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1. Explain why human resource planning goes beyond simple hiring and firing?

 If you have a leadership position that carries the responsibility to hire and fire people, you know
the weight that carries. human resource planning are partially responsible for ensuring that the
organization has an overall mission, vision, and values that are shared and provide an
overarching reason for employees to want to work for their organization. But their scenario goes
beyond in hiring and firing employee. hiring When you need to hire someone, sometimes you’ve
been searching for months, and you are tired of looking. When you’re doing that job plus yours,
it’s so easy to see only the good in your next candidate and make a foolish hire. Make a smart
decision involving a thorough knowledge of both the good and the bad. and discover the truth
about the candidate. Remember in hiring, no one is as good as you think they are.
 When you need to release someone from organization, it’s never fun and the process can be
filled with awkward tension and pressure. It doesn’t have to be that way, but often is. This is
usually a result of two things. First, failure to have the tough conversations early on, and second,
failure to develop the staff member in order to help them improve.

2. Do you agree that personnel management is both a science and art?

 Yes because Science teaches us to know while art teaches us to do. In order to be successful,
managers have to know and do things effectively and efficiently. It may, however, be said that
the art of managing begins where the science of managing stops. Since the science of managing
is imperfect, the manager must turn to the artistic managerial ability to perform a job
Thus, it may be said that managing in practice is definitely an art but the body of
knowledge, methods, principles, etc. underlying the practice is science.
Even some people might have a different opinion regarding this matter. But as a matter of fact,
the art and science of managing are not so much conflicting as complementary.

3. Illustrate how personnel department in a larger organization differ from that of small organization ?

 PERSONNEL/HR department/ for small businesses and PERSONNEL/HR for large companies
are primarily different in terms of size, responsibilities, resources and recruiting. These
differences are routinely seen in the presentation and implementation of policies and procedures
throughout companies/organization.
 small business comes a small number of employees. Roles and responsibilities often overlap in
order to get the job done. For instance, you may serve as the HR manager as well as the
administrative assistant to the executive director. Or you may serve as the HR manager and
bookkeeper. ''HR units of smaller organizations are sometimes forced to play a more reactive
role due to constraints of its smaller team size or in many cases, a one-man operation,'' shares

business management expert In other words, not only are you working two positions in the
company, but your role as HR manager includes literally all HR tasks, including payroll, benefits
administration, staffing as well as organizational growth planning and development.
In contrast, larger companies tend to set aside an entire department to handle HR tasks, freeing
up entire floors to focus on other roles. With a whole department devoted to working on payroll,
employee benefits, policies, procedures and development, there is no single person trying to
handle everything at one time. Each area of work tends to have an expert in the lead. Support is
key, and large companies have it from within. Working within a large company will definitely
give you the advantage of having assistance and back up coming from all directions. Overall, it
may give you a lighter workload because you're not trying to carry everything on your own.

4. In your own words? What is your understanding of job analysis?illustrate.

Job Analysis is a process which determines job requirement.

Job Analysis is performed with an objective of obtaining details related to the job
Job Analysis fulfills the requirements of Job Evaluation and helps in its successful performance.

activities / program.

5. What are the principal uses of job analysis ? describe its link to other human resource management

1. Organisational Design: Authority, Responsibility, Accountability.

2. Manpower Planning: Future job requirement, Skill Requirements.
3. Procurement of Manpower: Matching job requirement and skills
4. Orientation: Expectations to perform a given job more effectively.
5. Performance Appraisal: Performance standards, Review of performance.
6. Training and Development: Updating skills, changing job requirements.
7. Job Design: Engineering the design, methods improvement, man-machine system.
8. Job Evaluation: Classification of jobs, salary structure.
9. Career planning and counseling: Future prospects, vocational guidance rehabilitation
10. Labour Relations: Helpful to resolve disputes relating to work load, work procedure etc.

6. The town mayor of potia,ifugao where the plant of ruiz manufacturing company is locate,sent to mr.
ruiz ,general manager ,his private secretary , and two former domestic helper,they arrive in the company
in police car, and the secretary told to mr ruiz that the two maid were comprimoso recomendees by
mayor. What would you do if you were mr. ruiz. If you were the personnel manager,what would you do if
the general manager referred the maid to you?

 if I was the mr ruiz , my first step im going to do is to call mayor and asked him all the
information i need to know and why he recommend the two maid, and otherwise im not looking
for a maid/workers. but if the mayor has a reasonable reason why i hired the two maid i will
accept it but in the proper process.
 And if I am the personnel manager of the owner of the company i will do my job, In the way of
my work description as a Hr of the company. In the way of “gathering information about them
and evaluate them in their work. The maid are not totally qualified as professional. As a
personnel manager im look up them in there “attitudes” for me professional or not professional
is equal if there is good attitudes

7. A relatives of a good & trusted worker is applying for a job company. another applicants for the same job
is better.whom would you choose if you were the personnel manager?

 If I am the personnel manager I would choose who is better /qualified in the position for the
sake of the organization or company. For the applicant who is not qualify i can hire him/her but
not for the position he/she apply and as a personnel manager I can help his/her to develop
his/her professionalism giving experiences in the organization a training/seminar etc.

 For the applicant apply for positions, once I received applications, I still have to select the best
candidate The selection process entails gathering information on candidates, evaluating their
qualifications, and choosing the right one. At the very least, the process can be time- consuming,
particularly when you’re filling a high-level positionand often involves several members of an

8. Define employee empowerment and explain its role in the modern organization?

 Employee empowerment means giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions
regarding all aspects of product development or customer service. The organization holds
employees accountable for products and services, and in exchange, the employees share in the
rewards (or losses) that result. Selection decisions should provide to the organization people who
have the necessary decision-making and interpersonal skills. HRM must design jobs to give
employees latitude for decision making and train employees to handle their broad
responsibilities. Feedback and rewards must be appropriate for the work of empowered
employees. HRM can also play a role in giving employees access to the information they need.

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