4th Day - Omar Hammad-0508847835 Total Questions:: Most Correct Answers: Least Correct Answers

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4th day -Omar Hammad-0508847835 Total Questions: 52

Most Correct Answers: #5 Least Correct Answers: #50

1.    In making out the assignment for the evening shift, the charge nurse is careful
to assign IV rounds to be performed:
6/97 A every 15 minutes

6/97 B every 30 minutes

45/97 C every 60 minutes

35/97 D twice per shift

2.    Using an IV infusion system that delivers 60 drops/mL, the nurse hangs a

1000-mL bag of D5W, which the physician has ordered to infuse at 80 mL/hr. It is
now 10 AM. The nurse anticipates that the IV will need to be changed at:
16/97 A 6 PM

14/97 B 8 PM

4/97 C 8:30 PM

54/97 D 10:30 PM

3.    The physician orders an infusion of 1000 mL of 5% dextrose in 0.45 NS to be

completed in 8 hours. The IV delivery system’s drop factor is 20. The nurse should
set the electronic infusion pump to deliver how many mL/hour?
46/97 A 125

7/97 B 100

6/97 C 85

26/97 D 42

4.    The patient is to receive ampicillin (an antibiotic) IV “piggy back” in 100 mL of

fluid every 8 hours. The main IV of D5W is running at 80 mL/hour and is on time. It is
the nurse’s responsibility to calculate the total 24-hour intake. At the end of the
24-hour shift, how much IV intake will the nurse chart that the patient has received?
15/97 A 300 mL

24/97 B 800 mL

7/97 C 1920 mL

35/97 D 2220 mL

5.    The postembolic CVA patient in the acute phase has an order for 400 units of
heparin per hour IV. The heparin is in a solution of 5000 units/100 mL NS. The nurse
should set the electronic IV monitor at how many milliliters per hour?
7/97 A 6

55/97 B 8

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5/97 C 10

8/97 D 16

6.    The nurse transcribing orders should clarify the order of:

9/97 A potassium chloride, 80 mEq in 1000 mL D5W in 24 hours

36/97 B potassium chloride, 40 mEq IV in 10 mL D5W IV push

7/97 C potassium chloride, 50 mEq in 500 mL D5W in 4 hours

22/97 D potassium chloride, 80 mEq in 1000 mL D5W in 12 hours

7.    The physician’s order reads “Administer 1 g cefazolin sodium (Ancef) in 150 ml of

normal saline solution in 60 minutes.” What is the flow rate if the drop factor is 10
gtt = 1 ml?
51/97 A 25 gtt/minute

6/97 B 37 gtt/minute

9/97 C 50 gtt/minute

5/97 D 60 gtt/minute

8.    A patient must receive 50 units of Humulin regular insulin. The label reads 100
units = 1 ml. How many milliliters should the nurse administer?
54/97 A 0.5 ml

5/97 B 0.75 ml

3/97 C 1 mL

9/97 D 2 mL

9.    The physician orders heparin, 7,500 units, to be administered subcutaneously

every 6 hours. The vial reads 10,000 units per milliliter. The nurse should anticipate
giving how much heparin for each dose?
5/97 A 0.25 mL

4/97 B 0.5 mL

46/97 C 0.75 mL

13/97 D 1.25 mL

10.    The nurse in charge measures a patient’s temperature at 102 degrees F. what

is the equivalent Centigrade temperature?
7/97 A 39 degrees C

1/97 B 47 degrees C

49/97 C 38.9 degrees C

8/97 D 40.1 degrees C

11.    The physician prescribes 250 mg of a drug. The drug vial reads 500 mg/ml. how
much of the drug should the nurse give?

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9/97 A 2 mL

2/97 B 1 mL

47/97 C 0.5 mL

5/97 D 0.25 mL

12.    When teaching a female patient how to take a sublingual tablet, the nurse
should instruct the patient to place the table on the:
10/97 A Top of the tongue

5/97 B Roof of the mouth

39/97 C Floor of the mouth

9/97 D Inside of the cheek

13.    The doctor orders dextrose 5% in water, 1,000 ml to be infused over 8 hours.

The I.V. tubing delivers 15 drops per milliliter. The nurse in charge should run the
I.V. infusion at a rate of:
9/97 A 15 drop per minute

10/97 B 21 drop per minute

32/97 C 32 drop per minute

12/97 D 125 drops per minute

14.    The patient is 67 years old and in chronic pain, for which a daily analgesic is
needed. The nurse implements the preferred method of administration of this
medication for a geriatric patient as
39/97 A oral.

8/97 B IM

15/97 C IV

0/97 D rectal

15.    A 38-year-old black obese diabetic patient is being evaluated for the use of
propranolol (Inderal) in controlling his hypertension. The nurse points out that a
contraindication for that drug’s use in this patient would be his:
5/97 A Race

1/97 B Age

30/97 C diabetes

26/97 D weight.

16.    A patient is taking hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) for hypertension. Dietary

teaching would include increasing intake of:
33/97 A bananas.

7/97 B apple juice

7/97 C sugar-free foods.

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15/97 D low-fat milk.

17.    An 89-year-old patient is taking an antihypertensive medication. Home care

teaching by the nurse would include instructing the patient to:
32/97 A get up out of bed slowly.

0/97 B take hot baths.

4/97 C report sexual dysfunction immediately

25/97 D stop taking the drug if side effects occur.

18.    The nurse should instruct the patient who is started on verapamil (Calan) for
his elevated blood pressure to monitor his:
19/97 A urine output.

36/97 B pulse

4/97 C stool for blood

1/97 D edema

19.    A patient is prescribed an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, enalapril

(Vasotec). The nurse instructs the patient to:
24/97 A monitor potassium intake.

15/97 B report asthma symptoms

15/97 C return for follow-up visits.

5/97 D assess blood sugar closely.

20.    An 87-year-old patient is taking furosemide (Lasix) for elevated blood pressure.
The nurse knows that older patients are at risk for:
25/97 A falls.

14/97 B hyperkalemia

12/97 C reflex tachycardia

8/97 D neutropenia.

21.    A patient on diuretic therapy for his hypertension reports experiencing muscle
weakness. The nurse explains that this symptom is related to:
7/97 A hypotension

34/97 B hypokalemia.

15/97 C hypocalcemia

3/97 D hypernatremia.

22.    The patient with glaucoma who is using a beta-adrenergic blocking agent,

timolol (Timoptic) should be monitored for:
18/97 A wheezing

6/97 B hypertension

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7/97 C sudden eye pain.

27/97 D blurred vision.

23.    A patient has been taking 10 aspirin tablets a day for his arthritis. He comes
into the clinic complaining of a ringing in his ears. The nurse, after assessing the
patient, tells him:
9/97 A the tinnitus should improve over time.

5/97 B he needs an injection of vitamin K.

37/97 C to stop taking the aspirin and contact his physician for a different prescription

5/97 D to increase his fluid intake to 3000 mL a day.

24.    patient has been prescribed flutamide (Eulexin) for the treatment of prostate
cancer. He asks the nurse what information he needs to know about the
medication. The nurse correctly states that:
13/97 A incontinence can occur occasionally.

11/97 B mild insomnia and excitability can occur.

6/97 C weight gain and loss can fluctuate

25/97 D a side effect is mental depression.

25.    A young adult who was in a motorcycle accident is brought to the emergency
room with a closed head injury with suspected subdural hematoma. Although the
client complains of a severe headache, he is alert and answers questions
appropriately. The nurse would question which ofthe following orders?
5/97 A “Promethazine (Phenergan) 25 mg IM 3 h.”

41/97 B “Morphine sulfate 10 mg IM q3-4h.”

3/97 C “Docusate sodium (Colace) 50 mg PO bid.”

5/97 D “Ranitidine (Zantac) 50 mg IVPB q12h.”

26.    A client is given morphine 6 mg IV push for postoperative pain. Following

administration of this drug, the nurse observes the following: pulse 68, respirations
8, BP 100/68, client sleeping quietly. Which of the
following nursing actions is MOST appropriate?
3/97 A Allow the client to sleep undisturbed.

18/97 B Administer oxygen via facemask or nasal prongs.

32/97 C Administer naloxone (Narcan).

1/97 D Place epinephrine 1:1,000 at the bedside

27.    The nurse is caring for clients in the skilled nursing facility. Which of the
following clients require the nurse’s IMMEDIATE attention?
30/97 A A client admitted for a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) whose prescription for warfarin
(Coumadin) expired two days ago

7/97 B A client in pain who was receiving morphine in an acute care institution and was
transferred with a prescription for acetaminophen with codeine.

5/97 C A client who has dysuria and foul-smelling, cloudy, dark amber urine.

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12/97 D An immunosuppressed client who has not received an influenza immunization.

28.    A 12-year-old boy injured his right knee yesterday during a soccer game. He is
brought to the outpatient clinic by his mother. His right knee is painful, swollen, and
bruised. During the interview, the nurse learns that
the boy has hemophilia A. Which of the following medications would be BEST for
this patient?
3/97 A Oxycodone terephthalate (Percodan).

27/97 B Ibuprofen (Motrin).

11/97 C Enteric-coated aspirin

13/97 D Codeine phosphate (Paveral).

29.    A client comes to the health clinic and tells the nurse that he has been taking
acetaminophen (Aspirin-Free Excedrin) daily for 5 months. The nurse would be
MOST concerned by which of the following lab results?
30/97 A AST (SGOT) 30 U/L, ALT (SGPT) 27 U/L.

8/97 B Hgb 16.2 g/dL, Hct 46%.

11/97 C WBC 7,000/mm3 .

4/97 D BUN 9 mg/dL.

30.    The nurse is caring for clients in the antepartal clinic. A client at 34- weeks
gestation comes to the clinic for treatment of a sprained ankle. The nurse should
question which of the following orders?
26/97 A ASA (aspirin) 650 mg PO q4h PRN for pain.

4/97 B Return to the clinic in two weeks

9/97 C Ice to sprain for 20 minutes qh for 24h.

13/97 D Teach client 3-gait crutch walking.

31.    A client is taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) four times daily. To minimize
possible complications of this therapy, the nurse should give the client which of
these instructions?
9/97 A Avoid taking the aspirin with dairy products.

7/97 B Drink a glass of water with the aspirin.

8/97 C Take the aspirin one hour before meals.

27/97 D Take the aspirin with food.

32.    A client is to receive heparin sodium 20,000 units in 1,000 ml. The intravenous
is to be regulated to deliver 50 ml of solution each hour. The client will receive how
many units of heparin each hour?
8/97 A 500

34/97 B 1,000

5/97 C 1,500

4/97 D 2,000

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33.    A client is being discharged with sublingual nitroglycerin (Nitrostat). The client
should be cautioned by the nurse to
14/97 A take the medication five minutes after the pain has started.

10/97 B stop taking the medication if a stinging sensation is absent.

8/97 C take the medication on an empty stomach.

18/97 D avoid abrupt changes in posture.

34.    An emergency department nurse prepares to treat a child with acetaminophen

(Tylenol) overdose. The nurse reviews the health care provider’s prescriptions and
prepares to administer which medication?
28/97 A Acetylcysteine

9/97 B Protamine sulfate

1/97 C Succimer (Chemet)

12/97 D Vitamin K (phytonadione, Mephyton, Aquamephyton)

35.    The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client receiving anticoagulant

agents. What should the nurse identify as a potential problem for this client?
32/97 A injury

8/97 B Fatigue

7/97 C infection

3/97 D dehydration

36.    A client with a diagnosis of thrombophlebitis is being treated with heparin

sodium therapy. In planning a safe environment, the nurse should ensure that
which medication is available if the client develops a significant bleeding problem ?
33/97 A protamine sulfate

9/97 B Fresh frozen plasma

2/97 C Retavase (Reteplase)

6/97 D Phytonadione (vitamin K)

37.    The nurse has completed instructions with a client who will be taking warfarin
sodium (Coumadin) indefinitely. Which statement by the client indicates the need
for further teaching?
10/97 A “I must use a soft toothbrush.”

26/97 B “I must use a straight razor for shaving.”

8/97 C “I must avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medication.”

6/97 D “I must carry identification regarding the medication being taken.”

38.    A client being discharged from the hospital will be taking warfarin sodium
(Coumadin) at home on a daily basis. The nurse has provided instructions to the
client about the medication and determines that further teaching is needed if the
client makes which statement?

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2/97 A “I need to have a prothrombin time checked in 2 weeks.”

12/97 B “This medicine thins my blood and allows me to clot more slowly.”

23/97 C “I need to increase the intake of foods high in vitamin K in my diet.”

12/97 D “If I notice any increased bleeding or bruising, I need to call my doctor.”

39.    A client is scheduled to have surgery. The nurse should place priority on
determining whether the surgeon wants which medications held in the
preoperative period?
4/97 A Furosemide (Lasix)

2/97 B Famotidine (Pepcid)

42/97 C Warfarin (Coumadin)

1/97 D Multivitamin with minerals

40.    An intravenous dose of lorazepam (Ativan) is prescribed for a client. Which

data from the client’s history would indicate the need to consult with the health
care provider before administering the medication?
19/97 A History of glaucoma

5/97 B History of hypothyroidism

6/97 C History of diabetes mellitus

18/97 D History of coronary artery disease

41.    The nurse has administered a dose of diazepam (Valium) to the client. Which
most important action should the nurse take before leaving the client’s room?
0/97 A Draw the shades closed.

3/97 B Give the client a bedpan.

2/97 C Turn the volume on the television set down.

43/97 D Raise a side rail on the bed and instruct the client not to get out of bed without assistance.

42.    A client is scheduled to have a serum digoxin (Lanoxin) level obtained. The
nurse determines the blood sample should be drawn at which time?
29/97 A Just before a dose is given

15/97 B One hour after a dose is given

3/97 C Just after a dose has been given

1/97 D Just after a dose has been given

43.    The nurse administers digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg by mouth rather than the
prescribed dose of 0.125 mg to the client. Which should the nurse implement first?
35/97 A Write an incident report.

4/97 B Tell the client about the medication error.

0/97 C Tell the client about the medication error.

9/97 D Tell the client about the adverse effects of digoxin.

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44.    The nurse is providing home care instructions to a client recovering from an
acute inferior myocardial infarction (MI) with recurrent angina. What instruction
should the nurse provide to this client?
3/97 A Avoid sexual intercourse for at least 4 months.

9/97 B Replace sublingual nitroglycerin tablets yearly.

11/97 C Participate in an exercise program that includes overhead lifting and reaching.

24/97 D Recognize the adverse effects of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), which include tinnitus
and hearing loss.

45.    A client has been given a prescription to begin using nitroglycerin transdermal
patches. The nurse instructs the client about this medication administration system
and tells the client to expect which
side effect?
7/97 A sweating

23/97 B Headache

11/97 C Dry mouth

4/97 D constipation

46.    The nurse is reviewing the health physician’s prescriptions for a child who was
admitted to the hospital with vasoocclusive pain crisis from sickle cell anemia.
Which physician's prescription
should the nurse question?
3/97 A bed rest

11/97 B Intravenous fluids

11/97 C Supplemental oxygen

20/97 D Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol)

47.    A client with heart failure was experiencing difficulty breathing and increased
pulmonary congestion. The health care provider prescribed furosemide (Lasix) 40
mg to be given intravenously, and it was given an hour ago by the nurse. Which
indicates the therapy has been effective?
20/97 A The lungs are now clear to auscultation.

15/97 B The urine output has increased by 400 mL.

6/97 C The serum potassium has decreased from 4.7 mEq to 4.1 mEq

4/97 D The blood pressure has decreased from 118/64 mm Hg to 106/62 mm Hg.

48.    A client diagnosed with heart failure is receiving furosemide (Lasix) and digoxin
(Lanoxin) daily. When the nurse enters the room to administer the morning doses,
the client complains of anorexia, nausea, and yellow vision. Which intervention
should the nurse take first?
3/97 A Administer the medications.

10/97 B Contact the health care provider.

24/97 C Check the morning serum digoxin level.

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8/97 D Check the morning serum potassium level.

49.    A client regularly takes both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

and misoprostol (Cytotec). The nurse should monitor the client for the relief of
which sign/symptom?
8/97 A Diarrhea

8/97 B bleeding

7/97 C infection

22/97 D Epigastric pain

50.    A client has received atropine sulfate preoperatively. The nurse monitors the
client for which effect of the medication in the immediate postoperative period?
1/97 A Diarrhea

21/97 B Bradycardia

12/97 C Urinary retention

11/97 D Excessive salivation

51.    The nurse has given medication instructions to a client receiving lovastatin

(Mevacor). The nurse determines that the client understands the effects of the
medication if the client stated the need to adhere to the periodic evaluation of
which laboratory test?
2/97 A Bleeding times

11/97 B Creatinine levels

9/97 C Blood glucose levels

21/97 D Liver function studies

52.    The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with a skin infection who is receiving
tobramycin sulfate (Nebcin) intravenously every 8 hours. Which result should
indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing an adverse effect of the
6/97 A A total bilirubin of 0.5 mg/dL

4/97 B A sedimentation rate of 15 mm/hour

17/97 C A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 30 mg/dL

16/97 D A white blood cell count (WBC) of 6000 cells/mm3

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