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In every situation, I believe that there is an effect of religious dimension in the political conflict and violence in the

Philippine. Religious dimension is always involve and does not lose when it comes to any circumstances. Religious
dimension in life is maybe does notdoes not make us human but rather it enables us to be fully human on who we
are and what we are. Also it provides religious teaching to every human in order to be sealed to them the good
and appropriate doings. Eventhough they've done wrong still the leading is the conscience about what they did.
For me, one of the effect of religious dimension in the political conflict in the Philippine is that it always blame the
religious dimension why it is happening because of them, without knowing that they are the reason why it is
happening because of their hardheadedness and don't follow the right things to do. When it comes to political
conflict, it always on the news that is already we we're not shock of because it is regularly the topic.

According to Wikipedia, violence is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. And
according to World Health Organization (WHO) violence is the international use of physical force or power,
threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community which either results in or
has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. When it
comes to violence in the Philippine, the religious dimension is maybe involve and maybe not. I say so it involve, in
the way that the person is not knowlegeable enough about what is the right and wrong to do. Perhaps he/she
doing that violence in order to protect or save a special someone from individual who are treated them
undesirable. The person doing such kind of violence is maybe don't have conscience and doesn't care about the
consequences that he/she may be facing. Also to make revenge about wrong doings and unjust act done to
him/her by a boss, a business partner, a friend, etc. And maybe not involve in the way that he/she wants a simple
life and not willing to do such violence. Also because he/she may caught up or set up by someone whose intention
is to emphasized him/her that he/she done that violence.

The effect of religious dimension in the political conflict and violence in the Philippine that brings good and bad
way. Good by means of learning the necessary things and know how to make actions when there is a problem.
Actions that brings prosperous and relief to themselves but also to every individual. Helping each other in times of
trial and don't ask anything in return. There's a care and love that is dominant. Fighting for what is right and do not
surrender until they didn't get what's for them. Know how to value and appreciate even if it is a small thing.
Respect the decision of others and knew how to put his/her self in every situation. Always applying and following
the rules and regulations which is commanded to them.

Bad for causing fear and panic to everyone to the problems that occurs. Cause misunderstanding in simple matter
that they make that big issue that goes to trouble.

The religion matters in a clear and it requires attention by the individual. Religious dimension in political conflict
and violence may include unity, wars and terrorism that requires more knowledge and understanding about it. In
this, religion does not require treatment and other necessities it just need a very careful analysis. It develops the
form in more distinctive way as it is. They may be conflict in political power, resources or production still it makes
possible to have and include religion in this. Political conflict and violence have such distinctively religious
understandings of right order. Also it driven on the regulation of public life, gender and sexuality. Now and then,
people believes in religious beliefs or maybe superstitious beliefs, practices, structures and processes that provide
important meaning in life if it takes seriously.

We don't need to deny the existence of religious dimension in political conflict and violence. Religion can justify
the reality, commitment, realization, reorganize the self, follows regulation, and know the value and obligation in
life. Also it provides a distinctively rich and clear vision. We can allow religion to be part of our daily living and
treated it what other people treated because I know it has a purpose and I believe that it is a blessing to everyone
who accepts it.

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