade or so, pop culture and media introduce a brand new ideology and "isms", which
people find to be morally unethical and hedonistic at first. But with the passage of time, people see it in a new light and stop
believing in their own mental capacity and just, "go with the flow". OnlyFans, teen pop idols, movie actresses, even video
games like the Last Of Us 2, with every Jewish head behind it all portray the ideas of the left in the form of entertainment.
Normalizing sexual work and of the like, even huge porn industries aren't as staged as it may seem to be. Countless videos are
genuine rape and incest, and they turn a blind eye towards it since consumers are swallowing it all the same.

Nevertheless, all my words must be taken with a grain of salt. Everything I've said is my own opinion and I strongly stand
behind it. It's only normal for all of us to have conflicting opinions, that's what makes us sentient and human after all. My
intention wasn't to convince my readers and urge them to follow my principles, rather it was to invoke a sense of autonomy
within all of you, something that has been lacking, as to why aforementioned before. This matter is something which has
dragged on behind the scenes for perhaps thousands of years, unbeknownst to most of us. And it really is such a diverse,
grand and complex topic that you really don't know where to separate the details and false strung information. But I am sure
of the ones responsible for this air of confusion and plotting all the trends we now see. I know that in order for me to
genuinely reach towards you people, I must find common ground. Something, that is inherent in every human to have ever
existed and will ever exist. And I want you people to know that it's being confined. This is something that's ubiquitous and
carries deep meaning. You have a life schedule. A day to day schedule where your actions differ only in an hourly pattern.
Otherwise, if you were to see it from a day to day basis, almost every single day is the same, neglecting the few anomalies.
You're on your way to school/work in your car, or on a bus, and you're listening to music and/or watching the outside view
from your window panel. As you listen to the song containing lyrics of nature, beauty and freedom, exhilarating scenery,
you close your eyes and picture yourself amongst the ocean and trees and being oh so free. And there are often times when
you just think, what's going to happen if you jump out of your car right now? What's going to happen? What if you do it?
Just breaking this perpetual silence of boredom and simplicity, something that really stimulates you in your mundane life.
But you can't, you want to, but you can't. Your carnal and primal feelings which truly give you a sense of well-being,
accomplishment and purpose, have been restricted. You know it, you will it, you strongly believe in it, what's stopping you
other than yourself? Speak up, and revolt. Do not be afraid of the repercussions, only look towards the conclusion of self
satisfaction which will ultimately allow your descendants in the coming generations to be free from their clutches.

Zephiroth B.B

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