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(For 4days Oct. 5-Oct.8, 2020)


At the end of the module, the learners will able to:
1.) Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being in everyday
observations about mental health problems during adolescence.
2.) Identify his or her own vulnerabilities
3.) make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological well-being and create a plan
on how to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.

Activity: Answer the questions on the space provided.

1.) List down ten words that come to your mind when you hear the phrase “mental health”.
In the previous module, we have several important topics related to adolescence,
particularly how the development of the brain and the body of adolescents affect their
thinking, feeling, and behaving. We also study about stress and how this affect one’s
physical health, and the importance of coping as a strategy in dealing with stress.
In this module, we will look at the concept of mental health and well-being, and this
is important, particularly to the adolescent, and to every person in general. We also learned
in the previous module about holism and what it means when understanding an individual
holistically. Through holism, we learned about different aspects or dimensions of a person:
physiological, cognitive, psychological, social, affective, and spiritual. In tackling mental
health, we will present it from the perspective of holism.
According to US National Institutes of Health, mental health includes our emotional,
psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with
life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through
The 1999 US Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health defined as successful
performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships
with other people, and the ability to change and to cope with adversity.

Concepts of Mental Health: (World Health Organization)

1.) subjective well-being – this may be defined as one’s personal (subjective) thoughts and
feelings about one’s overall state of being. Mental health denotes positive and healthy
interpretations of a person’s self-concept and how a person feels about himself.

2.) perceived self-efficacy – is one’s perception of one’s value and worth, effectiveness and
ability in performing a task or activity. Mental health and well-being are also anchored on
one’s self-worth and value or self-esteem.

3.) autonomy – deals with one’s capacity to separate one’s identity from other significant
persons like parents, lovers, and special friends.
- is capacity to self-direction and having a clearly defined role identity.
4.) competence – is a related to self-esteem and self-identity. Competence is the perception
of one’s capacity to effectively perform a function or activity using specific skills and
knowledge and achieving the desired results at a given time.

5.) intergenerational dependence – refers to the relationships between individuals who

belong to different generations but may be living separately as independent, autonomous
persons during a specific period.

6.) self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential – Maslow’s pyramid of

human hierarchy of needs places self-actualization at the peak. This means that once a
person fulfills his or her physiological needs, security and safety needs, emotional and social
needs and self-esteem needs, the next need to be fulfilled is self-actualization.
- is about fulfilling one’s perceived potentials, becoming the person that one
has always aspired for.

Another example of mental health and well-being model developed by Witmer and
Sweeney in 1991 referred as The Five Life Tasks:

1.) Essence or spiritually

2.) Work and leisure
3.) Friendship
4.) Love
5.) Self-direction

The 12 sub-tasks as major components of wellness or well-being that comprise the Wheel of
Wellness espoused by Myers, Witmer and Sweeney in 2000. These are:

1.) Sense of worth

2.) Sense of control
3.) Realistic belief
4.) Emotional awareness and coping
5.) Problem solving and creativity
6.) Sense of humor
7.) Nutrition
8.) Physical exercise
9.) Self-care
10) Stress management
11.) Gender identity
12.) Cultural identity

Good Physical health is good for mental health:

One’s physical health is also an important factor to good mental health. Sleep and
nutrition for example should be given importance and properly observed by an adolescent
whose tendency is to take these things for granted. An individual who deprived of sleep for
example will be cranky, will have a short temper, will sometimes become emotionally
sensitive, and will also have bad memory. Physically, the individual deprived of sleep may
develop skin rashes or acne, have dark circles around the eyes, and may even develop bad
posture because of feeling or sluggish and having low energy. People around this person will
take notice and might even get affected by certain behavior a sleep-deprived person

Healthy Self-Concept + Healthy Mind and Body = Good Mental Health and Well-being

Developing one’s good mental and well-being is important to the adolescent

because this serves as a strong foundation toward a happy and happy and healthy
adulthood. A mental health problem is a short term and temporary change in a person’s
thoughts, feelings or behavior that upsets one’s well-being, interpersonal relationships, and
productivity. Mental illness on the other hand refers to diagnosable mental disorder
characterized by changes in one’s thinking, feeling and behavior, as well as in one’s
relationships and productivity. There is usually distress or impaired functioning during well
Many adolescents are more susceptible to mental health concerns than adults. This
is primarily due to their underdeveloped brains and continuing changes in their bodies. In
addition to this, the adolescent is also going through tough times in resolving their identity
crisis and role confusion.
The WHO enumerated possible mental health challenges faced by adolescents
worldwide. These includes conduct or behavior disorders, anxiety, depression and eating
disorders, as well as risk behavior including those that relate to sexual behavior, substance
abuse and violent behavior.
There are five popular steps to improve mental health and well-being being propositioned
around the world these are:

1.) Connect – with the people around you, your family, friends, classmates, schoolmates,
and neighbors. Spend time developing these relationships.
2.) Be Active – physical activity generates a positive sense of wellness. Engage in some
sports or physical activity like playing basketball, badminton, bowling, biking, or swimming.
3.) Keep Learning – learning new skills or obtaining new knowledge can give you a sense of
achievement and a new confidence. It can be short program in cooking or baking, joining an
acting or writing workshop, learning can play a musical instrument or fixing a car problem
4.) Give to others – giving to others is not limited to money or other material things. A smile
or a warm and sincere greeting or thank you can brighten up the day for both the giver and
5.) Take Notice – be in the here and now, be in the present moment, be aware of what is
happening around you, your own thoughts and feelings and the physical sensations that you
experience. The awareness is also referred to as “’Mindfulness.”
Activity: Answer the following question. Write your answer on the space provided.
1.) Explain what is mental health and well-being?
2.) Explain the six factors that comprise mental health.
3.) Identify and briefly explain the five life tasks.
4.) What personal difficulties or vulnerabilities are you experiencing now as an adolescent?
1.) Apply the six factors of mental health in your personality life and identify which of the six
factors you are strongest in and which ones you need to develop more. Not less than 300

Ricardo Rubio Santos First Edition Personal Development (Rex book)
Curriculum teacher guide

Prepared by:

Karen Grace N. Salatan (Teacher)

Global Technical School of Zamboanga

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